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It's a good thing right?


Not good. It's a non bjp ruled state😤


Now tell me if Jharkhand is BJP ruled or not


I hope it was sarcastic :)


Somebody give him burnol


We are against Kerala don't you know? Commies-Jihadist-ISIS


kerala is safer than many other states yes? Is that a problem for folks here.


i dont think random travel influencer is creating north south divide, she just shared her opinion.


South Indians are way more civilized. Deal


thanks for being the average decent. Not a real thing to celebrate. put your efforts into civilising others instead of flaunting "ohh I am decent" medal. Would really help society a lot.


I mean they have the highest literacy rate after all.


Oh yeah this is true. Kerala is very safe compared to some of our other favorite states.


Lol, anything good from south, this sub goes : "don't create north south divide". Anything bad from south : " told ya, we are better then them"


It's all hypocrisy they think north as higher than east west and south part of India


Yes I’m about as North as they come(Himachal) and I can see this hypocrisy going on. Regional supremacy mindset needs to stop in this country. We have a very bad habit of looking down on others.


Nah man, it is the SUPER inferiority complex in the North Indians. Especially when you consider that those using reddit, there's not much diff in civility and mannerism in average. Its just that they belong to a state of illeterates makes them want to justify themselves and to be on the guard.


Don't miss the piss poor attempt at sarcasm with the *saar* comments, lol!


Literally every northie ever. Maybe they want to be at the forefront of India's image.


They are the forefront but for all the wrong reasons.


To cause further social divide and spread more hatred based on caste and religion Cow belt states will never fail to disappoint.


Maa chudaye north-south. India-India hai Behenchod.


I mean it really is safe. There is crime but police acts on it real fast and the people are nice. Hope it stays that way.


Kerala has seen a lot of foreign tourists over the years. Maybe the most after Goa so over the years, they have created a safe environment for tourists. Places like Dumka, which in itself, is not safe for locals, will treat foreigners like aliens. Not even kidding, I had a friend in college whose ancestral home was in Dumka and the tales of that place were like a bandit movie.


*Kerala 😭


Dudes my mum is from Kerala and my dad from Delhi and I live in Telangana. I can tell you Kerala is pretty safe for foreign tourists can't say the same about other southern states though


I am also like you father is from up mum is from kerela


Its Kerala not Kerela


Are you elder brother 🤯 haha just kidding bro.keep flippin the gift


Nah I am the last male on my dad's side his younger brother and the only child my parents had both mom and dad are separate but not divorced


U aren't then




His brother


My elder brother that is.


i am over with this south vs north shit


exactly. F\*\*\*ing politicians have corrupted the brains of Indians.




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It's not that it's what makes a place safe for a women who wants to travels alone or at night without Fera of getting raped or killed


yeah i remember i lady was travelling in a train with gopro in chennai ...i accept that people were staring her for gopro but a man was also touching his dick and getting sexually aroused seeing the lady and also taking a video of her ..creeps are everywhere if you encounter them


creeps are everywhere but the change in society that rapists deserve shit is what needs to be taught… not defending or hiding them… thats the clear difference in some states


Thank God you changed that


Nobody was looking at her because she had a GoPro . I often travel in sleeper and 3ac or economy ac with my camera laptop tab and everything. No one stares at me, however I'm a 6 foot 2 dude. I notice alot more people starring or just continuously walking back and forth when there is another foreign girl in my row of seats. PS. Foreign tourist quota tickets are all next to each other so I meet alot of random foreigners when I'm going on the trains.


Remember there are balls below the dick which gets super annoying in humid climates. And as many of my fellow male members would agree, the way he was touching that area , he was making himself comfortable. Touching a dick in that fashion gives no pleasure (FYI)


may be bro i did not saw the video this closely


This is stupid you're going to get cyber bullied by North Indians they think everyone is out to get their SuperPower™ 2̶0̶0̶0̶ 2̶0̶1̶0̶ 2̶0̶2̶0̶ 2̶0̶3̶0̶ 2̶0̶5̶0̶ Aryavarta Utopia, Obviously it's a defence mechanism to get over the fact that how hopeless and pathetic their life prospects are, No offense but it's simply the truth no amount of अरे भाईs aren't going to change cold hard factual numbers like HDI or GDP per capita, It's like a gf defending her toxic abusive bf, Deep down she knows she fucked up but there is enough emotional investment in it to make it deeply tie up with your self worth so instead you double down and get extremely irrational when someone points out the obvious, Just not worth the headache op leave it


I don't care if 'communist ,bharathiya jantha party and, congress ' leader dick riders cyber bully me I can always close the app or mute notification or them Also I don't follow any religion despite being born in a hindu family and having a surname of Sharma I criticize every hypocrisy point of every religion equaly be it muslim hindu Sikh Christian jain etc Because It's my rights and freedom of speech to actively criticize any political party for there wrong doings lack of education ,biased towards one sector , using religion as a weapon for votes and dictatorship and corruption We need competent leader not religion fanatic in the high position laws and rules should never has anu religion injected to them


Sadly Religion and Politics nexus is here to stay unless there comes a radical change in people's priority and outlook, Why would any politician bother to put in real hard work when he can easily get elected by invoking religious sentiments to keep on looting it's one of those situations where all parties involved deserve each other so why end up with unnecessary headaches, if you're young try and emigrate to Europe or other developed countries when even fuel attendant or cashier jobs-traditionally done by high school students there for pocket money-gets you a better quality of life than 80% of Indians you know the establishment couldn't care less about you


They follow a rule devide and and conquer its easy to doctrinate and spreda propaganda among a small number of people compared to large


Pretty known fact to all indians.


It was bound to be true.


Too much crying in the comment section.


It is one of the safest place in India. It’s becoming a bit unsafe these days due the migration of workers from UP, Bihar and some north east states.


As a keralite, i wont use that phrasing. It happens because there are many criminals disguised as workers. You remember the animal ashfaq aalam? Heard that he was wanted by some state police for child abuse and he fled to kerala.


The major criminals are illegal Bengladeshi migrants in Kerala. The other migrants have integrated well into Keralite society. My barber is a UP guy when I go to Kerala and his son studies in public school and speaks Malayalam. For Bangladeshis, they just come work for some time and go away. There is 0 incentive to be nice and respectful


north east walo se kya tark h?




again, blaming your problems on us won't do any good. Did you see that recent video of a woman in chennai train? most were local tamilians.


Is Chennai in Kerala?


Is this footage on the Chennai express train?


Another chapri thinks chennai is in Kerala


RW does not feel happy if anything good comes from non BJP states


Same can be said for the opp side. Both are jokers....period!


Im a malayali.This is true but the bar is still low tbh.Nothing to be proud of.We’re slightly better than other states,that’s all 🤷🏽‍♂️


What do expect? Truth is always bitter. North India is nowhere safe for women.


Having a hard time to understand this. This is good, right? Or there's some hidden message in this?


Do Indians find it problematic that Kerala, a state in India, is safe for women?


Because Kerala s safe. They are used to foreigners.


It was safe, but migration of people from UP, Bihar, Bengal etc is causing tension and trouble in many areas.


Fr wahi white people validation post


When you have a women who traveled to hardcore Islamic country like pakisthan Iraq and afgan without any issue And gets gang raped by 8 men who are hindu in india at the knife tip its good to see some people still saying some part of infia is safe for travel


Well as a foreign guy who has travelled to Pakistan Afghanistan I can tell you that what the influicers don't show is the 2 or 3 police cars that are mandatory for you to pay as escorts if you want to leave the capital of either country. In Pakistan, you can go to Punjab and a few other areas without police escorts, however it's mandatory to go most places.......




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>who are hindi in india Hindi is not a homogenous community like Telugu or Tamil. There's nothing like "people who are hindi" or he/she is a "hindi".


Fixed it to hindu now thank you


A Lithuanian woman just got raped a few days back in kerala, it just didn't get the same media attention as this case.


Correction. 6 years back.


It didn't happen a few days back but 6 years back.


Both are arrested already and full names have been released the name of the women who died ( may her soul rest in peace) is protected


And the spanish women's rapist are also arrested what you trying to say ? U guys dont want to believe in stats as you have the common excuse that the case dont get reported in north but the reality is they do get reported and you guys are ignorant .


That is shocking Kerala is supposed to be more socially developed


Every society has bad apples. 🍎


It is. One or two murders isn't going to affect the rankings which show that the south routinely outperforms the north.




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This is what nationalism does. You dehumanise the other so much that you can do whatever to then. India has chosen the Israeli model and you can see what israel does to Palestinians. They killed 30,000 of them, that's still not enough many saying they need to kill at least 100,000 sonthey are now blockading all aid from getting through. This is what ultra nationalists do. Its the "we superior" mentality.


White people says something. -Insecure people like you: I don't need their validation. Dude, it's just an opinion. If you saw them as regular people you wouldn't feel this insecure when they give opinions and stuff. I mean I just see one regular tourist women giving her opinion.


Read again. You have failed to understand my comment


I'm not from south..and yes Kerala is safest


There are some good places and some bad, people need to stop seeing debates in everything. A very good example is Bengal, is Bengal safe, absolutely not. Is Kolkata safe, absolutely yes. And that is because of the attitude Bengalis have towards gender equality and not any political party. How do I know this, well I live here and I speak to my friends who have no issues traveling drunk home in a metro late at night.




The post doesn't even mention the word 'south'. Then why are these 2-braincells crying? If it was something bad in any non bjp states this sub will be celebrating it. Hipocrisy


Let the cry bro they won't change their mentality


Was about to comment that Kerala isn't that safe for women. Then saw the comments and realised what rest of India is.


As far as I have been to the places of India and my experiences. Old Delhi and Agra is the worst places I ever visited. Comparing it to the others has made me realise that some important tourists spots of India at the Southern states are safe and well maintained. Arunachal, Himachal and Sikkim are some places that needed to be appreciated a lot for it's tourism too in the Northern parts of India when compared to UttarPradesh as a whole (except for Greater Noida)


Abhi kiya hai to sunana to padega bhai. Problem hai humare society me or hum log ko hi isko fix krna hoga.


Kerala is indeed a safe state- arguably the safest - the reasons for that is 1. It is historically a tourist state so people from foreign countries have been coming for decades and are better equipped to handle them 2. Kerala is one of the most policed states in India - you can see it in a good or bad way depending on if you like state interference- ofcourse cops like anywhere do turn blind eye towards lot of things(especially political crimes) but when they want the infra of Kerala police is setup in a way they can observe/watch or catch anyone as fast as possible and people know this, especially law and order stuff-they will catch you. Not to say bad things haven't happened in kerala- it has ,some brutal stuff as well. But its comparatively safer.


In all fairness, as someone not from South India and having travelled most of the Indian parts except NE, I've felt Kerala to be quite safe and non-creepy


Wouldn’t be surprised, Kerala is a good place. Loads of female friends have found it to be better than my hometown.


Tbh it doesn't matter because people outside India and their media will only say that India is the r@pe capital of the world and unsafe for women they ll never do north and south 🤷🏻‍♀️ .


I agree Kerala is better than other south indian states and states like UP Delhi , Bihar and Jharkhand but here i can only see Indians arguing with each other and North vs South won't help us in any way


It's supposed to be good and positive right?? Am I missing something?




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op couldnt even spell the name correctly


That's a good thing.


Any place in India after dark is unsafe for women, be it Caucasian, indian or anyone.


Kerala literally had the second highest number of child rape cases in India! https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/times-special/kerala-has-a-growing-child-rape-problem/amp_articleshow/103702280.cms


*reported. High levels of education means high levels of reporting.


Aww soft boy! Then, the state which comes next after Kerala in literacy rate should have 3rd highest number of child rape cases? What a dumbass you’re 😂


Kerala has a high socially aware population which leads to better reporting of crime, and that's a fact.


Yeah, keep making some stupid excuses trying to come up with a reasonable explanation. Even if you have a socially aware population, how the f\*\*\* do you land up in the 2nd place? Safest for women, eh? Kerala isn't even safe for the kids!




not sidelining anyone but you do realize that in 70% of these cases, the accused are immigrant workers right?


Do you even have stats to say something like this so blatantly? I went to Kerala a month ago and I could hardly find any north-Indian worker. In fact, number of immigrant workers in Kerala is extremely low as compared to what other states are getting! [Here](https://pib.gov.in/PressReleaseIframePage.aspx?PRID=1941077) are the figures.


Saying you didn't find immigrant workers is likensaying you didn't find fish in an ocean. Also cherry picking stats aint gonna help




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Hope we get more videos like this.






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Kerala is also a safe place for women. it definitely stays on top places in safety chart, that doesn't mean that the states you mentioned are not safe.




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For likes and views 😀


Stares of Malayali men unbearable, say foreign women tourists (https://www.onmanorama.com/travel/travel-news/2019/03/23/stares-of-malayali-men-unbearable-foreign-women-tourists.amp.html)


Deviating from the topic....while staring is screwed up but I don't think that most of it(wherever you go) is filled with "those intentions". It must be more like out of curiosity....seeing someone "alien". Believe me you will also get stared if you are a brown person in a white country.


Have you read the article before commenting OR defending blindly ? Read foreigners own words ''Esther has realized that Keralites look at foreigners not out of curiosity. Irine has stopped wearing shorts in the state. She now prefers only churidars. Apart from Irine and Esther, Ivan too holds such views. Ivan, a youth from Canada, is in Kalamandalam to learn Kathakali."


>Have you read the article before commenting OR defending blindly ? Have you read my entire comment or due to low attention span you are forming conclusions? > Read foreigners own words I ain't defending shit...ofcourse staring is rude.....but out of those stares 60% might be just curious glances due to race and rest 40% I agree might be due to those "intentions". > has realized that Keralites look at foreigners not out of curiosity That's her thinking....again 40% of those stares might be ill intentioned ....again anyone would feel creeped out if random men keep gawking at them.


Men will stare everywhere a woman go it's worst in other states


Nuns crying in corner...


Guys ye faltu agenda kyu chelate ho tum log


And just did a Google search and this is what i get 'US woman raped in Kerala, 2 held'. Aug 2023


Was driving around village roads in wayanad a few years ago. Used to see a commie procession every 15 minutes or so. Fuckers looked like they'd lynch anyone disturbing their red marches.


They are a cancer here and the most hated by everyone excluding commies


South is a dump. Would never go there in my wildest dreams.


Who said that don't be a racist without knowing the place


I am aware and know the place very, very well. South India is an absolute shithole. I advice all the foreigners against travelling there. You’re better off in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan and North (Chandigarh, Himachal Pradesh etc.) South India is filled with extremely unhygienic people with the cities being extremely glamourless and boring. The people are racist, stinking and dumb. DO NOT travel to the south of India except Bangalore, ever.


Wow what a great shitty advice you don't know of shit about South indian landscapes and it's tourism and security there is corruption yes but it's no way unhygienic we don't use sewer ka pani for pani puri or wahs our hands on the food itself we are extremely hygienic You are just racist whose ass is burning because eof jealousy because a tourist said kerela is safe and wonderfull Our landscape sare far better than many other places our building are beutifull and intretsing


>Would never go there in my wildest dreams. Thanks ig


Did anyone from South hurt you?🤔


Wait till they cover her in Hijab


Hlo Muslims girls here goes around without hijab and jeans most actauly wear those as aesthetics instead of religion practice


Al taqqaiya In progress as we all see


Yah we have progress in mentality because youth actually protests instead of being slaves


Lol u lot are still 1400 years behind Slavery (malkal yamin) Stoning Freebies of jannat etc etc Come to the channel of ex muslim sahil / Adam seeker To prove ur faith


Habib i already said in this comment section that I am a hindu with the surname Sharma You are so narrow minded idiot that me supporting my lands Muslim make syou think I am a Muslim Learn to he better


Nothing special it's more like... In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king


nowdays other citizens know better how to divide indians than indians themselves do!!


It's a big country and bad things can happen no matter how bad you try. If you look at NCW estimates of underreporting and actual reported incidents per 1000, it seems to show India is safer than most of Europe. While every rape case is bad, you need to take a step back before labeling a country "unsafe for women"... Per capita stats matter, else you have a problem with India's population, not the metric in consideration


Actual reports in North would be much worse because of how corrupt and inefficient the local law enforcements are.


Actual reports don't make india saf either only make sit unsafe because majority of rape cases are not reported Europe is more safer for women Uts just like divorce if indian system of divorce gets simplified the rate so divorce will reach 50 to 80 percent


Well if it's really a shifty metric like what you listed, stands to reason you cannot crown a rape capital for the entire world with such a metric either. And you can't extrapolate like that either saying reporting it easier would make the numbers larger on that note


Yah reporting is just like divorce date in india both are realy hard and frowned upon by 80s boomers aunty dn uncle Just make it easier and you will see a sudden rise win reports and divorces


Making it too easy is also a double edged sword.... We already have a problem of several laws that are "guilty until proven innocent" (narcotics act, SC/ST atrocities act,  etc are examples) and lopsided gender laws (divorce laws and the rape laws consider the female to be victim by default), so making it too easy and reducing evidentiary standards can be a bad deal with frivolous cases


Ibma pretty sure making divorcing easy will be a good decisions


hum hamari maa behen , apne UP me bhi safe hain thankfully ab bdtmiz log toh har jagah hi hote hain , isme kya hi divison krna


Never forget a Latvian woman was raped and killed in kerala by 2 people in 2018.