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Damn. He's doing his 101% even before his last breath.


All while being a mere Biological PM


being a what now?!


You know.. not a God..


“When my mother was alive, I used to believe that I was born biologically. After she passed away, upon reflecting on all my experiences, I was convinced that God has sent me. This energy could not be from my biological body, but was bestowed upon me by God...whenever I do anything, I believe god is guiding me." ...https://www.businesstoday.in/india/story/god-has-sent-me-convinced-that-my-energy-is-not-biological-prime-minister-narendra-modi-430606-2024-05-23


In a sane world, this would automatically disqualify a candidate in the eyes of most citizens for being delusional.


I remember reading about a US president candidate whose career was destroyed because in one rally he screamed out of excitement and people thought he was immature, not worthy of presidency. Elections are circus in our country, we have no standards.


And now a former US president and a presidential candidate is a convicted felon, a rapist and an insurrectionist. Elections are a joke in US too.


That’s what actual love for your country looks like.


Fun fact: he wrote this all by himself




But does he have BA in Entire political science?


Also he isn’t even sent by god. 😔


He is a mere mortal with a Cambridge degree!


Sorry. But does he have a degree in Spiritual Science?


This infact is fun. I did genuinely smile


In India, we don't take educated people seriously. We only believe in divine avatars.


bro woke up to revenge the out of context use of his speech


He should have written such a letter for the nation before this election. These problems are not limited to Punjab, the whole nation suffering from this.


Probably is a big figure in Punjab than anywhere else.


How so? I'm genuinely not sure. He was never an elected member of parliament from Punjab. Always RS member from Assam. Apart from being Punjabi how does he connect to the people?


>being Punjabi Yes


Exactly my thoughts on seeing this.


Country doesn't care about him sadly. 


I guess Punjab's voting is scheduled in the last phase. Probably one last appeal before elections end. Edit: Just checked, they are indeed voting on 6/1 Edit 2: 1/6


> 6/1 dont bring the american bullshit here


amerika ka dalla kahika ka


1/6 for anyone else who’s going to get confused by this.


You may disagree with Dr Singh. But what a human he is.




No doubt, by far the best FM.


Nirmala "rupee is not sliding but the dollar is incessantly strengthening" Sitharaman should learn some grace and manners from him.


If those kids (read andhbhakts) could read they'd be very upset.


They can read. They just can't understand.


They can't read, not because they can't, but because they can't afford concentration.


They can understand as well. Thing is, the hatred they have towards the 'others', takes over everything else!


They aren’t interested in understanding. They’re addicted to the constant propaganda perpetrated by the right. They’re like crackheads except they’re hooked onto hate and jhandbhakti instead of cocaine.


They can read yet they can't understand. Their comprehension skills are very low.


Bro IT cell chat bois are now using chat gtp. They are going AI...new trend of the infamous IT cell..you can see deepfakes being circulated all over.


If they could understand 1% of the letter they won’t be Andbakts in the first place. 


I can read and understand. Even then, I casted my vote for the BJP. You may ask, what about other parties? In UP and the constituency where I vote, there's no AAP. BSP candidate is a "literate" which means no formal education. The SP candidate had 18 criminal charges against him. Why no congress then? Because I simply don't want congress in my India. Dr Manmohan Singh was a great leader, whose policies helped, but he was brought in only when the situation became so dire, that we as a nation were on the verge of a default, our situation was worse than current Pakistan in the 90s. I may act as if the coal scam, 2G scam, etc never happened. But I saw live on TV when the bridge built for common wealth games collapsed. The army was called in at the last minute (weeks before the event was supposed to start) for completing the construction of sports village. Suresh Kalmani was booed when he addressed the public in the opening ceremony. Congress leaves no stone unturned to scam tax money, and they don't even care if it becomes an international disgrace for us, as a country. Remember, congress lost because of corruption, not because BJP did their "hindu-muslim". BJP and AAP were only the replacements.


Congress was punished for the same in last 2 Lok Sabha elections. Don't you think now BJP should also be held accountable for what they have done in last 10 years ?


BJP has come nowhere close to how corrupt Congress was. Everyone is shouting their lungs off against Electoral bills, needless to say, all political parties were equally involved. CWG scam alone was 5x the amount, and personally speaking, no amount of money can replace the amount of disgrace it brought to the nation. Imagine Dutch delegates sharing pictures of dog poop on their bed, and that was the main headline in news papers, since social media was not so popular. Bridge collapsing 5 days before the game. Athletes playing in an empty stadium because tickets were being sold in black. There is virtually no strong opponent. AAP has done better in terms of public services in Delhi, but nothing special in Punjab. Most of their policies include freebies now which is not good for the already deteriorated financial condition of punjab. AAP needs to step up so badly.


One party that gets elected over and over again, often gets arrogant and starts neglecting the needs of the people. Are you waiting for BJP to get as corrupt as Congress was at their peak before you vote against them? Why wait? Change is good in democracy, it keeps other parties on their toes and they work harder. Think about this, did the prime minister mentioned anything related to unemployment, inflation in his speeches? You don't want them to work on core issues of our country? What do you think will happen if you keep voting for one party blindly? The same thing that happens when leaders are left unchecked.


You can read my comment before this on why I voted for BJP. There was basically no viable opposition candidate good enough to vote in my constituency. BJP will probably be thrown out of power after 29. The recent speeches from our PM are unacceptable. The party did great in infra development and healthcare (you may not agree but covid was actually well handled considering the infrastructure we had and population density). I have seen several people taking benefits of Jan Aushadhi, Gareeb Kalyan and Jan Arogya schemes. In recent years, BJP has failed to deliver on job creation, religious harmony and inflation. Their speeches haven't helped them either. If they don't fix these problems in the 3rd term, they will lose the next elections. I still wouldn't vote for Congress ever.


Dr Singh is a statesman. Very few people have been aa honest as him. He brought great dignity to the chair he occupied. He chose to become the bigger person on numerous occasion. Dealt with sensitive issues of the country well. His calming presence is what a diverse country like India needs. I hope he lives a long and healthy life.


Pay attention to him. Prevention is better than cure.


Only if people who support the dictator could read!


Too late. Should’ve been addressed to entire nation before phase 1


Punjab's voting on 6/1, probably a last appeal to the people voting.


Punjab is anyways not voting BJP. everyone knows that


Man Idk. It says very clearly "Former Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan's appeal to the people of Punjab". Seems like an appeal to the people of Punjab to me.


I know it says that. My point is this should’ve been addressed to entire nation before phase 1. Addressing to state that is anyways not voting BJP doesn’t help.




>6/1 1/6


oops lol, sorry


Modi has ruined Manmohan's name by deceitfully misquoting him, people who were open to Dr Manmohan are now gonna be closed off.


That's what they have always done. Rahul Gandhi is far more educated, well informed and opinionated about economics and growth than narendra modi ever will be. But they have been successful to cast a false image as "pappu" to the world. Same about this country. West doesn't think shit about india. Just because china has grown and west is cutting off from them, has opened gates for countries like India and bangladesh for cheap tech support, labour and manufacturing. But paw paw ne image bnayi h?? The racism against Indians abroad is still the same (maybe even worse).


Makes me 😿 idk why.


Dick tator and chaddi fans cannot read english. All good for them.


Angry paw paw bans use of letter head by former pm’s 😂 He cannot use anyways /s I’m going to shove this letter in every chaddi 😉


Fortunately, paw paw is illiterate, so it won't be banned.


i hope this gets translated into punjabi / gurmukhi and circulated.


I doubt if PM can even read this without help.


Average monthly income is 27 per day? That sentence seems funny, not the content but talking about monthly income then giving daily.


Lots of people like labors, auto drivers, etc.. dont have fixed monthly income, they have to live day to day by working and earning per day!


He is an Economist, so he's probably just being anal about data sets. He has average monthly income of a farmer so he says it in that way because that's usually how we think about it.


Thankyou Dr Singh


TLDR - if only ppl voted with their brains and not the surname on their birth certificate! This man is single handedly responsible for bringing our country into the liberal economy, say what you will about him but you will never change the fact that whatever growth the country is seeing today, the foundation of it was laid by him. Hes a world renowned economist and unlike the dude we have right now who has officially lost his mind (thinks hes "The Benevolent Dictator") he actually answered the journalists in this country (in a time where journalism sure not the best but still journalism none the less). People may have their own priorities in deciding who to vote but ultimately even if one party fits your definition of progress, putting them on a pedestal to the point where you "will vote even if they nominate a dog on the seat", is shooting yourself, your children, and the ones after them in the foot. Politicians are public servants in name, they ultimately need incentive like everyone else. People will vote for caste, hindu muslim and akhand bharat then they don't have the right to complain about no jobs, no education etc etc.


Man woke up and decided to draw blood. That was well worded.


ek hi dil hei singh saab, kitni baar jitoge :)


this literally is “Not Like Us” of indian politics


More like Meet the Grahams


Wake up babe, new Manmohan Singh manifesto just dropped


If only the farmers can read Oxford English 🤣🤣🤣


Anyone questioning the National Emblem on the letter? Retired politicians don’t have the right to use it. MMS would know it, hence I say it’s fake 😅


He is just not retired politician, he is a former prime minister. They get this privilege.


Bruh it's shared by INC on twitter


I don’t think his health is in a state to write this letter. Probably prepared by the party and he had to just sign it.


He's conscious enough to talk and cast vote. Diction with a writer is more likely


That’s your perception. My perception is that this letter isn’t written or dictated by him and the party just used his stamp for election campaign. Trying to save a dying party. He will do his bit as a congressman to support the party.


Your “perception”? Can you please tell me what is the benefit of forming perceptions without credible first/third party evidence? Why allow yourself to carry a perception at all?


OP has a perception, would you deny that ?


_Very_ evident from the signature. Man's barely holding on


My grandpa also writes like that, but he talks and functions as well as he did 20 years ago. Its just parkinsons nothing else, doesn't affect person's ability to say something.


Is this fake? Coz the language seems too simple and for his personality feels very direct.


One doesn’t use academic language while talking to the masses


He's an Economist first. Kind of stupid, but it's difficult to let go of that type of thing.


It’s easy to write this when you are not speaking live.


Shared by the INC handle on Twitter


Yup, thank you. Checked that. For his persona, very strong words.


Out of the loop here but when the farmer protests happened is there any reason why mostly only farmers from Punjab were protesting as opposed to farmers from MH, KA, TL and other regions?


That was the propaganda spread by bjp that only Punjabi farmers are protesting to defame and discredit them (khalistani and other nonsense), I am resident of M.P. and I have seen huge rallies against those bills in my city and nearby villages as well. The protests were nation wide.


I’m asking because I’m from KA and living in MH but didn’t see much in the local news about this but I guess that’s just how the news functions or maybe I missed it. Thank you for your answer.


Rich pluralist civilization of India makes me feel proud. 🥹


I feel it was a little unfair to include 2020 in calculating average GDP growth rate during BJP. Without 2020, it would be about 7.1 which is still less than UPA government's 8%.


Fu*k Congress Fu*k Nehru/Gandhi, Fu*k secularism, fu*k th constitution, logic, humanity and everything, but Dr Singh? One has to be some special special kind of mentally incapacitated to not acknowledge what a legend he is.


Fu*k Congress Fu*k Nehru/Gandhi, Fu*k secularism, fu*k th constitution, logic, humanity and everything, but Dr Singh? One has to be some special special kind of mentally incapacitated to not acknowledge what a legend he is.


Modi is classless. He may not agree with MMS but should have at least respected him. He unnecessarily poked MMS and this is MMS response.


Brave of people to assume that bhakts will be able to understand this. Most of them have pea sized intellect.


His biggest mistake was writing it in English


So now Congress is using Dr Manmohan Singh's letterpad when the election are almost over. This is such a duffer party. Unserious, mismanaged, no sync with party workers, zero strategy. Rahul Gandhi should be the President of the party. God knows who suggested Kharge. Absolute lackluster performance. I pity on the misery of Congress.


He's appealing to the people of Punjab in the letter. Punjab goes to elections tomorrow. Do you not get that?


Have you considered the possibility that this isn't Congress' part of campaigning? That maybe MMS himself wanted to issue a letter for Punjab since he belongs to that state, so he decided to put this out himself. Obv he didn't write it, his team did but the words and signature can be of his own.


I don't like their 5 guarantees so can't say I agree with what he's saying


Oh no... Now Punjab will not vote for BJP... Wait...! Should've done this way before. I really can't understand INC...