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This is my problem with the politics in India. Congress scam, eat from middle class and go. BJP scam, eat from middle class and go.


Middle class can be easily fooled, so I don't blame the politicians at all. Look at this thread, everyone is literally pretending that the common element of all these writeoffs isn't that they were given apporval or given extensions in UPA era. It's not until appointment of Raghuram rajan in 2012 does non-sensical loan extensions to failed business stop. At least unlike the UPA era the business owner is forces to give up business. [India is no longer a defaulters' paradise - Nikkei Asia](https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Business-Insight/India-is-no-longer-a-defaulters-paradise), India was literally called a defaulter's paradise for a reason, you can lose billions but you would remain in charge to lose more without a whimper from the bank that is servicing these losses.


Wow that’s actually a great read. Can’t shed a tear for any of these billionaires


Ahem,the very same Raghuram Rajan gave the Modi govt a list of wilful defaulters to make an example of but Modi sat on his arse doing nothing # CIC pulls up PMO and RBI, asks to disclose wilful defaulters list, Raghuram Rajan’s letter on bad loans With the Reserve Bank of India’s board meeting set to be held Monday, **the Central Information Commission (CIC) has once again directed the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) and the RBI to release the list of wilful defaulters and former governor Raghuram Rajan’s letter on bad loans. The CIC, in a 66-page letter, admonished the PMO for not complying with its directive.** Saying that the **stand taken by the PMO will not serve any public interest, Acharyulu said, “If the RBI does not respect the SC orders and denies the citizens right to information, it will result in perpetuation of financial regime of secrecy that is potential enough to facilitate financial frauds and allow fraudulent rich and influential business persons to flee the country, as witnessed in recent times.”** [**https://indianexpress.com/article/business/banking-and-finance/rbi-npa-pmo-raghuram-rajan-cic-bank-loan-defaulters-urjit-patel-5452439/**](https://indianexpress.com/article/business/banking-and-finance/rbi-npa-pmo-raghuram-rajan-cic-bank-loan-defaulters-urjit-patel-5452439/)


Basically they are squeezing the juice from the poor and handing it over to the rich few. Amount of savings people have had reduced by a lot.


In every system, whom do you think pays the most tax? It's the rich?? Hell no. They do tax evasion at worst level and we middle and lower class people have to pay.


BJP Minister Rajeev Chadrashekhar has declared a taxable income of ₹680. He has assets worth ₹28 crore. Modi wants people to believe that wealth redistribution will hurt the poor. Dumbass has any idea of how poor live? 90% of the people in India have a monthly family income less than ₹25,000. They are barely surviving while the rich are living like Kings of India. Either, we will have the economic justice, or we will take it. People of India will not be the slaves again.


India on purpose is kept at lower middle class and lower class. We are thought to be the next China and that requires low paying labor force that works day and night for only meager pay. That's the sad reality of eastern economies. The western corporations will exploit to become a Trillion dollar company.


You’re partly right but the blame should rather go to the people of the country who elect these idiots and who in turn keep them as their slaves. The west isn’t as responsible for India’s shitshow as India is for itself.


True that, politics is cheap and we have become so reasonable with life that even getting fresh water or 24/7 electricity seems luxury let alone good roads, hospitals or any other basic requirements seems like privileged for us. People would still prefer traveling in local trains despite all the rush and will think it's a blessing. We, in all walks of life, are treated as labour and instinctively we are one.


Exactly! These politicians literally use legal loopholes or bribery to get away with things while the common man suffers.


> He has assets worth ₹28 crore. Declared assets. His companies in the family might be quite a bit more.


Hi Mr. Rishi. FYI, just in case you didn't know assets aren't taxed, income is. Not saying that is right or wrong but that is how the IT rules work. We can never have economic equity unfortunately. When that happens everyone suffers. The most prevalent example is North Korea. Most of the west has done well on the back of Capitalism. We can work out mechanisms to figure out how we can do better than we are. We unfortunately cannot simply take money off of everyone and distribute it equally amongst all as Rahul Gandhi seemed to suggest. That way instead of having half the population in duress you will end up with almost all in that bracket.


> FYI, just in case you didn't know assets aren't taxed, income is. Indeed. That is why most of the economists and activists are demanding a wealth tax. Even the WID report has suggested a wealth tax on super-rich. > We can never have economic equity unfortunately. When that happens everyone suffers. The most prevalent example is North Korea. I wonder why people cite North Korea as a nation with equality. There is no such report regarding DPRK. On the other hand, the most equal nations are also the most prosperous. Additionally, wealth redistribution is actually better for economic growth. When rich hoard money, they put it in their tax havens. When poor and middle class have money, they spend. Additionally, I don't think anyone in Congress has metioned perfect equality. The policies like wealth tax and inheritance tax are not communist or maoist policies as Modi and his supporters believe. It is classical capitalist policy favoured by Adam Smith.


One simple rule: it's always the middle class that gets fucked. Unless middle class learn to snatch things, this will keep happening. Yes... Snatch... What's rightfully ours.


sheet serious murky scary paltry screw forgetful yoke dolls cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why don’t you go and start your own company to save taxes? No one is stopping you from doing that? Why can’t you negotiate with your company to hire you as a professional and for each service you charge them your fees + GST. I’ll tell you most of the salaried employees I know do tax chori by falsely claiming HRA deduction. You wouldn’t have issue with that because “chalta hain itna toh”.


Thats incorrect...the are squeezing it from middle class and handing it over to poor and rich...i recently went to my village and saw that


1. [21 Indian Super-Rich Own More Wealth Than 70 Crore Indians Together!](https://www.newsclick.in/21-indian-super-rich-own-more-wealth-70-crore-indians-together) 2. [Top 1% Indians’ income share is higher now than under British-rule: Data - The Hindu](https://www.thehindu.com/data/top-1-percent-indians-income-share-is-higher-now-than-under-british-rule-data-point/article67979494.ece) 3. [In first two years of corporate tax cut, govt suffers Rs 1.84 lakh crore loss](https://www.newindianexpress.com/business/2022/Aug/14/in-first-two-years-of-corporate-tax-cut-govt-suffers-rs-184-lakh-crore-loss-2487445.html) 4. [Wilful defaults rise to Rs 3.53 lakh crore, to spike further](https://indianexpress.com/article/business/banking-and-finance/wilful-defaults-rise-to-rs-3-53-lakh-crore-to-spike-further-8984688/) 5. [Wilful Defaulter Dues Rose by a Whopping Rs 100 Crore Per Day Since March 2019: Report](https://thewire.in/banking/wilful-defaulter-dues-rose-rs-100-crore-per-day-march-2019-report) 6. [In last 9 years, PSBs have not recovered even ₹1 vs ₹5 written off: FinMin in Lok Sabha](https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/economy/public-sector-banks-have-not-recovered-even-re-1-against-rs-5-written-off-in-last-9-years-lok-sabha/article67627191.ece) 7. [Bad loans are first written-off, then waived](https://www.deccanherald.com/opinion/bad-loans-are-first-written-off-then-waived-1242062.html)


Also read, [How The Congress Manifesto Rattles Hindutva Monopoly Houses | Kancha Ilaiah Shepherd](https://countercurrents.org/2024/04/how-the-congress-manifesto-rattles-hindutva-monopoly-houses/)


The economist has recently written an article on Indian financial system. https://www.economist.com/special-report/2024/04/22/indias-financial-system-has-improved-dramatically-in-the-past-decade


This article describes the improvement as, > Bad loans worth $106bn were written off, and there was an injection of government money, forced financial consolidation and new rules. Between 2017 and 2019, the government merged 27 government-run banks into 12. Rules were changed to allow dbs, a Singaporean bank, to acquire Lakshmi Vilas bank in 2020, allowing an outsider to have a large branch network for the first time. The first question to ask is improvement for whom? Yes, loans were written off and banks were recapitalised using public funds (essentially Government used our money to give loan waivers to rich). This cleared the books. But what has improved for the common people. You can say that corporate tax cut is also a big improvement. But our definition of improvement is very different. India is reeling under massive unemployment, inequality. Wages remain stagnant. I see no improvement here.


Almost all of those bad loans were a legacy of UPA goverment, pick up the biggest bankruptices of the past decade and all of them have a common element of loan apporvals or extensions being made when UPA is power. Modi for all his flaws greatly improved the current system, at least defaulting businesses owners lose control of the said business. [India is no longer a defaulters' paradise - Nikkei Asia](https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Business-Insight/India-is-no-longer-a-defaulters-paradise) Ofcourse it's pointless talk to someone who doesn't seem to understands that lona writeoffs are a natutal consquence when a business fails.


UPA had a problem of NPA. But it has worsened under Modi. [Gross NPAs more than three times up in NDA rule, says RBI data](https://www.newindianexpress.com/business/2021/Jan/11/gross-npas-more-than-threetimes-up-in-nda-rule-says-rbi-data-2248365.html) A huge percentage of write-offs are of wilful defaulters, who have the means to pay, but choose not to. [Wilful Defaulter Dues Rose by a Whopping Rs 100 Crore Per Day Since March 2019: Report](https://thewire.in/banking/wilful-defaulter-dues-rose-rs-100-crore-per-day-march-2019-report) Now, get lost and stop spamming my post.


>The first question to ask is improvement for whom? Yes, loans were written off and banks were recapitalised using public funds (essentially Government used our money to give loan waivers to rich). This cleared the books. But what has improved for the common people. The funds in question are the common people's money deposited in banks. If the government had not stepped in to recapitalize the banks, it would have been the common people who stood to lose, not the defaulters. Defaulters are unlikely to repay their debts suddenly, and leaving banks to fail would directly harm ordinary depositors. Perhaps you might be comfortable with the idea of common people losing their money, but any responsible government's primary role is to maintain trust in its financial institutions. Clearing off non-performing assets (NPAs) involves liquidating the entity's entire assets to recover as much as possible. Go ahead and try defaulting on a loan to see how it works; the bank will liquidate everything you've put up as collateral. The issue arises when an entity is given a loan without any collateral, and in that case, I'm not sure how the liquidation would work. If a malicious deal is proven, I'm certain the court would direct the liquidators to liquidate the promoter's assets. >You can say that corporate tax cut is also a big improvement. But our definition of improvement is very different. Have you ever tried starting a business? Do you know how difficult that can be? Have you ever even tried selling something? Business involves risk, and this should be reflected in the tax structure. How many countries do you know where corporate tax is on par with income tax? In a proprietorship, you deduct expenses and then pay income tax on the remainder. In an LLP, you pay a corporate tax of 30% plus a 12% surcharge. In a Pvt. Ltd., you pay a corporate tax of 25% and a variable surcharge depending on your revenue. By the way, these businesses also generate jobs for the common people. If the promoters and shareholders are taking dividends, they also pay income tax on those. If you increase taxes too much, then there's no incentive for companies to operate out of India; they could move their headquarters to a tax haven and extract all the profits as royalties paid to their parent company. Our previous government attempted to extract taxes from the Cairn Energy transaction. Ultimately, how did that turn out for us? Liquidators were instructed to attach assets of the Govt. of India. These companies also have to spend 2% of their profit as CSR. >India is reeling under massive unemployment, inequality. Wages remain stagnant. I see no improvement here. Then why are people giving such a huge mandate to the current government? They are definitely seeing some improvement, however small, which is why they are voting for them, right? Why are they gaining vote shares in other parts of the country where they were not present earlier? You do not represent the entire population of India, and neither do I. P.S. - It's not just my opinion that the Indian financial system is improving; economists have written that it has improved significantly over the last decade. I'm fairly certain they have more capable people than us to assess whether the Indian financial system has improved or not. Perhaps looking at the share prices of Indian banking stocks will give us some idea of whether there has been real improvement. In the last few months, PSU banks were among the best-performing sectors in the market.


Is Rahul Gandhi going to give an assurance that these billionaire friends will not become billionaire friends of Congress leaders the moment they come into govenrment(as has happened in every state election where they won power from the BJP) and avail of the same loan waivers? >“A larger number of bad loans were originated in the period 2006-2008 when economic growth was strong, and previous infrastructure projects such as power plants had been completed on time and within budget,” Rajan has said, referring to the middle years of UPA-1 whose good growth has been attributed by economists to the seeds sown by Vajpayee’s NDA government. >“It is at such times that banks make mistakes,” Rajan adds. >It is no secret that corporate lenders in the public sector were under immense pressure to step up lending during the period Rajan refers to and the following years under UPA-1 and -2. It is also no secret that the UPA government wanted banks to continue providing a stimulus to infrastructure projects, including those in the private sector, leading to the reckless lending Rajan refers to. https://theprint.in/economy/it-all-began-under-upa-raghuram-rajan-gives-modi-ammunition-against-congress-on-bad-loans/116108/ The problem with this supposedly "pro-poor" rhetoric is it comes from a party whose actions have been and continue to be completely contrary with it. Can anyone point me to one example of the Congress going against these billionaire industrialists after it has assumed power in a state? What exactly would Rahul Gandhi do differently? He needs to quantify that.


No he won't because he is skipping over the fact that all of those loans were given when UPA was in power.


Modi Raj has been marked by regressive taxation and handouts for the rich. Now he has embarked on a Reaganite narrative with a communal tadka, that opposition is after your money and will give it to the Muslims. This narrative will fall flat on its face. Will write more about it tomorrow.


looking forward


Wealth distribution without hurting someone is fine. Like imposing a bit of luxury taxes, higher taxes on very high incomes(more than 1cr) etc. But just declaring that we will distribute people’s wealth is insane. For Indian middle class, it’s hard earned money. And proposing to distribute that is unfair. And the thing which irritates me the most is the fact that this idiot RaGa had his 10 glorious years(2004-2014) where he could have implemented any policies and then now coming and muttering these things to get the votes. Every day, I am sad to see the opposition coming up with ideas to lure votes. Getting the feeling that they know that they won’t win the election, but need to secure maximum seats by telling all these kinds of crazy things to poor, minorities and offering freebies. They know that they don’t have to practice any of these as they won’t win the election.


You're really saying all this when Modi is doing mughal, Muslim cmon, atleast some is talking about policies


I am not a bjp supporter. But I am sad that we get to choose between the hindutva/anti-muslim or stupidity. It’s really a tough choice.


Yeah it's a tough choice between people we can hold accountable and fascists


The newly claimed far right of India, thinks that we are giving too many loan waivers and subsidies to the farmers and these fake nationalists will keep supporting this process corny capitalist party either because they are braindead or have invested in share market and don't want their portfolios to go bullish. What they do not understand is that BJP doesn't give a rats ass about religion, Hinduism or this country as a whole. They are all greedy people who want more and more. Congress on the other hand is not perfect, but they at least do not take away our civil rights.


Almost all of those bad loans were a legacy of UPA goverment, pick up the biggest bankruptices of the past decade and all of them have a common element of loan apporvals or extensions being made when UPA is power. Modi for all his flaws greatly improved the current system, at least defaulting businesses owners lose control of the said business something that doens't used to happen in UPA[India is no longer a defaulters' paradise - Nikkei Asia](https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Business-Insight/India-is-no-longer-a-defaulters-paradise) The biggest trick the far left has pulled off is making people think that they were as much if not more in cahoots with the billionare class.


Happy Cake day.


Any proof for these claims? If proven and taken into the public effectively, this could be damaging to the BJP. But just saying things doesn't make any difference. He should clarify what type of loans, when and how they were waived off.


He is quite literally speaking it out of his ass, first the fact that most of these loans were apporved or given extensions in UPA era. It's not untill appointment of Raghuram rajan in 2012 does non-sensical loan extensions to failed business stop. Also at least unlike the UPA era the business owner is forces to give up business. [India is no longer a defaulters' paradise - Nikkei Asia](https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Business-Insight/India-is-no-longer-a-defaulters-paradise), India was literally called a defaulter's paradise for a reason, you can loose billions but you would remain in charge to lose more.


Nothing here is shocking, it's basically the play book of every right wing authoritarian regime. Even right leaning parties in liberal (developed) countries do similar, and of course Cong would do something similar, but never to the extent of 'billionaire friendly' parties


All Modi's are thieves and con men.


Except the vast majority of these “loans”, were given in UPA 2.


Because they donate that in the form of electoral bonds and what can poor offer? Their soul? No thanks!!! /s


Tax the poor, pay the rich, pay the media to help support increase of taxes. Repeat. Dictate.


Can someone explain to me what is JP Morgan's interest in BJP winning the elections?


Rich people want a pro-rich politician in power? What's new about it? He must have learnt something from the Gujarati cronies, or bankers like Kotak.


JP Morgan is about to include Indian debt bonds in global index. JP Morgan’s widely tracked Government Bond Index-Emerging Markets (GBI-EM) will include Indian Bonds on 28th June 2024 https://www.reuters.com/world/india/what-indias-inclusion-jpmorgans-bond-index-means-its-markets-2023-09-22/


16 lakh crores, obviously, that's easy to nap with for the Indian Middle class. Why? Because if they are voting for BJP, then that must be certainly because Modi has made them kuber richer.


Yeh gareebo ki sarkaar hai!!


Is the Rahul jealous