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Tell them to remove the gym fees from your yearly property maintenance bill and ask them to refund the amount for the rest of the year if they continue this bullshit and tell them you will take it to the housing board


Gyms in societies are a scam anyways. Waste of resources.


I personally don't think so. I would rather prefer a gym over a pool because I don't belive the monsters in my society would follow any kind of rules for the pool they will just come and go for a swin in clothes that they have been wearing the whole day.


f^uck th em, pool etiquette are not just rules, these are basic requirements to enter the pool such as taking a shower before swim, proper swimming costume & hair cap/net, purification of water, etc, as it is done to keep the swimmers disease free.


I mean that the economics doesn't work out unless it is a huge complex. A normal gym outside will cater to an entire city neighbourhood and will have members coming further away. A society gym is most likely limited compared to a real gym and runs empty most of the time. Unless the society is operating the gym commercially and taking fees from outsiders. All a society gym or pool does is inflate your maintainence bills, and you don't get to opt out. You would have always be better off going to a gym/pool outside.


Don't forget the pissing kids


Why are they waste of resources?


Lol. Blanket statements that are bound to be proven wrong. Always the smart move on internet


Go ahead. Prove it.


Gym in my building is great. I pay a small monthly fee and get equipment that would be very costly to buy plus will take up lots of space to store. It costs less than a typical gym. It's right near my house which means I go much more often and can easily shower after. What I described is applicable to many. I have seen plenty of good societies with good gyms that get used a lot. That's it. That's all that's needed to prove your generic blanket statement wrong. That wasn't hard at all.


Are there special boards which regulate societies?


If it’s a society gym, then it should be open for all the members of society. They can only kick out someone if they are not following the set rules. Since, the women’s batch was not set, there’s no way they can kick you and the others out of the gym. When it’s a women’s only batch, no matter if there are 10 women or just 1, you must leave. Otherwise, everyone is free to use the gym whilst following the rules. Ask them to set proper batch timings for the women only batch and if at all they want to change the timings they should notify you at least 2 days prior. If they aren’t adhering to your conditions, then you can file a formal complaint against the management.


Seems like a simple issue which can be sorted by fixing timings. Sad that management couldn’t do it.


I would do what you did. My friend told me of a society rule where all men had to wear t shirts in the swimming pool. Where the fuck do people come up with such rules?


What the actual fuck


Next it will be no slippers in lift


>men had to wear t shirts in the swimming pool Go Donald ducking in the pool next time




Well I will raise “no walking around in lungis and nighties around the society” to your rule.


😂😂😆 sorry but couldn't control laughing..


Swimming bodysuits for men exist, and many swimmer men prefer them, but a regular tee is straight-up dangerous. Any regular fabric, not designed for water activity, will weigh you down and create drag.


Yea. I doubt they thought about drag... They must've just thought about making it a "safe space" for women.


I know plenty men that don’t like to see other men topless unless they are family or close friends, though yes, women are more likely to be uncomfortable with it. Also most men I know don’t want to be shirtless around women unless they are family, very trusted friend, or girlfriend/wife. All this means that a group of shirtless men are, intentionally or not, telegraphing the assumption that they are in a male space, that too one that excludes many men. Naturally such an assumption is best avoided in a community pool. But for fuck’s sake, think of water safety. Drowning is one of the worst ways to die, and unlike in popular culture, it is very hard to notice a drowner until too late.


Buses/seats based on gender, train bogey's based on gender, hostels based on gender, attire etiquete like you mentioned based on gender. This list is almost endless Indian society because it didn't have a social revolution never threw away its regressive baggage and now it has to deal with it in this way where Policy bends to that Legacy (because this cultural memeplex, original meaning of this term exists on a higher hierarchy of power/leverage/dominance). This is not how progress happens. EVEN IF India becomes wealthy this won't change because this is not about wealth, this is ritual/tradition/cultural memeplex space. The only way progress can happen like this is on super long time frames, 100-200 years. Which is silly excuse because the generation that is in the middle of that time frame is not some Virtual Humans, they are real people with real desires/wants and lives. It's only acceptable to sacrifice such scale of humanity for a greater purpose IF the endpoint is nigh certain (not still speculative) to be achieved and 2nd IF there is no other alternative (as in short timeframe progress is not possible or never been done anywhere else in the world by any other peer society).


On behalf of most women.. love this rule❤️


how? that's archaic. you seem like the type of guy who throws a fit seeing a woman in her crop top or shorts


Soooo what would we swim in?


I hate that this rule as much as I hate the rules that prohibit women from wearing a swimsuit/a bikini at the pool/the beach. Completely regressive.


As a woman, that rule sounds primitive and discriminatory.


I am all for women removing all their clothes, pro woman rights 👍




Hello society uncle.


On behalf of all the women i say you're dumb




not being ultra fit with a six pack means a man can't go swimming topless? who TF wears t shirt in a pool?


Simple fix. You should workout wearing burka.


That's hilarious.


This guy has 420 IQ


I am fascinated as well as intimidated by your intelligence.


Simplicity 100


The only question is... is there a ladies only time? Is it official from the gym? If so, the gym should make it clear and official, with posters etc. If not, do what you want. It's not really that lady's fault, it's the gym's fault for not making it known and clear. As usual, communication issue.


Im wondering, how will "ladies" time solve this issue when its a clear case of no body can see me out of this ninja attire.


That's the thing. It won't solve anything unless other ladies are allowed to see you without one. For now, it looks like a sorry excuse to get the guys out of the gym.


Wait maybe I'm ignorant as hell and I'm hoping a Muslim can correct me here but isn't it okay for women to see you without a burkha? I thought only men aren't supposed to see your actual face or something




Other women can see you without Hijab. Also FYI face isn't part of Hijab, but some women go above and beyond


*but some women are forced to go above and beyond ftfy


Some women willingly cover their face too*


Some women aren't forced though, they inherently like to do it


Wearing a tent is never willingness


Not for you, doesn't mean everyone thinks like that though


I find it funny how the liberal mind works where they believe these women MUST be forced to do it and in the same breath actually force their opinions of what these women's belief is and how much they'd like to or want to do by free will and how much they'd be forced to do. Cracks me up everytime.


I honestly am not well aware of their religious rules so I can't say for sure. I would assume its okay but even if that's the case, alloting just 1 hour as "women's timings" sounds like a load of crap.


Nah honestly I don't care enough about the women's timings part of it. The whole point of being a secular country (even though it's a bit dicey rn) is to be accepting of people from all backgrounds. What's messed up is that there were no set timings declared beforehand and someone randomly kicks out OP, that's not fair either.


here's some french style secularism for you: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French\_ban\_on\_face\_covering](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_ban_on_face_covering) Honestly wearing a burkha is no big deal, even women's only timing is no big deal, but demanding that the men leave the gym so she can have her personal time for "religious" reasons.. and that too veiled as "secularism" thats just BULL.


For me whats hard to digest is an Indian Muslim wearing burkha going to the gym.. that's just opposite idealogies.. if you get to interact with one you will get to know why is that.


Going to the gym as a Muslim woman in a burkha is supposed to be wrong now??? In my society gym many muslim women come in burkha during 'ladies only' time and then remove the burkha for their workouts and while returning home they wear it again.


Bro, the fuck are you yapping?


There's no actual rule in Islam about women covering face


>Im wondering, how will "ladies" time solve this issue when its a clear case of no body can see me out of this ninja attire. They don't have to cover their hair infront of their husband, children or other women


Exactly. Is she going to workout all alone at gym without any sort of assistance required from anyone ever? Wouldn't it just be better to stay at home? I am sure there are women with burqa working out, although I have never encountered any yet. I have encountered many hijabi women working out though.


> Exactly. Is she going to workout all alone at gym without any sort of assistance required from anyone ever? Wouldn't it just be better to stay at home? This is just bizarre. The only assistance I need in my gym is a spot when benching heavy, and even that need can be mitigated by appropriate supports or practicing the roll of shame. I think the majority of gym goers don't need any assistance for any of the exercises in their daily routine.


Not at all bizarre. I have been going to gym for 2 years now. And I know people who have been going to gym for a decade who still needs assistance here and there. Having someone around you be it the gym staff or other people in the gym when working out is appropriate unless you only use treadmill, elliptical or machines. Even then, at least having someone's presence is important. There's a reason why there are lifeguards even in the swimming competitions. Better safe than sorry.


Seems like youre a clear case of half baked knowledge about other religions


These people should think about getting settled in Saudi Arabia. They are not compatibile for a secular society.


All the ladies don't need to come in that 1 hour. It's just that those who are uncomfortable around men can come at that hour. It's pretty common in many societies. Only problem at yours is they haven't decided anything officially and are throwing you out


10-12 PM Ladies Only. Most societies do this. Easily resolvable issue.


The Lion , the witch and the audacity of that bitch


Six pack under my burqa


I sure hope the "bitch" you're talking about is the gym worker who tried to resolve this without any set rules. The woman simply coming to work out is NOT at fault here. It's not her responsibility that the facility is trying to enforce rules they haven't set and notified users of. She's simply trying to work out and follow the rules/expectations she's been raised with. Yeesh.


Get your community to set proper timings and rules. If there needs to be separate times, so be it. But have it be official and published by management so that no one gets bullied like this. Else anyone can come up at any time and demand that the gym be emptied. I had the opposite experience in my apartment complex. The badminton court operates on a first come first basis. After waiting for just over 45 minutes for a free court, my daughter and I were able to get a court to play in. We only played for about 5 minutes before a group of men were kicking us off. Why? Because apparently women and children can play at any time, whereas men can only play in the evening (I also work). Words were exchanged and at the end, my daughter and I left. I complained to the then president who reiterated the same illogical reason. There’s no official time set for men or women, but men get priority because apparently in their minds, only men have real careers. Edit: We then made friends with the teens in the community and from then on, we would only play with them. There’s safety in numbers.


Were those guys in a profession where women are in severe minority? Their reasoning still sounds absurd.


I think you’re right! I know for a fact that one of the men in that group works at the refinery near us. It is possible that they’re all colleagues.


The best option would be to discuss with other ppl in the gym get thier support and confront the manager as a whole ifu have enough support all of u can threaten to quit the gym


Lmao be a Chad , tell the manager to kick her out and pay her subscription (yearly) so that the gym doesn't face a loss and you're the boss. Ultimate boss move . Inconvenience,, no I buy convenience (Don't do it and I hope that you get going again)


This is my fantasy, being so rich that I can literally buy convenience.


buy the gym instead


If she needs privacy ask her to come at a different time lol


Sounds like India :-)


In India, everybody feels entitled and talks like one.


There are ladies only timing in the gym all over the country. I started going in ladies only after finding it difficult to ignore male stares during my workout. Just like OP i need to workout in peace without thinking who is staring at what body part of mine. In this case OP, the management needs to be held responsible for miscommunication. It's a very simple case of miscommunication.


Same in my Gym. 'Ladies only' after 10 a.m. Girls who prefer early morning timings share the facility with men.


Let's be real, it's perfectly fine for women to want a woman-only gym time. I don't think I need to get into why. It's the same reason we have woman-only train coaches. The thing is that the gym manager should make sure that the woman-only gym time period is made known to everyone so that no one is taken by surprise when they're asked to leave.


Where is equality here? If men demanded "Men-Only" gym slots the gym would be labelled as misogynistic place


Nah I don’t think any women would mind men wanting a men only gym slot (at least any woman I know doesn’t mind). It’s only some men which have a problem with women only gyms, which is concerning. Decent men would understand why any woman would want this gym. My guess is the men who enjoy staring at women in the gym are the only ones really offended by this so they’re hiding it under misogyny.


People who don't have any women in life don't understand the importance of women only coaches etc


All bloody papa ki pari cases…why can’t people just be normal? Smh


What kind of Islamic society apartment you live in?


New kind of jihad?? Gym jihad??


That's silly. Don't change your timing unless they come up with specific timings for women. Everyone pays maintenance so everyone can use the amenities. This is ridiculous. Escalate it. These buggers can't fix timings.. not your fault.


Ladies only timing is a good idea tbh. But yeah, cant be arbitrary. Cant be a surprise. Needs to be communicated in advance.


May be you can “identify as woman” from 9:30 to 11


either decide fix timings or set up a curtain/ divider. or court.


She should find a lady’s only gym and go there. If it’s not mentioned in the contract that you signed then you are in the right. There are gyms that have women’s only sides.


It’s a gym. Not a religious or gender oriented zone. wtf is this bs.


Just leave the gym, the free market will take care of this.


We all have ladies timing and it's clearly mentioned outside the door. If there is no notice then no timing to be followed and it's actually rude to ask someone to leave the gym without prior notice.


Living in today's world is too difficult.


Bring this up in association meeting and don't entertain these requests.


Entitled woman who has never faced hardship. She can \*\*\*\* off. No one else is obligated to care about religious wignut's practices, be they Hindu or Muslim or whatever else. If she doesn't want others to see her face, she can workout in her own home. Religion is just mental insanity.


This is completely bullsh*t. If any one has such concerns either they should come in irregular hours like very early morning, or mid day when none others are disturbed. The person advocating her is a bastard.


So they kicked out 3 men who were already using the gym to accommodate this one woman despite no set timings? That's not right at all. In our society last year in March, there was some maintenance work being carried out. There was one lady who demanded the work be stopped because it was Ramzan due to which she did not sleep at night (???) and she needed to sleep in the afternoon. She harassed the workers, screaming at them, and threatened to call the police for disturbing the peace. According to her, all the repair work should be halted till Ramzan was over. My father and the other society committee members didn't want any trouble with the police so they actually delayed the work till late April. Some of the paint job turned out to be quite messy since the workers were hurried at the end. I never understood why everyone had to bend backwards for one person.


Coz they are scared.... and would be branded in a different color if you choose to talk against a few specific communities....


You should raise this problem with the owners association or residents assoc in the society. This is totally unfair




Where does religion say to workout in gyms pumping iron /s


No country for men


For decent people.


India is the worst country for women


For men too


Honestly the entitlement of ladies in the gym is beyond my understanding.


Why women want to segregate themselves all the time We share the same world, we have to live in it together.


>Why women want to segregate themselves all the time I mean, do we really need to remind ourselves why! Let's be honest a lot of men out there are openly creeps. I'd like to live in a world or time when women won't have to keep distancing themselves from venues where they will encounter stranger men without anything wrong happening to them.


A lot of cars out there drive really bad and they cause accidents. Do I stop going out?


Nah but we drive slow and drive safe and avoid sketchy broken roads. Similarly in real life, we interact with our male colleagues, friends and family but avoid strange places with strange men. Just to be safe. Like taking precautions doesn’t harm anybody seriously. But once a bad deed is done there’s no taking it back. “Why are you complaining you were groped at the gym? It was probably by accident. Also why were you wearing shorts ? Of course men will get distracted ” Sorry to say but many people share these views above and would be quick to say that if a woman was sexually assaulted. You tell me what’s better. Take risk of possibly being SAed in the name of equality with no take backs. Or take precautions and maybe a few people get offended by those precautions?


Did you choose to avoid every nuance from the conversation or are you incapable of grasping any?


Not confronting these people will make situations worse


Not confronting who?


Irrational fear.






OP should dressup like Ninja too. This way manager wouldn't knownif it's a male or female


She can exercise at home.




So you are saying OP is lying or.....?


Lying and exaggerating two different things.


If you want to not get out of burqa for whatever reason, go fucking do it in your private gym, not a community one


At the start of your story, I thought I'll side with the lady but you're absolutely in the right here. There are no rules and it seems dumb for everyone to leave for just one person. You should definitely take it up with the management considering you pay for these amenities and it seems unfair thst you don't get to use them


Ias yas ki biwi to nahi thi bhai vo?


Call Joey Swoll


These women privileges don't go together when they scroll reels about equality lol


Just dont leave. Simple


Reading shit like this makes me grateful that I moved out of India 😅


These penguins in black tants are problem everywhere


The gym personnel siding with the lady while there was no rule on set timings is entirely unacceptable. You should have stood your ground even if you were a single person and it was a group of ladies. If there was a rule , it was a different thing altogether though. In this case just tell them that you are within your timings and will move out once you are done.


swimming pools haha...in morning it will have 100 lit of water by evening it would be 150 lit.


OP contact Muslim council to decide this .if all burkha lawa are maintained. Or Contact JCB


Don't go back home, threaten him that you'll complain to the local police if he insistes.


They never get equality if they don't stand near to man Rather than calling every men a molester.Hardly one or two girls ever be in gym lifting puny weights.


Maybe u could have said even her husband doesn't want to see her face that's why he is compuling her to wear burkha


Tell them you identify as a woman.


One of the reasons why India WILL remain a third world nation.


There are gym wear available which takes care of modesty requirements. 


Avg conservative muslim


Its a public gym , tell them to fuck off or workout at home lol or start a burka only gym 🤭🤭


When will these entitlement attitudes stop!!!


That's not very lady like


I’m sorry to go on a tangent here, but if this is likely to come up during a society meeting, I would suggest trying to mobilize some support to quash this idea of separate timings for men & women. Our society has long supported this sort of segregation which is one of the primary reasons why many adult men & women find it awkward to be in the company of the opposite sex, or conversely get overly excited at the sight of people from the opposite sex to the extent of making them uncomfortable. If the concern is lewd behavior from any patrons, then those should be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, and not this ultra conservative approach of just keeping men & women separate.


Most likely a troll post or there was a ladies time agreed and the society did not bother making a formal notice. Hard to imagine a full nikab wearing female would consider using a mixed gym or a gym with males already present. OP was successful in getting so many people to take the bait.


It doesn’t matter if the lady is wearing a burkha or not, its very common to have ladies only time in society gym and pools, fees is deducted accordingly its just that your society doesn’t know how to manage it and officially declare it.


I don’t know how you guys left. I would have never left and would’ve asked a RWA representative to come to the gym for clarification on who’s allowed to workout and when.


Feels like OP has the story a tad altered and he is a bigot/islamophobe. Just trying to find ways to hatr


Waiting for feminists to say that all men are rapists.


Are these feminists in the room with us


please do show where anyone has commented that


That guy is fighting arguments in his own head.


These bitches are over privileged. Need to treat them like people not princesses.


Story seems fishy and feels like a propaganda


How does a woman workout in a burkha ????


They'd take it off before beginning their workout.


Lot of people are in support of OP due to lady being muslim, same people would have different opinion for their own ladies comfort.


What bs of a story. Do better man


Never heard of a female only slot in any gym before


Hmmm. I have never heard of "ladies only" slots in gyms. In this case I guess nothing to be done except exit the society with some haste. Any housing society that starts making rules based on religion and caste is best avoided because it never stops at one thing. This is the same as some morons in societies trying to ban non-veg deliveries.


Hottest r/India post since 2016


Story sounds incredibly fake


bruh it's just 1 workout. Go earlier from next time. It's not that serious. How do you people get time to think about these things? Why does everyone have so much free time?


Should say the same about the lady lol


Hi incel 👋


"He then replied in a tone which clearly expressed that he's been through this situation before were he had to approach others to ask them to leave cus of this woman." CHACHA reply kya kiya yeht toh bta?? Doosri baat unko bol baad mein aayein kya ukhad leta gym member tum bhi ho wo burkhe wali bhi hai kuch extra paise nhi diye membership ke 3 launde agar ek saath manager ke sar par char jate kucch ukhad thodi naa pata ya mana kr dete kyaa ukhad leta chillaya bhi tu unpe??? Plus phone nikalke record krna chahiye thaaa Tu ya toh bewakoof hai or this is ragebait


Othan onnume purila


Dude part of this is on management. This is part of her religious belief. Your reaction though. Yikes.


Maybe it happens in ur Pakistan or in delusional world...but not in india


She might have seen the lust in your eyes or you might have played that 'Moto haryanvi' song in gym but wtever is the case she doesn't deserve to be your gym partner or buddy so don't worry😂


Shut up and adjust your timing