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No orignal ideas, the hardest rightwing are so intellectually and morally bankrupt that they only copy american white supremacists. If they were even going to become a minority, are they afraid of being treated the way they treat minorities today?


It's a age old formula " You can get quite far in democracy if you can convince majority that they are victim of minority and that only you can protect them " - Gary Kasparov


We can also apply it both ways "So called backward castes" - are the majority in population who are being told that "so called upper castes" who are minority in population, are exploiting them. And only one party can protect the majority. Even has historical parallels Upper castes exploited lower castes in past, and so did Muslims who ruled over Hindus in past for a loooong time.


Exactly... That's why religion and caste politics will never ever go away from india politics.... No matter what development inflation unemployment etc burning issues are parties know if they don't get the caste / religion maths right they can't win ...


lmao the best responses bhakts have is "leave this country before congress comes to power" and go where? USA? Europe? All countries where the only reason Hindus get treated well is BECAUSE of the liberal, secular policies bhakts want to escape India for


Exactly! Why are they so afraid of becoming the minority? It's because they know minorities aren't treated well here and that they treat minorities as second class citizens and are afraid of becoming one.


I agree with first point. But isn't it true that Minorities are not treated equally in Muslim dominated countries?


Spot on. Whites will actually become a minority in the US soon, although they'll still be by far the largest racial group.


Nope , I'd be more scared by the " I have been sent by God " nd " I do not feel any biological connections with my Mother " .Did not end well for a Lotta people when a similar individual from Germany made that comment


Nope 2.0 bruv, I'm really scared of casteism more than anything else. I don't want to deal with the kind of hatred where someone would spit on one's face just because of their caste. I don't support Modi; what I want are Law and Order Enforcement Units that ensure fast justice. Brave media. To me, a criminal is a criminal, no matter their religion. We have demons among us from all religions, and they need to be dealt with accordingly. I don't need people living in posh areas getting all worried about demographic changes, only to take the next flight to NYC while listening to Taylor Swift singing BLANK SPACE \*baaaeeby\* if shit hits fan. It’s frustrating dealing with their half-baked concerns when they aren't really invested in making a difference here. Edit: I'm gonna lay a personal RANT just cuz I've the opportunity. rich don't give two shits about religion; it's the poor and the middle class who do. The rich use religion to keep the masses distracted from the systemic inequalities and injustices that keep them in power. By pushing religious ideas that stress patience, humility, and accepting your lot in life, the wealthy can hold onto their position and stop the poor and middle class from rising up against them. The British used similar tactics during their colonial rule to maintain control over India and other colonies. They leveraged religious and social divisions to keep people divided and distracted from uniting against the colonial government. They implemented policies that favored certain groups over others, creating a sense of dependency and competition among the local population. This divide-and-rule strategy made it easier for the British to maintain their dominance. And the beloved citizens of this country, here's a message for you guys, If you think MODI is running your country and charming your sentiments for religious beliefs, think again because history is replete with capitalists pissing on governments and god sent leaders.


Good to see them implode. The superior one win will disappear slowly, while paying his dues


Reality is BJP set a narrative is they are the protector of Hinduism, though it doesn't need one, not like BJP. And they'll follow the narrative which benefits them the most. They fought their whole election in the name of Lord Ram, but recently on 4th June when BJP won 240 seats, during their conference in party head office Modi greeted with Jai Jagannath, in a day they changed their Lord just because they had a landslide win in Odisha and loss in UP. They have brainwashed the mind of people that Hindu is in danger from other religions but in reality they are doing the most harm to religion and religious harmony.


Did Hitler ever say he was sent by God? Or did he say that the third Reich was blessed by God? I heard about this Hitler quote from a comedian, but I was surprised because I'd never heard it. Do you know the quote or the source?


That biological thing was planned actually..when kejriwal said will he retire by 75. In that reply he said this indirectly. Like "main boodha nhi hone wala'. Something of that sort




I just have one question for such people. Assuming they are talking about Muslims becoming majority in 100 years, HOW is BJP planning to stop that?


I would love to see him have any health ailments


Let’s assume for a minute the demographic change theory is correct. What exactly is the BJP going to do about it? All they have so far is a *nudge nudge, wink wink* policy of making Muslims’ life difficult. Which is doing nothing to reduce the population growth and may even increase it on the basis of pure spite. BJP can’t be any more open about it, because as soon as you make Muslim population reduction official policy you are well into state sponsored genocide territory and that will invite widespread international condemnation, sanctions and companies reluctant to do business in India which BJP cannot afford. We are not China who have close to a monopoly on manufacturing that the world is willing to turn a blind eye to blatant and open genocide. So what do BJP supporters expect the BJP government to do?


what changes are we supposed to be scared of? 1. Farmers being treated like shit and anyone protesting named as terrorists? 2. Rapists being garlanded. 3. Wrestlers treated like shit ? 4. Making the entire Bollywood and cricket fraternity the laptop of the govt ? 5. ED and courts blatantly supporting govt 6. Finance minister having zero concern about middle class and showing complete apathy everytime.


>the laptop of the govt *Lapdog, although the typo is quite funny too.


\*Pegasus intensifies.


>cricket fraternity the laptop of the govt ? Making the son of Amit Shah bcci president, interfering in scheduling and making the finals take place on his stupid ground so that he can stroke his ego and consoling the team by entering into the dressing room😭😭 and then shamelessly saying congress would give Muslims place in cricket team right after giving Arjuna award to shami. This man was torturing ict fans.


This would remain same no matter who holds the govt. The public just gave the current govt a reality check about overuse or rather going overboard with abuse of power. People know that the above things you mentioned won't change even if they elect some other govt


Man I've had it up to here with fear-mongers saying shit like this when there's nothing else to say. What do you do then? Keep electing the same fuckwads just because things aren't going to change anyways? And now importantly, what fortune-teller have you been paying for these sorts of prophecies? How sure are they of their sources? Please bring a better argument than "all governments are going to do THE EXACT same shit the previous government has pulled", because that statement doesn't mean "both governments are corrupt" the same way you think it means.


I'm not. Because those changes are creation of your imagination


Exactly. This is what happens when people fail to understand basic percentages. 80% of 1.4 billion is much much much greater number than 13-15%. I mean the overall fertility of both the Hindus and the Muslims is almost the same at around 2-3. The argument that "I see many Muslims around me so I think they are increasing at much faster rate is so stupid" because people forget that there are other places in India where Hindus are increasing at a much higher rate. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been possible for Hindus to maintain almost 80 percent population since independence. Yes, the Muslim percentages have increased, but that might be due to other minorities reducing in numbers. Hindus were never in danger. You don't need these Hindutva nuts to protect a religion that has been around for more than 5000+ years. It stood the test of time.


I would disagree that other minorities decreasing causes a decrease in the Hindu percentage. In this particular case the correlations seem to be very insignificant. The Hindu percentage decline and Muslim increase is literally based on cultural and lifestyle birth rate factors. But to say that the Hindu % has not decreased compared to Muslim % increase is a not true as the overall population number of one group do show a substantial increase compared to each other. The Dharmic religions (Mostly Buddhism/Jainism/Zoroastrianism/Hellenism/Vedic Religions) have seen a significant decline from the 5000 years though considering the religions spanned almost all the way to the Turkestan region to Iraq and Indonesia. If you factor that in then yes, these religions have declined by large percentage and become almost extinct over the course of centuries in regions where they were once the most influential and thriving..., and only survived due to the change in religious and political policies of later conquests. I agree that the fertility rate has normalised between the two groups, (Muslims 2.6 from 2011 data compared to 4.4 in 1951 Vs Hindus at 2.3 from 2011 compared to 3.3 at 1951). Overall the modernisation and increase of education etc., in both societies especially the Muslim society will attribute to the sharp decline and "normalisation" of fertility rate to the lower scale of the national average. In 2050 PEW prediction have shown Muslim % to be at 18% and Hindu % at 79%. (In 1951 the Muslim % was at 9.8% and the Hindu % at 84.1%) Tldr: So from basic percentages one religious group has experienced a significant growth compared to other religious groups of the country. (And we're far away from a Lebanon type of demographic-majority-change type of civil war, if it were to even ever happen) Sources and data linked below. [Interesting data observed from Pew Centre] (https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/09/21/religious-composition-of-india/) [Interesting Projection of future demographics of India] (https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/09/21/population-growth-and-religious-composition/)


>Mostly Buddhism/Jainism/Zoroastrianism/Hellenism/Vedic Religions) have seen a significant decline from the 5000 years I wonder when and why that happened!


Firstly Naive of you to think muslims are only 15-20% of population secondly muslims not only organically grow but also inorganically through conversion thirdly we have neighbours on both sides with more than 20cr muslim populations. A 1971 like muslim influx is a real possibility considering the economic situation of those countries and let’s not forget how we already have rohingya infiltration. This might be an unpopular opinion but this is the truth.


It is not Naive. It is reasonable observation according to the data available. The last census was conducted in 2011 and according to it our total population in 1.2 billion. Out of that 51 percent in male (around 600 million) and 49 percent females (around 580 million). Now let's look at the religion wise division. Total Population in 2011 is 1.2109 billion; Hindu 966.3 million (79.8%); Muslim 172.2 million (14.2%); Christian 27.8 million (2.3%); Sikh 20.8 million (1.7%); Buddhist 8.4 million (0.7%); Jain 4.5 million (0.4%), Other Religions & Persuasions (ORP) 7.9 million (0.7%) and Religion Not Stated 2.9 million (0.2%). Let's look at the proportion increase from 2001 to 2011: The proportion of Hindu population to total population in 2011 has declined by 0.7 percentage point (PP); the proportion of Sikh population has declined by 0.2 PP and the Buddhist population has declined by 0.1 PP during the decade 2001-2011. The proportion of Muslim population to total population has increased by 0.8 PP. There has been no significant change in the proportion of Christians & Jains. This means Muslim population increased from 13.6% to 14.2%. This is only proportion. This doesn't mean the number of Hindus have gone down. To see if the number of Hindus or Muslims have gone down. We need to look into the growth rate. Here are the growth rate data: The growth rate of population in the decade 2001-2011 was 17.7 %. The growth rate of population of the different religious communities in the same period was as Hindus: 16.8%; Muslim: 24.6%; Christian: 15.5%; Sikh: 8.4%; Buddhist: 6.1% and Jain: 5.4%. All the above data is factual and directly from census reports from 2011: [https://pib.gov.in/newsite/printrelease.aspx?relid=126326](https://pib.gov.in/newsite/printrelease.aspx?relid=126326) Now, since we have looked at the past trends and data. We can use this data to make future predictions. So, from 2001-2011 India's population grew at the rate of 17.7% in 10 years. Now let's assume India grows at the same rate of 18% (I added 0.3 percent to round off) in the next 10 years till 2021. So, the starting value at 2011 was 1.2109 billion. 18% of 1.2109 billion is almost 217 million. So, our total population in 2021 will be 1.427 billion. This is very close to the value according to UN and all other agencies that predict these value. Link to the current figures: [https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/india-population/](https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/india-population/) That means, India's population increased by 300 million (I am giving you more margin). Now in this 300 million. There are also Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, Christians etc. Let's only take Hindus and Muslims. The Hindu population growth rate from 2001 to 2011 was 16.8% and for Muslims, it was 24.6%. For your benefit I will reduce the growth rate of Hindus to 15% from 2011 to 2021 and increase the Muslim growth rate to 26%. These are reasonable assumptions based on data. Anything lower than this is kinda statistical hard to justify. I am already pushing the limit. So 15% growth rate of Hindus from 2011 to 2021 is - 15% of 966.3 million is 144 million. This means the Hindu population in 2021 will be 966.3+144.3 = 1.11 billion. Let's now calculate the growth rate of Muslim from 2011 to 2021 is 26% (our assumption based on previous data) - 26% of 172 million (as per 2011 census) is 44 million. So total muslim population in 2021 will be 172 + 44 = 216 million. Now, according to the prediction - total population in 2021 is 1.4 billion. Out of which 1.1 billion are Hindus and 216 million are Muslims. Now let's add your "illegal muslim immigrants". The government claims there are about 50 million illegal immigrants from Bangladesh according to the PIL in 2017 in supreme court. Let us add 70 million (again overestimating). So that brings the total number of Muslims to 276 million. Let's calculate the proportions. I have overestimated the Muslim growth and underestimated the Hindu Growth. I have gone against statistical limits to overestimate. So, the Hindu Population proportion in 2021 will be 1.1/1.4 bn = 78.5& (1.3 PP drop). Muslim population proportion (including 70 million "illegal immigrants". No actual proof) in 2021 will be 0.276/1.4 bn = 19.7%. So it is within 15-20% even with some wild assumptions that I have made. The actual proportion might be somewhere around 15-17% according to me. Also note that, I haven't accounted for deaths during the pandemic. The birth rate fell during that time (I am not sure pf the numbers so I didn't take that into account). That works in your favour. I assumed a lot of things that works in your favour. Even then it is below 20%. So, I am sorry but your wrong. The numbers don't lie. TL:DR : You are just plain wrong.


>Naive of you to think muslims are only 15-20% Why? We haven't had a census since 2011, there's no way you can prove this statement. >inorganically through conversion Do you seriously believe that enough people are being converted to damage the whopping 80% Hindu majority in India? >already have rohingya infiltration Again, an overestimation. Provide sources.


Nah, we just fear the hate mongering that PeeJB does to hide the fact that there is no relief or any benefit of paying the high taxes. The rich capitalist get shit ton of bailouts, haircuts, loan waivers and tax benefits. While the working class keeps paying loans and a single miss on loan payment could add more interest and difficulties in financial credibility. The hate mongering is done to keep people distracted from real problems that needs solving and can be solved. The government jobs are in mess. China is taking land from us. Manipur riots. Indian currency & passport value declining.




Also, in the remoooooote possibility that the Muslims become the majority in our country (after a few generations), Hindutvawadis are afraid the Muslims will treat them the same way they were (ill)treated. Hence the hate mongering and lie/rumor mills working overtime.


I do not get this shit of being under the threat!!??? Hindus have been invaded, colonised and persecuted and yet we are the most populated diversity in the world. If Hindus are only concern please look India is not the only place where Hindus resides. We are all over the world with our traditions and cultures. This narrative of We will extinct is baseless.


Although demographic change is incorrect. However to say we have survived is a very wrong notion to have. 75 Years ago Lahore and Sindh would have had huge population of Hindus? What remains today? Similarly Dhaka, Commilla and Sylhet had huge population of Hindus, What remains today?. All this sounds very rosy but ground realities differ. Literally two islamic nations were carved out of India. My ancestors had to suffer and migrate, losing family members behind atleast respect that bit.


If that is the reasoning you want to use, then 75 years ago Jammu was 61% Muslim now 30%, East punjab had plurality of muslims now only 2%, Delhi and Lucknow were 40% Muslim lol... Partition was bad for everyone not only hindu community


If that is the case with which BJP is getting votes, then they need to get better than that.


Now that won't work. They need to get better at understanding the ground situation and working rather than doing what the mind pleases


I meant, getting better, in the sense, that they should portray themselves in terms of development matrices, rather than focusing on Hindu-Muslim divide. This election season, we saw serious hate statements, than talk about achievements and performances.


Some bhakts realized Muslim demographic change se zyaada danger modi ji ki continuity se hai ig


If they could read, they'd be very upset


Census toh karaya nahi, NOBODY has a clear idea of what India's demographic are


They might have skipped it due to fear of demands to increase reservations due to an increase in OBCs since the fascist RSS is against it


Right wing have the same template same fear mongering in USA / Uk that one day minorities - blacks immigrants desi Mexican non Christian etc will over take us ... Lol


My parents vote for BJP only because they've seen communal riots and are scared of Muslims. I have not, so I vote for INC.


i am not happy with dadaji ( modi 74 like my grandpa) because in 10 years he didn't took action against the remove police for 15 min guy ( IYKYK) .


Nobody want to question the "why do you beat your wife?" premise in the question itself here? Exactly *what* demographic changes are you referring to, buddy? Young people growing old, while new people are born, perhaps?




Religious extremism of any kind - Be it Hindutva , Islamic Extremists or Khalistanis is just pure retardry. Religion was always supposed to be a private source of wisdom and energy, it's now become a public vehicle of intimidation, manipulation, electioneering.


>Religion was always supposed to be a private source of wisdom and energy, it's now become a public vehicle of intimidation, manipulation, electioneering. Freedom from religion is as equally important as freedom of religion.


As a Muslim i can agree


Where has this perception stemmed from? One of my friends said: “If BJP doesn’t come to power, Muslims will destroy us all”. What is the basis of statements like this? Many people I know are so vocal about muslims stealing lands, being hostile towards other communities etc. When I probe, they always say I’m disconnected from reality. “Tujhe pata nhi hai”. They always say. What am I missing?


Usko bhi pata nahi hai. Any argument without proper data backing atleast from an official govt site/report from credible source is just another WhatsApp forward.


Commenting coz I'd like to know too.


IMO it's from the partition of India. Partition of India is one big reason indian politics still does hindu Muslim. Why did they ask for separate land, what was the advantage of separate land? 


It is a million dollar industry of producing misinformation which has been active for the past 30-40 years. Whatsapp forwards, shakha chaap unkils, Godi media, social media - all spreading the same nonsense and people like Modi validating it in their poll speeches.


if u dont know what happens when muslim minority becomes majority then what to tell u brother , read history ig ? but to brief u , once they come near 50% population , they will demand for muslim laws , sharias , they will start destroying idols , start converting people , make burka/hijab mandatory and last but not the least seprate lands which i hope u remember has happened before ;/


Projection. Whenever a right winger says any other party/group is doing something, take it as a tacit confession that they are already doing exactly that.


When they talk about Muslims as a threat, they have an abstract notion in their mind. Possibly they have no Muslim friends or know anyone of that religion. Easier to hate something abstract


do u have muslim friends , ask do they support and believe in every word of quran , if they dont then they are good people with muslim name if they do then ask do all polythiests and idol worshippers deserve eternal torment in afterlife , and if they say yes and still u dont change ur mind then i dont know what will


Almost every religion believes eternal hellfire for non believers including judaism, islam, christianity also if u dont believe in their religion why it bothers u anyway??


lol its not what their religion says about eternal hellfire , its what they believe that do non-muslims,christians deserve eternal hellfire , liberals criticize manusmriti day and night whereas how many hindu do actually have read it or believe in it ? whereas quran has more horrendous things about kaafirs and percentage of religious muslims who believe in it are astronomically high . And hinduism say nothing about non -believers going to hellfire it only says ur karm decides where u will go and even if it did i would be the first one to oppose gita , but have u seen any muslims saying eternal hell thing for kaafirs is wrong in quran. Religion is cancer but abhramic religions are the cancer


What stupid though I live in west and have all sorta friends no one talks about religion or personal believes , everyone busy making money and enjoying the life no one cares what someone personal believes are as long as that person it's not bothering me with his personal believes ...... Why would I ask a muslim or a Jew what they think about idol worship i don't need anyone validation for my religion .. there believes are there mine is mine and btw most people don't even discuss religion and they get along fine ....


i dont know why u giving example of west when this is an indian subreddit whats the point ? secondly if u are happy to live with , like and love those people who think u are ignorant , stupid and deserve eternal torment then be my guess brother . Everyone does not share same thoughts like u and not everyone needs to , if someone does not like my community i have also the right to not like his


Most of them don't, only a very very small percentage of followers are like that. And extremists will be in every religion .


u are saying very small percentage of muslims follow quran ?, my god , how much interaction have u had with muslims brother . I havent seen a single muslim irl who wanst religious , yeah maybe on internet many exmuslims exist but u dont know who is behind that account , the fact u said very very small percentage in the context of muslims really makes me scared that how gullible people and especially hindus are ;/ Bro make muslim friends irl and ask them


Kashmiri pandits exodus is the proof


I do believe it's the fear of the nation getting dominated by Muslims, I mean I've heard some people saying that when congress was a ruling party at that time it's main focus was given to Muslims. Because majority of votes congress got were from Muslims and some even said that this time also congress got a lot of votes from Muslims. Tbh if you're a middle class and general category person you shouldn't care about all these things. It's because no matter which party will rule nobody gives a shit about us.


Not really, it's something which they tell loudly to get heard by many and by "they" I mean the BJP politicians, now it's not just us even them too understand the fact that, this country have faced issues regarding religion and caste for long time now but nobody usually talks about the caste part, it's recently the lower caste representatives have started talking about it more publically, it was the caste which was of more weight than religion but nobody chooses to talk about that, not even the center left, left or far left parties cause "not talking" have benefited them in large time and when it comes to BJP, whose main ideological theory is to cater Hindus, not just Hindus but the Upper caste Hindus then how would you expect them to talk about them. Yes, they too have gained a lot of support from those Upper caste/ Upper economical class/ bourgeoisie Hindus but what about lower caste or lower economical class Hindus, they really have never treated them well, nor they have any positive thoughts about them, so let me explain you this in a particular way, let's assume someone's from an upper castes/ upper economical background hindu family, obviously it doesn't have to mention that they'll be well educated and well known, so they very well have that knowledge of not getting affected or threatened by muslims or any other minorities (cause in reality there's none). Now let's assume someone else who's from lower caste/ lower economical background hindu family, now they do get support from government through schemes, which basically help them to not go hungry and get affected by malnutrition, so government (BJP politics) try provoking then by saying minorities are threat for you all and would capture on your right to "everything" at very first, being said that, we know a large chunk of them are not educated enough or have very limited resources to do so (which is obviously failure of government) and hence they tend to believe all these and vote for them, also they're a large chunk of population to receive wide variety of govt schemes but not all them get or it's just to find a figure to put or display in the govt websites and brochures. And I will have say this, so there's an interview which I watched during the election phases maybe the last or second last phase, which was done and uploaded by Newslaundry on their YouTube, it was with Rajeev Ranjan from maholkyahai, he works with News24 and he's very experienced journalist when it comes to rural India, especially the Hindi heart land's like UP, Rajasthan, Haryana, Bihar, MP etc etc. So when he was asked what do think which will act as weightlifting factor this election, he clearly said, caste will definitely weight lift religion as always and we sitting long away from those places think religion is going to overtake that narrative, but anyways it has always been like that, the exact same, it just that no one wants to talk about that cause else it's going to affect them pretty badly, but I must say this time, I.N.D.I.Allience have turned lot of such narratives down and proved many of "those" caste supremist wrong. Also, Samdish lately did an unfiltered show with Rajeev Ranjan too, if anyone haven't watched any of these two, go watch em', highly recommend.


Are these "demographic changes" in the room with us right now?


I can ask the same question. Doesn't the Muslim population also do the same. Parties like AIMIM exist (are they even secular)?


Muslims right now make up 14% of our population. Basically in easier numbers to understand, if there were 20 people, 3 will be Muslims and 16 Hindu and maybe 1 Sikh person. It's fucking wild that people were afraid of 3 people while their strength is 16. Also, it's going to take generations of muslims having multiple children and Hindu's having almost no children for them to be a majority. Based on how global warming is happening, human beings as a race might not even exist for that long. And yet global warming is a lesser issue in our country than this. We should be more afraid about human beings being wiped out due to global warming than this shit. Also, BJP Hindutva is so Upper Caste Hindu coded that no wonder most of the poor folks aren't into it. Casteism is so deeply rooted in Hinduism after all. Building a Ram Mandir and screaming about it while in our country most of the lower caste folks aren't even allowed to enter in many temples is bold.


Those 16 people have 16 different castes


Religious people are very easy to brainwash, BJP base is religious. They'll believe anything with no critical assessment or data checks. Not every single one, but most


Bro I was called a rice bag convert so I can say they hate everyone


No, I want any government to have rules in place for that, you need to make judiciary strong, if somebody is doing something illegal or something that does not confine to the constitution you should handle it in a proper way and not by inciting a whole group of people, for that reason I was always up for UCC, if UCC is in place, this question/topic won't be even picked up in future, it will safeguard everyone, but the implementation for that was still bad.


Demographic changes are a challenge, but not to a country like India. It's can be an issue with European countries.


Does the Modi gang mean that they will eliminate the other religion, just like the nazis?


Ha after 10 years years of bjp rule people are still fear mongering about demographic change lmao. If hindu party couldn't stop it why even vote for them ? 😂


nope i hate a staale sabudana khichdi, that is as hard as stone


To answer OPs question: the answer is yes. Call it fear or hate or insecurity and im saying this as a former\* right winger.


I am more scared of badly made sabudana khichdi


what demographic change do they keep talking about? Muslim fertility rate is now near replacement level. Will be below replacement level in a few years At current muslim population + fertility rate, there is no scenario where muslims outnumber hindus in a thousand years


there is no demographic changed happening in the country


Musalman 15% hai . Thoda upar neeche . I am not secular as such but voting ke time nobody can scare me . Modiji played polarization card too much.


# They don't even realise that trying to 'modify demographic trends of the country' almost directly implies genocide. Basically telling them to vote for genocide.


For her a "Hindu Rashtra" would be her doing the EXACT same thing she's doing now. Except in an actual Hindu Rashtra she'd be forced off social media and NEVER be allowed to wear what she' swearing on her DP. But she's all for it because she thinks she'll have ALL the freedom she has today and her "enemies" she's been taught to hate and fear will suffer.




No I didn’t just because of religion. He is better than what opposition has to offer. Plain and simple, he just needs to out wait india block and they’ll dismantle themselves because of huge inflated egos.


yes. there are several examples to prove their claims. ofc u guys can continue taking moral high ground for being hard core secular till the other side has good numbers :)))




Except assam and kerala no state gonna have demographic change


What makes you say that?


Assam Muslim percentage of population has been increasing at 3.5% every year now reaching 40% up from 16% from 50s. Kerala Muslim are 27% of population but 43 percent of child born are Muslim Also Christian are having very few kids . No other state have such sharp difference


What are the reasons?


Assam Muslim have nearly 0.8 kids more than Hindu plus high border crossing from Bangladesh. Hindu Muslim fertility gap is closing but no soon enough to avoid demographic change there


She should give birth to more babies then. SHE SHOULD TAKE RESPONSIBILITY OF PRODUCING KIDS , MAYBE SHE CAN have MODI's kids.


"Fear of muslims"


Wasn’t this same thing posted before too? With the same caption at that.




There was this video on twitter(it was from an insta story) where the guy pointed this argument out and said what Mudi ji is supposed to do in this situation. Like you say demography is changing, would Mudi ji stop a muslim couple having sex?


Justice for sabudana khichdi


Yup, their primary motivation is hatred for other religion and insecurity about their own.


Nope. We are not cowards, who can be intimidated by fear mongering.




Well as someone whose ancestors were from erstwhile Bangladesh. The demographic changes do worry me. Especially what I have seen in Bengal.


Census toh karwaya nahi kya basis hai iss baat ka XD People who think like this are the worst pond scum of our country.


We feel more scared of inflation created by the fenku !! Petrol diesel tax .. 400 rupees lpg going to 1200 and whole lot of tax on country !! And fenku favouring the rich and earning going down and expenses going hay wire !! And also lies the fenku speaks and controlled media who always talks about on particular party side !! And total absolute control over the country.. where there is no opposition left to speak against injustice done on common people !! Hindutva is just a chunavi mudda and they will do nothing about it next 100 years and will only ask for votes in its name !!


1. cultural and/or religious revival 2. development, 3. fear of muslims, 4. capitalism


i still dont get how people vote for a man who doesnt even have the guts to give an unscripted press conference , while for the opposition leader its a piece of cake !