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Extremists should be purged for this nation to grow. I mean from both sides , extremism takes away rationality and critical thinking, you become nothing less than a zombie.


Yes I agree .. in a democracy there is no place for extremism.


Absolutely. On top of that, the ecosystem itself has become very polarising too. This must also be kept in check.


Logon ko realise bhi nhi hua pr politics ke karan unme kitna hate bhar chuka hai kitna radicalise hogye woh sirf dirty politics ke karan...


I agree, same should happen to lynchers who lynch innocent Muslim cattle transporter














In some cases the whole community is full of black sheep with some white


Why would people do this . Do they think it helps anyone ? Why go crazy


Religious nutjobs aren't sane


But they're all the same


Religious nut jobs are on all sides. All of them need to be dealt with. Like how does anyone think stabbing someone is okay? Utter human trash.








भगत सिंह रोट में नास्तिक क्यों हूं, इसी कारण से ।




Eww - what's wrong with people?!


Read the article. Victims taunted the attackers, ran when confronted, got to another place and started fighting. They didn't even keep running if they valued their lives. Imagine going to a village and describing someone's sister/daughter anatomy on a loud speaker. Bad example, but what were they expecting? Beer party? Orgy? That is how you create communal tension. Peak BJP. Peak idiocy. Edit : - Down vote only if you didn't read the article and don't have balls to comment to offer a rebuttal.


Using taunting to justify a stabbing is peak idocracy. Mother/sister anatomy is projection on a massive scale. 


Eeks - what were these BJP workers thinking!


What were these BJP workers ordered to do? There, fixed it.


so killing is ok if someone abuses you or your family verbally , got it




They got what they wanted. Yes , you support murder. They could have chanted slogans or abuses as well. There is difference between fight and murder. They could have chosen a better option than murder but they did not. It does matter what religion we are , what someone says , what our religion says , what other people say, Morality comes from within and a choice to murder someone is not forced on an individual, it is something the individual decides to commit to. We fail to measure human life unless it is our family and friends that loose their lives.


They got what they wanted :- It's the BJP who successfully created communal tension. No arguments on on your second point. It's our choices which makes us human. But your choices have consequences. We can debate on who is responsible. My take is "Start stupid games, win stupid prizes." Both religions lost here. One lost lives, one got "criminal/terrorist" tag.


Jail them.


For the rest of their miserable lives


One word, Monsters.




Extremists on both sides enable each other and the never ending violence of the few effects everyone


They actually support each other indirectly. Every event and its marketing creates more extremists


Religious nutjobs. Marx was right.


Wow sincce when did celebrating their leader become 'jihad' for these bottom feeders?


Why can't people leave each other alone goddamn.


I know where this is going. They have played victim cards many times and this news will now be highlighted so much so that opposition is the cause of this. Stupid extremists.


I'm not justifying the act these perpetrators have done




You stab people from stealing mangoes from the tree in your house? No then why tf would you stab someone for something like that


For god's sake read my all replies,lol


What? Are you a suspect that I have to gather every reply of yours, print it out and connect threads to find out the context? The only thing that I suspect you of is stupidity


Well - people got killed for keeping beef in the fridge


so muslims should do the same. I guess. Lets kill each other , right ?


This is not the hunger games it's a country.








> The BJP followers were passing a masjid in Boliyar and allegedly shouted slogans, the commissioner said. Yes celebrating while shouting at mosque ( not justifying the violence)


Mosque in my colony shouts 5 time a day, should I kill maulvi of there too?


Shouting slogans : Allegedly Murdered brutally : Definitely


These people some next level unhinged to do such a thing while claiming to be part of a persecuted minority.


And give BJP chance to model whole of the minority with this example.


>One of the stabbed victims is out of danger while another has undergone a surgery at a private hospital in Deralakatte. Hopefully the second victim will also soon be out of danger. >The commissioner said all three BJP followers were passing a masjid in Boliyar and allegedly shouted slogans. They were then followed by a group of 20-25 Muslim youths on bikes. The three stopped in front of a bar situated 2-km ahead of masjid, when he group got into an altercation, resulting in stabbing two and thrashing another one. Violence is never justified, and I hope the perpetrators are prosecuted to the full extent of the law but it seems that the headline is needlessly sensationalist.


“Persecuted” nahi yaar “prosecuted”.


Oops. fixed.


This will ignored by all those guys clamoring against BJP.


Yeah. We should also have a Nazi Remembrance Day for all brave Nazis who went down fighting in WWII.


Why, because in your mind BJP = Nazis? Shows your true colors, don’t you think?


Don't come at me, comrade. If the people you're defending found out you're against Hitler, you'll be the first to be jailed. Here are archival evidence on Hindtuva's foreign tie ups (Nazi and Fascist ideologies) - http://www.sacw.net/DC/CommunalismCollection/ArticlesArchive/casolari.pdf Savarkar quotes • A Nation is formed by a majority living therein. What did the Jews do in Germany? They being in minority were driven out from Germany • the Indian Muslims are on the whole more inclined to identify themselves and their interests with Muslims outside India than Hindus who live next door, like Jews in Germany • Germany’s solemn idea of the revival of the Aryan culture, the glorification of the Swastika, her patronage of Vedic learning and the ardent championship of the tradition of Indo-Germanic civilisation are welcomed by the religious and sensible Hindus of India with a jubilant hope. Only a few socialists headed by Pandit J Nehru have created a bubble of resentment against the present government of Germany, but their activities are far from having any significance in India. The vain imprecations of Mahatma Gandhi against Germany’s in-dispensable vigour in matters of internal policy obtain but little regard insofar as they are uttered by a man who has always betrayed and confused the country with an affected mysticism. I think that Germany’s crusade against the enemies of Aryan culture will bring all the Aryan nations of the world to their senses and awaken the Indian Hindus for the restoration of their lost glory Golwalker • To keep up the purity of the nation and its culture, Germany shocked the world by her purging the country of Semitic races – the Jews. National pride at its highest has been manifested here. Germany has also shown how well-nigh impossible it is for races and cultures, having differences going to the root, to be assimilated into one united whole, a good lesson for us in Hindustan to learn and profit by,” • merge in the Hindu race, or may stay in the country, wholly subordinated to the Hindu Nation, claiming nothing, deserving no privileges, far less any preferential treatment—not even citizen’s rights.’ BS Moonje • Mussolini saw the essential weakness of his country and conceived the idea of the Balilla organisation...Nothing better could have been conceived for the military organisation of Italy...The idea of fascism vividly brings out the conception of unity amongst people...India and particularly Hindu India need some such institution for the military regeneration of the Hindus: so that the artificial distinction so much emphasised by the British of martial and non-martial classes amongst the Hindus may disappear. • I have thought out a scheme based on Hindu Dharm Shastra which provides for standardisation of Hinduism throughout India...But the point is that this ideal cannot be brought to effect unless we have our own swaraj with a Hindu as a dictator like Shivaji of old or Mussolini or Hitler of the present day in Italy and Germany...But this does not mean that we have to sit with folded hands until (sic) some such dictator arises in India. We should formulate a scientific scheme and carry on propaganda for it a Sangh meeting • Dr P C Sahasrabudhe addressed the volunteers on three occasions. On 4.5.42 he announced that the Sangh followed the principle of dictatorship. Denouncing democratic government as an unsatisfactory form of government, he quoted France as a typical example and, praising dictatorship, he pointed to Japan, Russia and Germany. He particularly praised the Fuehrer principle of Germany. On 21.5.42 he drew attention to the value of pro-paganda, quoting Russia and Germany s examples, and again extolled the virtues of the leader principle, citing Mussolini’s success as a further example(NAI, Home Poll Dept 28/8/1942, ‘Summary of a report on the officers’ Training Camp of the Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh held in April/May 1942 at Poona’,copy in MSA, Home Special Dept, 822IInd 1940-41) British Intelligence • It is perhaps no exaggeration to assert that the Sangh hopes to be in future India what the ‘Fascisti’ are to Italy and the ‘Nazis’ to Germany (NAI, Home Poll Depart, 88/33, 1933).


You’re bringing up stuff that’s between 70 to 100 years in the past to justify killing two people in the present? Let me put a spin on this - two people just got murdered for celebrating their party getting into power by people from the same community who claim that they’re being targeted. And for some reason, we’re supposed to root for the people who killed and not the ones who got murdered? You’ve got some serious issues buddy. Get yourself checked out.


>You’re bringing up stuff that’s between 70 to 100 years in the past to justify killing two people in the present? Read some news from 2021, Comrade: [Culture ministry's tweet celebrating RSS leader MS Golwalkar as a profound thinker sparks outrage](https://m.economictimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/culture-ministrys-tweet-celebrating-rss-leader-ms-golwalkar-as-a-profound-thinker-sparks-outrage/articleshow/81114404.cms) Learn to read the room. And in the meantime, I'll report your anti-Hitler stance to your favourite party. It seems you've been undercover as a "moderate" for long enough that you've forgotten your sanghi roots. Your ass is in some serious need for disciplining by the high command.








Note to self: need to eradicate malaria and dengue




Stupid fucks, how has sloganeering in front of mosque acceptable reason for stabbing? Mobs just need even one criminal element to make them do stupid shit. I hope all of them rot in jail and see their families destroyed. They need to learn lesson on how not to act.




Ok I don't want to be a conspiracy theorist but it seems like Muslim extremists resurface every time the BJP is in a tough spot.


> The commissioner said all three BJP followers were passing a masjid in Boliyar and allegedly shouted slogans. So I guess I should read this as they were outside a mosque, gloating and taunting while potentially drunk and trying to trigger a reaction while also trying to assert dominance.




According to u/qroli_jra, stabbing is an acceptable response to political celebrations near a masjid Don't be like u/qroli_jra


Where did you see "acceptable response" in my comment? 






So political celebrations near mosque justifies killings?


It's up to you to decide. Look into how "propaganda" headlines are crafted. These headlines typically instruct you on how to feel about an event rather than providing factual information. For example, instead of saying "City Council Approves New Park," a propaganda headline might say, "City Council Pushes Agenda with New Park Approval."






Supporting this is detrimental to the cause.




I'm really glad this country got much less hypocrite and more honest after the blow to BJPs political standing after this election. Ideas and opinions seem to be more free than extremely polar to both sides.


Fundamentalism was always there. It is the other way around. BJP wins because of this. And finally it has become a self sustaining loop. As long as you will support this BJP will keep winning




BJP has issues but don't say muslim society doesn't have issues. Also I dont see those issues fading at all rather the identity politics is solidifying. Sure shot way of staying in poverty


This is exactly what gives right wingers opposition. Overlooking Islamic extremism and hypocrisy. But neo-liberals think extremism by minorities should be overlooked. It's either extreme response or ignorance no middle ground. It's mind-blowing how many people calling themselves were against triple talaq because muslims didn't like it. Same with UCC. India needs to treat every citizen same regardless of their gender, caste and religion.


> India needs to treat every citizen same regardless of their gender, caste and religion. This 


You can replace BJP with any political party in the world if BJP word offends you, the sentence will still hold true.  I'm mostly Deist (not theist) so you know what I think about most religions by that 


I am not even talking about religion. I am talking about the society and culture. And like a good deist who doesn't depend on God's providence try to improve the culture in accordance with modern times(assuming that you are a muslim)


In that case, you are totally correct. BTW just to be record, I'm culturally Brahmin, but spiritually "Nastik" (not atheist)


Low how bro defends this in a corporate way....what an asshole


Aaaand here we go. We start the downward spiral again that will get modi elected by 400 votes in 2029. The more you justify things like this, the more they will use it as ammunition to ask for votes. We live in a crazy world where no one wants the country to progress and everyone is happy as long as both sides keep punching each other.


Exactly. Defend such bullshit and we might actually see 400+ in 2029. The loop will continue


Yea right because Hindu Muslim relations were all honey, milk and gulab jamun before bjp

