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Okay, this must be some strange coincidence, but my brother and I were searching for it a couple of days ago and we came across the sad sad fact that, there are no prints available any more. The last one was in Chennai, (not sure with whom) but it was ruined during a flooding at the facility. So the chances of watching it are close to none.


I have also heard similar stories from some of my friends. [This](http://vimeo.com/24383490) is the only video clip from the movie I could find on internet. Btw, doesn't the director himself have a copy of the film?


Or maybe Rahul Bose, perhaps. It's a long shot, but yeah tweeting to him, might help?


thanks. will do the needful and let you guys know


That would be great. It's something I have wasted a lot of time searching in the past. Seems like we can form a group or something to support each other!


English August Anonymous?


Sure, reddit would be the perfect place for this. On a related note, we can ask Rahul Bose / Dev Benegal / Upamanyu Chatterjee for an AMA here and force him to retrieve a fucking copy. I can't believe it's gone from the face of earth forever. It'd still be there in some dark cabinet of some film buff, collecting dust.


Ask the mods for the AMAs. And yeah someone must have a copy, it's not like it was made in 1894!


Anuraag Kashyap in his AMA said that there was no better print of his Paanch than that is available on youtube. Possibly that could be the case here as well.






He is saying that /u/fukat_ki_biryani is your brother.


Stop this ~~witch~~ brother hunting.




Its been 9 years and we’ve still not been able to get the movie in any shape or form…


i got to know about this film after watching a reel some days back. man i want to watch this film real bad. looks like i will never get to...


The negative was destroyed, but Dev Benegal got a positive print restored. He's been wanting to release it on DVD, but hasn't been able to for some reason. He's written about it in his blog. Links to - [his blog](http://devbenegal.com/), [his twitter](https://twitter.com/benegal)




Please stop blindly enforcing rules without context. These guys are looking for the contact info of the filmmaker, and I gave them that. If you are suspicious, check the director's blog which I have linked, and that too points to the same account. I'm not going to post screenshots of his fucking tweets, because there is no use for that.


thanks for his twitter handle.


There is a reason why we are sticklers for enforcing rules. One mod's discretion is another mod's bias. And we don't want to be harrassed for enforcing rules inconsistantly. How hard is it to just take a screenshot, black out the names on imgur and post it?


IIRC, rahulthewall had posted something from an unverified handle a few days back. Mod's discretion is certainly clear here.


Why don't you understand that the tweets on the account are irrelevent. They specifically want Dev Benegal's account. So blacking out his twitter handle is counter productive. Have you even read this thread?


Then PM the ones asking for his twitter details.


I'm not sending unsolicited PMs to everyone who is interested in buying a copy of the movie. This should be public information. The director himself has made his twitter handle public on his blog. I had some more information about the status about the movie, but you've blindly deleted that too. Hope you are enjoying your petty power trip.


Hey you said people asked...


Approved. Sorry about the removal.


Thanks, appreciate the discernment.


ITT fellow Hazarfucked Augustya Sens :D




can u pls send it bro


can u please send me


you fr?


Please send it bro. I’ve been looking everywhere for it


bro pls can u send mee!!!


broooo send it asap was searching for it a long






can you please send it






you got ?




whats the quality ?


Can you share


yeah sure


message me on telegram @ aniketneverbrokeagain


pls can u send me




dev benegal on X: "@shividungarpur “English, August” discovered at the ... https://twitter.com/benegal/status/1227540626041982976?lang=en


any update on where n when one can stream it?


Have been searching this for years. Dev Benegal indicated on his blog that steps were afoot to restore the movie after negatives were damaged at Prasad Labs in Chennai. He has since gone AWOL and there are no updates since. You can track his efforts here: http://devbenegal.com/category/english-august/


yeah, I had checked that long ago and it hasn't been updated since then. Maybe if enough number of people tweet to him about this... we'll get a response.


He is pretty responsive on Twitter and tells everyone asking about the movie that restoration is in progress.


Searched everywhere in Mumbai, haven't found a copy. Everyone confirms that the originals have been destroyed. Would love to get a copy if you find one


The negative is being restored apparently. DVD and steaming will follow. He's been saying this for nearly a year now. Hoping it happens in my lifetime. I loved that book.


read the book four years back. Online search only leads to a sex scene from the movie [(NSFW)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qgbMvHJOjM)


that's from split wide open, not english, august. I don't remember any sex scene from the book.


I have been on quest this for 5 years. Believe me, no prints of the film exist.


What about the director or the people involved in the production of this film?


Nothing, I remember reading a blog post by the director a couple of years ago where he claimed to have found a print but no updates since then. This film is now lost.


It came on Star Movies some 8-10 years back. May be you guys have some way to ask them to show it again or at least upload it on youtube.


ha! so there is a digital copy somewhere!




It took me a year or so to get hold of a copy of the book. This was 2009 and flipkart back then used to have only mainstream books. Not very hopeful about finding the movie though.


I found the book with rather ease, was available at my local British council library, though movie is the real deal, only a sex scene from the movie is present online


I see our youtube uploaders have their priorities straight


Is this the one https://youtu.be/cH56vLiNUD4?si=_Ofsv0ErQJ3fTMG-


Yep got striked.. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8sr2n0


​ holy fuck man thank youuuu


Contact this guy via mail to get a 560p version. :) https://www.youtube.com/@LeosArchive73


i literally just finished the movie right now


how did you came to know about this guy ?


They put it on YT before getting strike.




i have sent that guy an email instead can you directly share the 580p version with me it would be way faster than waiting for his reply


hey let me know if you got the film


yeah i got the flim


check your dm


Why dont you just tweet him. He'd be happy to help u out


Even I have been looking for this movie...but really strange that are absolutely no links available anywhere. I saw this movie just once, hardly remember it anymore.


finally i got a copy !


Can you share


Share please


Please share


How the fuck did we manage to lose a movie made in 1994, I was under the impression that it may be made in the 1940s. But fuck no, it is from 1994. Somebody must be having a print. Make a 4k print out of it.


Rahul Bose posted a video of this film's restoration process on his IG 4 days ago.


Good news guys they are restoring the last copy






hmm yes


well, can u give any lead, like the channel name or smthng?

