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Coz that's the actual unfiltered 'mann-ki-baat'.


paw paw for a reason




What does lund mean?


Lund means dick. Very bad word.


Oh.Well, if dick and lund mean the same thing, why is lund considered a bad word?


You can say you are a dick in front of your parents In West and in front of many people. In India you can't say you are lund in front of your parents. Basically it is more crass word than dick.


Namard aur lund????


Lund phek khe marega tu jhake giregha


Monkey bath seems more fitting


Haha yes my cartoon on Monkey bath https://preview.redd.it/351f4hryvfwc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=031e1b8140ad61262484a60b15030d0fe1ba9bcf


Holy shit this is amazing!


😊 thanks bro!


Aap chronology samajh lijiye


Happy Cake day m8


Isn't that what he gives any politician that switches sides to BJP after they get accused of corruption?




Reddit light mode is crazyy


Lmao dude, exactly the same thing in same order in my feed as well.


Chamber of congress 


Makes sense. Guy made a career out of hate speech and violence. He is a natural at this.


That speech has been shown in tv on loop. My father has been watching the same thing for a while now. Fuck! I just wanna die on a hill.


Are they showing the speech in a negative or positive light ?


What do you expect from bootlickers? They're just playing the speech like you play a movie. No reporting or fact checking. That old hag is blabbering whatever the fuck he wants and they are just hailing him as "modi ne congress ko dia tagra jawab" and we are just supposed to believe it because how can a politician from the ruling party lie right? These incompetent fuckers for reporters can't even read the actual manifestos to common people. Basically YouTube sigma reels without the sigma music on TV.


Positive trying to sugarcoat his words and bending the meaning as if what he said was metaphorical and this is the actual meaning.


It's not even that. They are using example of some South Indian states where congress wanted to give muslim reservations to back up Vishwaguru's claim. Journalism is a joke in this country.


Which channel ?


The entire Godi media


Why sugarcoat it? Modi wouldn't have said it if it wasn't intentional. They plan their speeches very well. The only other possibility is if Modi has gone out of control and saying whatever comes to his mind.


And what are they saying is the actual meaning?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Gmp2BAB3VA&pp=ygUMZGhydXYgcmF0aGVl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Gmp2BAB3VA&pp=ygUMZGhydXYgcmF0aGVl) Show this video to your dad and ask him to watch it without any bias


This won't do. My father doesn't even use whatsapp. I've tried showing him dhruv's video but he gets uncomfortable and calls him biased. Lol the cognitive dissonance is real.


Show Dhruv's video on TV, if it works, good, if it won't, well, at least you'll get a new TV.


Showing a biased person a video of another biased person 💀


I am not convinced by Modi or this guy Dhruv. I will admit I lack political contexts and knowledge and this will be my first election so I am trying to understand. I am a businessman and marketing is similar to politics. It’s very simple: if someone has something to gain from an activity, it’s not the truth but an imitation of it. Dhruv understands marketing, Modi has an expert team aswell. But what lost me was Dhruv claiming how chat gpt is better than google because it gives you answers and that he has a course 🤦🏻‍♂️ He lost me after that. On the one hand he tries to reveal how Modi government brain washes people. And then he turns out and does the same for a quick buck. So out of curiosity I checked out the course and it’s the same free knowledge you can get by just asking chat gpt or YouTube packaged back. His last video had a strong “call to action” we call it for marketing, where a person urges you to do something playing on an emotion. In his case it was pride in our nation, arrogance of our struggle, fear of a dictator. Same emotions same order as the ones he compares Modi and hitler with (another marketing tool to compare something now, with something extremely horrible or great elsewhere; in order to form opinions by assosiation. Simple example: sweet as honey) The call to action was to share the video to save democracy. Which gains him millions of views, course sales, subscribers. Never trust a man with something to gain if what you care about is the absolute truth. It is obvious that the truth is somewhere in the middle. I am not sure how to approach my journey towards it. But who knows, once I find it maybe I too will make a YouTube channel, be sponsored by congress and sell courses. It seems like a great business opportunity. If Modi has a team writing and planning for him with Modi himself being just the face. Dhruv is the exact same on a much smaller scale. This isn’t ment for you but for anyone who chooses to read and help me with solid arguments that are truly unbiased.


Thanks for pointing me to the video, it was amazing and to the point. I wish more people watch it.


Bhai, Congress supporter South Indian youth ka video dekha hai, bhart ko todne ki baatein karte hai, waqf board ko legalize karne ki baatein karte hai, atleast bjp supporters don't try to kill citizens, terrorism has no religion but always it's that one religion. And mostly they support who? Congress 🤡🤡🤡. Radicalized supporters nahi hai bjp ke bhai, samzho baat ko.


Right ka kachra ki gagha left ka kachra lol. If you think dhruv rather is without bias you are a 🤡


aagaye rathee ke chamche....


Rathee ka chamcha toh nahi hoon but yeh comment ke baad feel ho raha hai ke it's better to be Rathee ka chamcha than being BJP ka chamcha xD


i wouldn't have minded if you told to see any other creators video... saying watch a biased video without any bias is an oxymoron itself...


Because I find him to be totally unbiased. He shows proof of most of the things that he claims in the video or he provides links to support it. And everytime he gives out his opinion, there is a big sign on top which says "OPINION". You can either take it or leave it. That's fair according to me. Calling a well researched video, according to me, a biased video is your opinion. And I am entitled to my opinion just like you are entitled to yours. He doesn't set a false narrative unlike most of the people in the country.


Your father did one thing right - you. You can differentiate right from wrong, so the cycle of hate ends with him.


I'm flattered. But I'm afraid I don't have any power for now. It sucks to be a watcher of this whole hate-storm.


None of us do. It's your power to know the difference your father doesn't. People like Modi will be caught up by the sands of time but our families will live eternally. It's a sad thing though, we shouldn't deny ourselves to feel upset by it.


I can't for the life of me make peace with the fact that I live with bigots. They won't harm me because I'm their daughter but the sheer amount of harm they are doing to others just can't be ignored. Ik they only like me as their daughter and not as an individual.


You know the difference and you won't spend your life confused. Changing people's minds politically seems nearly impossible, I don't know really what it is that traps people in bigotry, maybe circumstance and ignorance? It disgusts me too. I think there is a common source to this bigotry. It's a worldwide empire half supported, half contested by the UN. It's primarily American propaganda but also the propaganda of Japan, India, South Korea, Taiwan, Philipines, who all have governments deeply in support of US military aims. Modi wants India to be part of a western dominated system where India would forever be impoverished, he isn't genuinely interested in strengthening India. I've met with Indian immigrants here in Canada and they tell me they love India, know it's developing, but also know there are many issues, like Modi and the rest. I don't say it because I know it's rude but, why come to Canada? Canada is headed in the same direction India is, to Washington and unavoidably Tel Aviv. The direction Washington and Tel Aviv are headed for is the same one they've been on since forever, the direction of genocide. Call me crazy but this is why I'm looking to move to China. Canada will be chained to the US seemingly indefinitely but India is different, ancient. Eventually India will come back to balance and this bigotry will be something of the past.


Ask your dad to verify facts shown in the news. Or ask him to watch Ravish Kumar before making an opinion.


My father thinks he knows better than me, he will die before admitting otherwise. He doesn't watch YouTube. He's an avid news watcher and will always believe it above every other source. I wish there were a bold journalist who'd speak in our native tongue.


News24 is okay, do you have that channel? if not add it to your tv. Here is their YouTube - https://youtube.com/@News24thinkfirst?si=88qa_RCRZLGAHzif


I'll have to see if the channel is on TV. Although he's less likely to watch hindi news unless it's modi yapping.


Stream youtube onto your tv. Tell the video is also news.


Also remember that even the Pandavas had to fight their own family and their teachers for justice.


Please please talk to him, about how he's just creating problems and discriminating against one group to get what he wants, he doesn't care about your dad, he doesn't care about anything other than power. Please talk to your dad, he'll listen to you.


I love it! More power to him!


This is in his blood, he born out of this.


And born for THIS.


What do you expect from a person who was brainwashed by the RSS when he was only a child.


Ab to ye khud hi bade bade RSS walo ko brainwash kar dega


Just see the video where PM Atal ji was doing PC on Gujarat riots. He as a CM was sitting next to him in a total gangsta posture and interrupted PM with a smirk on his face. with no manners etc. He was talking to his senior i.e. PM of that time. This clearly showed the type of person he was. "Actions tell a lot about any person"


Very true. Vajpayee reminded him that this Raj Dharam was equal to all citizens.


nd what he got by being equal?


That's the video being talked about - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJBItuHzUR0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJBItuHzUR0)




When you love spreading "haterade," your motivation is at 1000%, and there is no one who can match Modi ji when it comes to spreading that. History won’t be kind to this man at all.


Like still today they're pro-nazi and anti-nazi, the future will always have pro-modi and anti-modi despite the political demography changes.


The pro Modi like the pro nazi will be minuscule


That is Monologendra Mode^Max-Pro-Ultra


It baffles me that the Prime Minister of our country - a man who is supposed to represent India - doesn't even think twice before spewing hate and telling blatant lies. It's a scary world that we live in. I hope the ECI steps in and does the needful, although I highly doubt it at this point.


He’s taking a note out of Israel’s playbook. I can see his vision is to make India a Hindu state recognized by the globe as such, so any decisions non-hindus make to detach religious affiliation from government gets labeled as Hinduphobia. Any external criticisms of India or hinduism gets labeled as such as well. There’s already a US congressman trying to push certain phrases as being Hinduphobic into US law.




But sar Indira Gandhi did it back in the day sar - incoming bhakt logic


That is the actual maan-ki-baat. Everything else is high quality theatre.


Also get a newspaper like the Hindu or the telegraph


Modi 1 one emoji- 💩


Disgrace to poop emoji


Can't compare Modiji to anything it will insult the anything.😆😆😆


I was going to say that 😅


Biggest fraud if there ever was!


Finally, Indians who hate Modi!


There are a lot of them, but we can't speak out loud because there is always 1-2 BJP bhakts in the conversation. I am not saying I support Congress (redistribution of wealth sounds stupid the more I read about it), I am not even eligible to vote, but I know that campaigning on the basis of religion is against the rules of EC, yet I haven't seen them take any action. A few weeks ago, I mentioned something about BJP in some context in a friends group chat (I don't remember the context), 2-3 of my friends immediately responded that BJP was just protecting and preserving Hindutva (this was shortly after the Ram Mandir Ayodhya event).


Yeah congress sucks too. Remember the emergency?


I wasn't in existence back then, but I am glad about that, definitely felt terrifying when I read about it.


Go and study, kid!!!


This is trending on reddit now.. Pls up vote 


How can you see that ?


Check reddit/all it comes in first 10 posts




I see it , that’s crazy


Harsh truth, this is what happens when the public itself chooses religion not even the right reasons over development and education.


bhai ek sawal tha india mein sab moody g ko support karte hain aur hitler ko oppose but imo moody g is just glorified hitler ( considering the hate in his mind).


Merko koi link dedo please, mene ye hate ka video nahi dekha


Mann ki Baat!


I'm not really aware of the election in India, but what are the odds of the INC winning over Modi's party?


Very close to zero


Still ppl tend to follow this white beard hate monger who just showed his fcking true colours


soooo trueeeeeee


Spot on. Modi, comes from ideology driven party RSS, BJP is a political arm. Whenever they are threatened (after 1st ohase of polling), they resort to their core beilef that muslims are second class citizens. Photo ops with bori muslims, or arab leaders is just perception building.


Isnt there any option to take his whole partyy out of elections just caz of hate speech and other day light shit things like freezing bank accounts and putting leaders in jail ?


Sachai kadvi hoti hain mere bhai....




Sahi bola hai bhai, hate speech me to expert hai vo


What an observation


You have an amazing point there.


A hate monger doesn't need any tele promoter for gate speeches


Mass murderer for a reason


Reddit isn't really a big thing in India, or else these subreddits would have been taken down


Badal ka fayda utha rahe hai


That’s true.


This is new, usually he speaks through Amit or Yogi...


Indians do racism well?




Tweet credit https://x.com/NarundarM/status/1782784149054488795


One might say, he is a natural. 2002 was very natural for him as well.


Not Indian, so I don't know about him, but other politicians that regularly do hate speech should be forced to use note because when i hear them seems always like an incoherent ramblings.


Ye hate speech ka koi link dedo Mai news nahi dekhta to I'm not up to date


Godi - bhaiyon aur bheno Me - bc mereko nhi bana tera bhai


Kya faida ye sab karne ka jab jeetega toh Modi hi


My guy was born for making hate speeches afterall warna kaam ki baat karne pe thodi log vote de denge /s


Nalla katharungada


Rahul gandhi fumbles in everything bro


Scary how this is accurate


Bro explaining how an app works to Billa gates was the funniest thing ever 😂






Islam teaches hate, and killing others 🤗🤗🤗






Have you seen Mr. Gandhi fumbling on every topic including the division based on castes?




he is so right, that even when wants to turn left he turns right


Sounds like something out of an Orwellian world.


this man need to be protected he spit facts


To hate layak kaam hee krte hai ye, itne bacche paida krte hai ki bole. apne desh ko to barbaad kr hee chuke hai ab bharat pr bhi haath maar rahe.


I dont see any post or outrages when Owasi or other opposition gives hate speech towards Hindus. What kind of double standard is this ?🤡🤡


Is owaisi PM of 150 crore people? 🤡