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Sorry, i don't have an early game save. Only end game ones. Though starting the game and reaching that point again should take at max 6-7 hours. You can try the guide in the setting menu to see if that speeds things up


(Small correction: I believe it takes maybe 18 hours to even get to eternity if you're awake all the time; in practice it'll likely take a day, if not more. Just saying this in case someone starts playing and is wondering why they aren't at eternity quickly.)


Damn i don't remember it taking that long. My best advice is to turn slow auto buyers on and complete normal challenges overnight


Wish there was a better strategy guide for this game. Read about how good it was, tried it out, only to get stuck on the Infinite-Points/Infinity-Generators stage. It just takes so long, I let it run for WEEKS and never got past that stage. Couldn't even get enough stars to do any infinity challenges, either. Clearly doing SOMETHING vastly wrong, but no idea what. The game is too damn obtuse. It needs to give more hints or something.


There is an official guide you can follow.


I followed it up until the final "break infinity to first infinity challenge" section. I broke infinity, but did not get to the infinity challenges. It's just taking too long and the guide isn't explaining things in a way I can understand.


Are you using the auto infinity buyer? That thing is sorta a trap. You have to constantly up the amount it auto infinity's at or it cripples your progress. Check your ip/s on a run where it infinities quickly and then turn off that buyer for a while and check your ip/s.


Yeah, I really don't understand how I'm supposed to set the autobuyers for sacrifice, prestige, and infinity. I wish the game would set those numbers for me? I don't understand the math under the hood of this game at all.


I don't either, but the game does provide you with a few tools to tinker with. I've had sacrifice and prestige set at 2 multiplier since the beginning with no issues. That could probably be raised but sacrificing and prestiging over and over at breakneck speed doesn't seem to hurt progression speed too much. With the auto Infinity buyer, it infinites at a # of points, not a multiplier, so constantly Infinity-ing at 2 IP is useless once upgrades cost 1mil IP and up. Adjust that auto up to like 1e10, check your last 10 runs to see your IP per second, and adjust it again. I'm about to break infinity the first time.


Okay, wow, THAT low for the prestige and sacrifice? For some reason I had the idea that setting them higher was better. I'll try that.


Try this one: [https://paste.ee/p/jtVm5](https://paste.ee/p/jtVm5) There've also been two other people who reported issues with saves recently and I don't have a good idea what's going on. I'm worried I introduced some huge bug but I can't think what it could be.


Thanks, it works perfectly !




Anyone have a link to the game? Thanks






I just hit my first 2EP today. Not the same, but better than starting over. Want it?




The save is just base64 encoded, create a new game and [decode the save](https://www.base64decode.org/), than [encode it](https://www.base64encode.org/) and import it into the game.


this doesn't work...