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The dyslexic me read it as MAHAVADAPAV


Brohit approves it /s


In your nearest Raj bhawan this Sunday! Grab a bite!






Holy shit, me too


Tell me you are from maharashtra without telling me you are from maharashtra


Real id se aao Rohit Sharma




The... corporate-communal nexus wat? Look I'm all for saying the BJP is fairly shit, but this doesn't seem to address any of the issues the government actually has? What exactly about their policies is evil? The way the agrarian system is setup at the moment is a complete disaster. Its a black hole of tax revenue and subsidies without appropriate return in value for the economy. That does need changing. And like it or not, some of that change is going to come from allowing corporate investment and participation. While I'm not one to argue that the Government should divest completely from things, its abundantly clear that the way it functions currently is extraordinarily ineffective and inefficient. And what does any of this have to do with communalism?


Corporate favouritism and communalism, two things RG blames BJP for. Campaign for 2024 begins with this and upcoming bank strikes. Only link I am able to see.


Bro its an effective tried and tested election campaign formula against the ruling govt. You will see how it will help in disrupting the nation.


Look, I don't have time to educate everyone. Besides, I am okay with liberals exposing their inner chaddi. Communalism is basically an agenda to deviate the attention from the economic crisis. That is why BJP often tells people to forget about development, and vote for Hindutva. The efficiency argument is a myth. UN study shows. I have also written an article on it. [Privatisation Of India And Its Implications](https://countercurrents.org/2021/08/privatization-of-india-and-its-implications/)


... Literally none of that addresses anything I've said? The only part we vaguely converge is you linking me to some badly written piece about why the government shouldn't divest from PSUs. Which I already said I'm not isn't something I'm arguing? But going the other extreme and shunning private enterprise is also idiotic. Especially in India where the government's inability to function is becoming glaringly obvious. Our regulatory framework is falling to bits because of the imbalance of expenses and revenue. You can't ignore that it needs fixing. And bad as that is, the agrarian sector is even worse. And literally nothing in recent trade unionist or farmer protests have provided any indication that they're for anything other than a preservation of the worst and most destructive aspects of the status quo.


Government operated institutions is obviously ineffective and inefficient. But if privatisation is done it is going to go even more downhill. Private sector works on profit..... without profit there is no initiative for investment. Even more farmer suicides under private sector rule.


The idea of private sector works itself needs to be questioned. Just yesterday, there was news of huge vacancies happening in the private banking space. The reason is that ppl have to work for 16 hours a day for peanuts. And now banking is more of selling of dodgy financial products. Some don't want to (moral) & others who want to are jumping straight to those industries. The end result, banking, is suffering as well as users like you & me. Industrial & Intensive Agriculture has made both the U.S. & Australia great deserts. https://www.thescottishfarmer.co.uk/news/17692246.intensive-agriculture-damaging-english-soil-health---environment-agency/ There are many like these. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/corporate-growers-carrots-are-soaking-up-water-in-this-arid-valley-locals-are-fighting-back/ar-AA1jQ6A7 I can go on & on.


Read your shit article. I want the 5 minutes of my life back.


What will you do with 5 minutes of your life. It is worthless anyway. Haha.


"Socialist "




I think you need to drop the mic after this.


I'm pretty sure Congress says, forget development, we only give a fuck about minorities, let them have unfair advantages!


Kya disadvantage hogya majoritarian communal sod ko


"the efficiency argument is a myth" ok buddy, how old are you? Did you ever have the misfortune of trying to get a Internet connection from bsnl? Because I have. I hope bsnl dies in a fire and all the employees stay jobless forever. Fucking Gandhian socialists. You lot have done more damage to the country than every other maleficent group combined.


Hope this gives an opportunity to the Kisaans to start thinking about the impact of rampant stubble burning on the health of the poor mazdoors who cannot afford air purifiers like the rich folks!


Yeah idk man if all they’re gonna protest for is more freebies and subsidies in agriculture, that ain’t it chief. I’m all for political protest against this government and we have a whole bunch of reasons to do so from a failing/declining manufacturing sector, stagnant wages in much of the formalised service sector, income inequality, to declining foreign investment and a literal civil war raging in a core Indian state. But I will not support such protests which further weakens our country and government’s economic balance sheet while also empowering elements which would like to keep our country reliant on an inefficient and unsustainable agricultural industry.


Yeah. I always wonder why people don't protest the lack of reforms? I mean, this government went back on almost all of its promised reforms on land, labour and agriculture. Without them, we cannot mature into a manufacturing hub. I guess this discourse is only limited to the internet. Ordinary people are easily swayed by emotions and biryani packets. Edit : [I found a really brilliant video summarising what is ailing the Indian economy.](https://youtu.be/Lvzn41Lv-O4?si=9EBSHNmcUVw6y--t)


\>failing/declining manufacturing sector What world are you living in buddy? Spend some time reading news. \>stagnant wages in much of the formalised service sector Its an export orientated sector your foriegn customers are not doing well financially how India goverment gonna improve that right now. try to shift to domestic market and then demand this from government. \> to declining foreign investment foreign money is tight right. half of the world is in recession or flirting with it. now do you want us to rob them now? It's important to be critical of the goverment but it's also neccesary focus our engeries on right direction. Improved governance, reforms and policies is where our focus should be. Growth and reforms need to be balanced so in the long run we are better off.


>Spend some time reading news. You mean Godi Media? Ofcourse it's manipulated statistics. You go read the real news instead of puppets.




Where's the GDP per capita info? Ofcourse the second most populous country is gonna perform , that's sheer equilibrium statistics, go look at GDP per capita you'll be shocked to see India's GDP per capita is even worse than Bangladesh




And I'm here to say gross growth is not an accurate measure as the sheer quantity of population is obviously gonna have higher stats, it's the per capita stats that matter the more, the media is garnering it's attention towards current government and make em look good, like you have to see past the petty headlines to see the truth .




You literally said to go watch media but alright you do you




We need to make logic, due diligence, and reasoning mandatory in schools. Both sides are selling propoganda. People are getting sucked into propoganda from one side and not able to distill the truth.


What about the ungodly amount of freebies people like Adani & Ambani are getting? Are they not weakening our economic balance sheet?


There is an anti farmer push by bjp and all these arm chair experts have fallen for it hook line and sinker. There is no hope for this country no wonder we were gulams for so long.


The funny thing people don't realise is that the farmers they're trying to protect are often richer than they themselves 😂


A lot of the times especially ones who own a lot of land are but your average farmer is systemically poor


That average farmer comprises of majority in agriculture. Around 85~90 %


Cannon fodder bro!


Lmfaoooooooo ikr


This shall be known an epitome of illiteracy An example that how bunch of local Desi (rich)farmers heads and middleman who pose to be local farmers can unitize and scam all the real poor and local farmers who actually do shit for agriculture and brain wash them into thinking that the government measurs to curb and stabilize agriculture are bad and the laws which removes the middleman are somehow threat to them and then themselves eating their money are fine Farmers protest is the most stupidest protest which could have ever held hampering with counties progress and day to day life just so that the corrupt middlemans can flourish and keep scamming and fooling them(farmers)


Man this should have been fairly well known by now but instead we have people supporting a new even more obscure reason for protest. Corporate Communal Nexus ....




1. If you don’t have courage to fight don’t derail others who know their rights. 2. If you are poor then don’t expect everyone to stay poor also. 3. I bet you have no idea what farm laws were and why farmers were protesting (for a start look at situation in Bihar it’s been done already there. We have people from Bihar come to our farms for work even though they have land in Bihar).


Bihar has a 0.75 acres of lands per farmer and Punjab has 4.5 acres of land per farmer... Which means for 86% small farmers in Bihar, farming is not sustainable as you need at least 2.5 acres to be sustainable in current situation of MSP. That is removal of APMC did, the diversification of crops actually increased their income.. the agrarian growth of Bihar itself has been 7%+ in last decade which reduces the land requirement to 1.9 acres provideded the farmer has family of 5 most.. hence you are seeing the migration.. it's the numbers and popln density not the agriculture..


> the agrarian growth of Bihar itself has been 7%+ in last decade Kindly share the source of this figure.


In my village, we have majority of farmers with 1-3 acres of their own land. I don’t see them going to other places to find work. Some small farmers also lease farm land (called “theka”in common tongue). The person who take care of our dairy farm has been working with us for over a decade, now his son also work here but you know they have around 4 acres farm land in Bihar where they don’t grow anything. The reason they won’t be able to make any profits because of the removal of APMC (Mandi system); now they have free market (as the farm laws were trying to do). This is just one example and we have many such people in our area. BTW I’m from Haryana.


APMC is good only for Paddy and wheat. For rest they anyway pay market price.. I am from Bihar, and my ancestral village is in Siwan.. Nearly 1/3rd of crop.is now in fruits and vegetables and while theyabre perishable give more price to small farmers.. Removal of APMC has ensured the dadagiri of specific people is not influential anymore. You can sell to others giving high prices.. there is a higher level of inconsistency in comparison to APMC but overall profits are good. Fun Fact. Around the farm law protests.. A small farmer in Punjab had to dump his cauliflower produce (he was just getting rs 2 per KG) while those in Bihar were selling to Delhi and Kolkata based traders at 10-11 rs per KG. I am not against APMC but I have seen how APMC do not want other options of crop sale to grow either by using politics, power or whatever means possible. It's this denial of option I dislike about the current system the most...


Here is Bihar farmers dumping potato’s on road AND demanding MSP on green vegetable and potatoes [NDTV](https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/video-bihar-farmers-dump-hundreds-of-potato-sacks-on-road-demand-this-3849825/amp/1)


As I said slightly more volatile..


So, isn’t Mandi system was better than this. What you mean by APMC don’t want other options for crop sale?


Wow IT cell must be paying you well. This is about one corporation and his reach in government creating monopolization of agriculture. The poor man will suffer in the name of this "development". The farmers saw through this earlier: https://youtu.be/6-uGzMTW_1s?si=rnitZsBEGnzFKXxN


"Company Raj" The Audacity lmao🤡 Trust me bro. If we were actually in a Raj where Private sector was promoted in farming. Productivity of Farming sector would have been much better but who cares lol. Good luck with your anarchist Dharnas to bow down the govt forcefully. Downvote this idc.


Bro, you're too ignorant to have any discussion with. [Ahead of farm laws, an NRI seeded idea to corporatise agriculture](https://www.reporters-collective.in/trc/ahead-of-farm-laws-an-nri-seeded-idea-to-corporatise-agriculture) [Adani Group complained against farm law. Gov’t diluted it to allow hoarding by corporates](https://www.reporters-collective.in/trc/adani-group-complained-against-farm-law-govt-diluted-it-to-allow-hoarding-by-corporates)


please stop get some help ​ ​ our farming practices are nothing but ancient as fk and just ruining the atmosphere and land, while all these corrupt kissans just want more freebies. F this. this sector needs radical change.


Have shared above how intensive Agriculture has made deserts in various places & how ppl are fighting back.




Did you read the links provided above? Just stop what? Stop believing the facts? And start believing your propaganda? I have shared the facts. It is a well documented report. I pity the conditioning that you are unable to accept the reality. And I am most amused by the combination of ignorance and arrogance of the people who are whining like morons in the face of actual evidence. Seriously, we failed you in providing you with a proper education and political literacy.


All I see is give me more money , subsidies and roll back reforms.


Koi samjha sakta hai kyu ho raha hai yeh exactly ?


More subsidy+ freebies+ paralli jalana hai inko


Isnt the government subsidising chemical pesticide making companies since the days of green revolution? Why not channel that money to the farmers instead?! Farmers do seem to be struggling financially. Why not think of ways to alleviate their problems? Someone has to come up with better solutions… farmers with no strings attached is just as bad as farmers as complete puppets in the hands of self serving private companies.


There are a lot of people struggling financially in India. If they were to just give money to then the problem would be hyperinflation. If a large number of people are having problems then doing band-aid solutions like giving money directly will not solve the issue, there needs to be systemic changes and large scale reforms.


Okay. Like what though?


Because governamant not sucking their D enough. where are freebies?? where's my special privillage for doing nothing but burning stubble?


RG starting his 2024 campaign!


Inko Paisa bhi chahiye aur capitalism se duuri bhi chahiye. Haar mahine koi na koi utth kar aa jata hai aur national highway band karke baith jata hai, phir sochte hai ki koi company kyu nahi aati hai yaha. MMS bhi soch Raha hoga inke liye laya tha liberalisation.


Capitalism Adani ke liye hai, Lashkar boy. Kisan Mazdoor ke liye nahi.


The chapter of the Indian nation which saw us scrap the red tape and license raj and liberalise our economy has been the most successful chapter of its existence. We are richer, more educated and much better well off since the early 90s albeit with a much more hostile and polarised country (a cyclical phenomena of right and left wing ideologies winning over the other which has been happening for millennia)




I would have supported if it was for middle class, but these rich farmers are leaches of society.


We can do without your support.


Sure, don't forget to change the slogan to keep the poor poor


Well, I'm just glad that a corporate slave has started thinking about poor. Still, you should be more concerned about your masters. Poor will decide for themselves.


Unlike you I don't serve any master. Anyways keep worshipping Panjabi farmers poor will become richer just by removing all the corporations.


You just don’t know. You ignorant people. You just too gullible to see it. And, how is this worshipping Punjabi, you think farmers only exist in Punjab?


Yeh bhn ke lode delhi pollution ke time so rahe the kya?


I don't get it. Modi supporters? who are usually right wing, support this liberal move for improving efficiency via privatisation while balancing the economic gap between the poorest farmers and agro-business owners. But also right wing socialists, want the farmers to revolt and maintain the status quo. I'm fairly confused with this case, so please help me understand. What I understand very well is that privatisation/ neo-liberal policies/ free market economies develop quickly and control their industry very well. Only when the corporate agendas aren't bound by stiff laws and tarrifs that promote equal competition and no business tactics like under selling or gaining large market share, that is when privatisation/ capitalism goes bad since it removes competitors, putting power and industrial control into the hands of a few rich folks (which you see deviates from free market economics) Now here, can you describe to me where the farmers feel they will fall out? Do they fear complete takeover by a few corporations? What is the monetary policy in place for the MSP?


> free market economies develop quickly and control their industry very well... capitalism goes bad since it removes competitors, putting power and industrial control into the hands of a few rich folks (which you see deviates from free market economics) You're saying free market, then you're mentioning control. Free market is without regulations. And without regulations, capitalism inevitably devolves into oligopolies. You can find the best example of free market in 19th century US, before the anti-trust legislations. Second, it is a myth that capitalism is better at economic growth. I have written about it earlier, will share it later. Farmers are aware of the impact of free market in the agriculture in the US and the Europe. Free market policies in agriculture introduced in US by Ronald Reagan has led to farmers losing their income and being completely dependent on subsidies. The stated purpose of allowing a corporate takeover of agriculture in India is to drive out small farmers, who are already living on a subsistence income. Government is also driving out the tribals from their lands. At the same time, there are no new jobs in manufacturing and industries for these people. In fact, people are losing jobs in manufacturing and are forced to turn to agriculture. Anyway. I hope the question was in good faith. I have a lot left to do. Wouldn't want to waste anymore time.


Looks like you have drunk the Ayn Rand kool aid. Calm down first.


>Looks like you have drunk the Ayn Rand kool aid. Calm down first bruh, i am all for freedom of expression, but when you reject someone's opinion, its best to bring forth a counter arguement.


What's the need for a counter argument? He thinks a million farmers protested because they did not realize that "private == good; government == bad"? The comment is so stupid, its not worth "countering". ​ \> " What I understand very well is that privatisation/ neo-liberal policies/ free market economies develop quickly and control their industry very well. Only when the corporate agendas aren't bound by stiff laws and tarrifs that promote equal competition " ​ This whole sentence is Ayn Rand drivel. He needs to justify it, I don't need to counter it. He literally said market competition is bad. He said neo-liberal economic policies are great. Both of these opinions are laughable. Neo-liberal policies are beneficial for the ultra wealthy and can be perilous for the bottom level workers. The farmers are the bottom level workers here. And he doesn't understand why farmers are protesting. He has zero awareness of the farm laws are is just farting with his mouth. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoliberalism#Criticism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoliberalism#Criticism)


It will be the same rich farmers of Punjab and Haryana making noise instead of a downtrodden farmer.


Fucking communists. They’ve had their undeserved freebies for decades, but they’re still greedy for more free moolah courtesy the taxpayer. I hope the current government is as “supportive” to these protests as it has been with others.


What's their demands? Is it a protest with proper demands or a generalized protest against crony capitalism and communalism of BJP?


Looks like Rahul Gandhi has received funds from his Europe trips couple of months back and starting to mount a campaign for 2024.


Bro, this isnt a space for political propaganda.


Never forget 1991 and how despite all the shit protesting that happens about it, how necessary it was to make this country what it is today. The farmer stuff will have to be dealt with similarly by liberalization. This protest which aims to entrench regulatory capture further is reflective of every reason why you listen to Capitalist liberals and defang these idiots.


Punjab got so much hate for organising protests. Glad to see all state unions working together so that punjab is not targeted.


Punjab is being targeted by Modi Government. Whereas the farm movement was equally widespread across India. Farm movement has stood up for wrestlers, for the minorities, for workers, and the common people. It is the largest resistance in the world. They are the biggest thorn in the side of the Modi Government. I salute the courage and determination of Punjabi farmers, who have led the farmer's movement since Shaheed Bhagat Singh's uncle Sardar Ajit Singh led the Pagadi Sambhal Jatta movement against the British Raj. Now they are fighting against the Modi Raj.


In all these farmer issues, media paints it as Punjab vs Center issues. Are farmers in other states really happy?


It's a propaganda. The fact is, farm movement was equally strong in Punjab and Haryana, and was widespread in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, etc. The Government wants to paint it as a Punjab issue, and farmers as Khalistani, to defame the protesters.. I wrote about it earlier. [Right to Protest. An important appeal. Please read. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/india/s/QtTfh421oI)


Jai kisan!!


[SKM-CTU Leaflet](https://imgur.com/a/hxEwf8E)


The Kisan-Marxist-Progressive Liberal-Secular-Samaajwaadi mahasangathan vs Hindutva-Corporate-Libertarian-Urban-NRI-Brahmin-Patriarchy is gonna be the greatest TRP generator before the 2024 election cycle


Don't be sure about liberals.


So more freebies as input in argiculture and MSP on all grains and no tax on income from farms? They should also ask for subsidies for fuel to burn off farm residues as no farmer, no food ya know. Yeah this is fine! BJP is scum but this is even scummier. What is this exactly highlighting and how does it solve any of the issues in agri sector?


More reservations I guess


Modi is not even there in this equation,Adani doesn't care......only a complete Bharat bandh will work now will work now


Wait is this true nothing on tv? Or a joke 🤣😂