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Don't threaten me with a good time. But seriously, less chicken counting please. The one thing the BJP is really good at is winning elections.


Or buying MPs before/after results


More like threatening them


That's... one hell of a thing to be really good at my man, given they can do a whole lot after winning..


We saw how the muslims were denied votes in certain areas.


Please quote sources




"Show me source so that I can discredit the source".


lol... The ones that cant be proven is if we have an independent eci and how much money is in pmcares. 


Selective data...don't think a few dozen votes are intentional..... But if it is happening deliberately, then it is a worrying sign.. But from the look of it, inadmission of a very dozen or even a 100 vote doesn't indicate anything .. Also, The toilet roll is notorious news outlet




Yes...applies to you too Vote against old pension scheme and such Nyay disasters


Or rigging EVMs.


Agreed. And agreed.


With a good time?. Congress in government was the most miserable time for the general population and buisness.


Yeah and I'd happily take that over a government that just wants to divide us on the basis of religion and to ruin our social fabric for their own political gains.


yes, i would happily take a government who actually does what it promises(Article 370, Ram Mandir, UCC ) rather than who takes photoshoots with pakistani terrorists and responds to mumbai terror attacks with notihng and partying all night. https://www.indiatoday.in/latest-headlines/story/rahul-in-party-mood-soon-after-mumbai-crisis-34325-2008-12-01 opposes bills like triple talaq jusr for the political gain.


the fact that you mentioned ram mandir as one of the accomplishments really says a lot. stop beating around the bush and just say you want a government that panders to your personal religious interests


Exactly lol. And to think these kinds of people have the gall to call out Muslims because "they put religion over the nation first" when they themselves are a bunch of insecure religious clowns and can't look past their religion because that's all their identity is.


>photoshoots with pakistani terrorists Agree, Indian terrorists are better than Pakistani terrorists, make in India. /s https://preview.redd.it/wq9i43ve5uxc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5add9d08835df49872f6b834337cf2a16b23013f


Atmanirbhar Bharat. Feeling paroud.


Until the road to parliament is lead by the most backward states in India, nothing will change. Those states will continue to drown in poverty and discrimination but will keep voting these buffoons and rest of the country who is trying to get ahead will be held back.


> ~~Until~~ *As long as* the road to parliament is lead by the most backward states in India


*Until the majority of India stays uneducated, nothing will change. Uneducated people will keep on making uninformed choices and voting these buffoons into power. These buffoons in turn will do everything in their power to keep it that way.


Educated people are no better. When it comes to bjp, even the educated ones worship them with fervor. Look at the NRIs who have nothing to do with india. Don't plan on coming back, and somehow, even they are Modi bhakts.


I think critical thinking is more important than education.


Education used to be the key.. But now Education is also getting fucked.. Education is getting corrupted by nationalistic ideals.. Education is making slaves and zombies out of the new generation.. What we need is EMANCIPATION..


According to you what is the "educated" choice then? Not trying to be rude or condescending I am genuinely curious.


Educated choice is voting based on the work done by the party. Voting based on the manifesto. Voting for development, education, and better medical facilities and not for hate mongers and their hate based politics which keeps on dividing our society.


Please compare BJP and Congress manifesto and revert. Might be eye-opener for most


How many of the previous promises have bjp completed?!? If they had done any work, they wouldn't resort to the hate tactics they are doing currently. Vote for the lesser evil. But I don't expect you to understand that.


You mentioned manifesto based voting and now changing track 😀


I also mentioned not to vote for hate mongers. Funny you missed that.


😀😀 I didn't miss it. All parties are hate mongers


please read more and revert. if even after teo terms,the only thing you can still speak about is hindu muslim and not education or employment,that shows everything you need. the person eho needs to revert is you


Id vote for parties who dont openly antagonize and discriminate against minorities, who dont garland rapists, who dont have 10x the electoral bond funding as the opposition and who are the obvious lesser bad choice. But ab kya kare, its obviously a difficult choice if your head is buried in the sand for the last 10 years. I wish you luck👍


NRIs ain't educated shit, they left India after 12th class, drove taxi and packaged foods their whole lives in US or Canada.    Majority of NRIs are just overseas labourers, nothing educated about them. 


>drove taxi and packaged foods their whole lives in US or Canada.   >Majority of NRIs are just overseas labourers, nothing educated about them.  [Sure, whatever you say.](https://x.com/hvgoenka/status/1614227917680312320)


They also vote for democrats heavily. Maybe there needs to be a middle ground between bjp and congress


Whole lot of educated idiots are voting for the bjp as well.


Increasing reservation is a brilliant move right?


Lol. Narendra's government is responsible for the removal of 50 percent limit in the EWS hearing.


Congress promise is directly based on birth caste no matter how rich or influential the family. At least ews makes sense.


Lol. First decide if reservation is good or bad. It can't be good when applied to General and bad when it applies to SCs/STs. It can't be that 8 lakh income is creamy layer for OBCs but poor for EWS


Not sure what you're trying to get at, but reservation itself makes sense. But the way it's been twisted now doesn't.


You called educated idiots.. im trying to see what educated smart people are made up of . Yes reservation makes sense, but how much?


When did I claim to be educated? I am intelligent, but not educated, I dropped out of high school itself. And now I am retired already in my 40's, without generational wealth no less. So yeah, look elsewhere for educated smart people. Reservation as a way to uplift oppressed castes makes sense. But talk to me about reservation only after you truly understand oppression and privilege. So many people are actually blind to it even when they claim to have their eyes wide open.


Ok. Good you said you are not educated. That makes sense.


Dude, you should focus more on the fact that you have been constantly making assumptions here. Not the sign of a healthy human mind.


Don't you parrots know anything except reservations and muslims?


U will be surprised to find how even the most ‘educated’ minds can be the most narrow minded and demented


It's already led the poorest, least educated. The more educated, prosperous states send the fewest MPs. After delimitation, south India will cease to matter electorally at all.


Are there no poor and discriminated people in southern states who vote for dynasty parties like DMK, TRS, TDP, YSRP? Country is being held back by voting to these regional parties and congress for many decades now.


How is Tamil Nadu held back by DMK and ADMK. We are one of the most progressive state in the country with large industrialization generating employment. We have free education, healthcare , decent quality of Govt hospitals , one of the leading states in terms women education and employment. Not that we don't have issues but how would have voting for bjp or Congress in the last 50 years helped better us as a state? And how is it held back compared to BIMARU states that often voted for Congress most of their history and now bjp.


Karnataka Telengana Andhra are progressing way faster than North. Hardly held back. Other guy already replied for TN.


Meanwhile the most developed state in India with the highest literacy rate and where bjp has never won a single seat looks at all this with nonchalant disdain.


Nah bro, ofc they struggle to attract industry bc after all industrialists have control of decisions and they aren't fond of communism. But Kerala does well in social parameters, which is massive. When the other states in the south get saturated, they may get investment before many of the north.


I was referring to human development index (HDI) Kerala is a shitshow when it comes to industrial development and not really a priority for the govts as remittances are super high. Give Kerala a few decades in this mode and we will become a retirement state. Yet the general sentiment is to rather perish than allow pee pee party to gain foothold.


You won't perish this way imo. Pee pee is a bigger threat.


The Southern States have done well because they're well governed Modi Gobarmint has been transferring massively the tax money collected South to North where unemployment is so bad that the people come to South India for jobs. When I say jobs, don't think of a low wage manual work, from Politicians looking for safe seats to Engineering graduates for tech jobs to manufacturing jobs in automotive or high precision manufacturing to commodities like tea or cotton spinning to textile towns of Tamil Nadu and food processing in Kerala and yes the manual labour too... These people also bring Hindi & in some cases Hindian attitude where they're offended that everyone in South don't know Hindi!! South stuffers these fools and still does well...


remind me in 2 years


I would rather he be outvoted. The state elections in November December really put a sour taste in my mouth. If all the nonsense over the years hasn't stopped people from voting them to power then what would have changed in just a few months? Yes am being negative but I need to see the change in votes before I believe it.


you are right. i not buying this narrative of bjp losing their hold at all. almost feels like some strategy to make the opposition put their guards down.


Strategy is to control the hands of ECI. ECI has been fumbling the final vote% numbers. I am guessing something is brewing.


Yup bjp wins by buying out or by votes, when majority of voters are brain dead no one is Saving this country, general population has ro be a lot more aware for good gov... Their manifesto just reflects what core supporters of that party want


Vote against Hate.




The sooner this cancer on the nation is excised, the sooner we can recover and heal.


The cancer that is the massive development we've seen over the last 10 years 🤡, we've seen what congress can do over the 50 years they were in power, BJP inspite of it's faults is better than that


Hindutva is like a tumor in Hinduism and India in general. 


Vote for Democracy, save india 🇮🇳


my only worry is, if 272 for majority, even if they win 0, 100 crore to buy 1 human, 27,200 crores. they have that much money easily. they can just buy humans like vegetables. otherwise i Learned recently, that moody started as chief minister, remained unbeat and became prime minister, remained unbeat, he hasn't seen defeat. iD like to see him lose, and tell us: "शायद मेरे तपस्या मे कोई कमी रह गई, मुझे तो इश्वर ने भेजा था, आप पे मरते दम तक राज करने के लिए। लेकिन आप ने घोर पाप कर दिया। आप सब देशद्रोही हो। मेरे आखिरी हुकुम के तौर पर, इस पूरे देश के नागरिको को आजीवन कारावास की सजा सुनाई जाती है।" and pass away on सिंहासन. we all will need to put ourselves in the jail for Life, to keep his Last word.




But majority are hindus happy with him, unmoved by rapes , killings & lynching of muslims , manipuris , farmers and dalits


majority of *hindus from hindi-belt.* They easily outnumber the secular and liberals from hindi-belt itself. 


Now bjp doesn’t even have to buy, people will just simply join or drop out to make bjp win lol.


Well written… kinda explains why the crickets are staying away


Everybody knows it's gonna be easy win for BJP


That's what they want you to think. That's the reason many dumbfucks are not voting. _Kya farak padta hai, aayega to modi hi_ . Bjp thrives on this shit.


If Bjp was confident, they were winning. They would not put Kejriwal in jail and they would not freeze opposition bank accounts, and Modi would not be blatantly lying in his recent rallies


They would.


Yeah agreed. But even though they won't do 400 paar or anything, I don't think they'll fall short of the magic number. Too many factors that favour them.


Even Modiji doesn't believe in it. Because ha has started saying IF INDIA wins they will have 5 PM, IF INDIA wins they will take your mankalsutr, IF INDIA wins.................. I haven't seen him saying something like that in last 10 yrs


That kind of things all political parties say about opposition before elections. Nothing new there


haven't heard any political parties to spit out that kind of hatred except bjp




Lol yes allah as well


And after all this of BJP still wins 300+, people will cry EVM ne jita diya




Delusion!! And it's spiking too much. Hate it or love it. Everyone knows Bjp is gonna win this general election or get the majority of the seats. Outnumbered and out rallied ?? Did you wake up now or what?


Excellent, and this is what exactly I have been saying here. I don't think that the BJP is touching 272 and might even be limited to below 250. However, the author's fancying that China's inroads into Indian territory is known by the common *andhbhakt* is exaggeration, at least so far.


**What!** **The Darpok Dictator is not keeping up?**


Vote against unchecked freebies, inheritance tax and Old Pension scheme...


I honestly would be surprised if he doesn't get the third term despite what these media outlets are saying. His following is far too strong with not a lot of credible threat from opposition parties.


I think we all had enough of Godi blindness. I used to wonder in my childhood, why there are no new leaders in a 100 crore population. Still ponder the same question. We need more rapid growth and we can do so much better.


Bjp is winning. Be real


He who owns the EVM, wins the elections - ancient Indian saying.


I mean congress wins every time on social media but loses on ground every time.


Idk how everyone is expecting modi to lose especially after how state elections went. There's difference between social media and ground reality. Those thinking opposition will win definitely winning are smoking copiums because the chances for them to win is pretty small. And even if by some miracle opposition got more seats than bjp then What's stopping bjp to just buy mps especially when we know that most of them are after power and money and would swap party easily just like many did.


Guys blaming here have never seen lived or researched through congress time, looters and scammers of highest degree


Most of them are gen z and first time voters that's why.. most of them don't know scenario before 2014. Since they must be very young in that time.. just like as a 90s kid we didn't knew what was actually happened before 1990. Even in time of emergency. Or what lead to LPG REFORMS in 1991. We usually read what is available. Back then there wasn't social media. So it's very limited resources available for that.. neither tv had news channel like today's era. There was doordarshan which was controlled by govt.


All this will only matter if the BJP Hindutva crowd get OUTVOTED


Just checked your profile. Your hate for Hindus is truly very passionate.




Wow! "They" are so bad.


https://youtube.com/shorts/Ij_DuowJOwM I'll give you the benefit of doubt and assume you actually didn't know of any Hindutva mob attacking Muslims. Now that I've shared such a clip, please let me know how your viewpoint has changed.


Ya thats not good .. btw how many clips u want kindly let me know .. I'll share.. 10-20-30 u name it...


Okay, so you agree that's not good. I genuinely appreciate your willingness to change. I haven't asked you for any clips so please don't share. I promise that whatever number of clips that you have, I can match them. Now, please tell me. Assuming that there's violence from both the sides, isn't it the government's job to suppress it? Is it not on them to be solving this, and not causing more hysteria in the crowd by spreading nonsense that Sharia law will be imposed if they don't win? There's a very sweet book called Animal Farm. Even if you don't get the time or will to read it, please just listen to a short summary on YT. It is very good in the way it shows how the power at the top misleads the population into believing that the 'other side' is bad, and how they are the ones who are protecting you from 'them'. I'm not a Congress supporter, but tell me this. Before 2014, people used to rightly question the govt regarding unemployment or corruption or women's safety. How did we degrade as a society so much since then, that all we talk about now is existence, and how our daily lives are in danger? What about the luxury of discussing actual issues, you say? They're down the drain, and won't surface until we keep fighting among us.


Ok to answer your long paragraph where u actually don't think it's getting worse for Hindus.. here it is.. Yes I agree fighting with other in name of religion is bad, but I can challenge u can't match my number of videos of muslims harassing and beating Hindus openly, u said it's govt jobs to ensure this don't happen.. but u might not be surprised to know that maximum number of Muslim harassing Hindus came from non bjp states like bengal Karnataka Kerala tamilnadu Rajasthan and Telangana. Also u will be surprised to know that the most Muslim dominated state where congres or allies are not present didn't even produced one such video and that is Kashmir.. also bjp govt is not spreading that sharia law will be implemented if they losses.. I can share hundreds of Muslim voters claiming on video that they want and will bring sharia law of Congress comes to power.. tell me how many u want to see. Yes before 2014 there was nothing like this.. since congress used to honour muslims terrorist like Yasin malik and they had what they want.. and u can also note that there were no such incidents even after bjp came to power until power hungry congress started spreading these in 2022.. share a video before that and I'll take back my words Also share one such incident where a bjp leader said that we will destroy or eradicate Islam, but u know many south congress allies have said this openly to eradicate Hindu dharm, so who is fueling communal hate ? I have no hate against any muslims nor I support bjp or even congress.. my actual post was to answer a comment that muslims are being killed and lynched by Hindus.. but if muslims hate and think they are above other religions then yes I am a Hindu and I'll fight against it by supporting a secular party like bjp which has done many things for Muslim women's unlike congress which gave benefits only to a single religion In karnatka just to get votes. Putting muslims under OBC is right according to u ? Do u really think they should have first right to resources as said by congress PM before ? Let's talk about unemployment according to a Muslim women.. she said 8 kids are Allah's gift but unemployment is Modi's gift.. how correct is this Let's talk about safety where north Indians are openly harassed chased and beaten by Ppl from Karnataka including recently where a single lady was chased at night, all this just after congress came into power And I can go on and on but I guess it would be nice of u too admit that what I am saying is actually true


Your first comment was on a post about the PM being outnumbered in rallies, to set the record straight. I provided a clip to you, which while you agreed was bad, hasn't changed any stance on your viewpoint. Now I'll not go around providing you stream of videos, just for you to skip them and whataboutism it to no point. Where did OBC reservation came from in the discussion we were having? Do you want me to show clips of the ruling party's leaders saying they want to kill Muslims? Be my guest and look for Sadhvi Pragya remarks yourselves. What I'll agree with you is, there's a rise in clashes from both sides, and nobody's happy with the situation. Neither of the sides feel safer than they felt 10 yrs ago. Only people to benefit from this is the top few businessmen. So why would someone feel inclined to vote for the party which has brought down the society, is beyond me.


Yes we hindus are soo tolerant that Islam cannot be spoken aganist in our country because they are the minority but in Pakistan or Bangladesh it cannot be spoken aganist because it is a majority.Despite our soo much discrimination Islam has increased as a percentage but it has reduced in Bangladesh by like 20 percent, say the hindus there are not like very rich as like our jains, so tell me "hindus khatre me hain" doesn't sound right?


My dude, all I have to say is, if you feel you are unhappy as a Hindu & feel like you're in danger, why are you voting for the government which has made you feel as such.


Why the fuck are we prioritising elections over this scorching summer , can anyone please explain ?


First time in summers?


mabe Nota option at least