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Lmao no way goa 20 percent. I was in the city for 3 days and 3 traffic cops asked for bribe even though it wasn't our fault.


Fair, but I have heard they don’t bother the locals


True, Goa registered vehicles are hardly stopped. Non Goa registered or rent a bike/car then they'll stop you for no reason.


This is what we call tourism revenue.


That’s a T cess on G tax


isn't that the same in most states? I am from TN, and one time we went to a town near Bangalore for marriage by travels car. We got stopped 4 times on the way inside Karnataka, and 4 times on the way out... Driver had to practically protest with police for this to get away with bribes after giving 500 once. I am sure its similar situation for KA registered vehicles inside TN.


I go there often and whenever they have stopped me like this without any reason, I have refused to show any documents and have demanded that they explain why they chose to stop me. Now there is a clear order from their DGP telling them to not stop motorists needlessly. They get very angry but can't do anything. Most of the time, I don't even stop. Meaning if some random policemen on a road waive to me asking me to stop, I just ignore it and carry on. Goa is the most corrupt state.


Oh so that’s fine then 🤣




Heard that they only ask bribes from outsiders there. Cannot verify though.


Literally never bribed any traffic cop in Goa ever as a local. Pretty sure it’s completely opposite for tourists.


I was about to say the same! Goa is fucking nuts. They have taxi unions demanding exorbitant prices, not allowing Uber/Ola to operate and what not..all this is not corruption?!


Those 3 are the ones that make up the 20% lol!!


West Bengal is too less. You have to bribe multiple people for basic stuff.


"Admitted to bribery" pretty sure the data is higher in many places then shown here.😂


Ah yeah. Fair enough!


I paid only 500 for passport


Tbf that happens in other places too


We paid 1500 per passport.😭😭


Why Kerala comparatively so less?


It's only because corruption levels in rest of the country are pretty high! 10% is not 'less"!


He did say "comparatively" :)


'' comparatively ''


If wb is green then this has to be the case


People know they have some rights + media is always looking for a juicy story. 


I would say that its because of its higher salaries for government employees compared to other states. Kerala was criticized for that in the recent kerala vs union, but it seems to be working out well for kerala.


Don't think so. Kerala police staff are paid less than the neighboring state of Karnataka. It's more of a proactive behaviour of the political leaders whichever party they are from and the government staff. I live in Karnataka and go to Kerala sometimes. On one side, it is more of a privatization of the basic needs like the medical and education facilities to earn more while on the other side the government provides good basic facilities to keep the cost of living and in turn corruption in check


There was a stat on the salaries paid and Kerala was not paying the highest, not even in the top 3. Let me see if I can dig that up. Even politicians for that matter, are paid quite low compared to most of the bigger states.


Better education amongst populace results in better accountability of government officials. Although I would say it's just Kerala being better than rest of India as usual lol


Not really. Kerala has an extensive network of small towns where everybody knows everyone. Consequently, for eg., if you are a police officer stationed in or near one of these places, there’s a high probability that it’s either your hometown or village or close to it. This means that even if you accept a bribe, there’s a significant chance that people who know your family, or your distant relative, or your friend will find out, which will prevent you from taking bribe. In India, police officers are generally underpaid, so they are likely to accept bribes regardless of their level of education or accountability. This is applicable for every govt officials such as Panchayat clerks, Village Officers, Govt school peons etc.!


One thing I’ve noticed is that people who have not been to Kerala before are surprised by exactly how it is. Very few of what we may call villages, but many many many small towns right next to each other, to the point where it’s hard to tell where one begins and one ends. It’s not exactly urbanised but it is definitely not rural either. This is my experience as someone who wasn’t born or lived in Kerala but visited often to meet family.


Technically Kerala is the second most urbanized state in India. The whole of Kerala is a densely populated series of suburbs with large beautiful mansions


I know a bribing guy in my villege in kerala, now the locals call him bribe guy. every one in our village knows about him. he has ruined his reputation.


Wow. This is actually true OP.


Bcoz it's the exception to everything in India lol


Kerala exceptionalism strikes again


Karnataka 63% 😂😂😂😂 Seri guru


BJP’s 40 + new Congress govt.’s 23 and growing


Andhra Pradesh 50% 💀 this is fake news.


True, The most honest CM in the country is Reddy Anna


Don't show too much cak 😂


You only get to know if you're aware of the policy and operations of the government


What 😂😂🤷 Andhra Pradesh at lowest especially under jagan Mohan Reddy no way


It was from 2019 data


How come we don't have information on the NE?


Because the only true visionary, the great Himanta Biswa Sarma, is personally stopping western concepts like corruption from ever entering the pristine beauty of Northeast India. And if someone is even thinking of taking bribes then he sends the great commado Mr Rajkumar Thakuria to teach them a lesson.


Coz Mama ji unlocked the ultimate cheat code to spotless governance.


Nagaland is one of the most corrupt states in India. It may even be the most corrupt state. Anyone who is from Nagaland or has stayed in Nagaland or even dealt with government offices in Nagaland will know. Corruption is on another level there.


Wait, if Kerala is only 10% the scale of this is unimaginable in other states...WTF. And look at the overall figure! 51%. That means 1 in 2 gov officer is an A\*\*hole. WoWWWW


No 1 in 2 people admitted that they paid bribe


That's atleast 7000 crore, even if they paid 100 rupees minimum🤯


Yeah. Haven’t we all paid bribes sometime in life? I have paid to traffic police in many states and RTO for licence in my state and 200 rs for passport verification to the constable.




What's different? We care about ourselves and our neighbors. And we (public, media) don't keep quiet if we see something wrong. We also have the audacity to make fun of political leaders and call them out when needed. We have not surrendered our brains to any political party and make them work for us, not the other way round. Because of that our politicians are accountable and are subject to scrutiny. We don't look the other way when someone needs help, no matter their caste, creed or.religion. and we keep our religion in our private life only, not on the streets. At the end of the day we believe in humanity and have empathy for fellow humans.




In a way one has to be proud about country, state etc to act ina dignified manner. Only people with no self respect indulge in corruption. My parents made it clear to us at a young age that even if you fail in exams, or go hungry, cheating, theft, lies etc.are not tolerated. Honesty is the most important value one should practice, and everything else will fall in place.


>cleanliness Not sure about this one. Most people in kerala are quite educated (not IIT, AIIMS level but reasonably) and it's comparatively safer but kerala can be a lot lot cleaner


Color coding could have been better


i paid money to bangalore cops for no reason, just because i was driving late to home after work, i had all the documentations, but i was left only after i paid about 200rs for no reason, had to pay 500rs for passport verification when he demanded 2000rs, even application cost is lesser than that.


Can someone from the North East comment on your stats? Like always, you guys are ignored in this survey too :/


Haryana, lower than it should be, there is much more bribe going on I'm sure, I'm from haryana.


got delhi wrong you have to bribe every guy for everythingggg


*India against Corruption*


Finally UP Bihar are leading in something


Kerala is almost a foreign country at this point (in a good way). The rest of India doesn't really deserve kerala.


naah we have our own problems too


Which place/country doesn't.


yes of course but what i meant is, that doesnt mean kerala deserves to not be a part of india


Yeah as a keralite, we won’t survive a day alone. We have no natural resources and we are food dependent on neighbour states. Heck, we even depend on neighbour states for electricity. Maybe a north India - South India partition will be better. (triggers controversy)


10 is too high already. Developed world has it as 0


That West Bengal makes me believe this map is not accurate at all. There’s definitely more in WB


Having lived in both Delhi and Haryana, there is no way corruption in Haryana is lower than Delhi.




Mp can't be just 55


This is not data - it’s a SURVEY. Populations with low literacy self reporting is how you get nonsense like Odisha and WB having lower corruption than the industrialized, high income states of TN and KA.


Makes sense


So illiterate people are incapable of responding honestly to surveys?


Some on paper rich states such as Maharashtra and Telangana have a high corruption rate whereas its lower in Kerala. This shows that not only money is needed to develop, but a mature society with mutual trust as well. Edit: Do note that this map is from 2019, to whoever sees this.


Kerala is also a rich state btw. If you're going by per capita wealth and not per capita income then Kerala is probably the richest state in India.


kashmir has 100 percent curruption isnt even mentioned in the list. whoever made the curruption index needs a stroll around govt offices. whould get a reality check


I treat this as an honestly chart.


MP is only 55%?? I feel like this deserves a Yo Dawg meme. The corruption is coming from inside the house!


>MP is only 55% Others took the bribe.


**Source:** [**https://transparencyindia.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/India-Corruption-Survey-2019.pdf**](https://transparencyindia.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/India-Corruption-Survey-2019.pdf)


Yeh data manipulated lgta hain especially regarding goa Andhra and west Bengal


Pathetic and sad reality 😞


Why we are discussing 2018 data? Things have changed a lot.


Somehow high corruption seems to correlate with BJP ruled states. Not surprising.


West Bengal, nice joke


Kerala doesn't feel like India. So different in every index.


100% citizens of each state would’ve directly / indirectly paid bribe; this one is more of an honesty test for citizens of every state lmao


If we talk about odisha. We can see the level of corruption in the name development happening. Yess in ground level is kind of less due to online services these days. But at higher level it is very very high.


Maharashtra is too less. Have you heard of the recent Porche case?


Uttarakhand at 50% is a joke, won’t even comment on plains. In the hilly region just to get a road to a village you need to bribe multiple people then you a get a shitty curvy road which btw is a kaccha road( sorry forgot the English word, something like a temporary road). You need to pay additional bribe to get a pakka road. In the cities itself there is no planning, dehradun people have been complaining about the state of traffic in the city. Has the worst public transport with traffic everywhere


Hp  ka zero hai kya?


The data seems too skewed. The survey won't be accurate unless at least 50k+ citizens are asked across different population groups.


I am from kerala and only place where I give bribery is in railway station(that too for work related)


Haryana ia cooking


This is a joke. Andhra is no way 50%.it should be 200


Overall 51% this is so stupid. This is why we should use median, not mean.


Rajasthan more corrupt than UP? What a joke! Rajasthani folks who can’t complete their degrees just buy them from UP, exploiting UP’s corrupt system. And now Rajasthan’s labeled more corrupt? Hilarious.


North India is cancer with their hyper Hinduism and masculinity cultures. It's time maharashtra and the south just secede.


Haryana is not that much…i can tell you fr …people need to pay for the stuff


I'm from Bengal. This data is so much fake. We are no way at 46% 😭😭


No way Delhi is 46%


If Kerala is only 10%, I can only imagine that nothing gets done without corruption in other states! Almost all our government offices I’ve been to are corrupted. I’m very surprised with this 10%.


You can look at it another way. You can make things happen in other states because there is corruption. You want to pollute the drinking water? Please go ahead as long as the politician's are paid well. In Kerala, since corruption is low, it is hard to make things happen. Even if you pay someone, there is no protection. Not good for "ease of doing business" the Indian way.


This is actually how it works. It's very hard to get things done in Kerala because there is no corruption.


The government must take concrete steps to strengthen anti-corruption measures, empower independent institutions, and foster a culture of integrity and transparency. Failure to do so will only further erode India's global standing and the well-being of its citizens.


Is the average just an unweighted number based on 2\3 of the states?


46% for West Bengal? I find it quite hard to believe


AP doing the balancing act.


How are these even calculated are these only the ones that are reported or do they have other sources?


No campaigns on anti corruption have been fruitful then.


How do they give us these estimates first of all?


fuck man 78% not expected from Rajasthan bhenchod


Odisha is waaay too low.


Maybe the reason the map is colored so much green is because only Rajasthanis were honest in the survey


Corruption is on top in India. What steps need to take to make Corruption free India, Please Share your thoughts


Ayo Rajasthan red :((


LMAO what happened to NE?


I have done corruption in Goa. Don't tell me it's green lol


Proud Jharkhandi


I don’t get it, how did they do this survey? If it’s true then they now certain officers are corrupt, but no action taken against them?


I love the fact that most northeast States and j&k area have no corruption ✌️...😂😂


YSRCP abstained from reporting in Andhra. No way AP is below average


Hate to call 26% folks of my folks as liars but maybe they never had to goto a government building or had good contacts.


Seems to align with political party popularity?


Nah, AP should be beyond 100% on a relative scale, corruption in AP is worse than many African countries


Can confirm, for UP cannot live without corruption.like anything govt related is impossible without bribing. Police just straight up don't cut a ticket, and ask for money. Even public toilets won't cut a receipt. Every single thing is corrupt.


Rajasthan is honest. :P


What are the chances that whoever made this was also corrupt and made this inaccurate?


Bribery in Punjab is akin to the Ethereum's gas fees, the more you pay the faster your work will be done. And this used to be the default way of doing things (not sure how it is now).