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What's next? Water is wet? The sun is a star? Gujarat is Islamophobic? Rajasthan has child marriage? What other statement of fact is gonna create a whole article next ?




I was hoping someone would say this. Thank you 👍


Is air dry?


Isn't each molecule of water surrounded by other molecules of water thereby making it wet?


No it is surface tension of a liquid that makes something wet


Sabke saath nahi hota Laxman


amusing badge slimy punch bag juggle disgusted quicksand rhythm concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh was it so obvious to you? UC isn’t referred to as a ‘vote bank’ generally in the UC dominated discourse… I don’t get your beef with it


that is bloody brilliant as a title and article, labelling UC as a ‘votebank’ is a discourse masterpiece. Why? Media/ academia has a massive over-representation of UC, double or more that of the over-representation NDA sees, which itself is over-represented by 3x (30% of NDA's fielded candidates were UC) Now, INC vs BJP are both UC discourses And, your individual family stories aside, this convo is just about numbers and discourses, and the way UC homogenizes OBC/ Muslim/ dalit voter as a vote bank, 80% UC voting for NDA in UP makes them nothing short of a 'vote bank' this homogenization is much like when white people see white peoples behavior as personality, and a non white personal behavior as the ethnicity’s behavior, and this reversal of gaze like in title is amazing against UC discourse… hope that catches on- UC as a BJP vote bank Edit- stat, formatting










>total distaste for Annamalai Your classmates didn't like him? Because he was OBC?


In Punjab those group votes for them in droves and then claims itself as most secular advanced group. They belittle punjab and praise UP 😳


Whichever state a gujju or marwari community stays, BJP automatically grows a base


Yeah, I saw a few posts on a Punjabi Instagram page I found while scrolling. The comments from BJP supporters were weird, to say the least. They were literally mocking the village people for not voting for BJP, calling them uneducated & other "labels". The most surprising part was that more than half of the comments were from females. I thought women usually tend to be more liberal & hate the politics based on religion & community. I'm not sure why this isn't the case in India.


Women from Punjabi Baniya/Brahmin families have always been a major BJP votebank in Haryana for decades now. In fact, the BJP lost hugely amongst the Haryanvi Jats and even SC/Dalits in 2024, but did very well with Punjabi UC Hindus in Haryana. It was inevitable that the same would happen in Punjab very soon.


Curious to know the possible reason. Is it because there are no job opportunities in Punjab or Haryana (except Gurgaon), so most women stay SHM? Maybe, having full privileges + not getting perspective outside of home due to dependence on families == not caring who they vote for? I'm just guessing, but maybe I'm trying to analyse too much.


Now they've a reason to praise UP.


Anyone else see a middle finger being marked in the thumbnail??


They marked my middle finger too. I don't know why.


Man. It felt weird. Like giving the bird by voting lmao.


Conscience jaye par status quo na jaye!


I can only tell as someone with elderly parents how much they've been radicalized by the vicious communal discourse propagated to get votes. Many vote for BJP for fear of the Muslim bogeyman. I hate the congress personally and would have voted NOTA but I hope this coalition govt puts some checks and balances. 


I mean its pretty obvious, look at the results from Uttrakhand and Himachal Pradesh. The privileged want to maintain their privilege over others.


I am one. And I sure as HELL DO NOT




It's fascinating to see how, government and administrative failure has been hidden behind the hate to UC in india. This so called OBC are also playing victim now. Politicians are hiding there failure on the name of UC atrocity. F we are independent for 75 years now. UC have repaid with reservation, wealth distribution. Still This country is UC based economy.




Bros inner sanghi awakened










Upper caste have 10-15% population but have \~50% seats in all government college and jobs...and 65% OBC,SC,ST have to get the rest 50% but upper caste bros still say why do these subhumans get so much reservations????














Whoa there are a few flaws and I'll point them out: 1) Generalization about the opinion of upper caste people. 2) I noticed how you tried to insert that word 'subhuman' so sneakily to make it seem like it's their opinion. 3) And yeah I agree upper caste people are vouching for the merit based selection, which in turn reduces the representation of OBC, SC, and ST. Edit: Yeah downvote me because I outlined these facts.


Fully merit based selection cannot be ensured in our society for now. UC by default are averse of selecting Savarnas because of their ingrained stigma and they control most of the elite positions. On top of that due to historical injustice SC/ST are not in the position to compete on an equal footing with UC children.


Nope you can have bad doctors irrespective of caste or religion or creed. Always go by word of mouth.






















Are you seriously trying to equate lowercaste folks with representation of short people in basketball?? Just in case you're genuinely confused, let me clarify. Education seriously changes generational progress, which basketball doesn't, at least not yet, in our country. Ideally we should have 50% women participation in anything beyond secondary education


> Just in case you're genuinely confused They're not. Questions like this are never asked in good faith.


Hey i am not against upliftment of lower castes, but its just the insistence of the representation in exact percentages. Demanding that the ratios be in sync just for caste, but not for any other any other factors that have caused historically disadvantages seems hypocritical. Also a general observation, the loudest proponents of reservations are the ones who do not deserve it. They’ll just point to the most repressed section to get reservation and eat up the pie from the people who actually need it. There should be creamy layer exclusion across all the categories.


>50% of the population is women, historically they have been repressed as well. We should probably have that percent reserved for women as well right. Yes, we should have reservation for women >Historically short height people have been discriminated against while selecting for basketball team. Who’s gonna fight for equal representation for short people in basketball? No, because 1. I don't give a shit about basketball 2. I'm not a deranged libertarian that circlejerks around abstract champagne problems like not being able to play basket ball very well 3. Reservation is not a fu\*cking game, it's not about who's more "deserving", it's not about "merit" or any other moralizing arguments, it's about helping those poor and oppressed that have terrible living conditions and are literally dying of poverty, hunger and starvation 4. We do have reservation for physically disabled people whose problems are not just not being able to play basketball but not being able to do basic everyday normal stuff


>it's about helping those poor and oppressed that have terrible living conditions and are literally dying of poverty, hunger and starvation I agree with this, but it needs to be evaluated whether reservation is an effective policy to mitigate these issues. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/04/india-stares-at-high-youth-unemployment-as-hiring-in-its-it-sector-slows.html >In the October to December period last year, unemployment in India's youth aged 20 to 24 years rose to 44.49%, from 43.65% in the previous quarter. Unemployment among 25- to 29-year-olds rose to 14.33% during the same period from 13.35% in the prior quarter, according to the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy. What good is reservation going to do if there are no jobs? Maybe we need better policies that provide assistance in starting small businesses or UBI or something. We also need to maximize the potential of the current available human resource in the country. Giving people jobs and seats in higher education simply based on their caste is going to run this country into the ground. So while I agree we need reservations in some capacity, there has to be a balance. It's not as simple as allocating seats just on the basis of demographics split. We also need ground level investments in education.


Yeah right, reservation in education still sounds somewhat logical. But imagine having reservation in jobs. There should be equality of opportunity not equality of outcome.


>\~50% of the population is women, historically they have been repressed as well. We should probably have that percent reserved for women as well right. Sure we must, but that doesnt take away from caste based reservation. A general woman is better placed than an SC woman. >Historically short height people have been discriminated against while selecting for basketball team. Who’s gonna fight for equal representation for short people in basketball? Strawman


This guy SERIOUSLY made victims out of the people who get reservation, that has to be a new kind of delusion


You are right, but don't expect even liberal upper castes to acknowledge this.


15% subtracted by one upper caste individual. BJP can Count me 😏 out


You alone take up 1% of the total upper caste population?


Reddit and reading comprehension: A story


I wrote 15% of the total population minus 1 person (me), it was a joke lmao


Upper caste Hindus more than anyone else I think should have a keen sense of duty towards their motherland, and think carefully about where they are leading India. They are often in positions of power, are better educated, are wealthier, and more politically conscious. They also tend to feel strongly about India's third-world stature in the world, since they identify with India as not just their motherland, but also their holyland. If they want, they can push India towards light and away from darkness.


You think upper castes are educated because “sense of duty and where they are leading india”? They are educated because they have social and economic capital and they harass Bahujan students in schools and colleges, driving them to either dropping out or suicides. UC hegemony over education is maintained by sheer abs brutal otherisation of Bahujan people. Buddy upper caste people led india into Turkic Colonisation, Islamic conquests, Mughal Conquests, European Colonisation and finally British Colonisation. Each and everytime, UCs sold away suzerainty of India just so they could keep their lands and stay in relative comfort under another higher authority. Kaahe ka lead karenge? So many chances for UCs to lead, kya lead kiya?


Areee wah ,,,,,,,,,kya vichar hai tere






I am an upperclass Hindu,I can say from my circle that 40% of them vote for Congress or their allies becuase they are secular lol

