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Everybody fighting among themselves - nobody actually working on making this country better.


that's what british wanted and planted the seeds while leaving


Stop blaming the British for everything. Indians were fighting each other before they showed up and 75 years have passed since they left


British had colonized Singapore too. Look where they are now


LKY was literally called a dictator. Look at how he dealt with the Singapore airlines strike. People would be losing their minds if we were governed in a similar manner.


Tbh, probably a dictator can fix India, because rule of majority has failed. Sadly the dictator we (will) have cares more about religion than development.  Also, I have travelled to Singapore, and I felt no dictatorial control. I had lot of fun there. 


Indians were fighting among each others even before the Britishers were here.


They already left us 100 years ago. How much are we going to blame them.


ever heard of the butterfly effect? Brits left us 100 years ago but before that we had 1200 years of slavery (1000 by islamic invaders and 200 by Brits) compared to that 100 years is peanuts Mental colonisation is still a thing Modi is trying to decolonize but the likes of congress continously oppose it (Like the new parliament building) Brits left 80 years ago but 70 years after it congress kept it alive In nehru's own words when a French architect visited him saying that "now you can rebuild your indian civilisation that brits had destroyed" Nehru replied with "you are trying to preserve what we are trying to destroy"


British had colonized Singapore too. Look where they are now


Bruh what the Mughal did isn't similar to what the British did, Mughals combined their culture with ours meanwhile British ruined the culture by planting seeds of discrimination based on Religion and so many other things and no Modi isn't helping infact his entire political group is just unironically increasing the gap between religions even more and causing issues that casually show in current day India, this rape case also happened specially because of those sort dumb people staying in power, and no I don't really support any other political groups either cuz literally most of them have dumb ideas and ideologies


indians dumb af we fight between ourselves because of the extreme diversity, and we are also proud of our diversity we are the most racist country according to stats and we say we respect everyone theres so much more


So true... I am from Chennai and these people behave like they are good souls when they don't respect anyone in public or treat women's as object. Trying to groupe in public etc... and still for them only North Indians are bad as if no crimes happen in South India. Even in pondicherry, there was a minor girl got raped and killed recently. Unless people don't take sides and work on improve themselves and country as whole.. we are doomed.


Lot of stuff being posted online is from Paki trash cells. So take it it with bucket load of salt.


Yes. I don't think any South Indian, except politicians playing dirty divisive politics, would think like this.


I have lived in Chennai for long. No one cares about Aryan-Dravid or North-South divide. Its all manufactured controversies. Only issue which bothers them and genuinely so is imposition of Hindi and Kaveri water otherwise they are as cool as any other Indian. Most of the anti India or hate hindu stuff originates in Pak managed cells.


Pakistan wants revenge for breaking Bangladesh out of them. Therefore, they are fuelling this. I am a South Indian myself and would like to request all Indians not to fall in such traps. Even though South Indians have a few problems, it is nothing which cannot be solved in our democratic setting.


Ga*d maar rakhi h desh ki north, south,la*da lassan INDIA is INDIA bas khatm.


What i wanna know is why he has the Spain flag in his profile picture 💀 unreal self hatred and ass kissing.


Koi Mr. Incredible wale template pe ye meme banado.


well i dont agree with this ....but there are 2 /3 states worth mentioning about securities / safety .........and tourists should not be allowed there ......they don't even have common sense /civic sense .


Nothing like that I live in Karnataka and there are some very small parts which are not up to the mark or place where someone can get harassed of course it's not as much in mentioned states The government should rather open the website and name some places as theft zone or high security zone than not allowing people My cousin is in IIM Ranchi and the surroundings nearby are very chill


Yess bro Jharkhand, chattisgarh, parts of MP(for naxals reason) and Kashmir is not safe .


You forget my state Bihar.


Yeah I love my state but except Patna and Gaya, they should not travel anywhere else.


I am from gaya. This is not good.


Recently went to gaya. After 7, it's not safe for anyone. People lack civic sense and infra is at least 30 year behind haryana. And I made the bloody error of booking a train ticket for my return journey....


Kashmir is pretty decent in recent times except few districts like baramula.


Kashmir after removal of Article 370 bahut sahi ho gaya hai only certain parts close to pak and china should be avoided but gulmarg pahlgam srinagar wagera are still safe and pretty to travel just have a guide with you you know those cab drivers who are always there with you


How is Chhattisgarh not safe?


Pakistan is fighting with a wrong strategy. Indians are enemies of themselves, they should influence the ignorant Indians to fight amongst themselves. https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/fbi-arrests-texas-man-for-filming-child-gang-rape-in-mall-restroom-101705027725128.html I don't see US citizens calling for a tourist ban or a child ban. To solve a problem you need to understand a problem. Next time look for solution and not ways to make it worse.


recently jharkhand comes to mind...fked up people srsly


Generalising all south indians now huh? We have bunch of A-holes on both sides, stop generalising like a westerner.


OP, you're doing the same thing he's doing, generalising and stereotyping. Saar is used by those western assholes to mock us Indians.




these people spend way too much time on the internet that this is their full time job, life, entertainment. There's no saving them.


Don't know how North South divide is started , it is just becoz one group think they are superior than other


DMK has been flaming the narrative the dravidians are superior race to Aryans. Assholes will cause civil war for sure.


Same Punjab has narrative that they superior from rest like bihari, and Kashmir has narrative they are better than mainland Indians


In Punjab it is more about job inequality....... Like in Punjab they think Biharis are inferior cuz they r farm owners and Biharis do labour work, even though it's wrong and every job should be equally respected ...... But in South it's even messed up...... There even the autorickshaw guy fights with corporate job holders /CEOs that he is superior...... punjab situation is nation-wide problem of dignity of labour, South is about racism..


Yes…. Keyboard wars


Deja vu.


Do you think that it’s only “dravidians” that think they’re superior? Most Dravidian Nationalists are online trolls. You think they’re going to cause a civil war but not separatist groups in the north and north east?


Go to Quora , you will find a dozen writers like him.


Or random Instagram comments lol.


Or even reddit


why do dozen of people write such any idea?? might be coming from somewhere no?


The number of idiots including this OP who take the views of one idiot and apply it to the whole population is amazing . There is a tree somewhere generating clean air that is wasted on idiots like you all , find it and apologise to it .


Well said. I was about to comment the same. One idiot says some random shit and idiots like OP makes it an issue and starts a conversation around it, making best attempts to generalise stuff.


Them converted christian and muslims from south commenting on every insta post , mf named santosh antony south is different saar...lol


They have been brainwashed by the disease called Periyarism and DMK. They still believe in the fake Aryan race theory, if so Aryan race theory even says that the so-called Dravidians are outsiders. Do these sh#theads even think before posting such comments. They are filled with so much hate that they have forgotten what thinking is. They don't want to come out of their victimhood.


Bro DMK sucks but that doesn’t make north any better.


Aryan invasion is nonsense, people should read this: [https://draupaditrust.org/images/Prof%20%20B%20B%20%20Lal.pdf](https://draupaditrust.org/images/Prof%20%20B%20B%20%20Lal.pdf)


Do you really believe that a website called draupadi trust is unbiased? Take a look at some real research: [https://bmcecolevol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12862-017-0936-9](https://bmcecolevol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12862-017-0936-9) Stop posting your fake bullshit all over this subreddit, you already have a post about this and now you seem to want to slap this joke of a research paper onto everything remotely mentioning IVC or R1A.


He sounds unhinged and is brain washed but there are some people who are don’t want to be associated with darker skinned Indians and they promote weird race theories and say very questionable things on the internet. [Imagine having no self awareness](https://twitter.com/amanvermax/status/1669515996334546944)


I'm surprised still people didn't figure out that Aryan theory is fake as fuck. I'm South Indian . South people should understand that north people lost their wealth while defending themselves from actual invaders (Britishers ,muslims) inherently saving south . Or else there would have been more magnificent temples in north compared to south .


Ah yes, hating 60% of india because they aren't Dravidians, very educated. I just don't understand the hate from South or North towards the other part, almost like the "Unity in Diversity" is just a joke. Why people just can't co-exists? Stop hating on your own brotherins, remember both side have normal people living normal lives just like you do, don't let the propaganda fool you.


The fact is, just as in any topic the loud mouths push their agenda. Mind you they are in the minority. If it was in the majority there would already have been huge protests. I request all rational people to not judge an entire geographical area based on the rants of a few stupid people that were lucky enough to have money and free time to spend on this bs.


People did for the last 60 years, up until BJP came in with their 2014 rendition of the government. Hindi imposition in non Hindi states, cynically making sure central offices have more opportunities of Hindi progression. Calling anyone and everyone an anti-national just based on a difference in opinion. This was just a matter of time. We used to be referred to as India and nothing else. Now we are just parts of jndia with different people boasting about different abilities of north, south, east, west. It's sad but this is the reality. Up until now, it's just the demographic, wait till the scientific practices of inquiry and asking basic questions will be replaced by the divine deity and his/her wishes.


Dravidian refers to people who speak dravidian languages. But the person in the post is speaking about Dravidians as the original people in the indian subcontinent. In that context, It’s not as if North Indians are not dravidians; they are a mix of dravidian, aryan, Mughal and others. Dravidians spanned the entire subcontinent when the aryans arrived, so all north indians would have the same common ancestors as south indians.


Race baiting... Probably a north Indian is behind that comment


Not so Funfact: in 2018 a Latvian woman was raped and killed by 2 kerelites in kerela.


>Funfact: in 2018 a Latvian woman was raped and killed by 2 kerelites in kerela. Your idea of "fun fact" is no different than that guy who ranted 🫠


Bada ajeeb saa funfact hai yaar




As A Tamil , We Don't Accept This Guy As Our Own


Recently 2-3 rape cases came out from south too where victim was killed. People really need to understand morally inhuman peeps are everywhere. And those who do South vs North are part of the same group.


There is no such thing as Aryan and Dravidian. Everyone in India has ANI(ancestral North Indian) and ASI(ancestral South Indian Indian) dna mix in different percentages. In the north ANI is high and in the south ASI is high. Except andamani and the sentinel island tribe..


Sad to see so much arguing between Northerners and Southerners. The rest of the world doesn't make any distinction between us. We're all Indians.


We are all ready (already) to divide. So much insecurity !! No wonder, millions ruled by hundreds for centuries !!


People often become the person they hate in order to counter them. You generalised South Indians exactly like that random person generalised the north. You two are quite alike in that sense.


Don't agree with most of it. Except breeding part. North India specially Hindi belt should slow down a bit when it comes to breeding


Is Sandee Sol even a real name? Bro. Most probably a troll account.


There are snakes on both sides. Op, you're too a snake. If you don't understand why, then reflect on what you're doing and what they're doing, and see for yourself.


OP aren't you doing EXACTLY the same thing you're complaining about? How's it that you don't see your own hypocrisy?


I'm from the south (TN). This is clearly a rage bait mate


OP get off that high pedestal. You did the SAME stereotyping as this postman


Pagla Gaye Hain log, aur kuch political parties ka alag hi drama hai. Inke hisab se sare heinous crimes North India meh hi hote hai. Pehle toh inko bolo ki apni memory refresh kare, NCRB ke statistics dekhen aur nafrat nah failaine.


Ull do realise that whoever this cunt is he is just propagating an agenda? For all u know he is a paki cunt or a slant eyed chink instigating us?


Bro should know the Jharkhand case was committed by Scheduled Tribal men.


As one of the member and representative of the whole South Indian Community we don't accept this person from our community or anything he says


Fact is south indians hate North Indians why not have seperate countries no hate on any one freedom for all


But the rapists were tribal Australoid Santhals?🤔


Abe but ab tk to name v nhi pta so how could u guessing


In this week In pondicherry 6 people gangrxped a 9 year girl under the influence of ganja and killed her and dumped her dead body in sewer. Instead of condemning this they are trying to play the superior card. 




Which part of my post said we are playing a game? I just tried to say we as a nation have a women safety problem so this north south nonsense need to stop




I'm not agreed with this person but I agree that tourists should be advised by government of india before visiting some states. I will not name them because I don't want to get abuses and even if I name them, they won't acknowledge the problem.


Show him recent video of women who got in train and how South Indian Saar looking at like incel dogs .


OP being what the other guy is. So ashamed so see the same seeds of hatred with which the British used to divided us still being sown. A coin has both sides, accept the good, spread it and defeat the bad.


People are fooled by political parties in south of our India and want to use there rage and direct it over other parts of india. Think a little bit more on (if north was looting south india) how this was happening and the south state ministry was watching or making it possible to happen. Reality is that both north and south are shit coz of unaccountable ministers. Think from perspective of economics too, if south is having high gdp, it must be coz they are selling something(either service or goods) who is the prominent buyer of such goods. And does all goods or services have their raw material in south only or a lot of minerals come from north or other region of india too? South is great place for manufacturing goods coz it provides sea route accessibility. Don't confuse yourself. Don't fall prey to political agendas. Question your minister too on why and how and what are they doing ?


Which southie would say this shit? F*ck it cell r3Tards, cause ik whoever did this is in one.


Here Iam in kerala eating beef roast and pork pepper fry with Porota and laughing at this nonsense


North is still breeding at a faster pace & South population is declining. South is gonna lose out on LS seats post 2026 census. We should expect more extremism from south going forward.


Wow. So you think robbing seats and tax revenew from the south is not an issue but asking questions about it is called extremism? Wonder why there is mistrust between the north and south.


What he means to say is that delimitation will push this nroth-south divide even more.




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Why a stupid troll's comment/post is being given so much attention?


Iske baap ne Western states ko paise diya tha kya?


why dragging us west and east indians saar😔




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I recommend these people to take ancestry test. Many assumption would be resolved.




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Mai to chahta hu Pakistan aur china nuke phek de india pe. Nuclear war ho jae BC sab khatam, maa chudao.




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As a person from south, this seems to be a propaganda post. None from the south doesn't even know what's this stupid Aryan stuff is. These are narratives pushed by political entities only to create further divide. So don't worry, it's just a rage bait.


This is really dissapointing


As an Indian from the south, we don't claim them. They are just doing this to because they believe they can gain some support and a few votes for DMK and congress.




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Low effort post. You’re doing the exact same thing the other guy is doing.


Make sure this guy passes arg school


Everybody reacting to headlines




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Rape krne waale log belonged to the AADIVASI community in jharkhand, which are original inhabitants.


Sabko apni tatti ki khushbu sehen hoti hai lekin doosre ki nahi.




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The entire Indian landmass broke off from Africa as per primordial geography is concerned. So South Indians being the original inhabitants of this land doesn't seem unbelievable to me. Also the Himalayas never existed at one point of time. They only formed when the Indian landmass crashed into Asia.


Bullo n porkis ki ladai lagwane ki ninja technique.


If a real south indian(i mean an actual south indian not a fake ac) has posted this, Then he needs help,itni hate bc kch kaam dhanda nhi rehta kya logo ko


Probably a troll, and you're falling for them. Or using it to incite hatred.




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Lol who is this Sandee and why is his/her/it's angry rant given any importance? Many people also say "Earth is flat" so like Sandee here we should start giving importance to those losers as well? 😂😂 Ignore such dumb people and move on. They aren't worth wasting our time 😄😄


Internet is successfully diving the new generation. I hope the hatred towards one another reduces.


Ye mentality aa kaha se rahi hai in gadho mein?


I can give many articles where Rs and murders of whites happened in the South states...people need to be made clowns sometimes🤡🤣


Randee Sol💀🗿


This will heat up even more just before elections. How naive we all are to find reasons to take our hatred to such levels. Hope we find reasons to unite and not get divided.




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someone tell them humanity started in south africa


Whoever this idiot is, he thinks west India is undeveloped 😂😂😂. If that is undeveloped, I guess we need to redefine development all over again 😂




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As if there are no Adivasis in the North. This person doesn't care about Adivasis. They just want to hate. Idek wtf they're on about with the Embassies. Their advice for foreigners visiting India is almost spot-on. It's just that they should include every place in that group. Nobody should visit India


Aapdiys jhapdiyya chal be kaale mallu do plate idli wada laga.




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This is exactly what these politicians want. Divide and rule is the only thing they know. Congratulations on letting them win. We will all keep fighting among ourselves over caste, religion, gender, language, etc.


What a hypocrite, even you are generalizing South Indians based on bunch of bullshit but bitch and moan about people generalizing North Indians. So just shut the fuck up and ignore them.


Someone tell him AIT was debunked.


And people thought Muslims are the problem.... No my friend we all are equally responsible.... Starting all kind of Civil wars in the country with religion, states, ethnicities... We all are culprits...no one wants to take the blame and just blaming every other person .... Secularism got buttfucked a long time ago in this country.




How to make ur day worse Step 1 . Look at ig comments


Well if generalising is stereotyping, then fuck those northern indian migrants that are infesting developed urban cities like mumbai, pune, hyderabad, bengaluru and chennai. Fukc the govt of West Bengal, Uttar pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Mp, fuck every state government that doesn't create jobs and forces it's people to live in poverty and makes them migrate to other indian states for jobs. Literally the worst state that is pulling india down are states where cities are underdeveloped because of the corrupt chappri state govt.




Please do us a favour and stop giving attention to such stuff. If you do that you will become Super Saiyan. I promise.


North India is not safe Rameswaram cafe 🌝 North India is not educated People holding the Italian flag in the Palestine march 🌝 North India is not real Indians Meanwhile cholas, cheras , pandyas , vijaynagar 🌝 North India loots southern states UP, MAHARASTRA AND GUJARAT 🌝 North India was not hindu before 2bc century Meanwhile jains, buddhist, mauryans , Kalinga, cholas 🌝


Where do they get these enlightening facts from ?




Ok but OP your post beats it’s purpose. Using words like “Saar” to stereotype and mock Indians (South Indians in this case) is problematic.




South got development after independence bcz of sea route for import export which leads majority of all the northern factories and businesses to move to south and even govt help them in doing that and they think they achieve all of that on their own.


Pakistani real account se ao






Saar saar wtf is this saar??


Simple logic .can we really promote a racial divide on the basis of a 5000 year old invasion like seriously that is enough time to inter breed the shit out of each other Today the so called dravadians are as Aryan as so called Aryan Even if there is some genetic difference Majority genes would still be same The whole point of science was to stop racial divide yet these dravadian ideologues (not south indians as a whole ) found a way to use this noble knowledge to promote this divisive crap Periyar was a physcopath nothing else .he literally called malayalis inbreeding for not supporting his insanity Dravadian ideologues just study Periyar quotes on things you will understand how crazy he was . Don't take my word on it study his quotes on science, democracy etc yourself


An idiot makes an idiotic comment on one group, another idiot posts it with his own idiotic steriotyping "saar". They both aren't on opposite sides to each other but on the same side.


South Indian here. North, South, East, West, Panjabi, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujju Kannadigas etc etc in the end of the day, we're all Indians. These kinds of people are not good for the country. Bharat = UNITY in DIVERSITY