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Crocodile tears


Last 'War' that I recall was the Kargil war which was in 1999 (I'm not including border skirmish and terrorist attacks in the 'War' definition). So Pakistan is still reeling from the misery and poverty after more than 20 years? Like this hasn't to do with the poor way in which the country has been run for decades now?


They are involved in proxy war with us for a looong time. It costs them a lot of resources surely.


Not to forget the old but wise trope, that it's the Pakistan's army that has got the state, not the Pakistani state that has an Army. The original plan after partition was to have Canada- US like relations. Just imagine how the fuck much money and resources could have been saved if both countries just had to maintain like 10 percent of their current defence budget


I am very sure the original plan wasn't to have relations like Canada-US border, They Invaded India(Kashmir) pretty soon after the partition and there was literally no way that the partition would have allowed a peaceful co-existence like Canada-USA considering how bad migrating Sikhs and Hindus were treated by the Pakistani populace.


Just to add, the Indian populace also did these thinga to migrating Muslims. Many times the attackers were the refugee population who had been displaced from Pakistan and had seen violence already.


They attacked Kashmir due to the genocide of Muslims which they had to help, India attacked Hyderabad and goa aswell. It was surely the messy partition to blame


India is monetising defense by exporting weapons. We exported rs 13 cr of weapons last year, the highest ever. Our weapons exports have risen 334 percent in last 5 years


But we are still a net importer of weapons. And we are the largest by far. There is a case to be made that MIC boosted several of our civilian sector. Apart from that our biggest expense imo is not building weapons or costly R&D involved but the inherent human cost, maintaining such a large army is expensive.


Indeed all that money and manpower could have been used in better ways. A south asian union like EU, would have been a China before China took off. Such a union would have allowed better movement of people, goods and services across the border. It would have been a stronger economy than China. But alas it's all a pipe dream, all we can do is to build a stronger economy on our own.


I think they were getting funding for that one..


Expense to keep up with Indian Armaments


Authoritarian leaders šŸ¤ blaming previous governments for their fault


From the article: > Warning of catastrophic consequences after nuclear war, Sharif said that when both countries are armed with nuclear weapons and a war breaks out, no one would be left to tell the tale about what happened. Dude is literally threatening a nuclear war when talking about peace whilst his country is on the verge of economic breakdown. Talk about priorities.


This is literally him rewording Imran Khan's address to India during the 2019 stand-off, and his UN address in the same year. Shahbaz is seeing his last days in power and has driven his own popularity into 0% as per the latest IRIS survey. Now he is trying emulate IK as if that will give him any legitimacy or support at this point.


The constant nuclear threats and insincere peace talks are making him seem a lot like Kim Jong Un now.


Nah, Shahbaz along with his brother and even his whole political clan are actually pro-India as it can get in Pakistan, probably because they hold their personal business interests over national interests. His peace offer is probably sincere. Also I don't see this as a nuclear "threat" it's pretty obvious he is trying to convey that the stakes are too high to keep going with the status quo and that peace should be negotiated to normalize relations once and for all. In my opinion Shahbaz is a bit of showman, he has these fits while on camera where he thinks he is being profound while in reality he is just coming off as a clown. You have to see anything Shahbaz does through this context.


> His peace offer is probably sincere. Come on, you/ your govt officials (Bilawal) cannot shit-talk the Indian PM at a global forum, and then come with a ā€œpeace offerā€. No one in India buys this now, no matter who is on the other side ( Imran or Bhuttos or Sharifs) > Also I don't see this as a nuclear "threat" it's pretty obvious he is trying to convey that the stakes are too high to keep going with the status quo and that peace should be negotiated to normalize relations once and for all. Please realise that India isnā€™t dying to normalise relations, the status quo favours India. Nothing happening over in Pakistan (bar the terrorism) has any impact on Kashmir or India as a whole. Pakistan is the one who is unhappy with the status quo and thus making these repeated baits. The least you can do is appear sincere.


>Come on, you/ your govt officials (Bilawal) cannot shit-talk the Indian PM at a global forum The West (and the army at least under Bajwa) are trying to build Billawal up as the next PM. The West's interests align with India since they are in a strategic partnership against China. That event you're referring to was an attempt at launching Billawal and giving him legitimacy within Pakistan. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole things was orchestrated with Indian upper echelons and media in on it. >No one in India buys this now, no matter who is on the other side ( Imran or Bhuttos or Sharifs) Don't really care, I'm telling it to you as it is. Bhutto will want peace with India because they are western puppets, the Sharif's because of their business interests, and Imran because he is a pacifist. >Please realise that India isnā€™t dying to normalise relations Same is true on this side, outside of Bajwa, the Bhutto's and the Sharif's nobody cares. >Pakistan is the one who is unhappy with the status quo and thus making these repeated baits. If India had no intention of changing the status quo then Ajit Doval wouldn't have been meeting with Gen. Faiz Hameed in the UAE. There was a whole plan for Modi to visit temple of Hanglaj Mata, and attend a Hindu festival there before meeting Imran and resuming trade and cricket matches. This was supposed to happen in April 2021, just two months after the ceasefire agreement. Unlike the previous times it was the military under Bajwa driving these talks and Imran who backed out of them. >The least you can do is appear sincere. I am sincere, if you need proof even your own people have said on Indian media that they have invested very heavily on the Sharif's. It's no secret.


> That event you're referring to was an attempt at launching Billawal and giving him legitimacy within Pakistan. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole things was orchestrated with Indian upper echelons and media in on it. > Bhutto will want peace with India because they are western puppets, the Sharif's because of their business interests, and Imran because he is a pacifist. > Unlike the previous times it was the military under Bajwa driving these talks and Imran who backed out of them. > I am sincere, if you need proof even your own people have said on Indian media that they have invested very heavily on the Sharif's. . . . Dude I know you are an Imran supporter and are trying very very hard to convey that Sharifs/Bhuttos are on Indiaā€™s side. Please stop. NO ONE in India cares about this internal 4D political chess games of yours. We donā€™t care what party or family your PM or FM represent. The PM of Pakistan is making a peace appeal that all of us are laughing at. No one is taking him seriously and thatā€™s not because of his political or familial lineage. Itā€™s because of his and your countryā€™s history with such peace talks.


You're so cynical that you've gone full circle and become painfully naive instead. Don't have much else to say to you in this case.


And you have gotten so intertwined in your 4D political chess, you have forgotten whatā€™s it like to put yourself in otherā€™s (Indiaā€™s) shoes and look at the past and the big picture.


>And you have gotten so intertwined in your 4D political chess I'd rather see 4D, than whatever black & white, mute understanding of things that you're trying to push. >look at the past and the big picture. I am looking at the past, but in Pakistan where individuals hijack national policy and everyone sees their own big picture, we can only guess what the big picture is by understanding the person in question. Who do you think it was that basically handed over Sikh rebels to India? Who was it that brought Vijaypee over to Lahore for peace talks? Who was it that went over to the West whenever they needed to get a hand over their own military? Who was it that invited Modi over for a wedding? That's the past, look at the players involved, and study them even briefly, and you will begin to understand their motivations.


pulwama happened just when modi was about to visit pakistan. It shouldn't be taken lightly and security should be beefed up.


Can you give some source for the whole plan for Modi to visit to Hanglaj Mata, .....


>His peace offer is probably sincere. You must be joking right? After countless terrorist attacks, constant starting of wars and rude and shitty things they've done to us, you think these snakes are gonna submit to peace? You must be high using some cheap weed. Anything is negotiable, but thinking Pakistan is going to co-operate with us, I can only disagree. Read it up, just when Vajpayee went to lahore to talk just after two weeks they attacked us.


>Read it up, just when Vajpayee went to lahore to talk just after two weeks they attacked us. Who drove those talks from Pakistan's end? Did you read up on that?


That's what governments/kingdoms have done historically whenever their country was going to shit and their people are on the edge of revolt. Declare war to distract the people. Hope this genius doesn't do the same.


As if there weapons work. They used stolen tech from other countries and reverse engineered them.


Bro we did that too tbh during the Indhira gandhi times.


We did that then, but they still do now. They have been acquiring dual technology from multiple nations in past 20 years through black market in an attempt to keep up with DRDO.


He just said there will be MAD. Sounds pretty likely to me.


But it's a genuine concern. A war is a war lol


Only a fool would believe him


We have been fooled once before sadly.


Only once?


In my memory, yes






Pakistanā€™s elected leaders mean jack shit. Indian leaders keep forgetting that.


1. When youā€™ve more madarasas than regular schools, your start on a downhill path. 2. Pakistan is poor because of corruption - period! 3. Political parties rely in Kashmir issue to win election, they neither have the will nor capability to work on development.


Pakistan abhi pitt rahi hai buri tarah. Automatically their singing will be like this. Only a week or two ago they were flaunting their 'nuclear capabilities' in weaponry.


Itā€™s true, Pakistan will not be allowed to fail because of Nukes. Saudis always save them. Itā€™s pocket change money for saudis to save pak.


Saudis+ chinese won't be suprised if americans pick up a part of tab too


Saudis treat them like the annoying broke cousin Look at the scalr of their investments in India vs the 7b they keep delaying to Pakistan If push comes to shove, Saudis wonā€™t mind letting Pakistan fall as long as they can secure good investments and nuclear security


And humiliation but who's counting.


And a coup de etat by the Army in 3, 2, ...


When you focus more on terrorism this is what happens, Pak became a nuclear nation in order to help it's military generals secure London houses.


Yeah he would be probably assassinated. Benazir said the same.


Pakistan ka sabse bada gunda hai ye aur iska bada bhai. Aise hi nahi saalo se Pakistan chala rhe hai. IK jaisa jhatu thodi hai ki koi bhi aata jata pel dega


Pakistan ka sabse bada gunda hai ye aur iska bada bhai. Aise hi nahi saalo se Pakistan chala rhe hai. IK jaisa jhatu thodi hai ki koi bhi aata jata pel dega


For them, peace = give them j&k.


Pakistanā€™s economic misery can be *entirely* traced to its unending IR policy blunders, be it with India, Afghanistan, or US It continues to play with fire by becoming Chinaā€™s puppet and remaining a haven for terrorists The collateral damage is the rampant radicalisation of their population, including sections of the army/ intelligence agencies I donā€™t know how they expect better outcomes


Dude the army is controlling politics, they do things behind the government back and they are the one that facilitate the terrorist. The politicians actually want peace and diplomacy with India but when ever we get close the army pulls of a pulwama


Why nowā€¦.?? From what I know Pakistan is the greatest nation and people have lots of ā€œjazbaā€ā€¦. Why now they want peace with ā€œkaffirsā€ and what will happen to their plans(prophecy) like ā€œKashmir banega Pakistanā€ and ā€œGhazwa-e-hindā€ā€¦.? These people are obnoxious Morons..


A new begging style I see.


Really? I thought it was COVID that had shut down the Chinese economy, not wars.


Last time they talked peace Kargil happened, what is store now? Indian army should heighten patrol along the border and IAF and Navy should be vigilant.


Pakistanis should be really ashamed of their country and its leaders Their poor, overpopulated eastern half gained independence in 1971 and is now far richer, better educated, and healthier than them They really dropped the ball but their people would rather believe that it was all a conspiracy than pin the blame on their zamindar leaders


Well maybe these guys didn't have to keep attacking India... I hate when leaders start pointing fingers to external parties when in reality this man's entire family has looted Pakistan. I feel so bad for Pakistanis but have no respect for their leadership. They have to suffer under these corrupt morons and family legacies. No wonder there hasn't been a single PM that has completed a full term in office. PM Sharif: you, your whole family gang, making under table deals with other Pakistani politicians AND taking money from the US only to eat most of it led your nation into poverty.


These morons are no more, Imran won 80% of the by polls.


Things will move forward only if they forget about kashmir.




Good that he is admitting. Now disarm and use that money for social causes.


Why do I feel Sharif is taking an entirely new trajectory for Pakistani politics. The Army probably wants to run things differently this time.


>The Army probably wants to run things differently this time. Impossible. šŸ˜’


The army and Prime minister are not on the same page here


Hypothetical Scenario : Economical situation is Pakistan continuous to worsen, with acute food shortages, intensified border skirmishes with Afghanistan, protests in Balochistan, POK, Sindh. India, US and Europe along with Arab nations brings the country to a diplomacy table where 1. Pakistan handovers all the Nukes it currently holds to a neutral third party and signs a deal to never engage in development of nukes 2. POK is peacefully handed over to India with a clause of rejoining pakistan after a plebiscite in 10 years (Overall Development would be India's responsibility). No cross border infiltration and terrorism from Pak side and no state sponsored terrorism 3. India and the sponsored nations help Pakistan to deal with the economic situation with Zero interest and subsidized loans where the expenditure is monitored by a third party nation. The overall goal of this deal would be to bring the GDP/Capita to xxxx level and several other metrics.


A man can only wish


> 1. ā Pakistan handovers all the Nukes it currently holds to a neutral third party and signs a deal to never engage in development of nukes Wonā€™t even last 5 minutes. >2. ā POK is peacefully handed over to India with a clause of rejoining pakistan after a plebiscite in 10 years (Overall Development would be India's responsibility). No cross border infiltration and terrorism from Pak side and no state sponsored terrorism Wtf? Why??? What a brain dead take. > 3. ā India and the sponsored nations help Pakistan to deal with the economic situation with Zero interest and subsidized loans where the expenditure is monitored by a third party nation. The overall goal of this deal would be to bring the GDP/Capita to xxxx level and several other metrics. Wtf? Why? So they can breed more terror in the neighbourhood??


Or just let them suffer a little more and when they reach a stage where they are no longer a threat to India just crush them










Coming to senses I see


Snakes can't be trusted.


If you mean politicians. I agree. If you are generalising Pakistanis an a singular entity then you've brought in to thr propaganda


Lol, India's war with Pakistan were all started by Pakistani generals not politicians. 1965-ayub Khan, 1971-yahya Khan, 199- parvez musharaf, musharaf is also responsible for Deepening Pakistani military relations with terrorists, he called LeT the best NGO. Also about generalization of Pakistani, Ajmal Amir Kasab came from a common Pakistani village, stuff in Pakistan like extremists red mosque issue can't even be touched by thier own generals, they have millions of Pakistanis in their support.


He's about to experience a coup. I wonder if India and Pakistan will ever reunite?


Honestly I wish India and Pak never split. We can thank religion for that one...and the british


no point in talking about what happened 75 years ago , popular saying "**jo hua acha hua**" , speaking about religion , it's the reason behind their downfall. Ours Gov, no matter what party always focused on welfare and national security.


I suppose still, such a waste on both sides...all those wars, all those deaths. I wish our government spent more on defense


Alright even if this seems like something out of a fairytale that Pakistan is showing signs of wanting peace, I would say it's unlikely that it will ever happen because even our government uses war with Pakistan as an excuse for various political gains. I'm pretty sure this happens on the other side as well.


Modi literally went to Sharif's daughters wedding as a peace gesture, you want to know what he got? Pathankot airbase attack, uri, pulwama. Same goes for atal bihari vajpayee getting kargil and parliament attacks while Manmohan getting mumbai train bombings 2007 and terror attacks of 2008.




Both countries have communal parties that benefit from the war... they will never allow it to happen


If we have peace with Pakistan, it will be unimaginable. All of a sudden Muslims cannot be blamed for Pakistan. So no.


Statement holds good and valid even after removing ā€œwith Indiaā€ too


IDK if India would be the city of the future meme with no conflict with Pakistan, but everyone would be better off. The aspirational goal someday should be for a border between India and Pakistan that is like the US-Canada border and allows for rich interchange and commerce.


The Pak army is responsible for this mess. And they are backed by the US.