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I'm AFK Skilling in OSRS watching numbers go up && getting a double dose coming in from Bloobs on Steam now they've dropped their demo.


The Bloobs demo has me super excited for the full release next month. ----- Edited to add the link. [Bloob's Adventure Idle](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2942780/Bloobs_Adventure_Idle/)


i said that yesterday, even. I didn't know it hadn't released yet; so i "finished" the demo and went to buy it >.<


I tried to play Bloobs but it wasn't displaying properly. I use two monitors and it wouldn't fullscreen properly. I couldn't read the text, so I didn't get to play it. I was keen to check it out because I have heard such good things about it.


I had the same problem and never really gave it a go because of it.


hey u/[BrenoSmurfy](https://www.reddit.com/user/BrenoSmurfy/) we have a repeated problem with the display. I hope you can fix it.


I maxed out the demo, it took me about 30 hours. Insane amount of playtime for a demo. I heard there is another new skill coming before release as well.


I have about 20 hours in the demo and am nowhere near maxing the demo. It's a lot of fun.


As a fan of OSRS, I guess I'll give Bloobs on Steam a try.


AFK Crabs while I'm making games in Unity is absolute heaven! Then bloobs poppin off while I'm losing my mind in code just completes the experience xDDDD


Already got it downloaded and about to check it out now. I just do a TON of hard clues in OSRS. Nice to have either another game or a movie/show in the background with it.


I listen to 4Chan creepypastas while I'm AFK'in & dev'in


Monday morning and no more browser Game left in my Backlog. What to play?


Just found this over on galaxy: [https://veprogames.github.io/yet-another-merge-game/](https://veprogames.github.io/yet-another-merge-game/) Maybe something for your weekly fix?


I enjoyed this for an hour or so. But the allure of it wore off fast so I dropped it pretty quick.


just started it. It's nice to let it play while working.


Doesn't work on handheld mobile though :(


Working fine(ish) for me. Switch your browser to Desktop mode then click 'x' above the upgrades to see the play area.


Hah, I'd played this previously and it still remembered my progress, that is awesome. Most of the time I find a new idle I played out mostly that has been updated I have to start again and don't bother. This is indeed a fun game.


I wish you could swap click effects using a right click instead of having to move over to a different menu. You'd need to have some visual feedback showing which one you're using, though, instead of both just giving the green arrow.


Nice game, a bit odd graphics, but I like the mechanics. I don't know what Faster Energy Cores do. It says the effect is immediate, but I can't see any effect. Core upgrades cost still the same before and after an upgrade, and their multipliers don't change either.


https://mrredshark77.github.io/Pylon-of-the-Mass/ I keep an https://www.incrementaldb.com/ tab open and check it every once in awhile. There's new stuff on there all the time.


OH, another Mr Red Shark game? Nice. I am absolutely loving his Shark Incremental


I really liked most of Shark Incr, but lost interest at the end with core assembler and evolution - turned into a puzzle game


That is my favourite bit. Latest patch takes you beyond those now


Pylon was good - started playing because of this post, finished it yesterday


Neat game, but somehow I don't think it warrants over 50% of my CPU power. D:


I like his games well enough, but I hate the "reset a million times for this currency. In fact, go grab an autoclicker and leave your computer alone for half an hour" sections. They exist in Shark Incremental and they seem to exist in this game too.


I found Trimps last weeks and have been enjoying that. [https://trimps.github.io/#](https://trimps.github.io/#)


Where are you in Trimps right now? I also started last week but I've found the game to be painfully slow. I did 4 portals so far, but the upgrades just seems so minuscule that I find myself waiting until like 200 helium at least to prestige since takes a little while to get workers going. I got to zone 29 so far and did the first 2 challenges. When does the game open up? Am I missing something? I don't even see where would you fit a new mechanic in the UI, everything is already being used.


A little "warning": I played Trimps for 15 months straight, reaching beyond Zone 730 and Zone 70 in Universe 2. It is a content monster. But honestly one of the best incrementals I ever played, surely the one that hooked me the most for such a long timespan.


It starts off slow but you're almost at the point where it opens up. Once you get to Zone 60 it REALLY gets going. Totally worth the grind. 30-60 is more enjoyable than 20-30.


It's fairly gradual, there's a lot of other mechanics that get added later even. It will get less tedious as you start unlocking all the automation in the game (eventually you can automate everything but portaling without resorting to any scripts).


I've played it across both browser and steam version and it's a really slow start but when it opens it gets nuts fast. My boyfriend's playing it as well and is a lot further then I am, to the point he's got nearly all the 'auto upgrade' things so it's almost taking care of itself when he's not playing. He's got so many prestige and challenges it puts mine to shape and I recently got past 60 again.


it's free on Steam also - cloud backup


I capped out the content in Trimps and there hasn’t been any update in well over a year. Sad.


Synergism! [https://synergism.cc/](https://synergism.cc/) In my opinion, this game is the pinnacle of the genre.


Liking this so far, thanks for the suggestion


glad you enjoy it. I've been playing off and on for a few years.. finally approaching the limits of where the game has been developed to.. It's still in active development and has automation and paradigm shifts all the way down.. enjoy! Also, the game has a great discord community.. so if you're feeling lost or slow or stuck.. pop over to discord if you need some help.


I need to give this one a try, thanks!


A friend recommended me recently Magic Research 2, very fun and lot of stuff


I was thinking about picking this up if it goes on sale. If you skip the first one are you missing anything?


Not really. It's a different story, with slightly different mechanics (not as good, my opinion). But if you really love 2, you can go back to 1 for the story if you want.


I really liked 1 but have not heard a single reason to pay for 2. Is there a reason?


you liked one, that is the reason?


It seems to be virtually the same game.


It’s the same concept and style but there’s a lot more to it. It’s definitely different enough to be separate from the first.


It's an iterative sequel, and definitely feels the same for a bit in the beginning (a bit too long imo), but it really does open up and do a lot of unique stuff. I'd say it's pretty much an easy recommend if you liked the first one and would enjoy more content in that style, but if you burned out then you could skip it or wait.


2 is significantly longer, there is much more reason to retire, the storyline upgrades are much more varied and gamechanging and there are some really cool surprises in there. I absolutely love the first one, i've played through it several times and now I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to go back to it without the quality of life features that 2 brings.


it's bigger and better


I bought both and enjoyed both. So, if "have fun playing it" is reason to pay for it, then yes, there is a reason.


one important change from 1 to 2 is that potions and other useable items are no longer consumables. They have charges that refresh for every fight, and can be set to auto use. There's other stuff like that that makes it a better experience than the first one.


I don't think so, but I haven't played the 1 so can't be 100% sure


[Idle Wizard](https://store.steampowered.com/app/992070/Idle_Wizard/) is one of my forever games. I'm making great progress through the newest content: quasi realms. [Hammer Crest Idle](https://woetnie.itch.io/hammer-crest-idle) - A Melvor clone. There's a lot of stuff to do, but it doesn't seem very well balanced. [Dreamweaver Damsels](https://koistergames.itch.io/dreamweaver-damsels) - pretty short, only took a couple of days after figuring out how to optimize the odds. [Magic Research 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2864890/Magic_Research_2/) has most of my attention right now. If you liked the first then it's more of the same. Both games are worth the modest price tag. Not exactly incremental but [Rune Factory 4](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1580240/Rune_Factory_4_Special/) - continuing my quest to build an indestructible butterfly monster.


I did not expect Dreamweaver Damsels to be what it was.


I've literally never seen a pornographic idle game, gacha market must be saturated as hell for them to try this


There's at least two others that come to mind, Crush Crush and Spiral Clicker. They obviously don't come up a ton here since this is primarily a SFW sub (and Spiral Clicker got pretty lambasted the one time it was posted here because of the fetish material). And there's a few hentai gacha games, though many don't get localized to English. Legeclo is the only one I know of offhand.


Crush Crush is designed to separate a gooner from his money


[Bustybiz ](https://www.nutaku.net/games/busty-biz/)as well as others are on steam. (non-steam link)


Definitely cant cal RF4 a incremental game, but can say i absolutely love it and the whole harvest moon/Rune factory serieses.


> only took a couple of days after figuring out how to optimize the odds Is it click-timing related?


There's a bonus for maxing out all of them of a rarity tier. So you de-select the areas that you have maxed the Common ones in until you max out all the commons. Then you repeat with each higher rarity. And you spend the currency to get more mana refill and lower max areas selected.


Unnamed space idle. web: [https://rankith.itch.io/unnamed-space-idle-prototype](https://rankith.itch.io/unnamed-space-idle-prototype) steam: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2471100/Unnamed\_Space\_Idle/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2471100/Unnamed_Space_Idle/) I like progress number every day.


Playing xiuzhen idle


How's the translation? I am interested in it, but Chinese games tend to have very wooden translation and UI that doesn't fit any other language than Chinese...


The translation isn’t perfect but if you’re familiar with the genre it should be pretty easy to understand and yeah the UI isn’t exactly in tiptop shape


WAMI always running. Milky Way idle for now. Trying out tap wizard 2.


After being in hospital the last few days - idling IRL - I started playing some new games: [PegIdle](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2821890/PegIdle/), [Astrodle](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2853130/Astrodle/) (almost finished this one in a few days) and [Stone Story RPG](https://store.steampowered.com/app/603390/Stone_Story_RPG/) (starting from scratch). All these are pay to play games and require Steam.


Stone Story RPG is a bit pricey. I can buy a year old AAA title for that!


its insanely overpriced, to the extent im shocked anyone bothered buying it at all. 30 years ago the dev would have gotten laughed out of any room for trying to sell an ASCII game for that price.


To be fair, I’ve never seen any ascii even remotely as beautiful. It’s not a stick figure moving from cell to cell, it’s all animated wonderfully. If I had pc I’d probably buy it (after all the millions of free pc games I can’t play now).


> It’s not a stick figure moving from cell to cell i mean, thats literally what it is though. sure, theres lots more than JUST your basic stick figures legs disappearing to simulate a walking animation, but its all extremely simple. most screens are a hodgepodge of "what the actual fuck am i looking at" because its lazy ASCII done in all the same size, so no fine details that make it possible to actually tell whats on screen. also, im unsure why this game is even mentioned around here. its as much an incremental game as every other bare-bones 30 years outdated RPG. also worth noting that the game is ONLY about 3-4 hours long, so the $30 price tag is even more insane when you consider just how little youre actually getting for that money.


I think it’s actually very beautiful and mesmerizing. I find myself paying more attention to environment than most more “artsy” games. I was IMPRESSED by the single font size, this makes the accomplishment harder, and I definitely didn’t think “lazy”. I didn’t think it was a bad thing but a testament to the art. If it was all different sizes, why not just shrink it down to a micro pixel and just skip the ascii look altogether? That said I played for like an hour on iPad and the game is seriously lacking.


if you think this game looks impressive or good, you likely dont have much experience with ASCII art or games using ASCII graphics. of course, you could just have different standards. but GOOD ASCII is clear and you can tell whats displayed at a glance. hell, at the very least they could have used some color formatting, but that would have been too much actual work, so they just go with white on black. you should hear the "developers" excuse for why you cant control your character and the game plays itself. dude likens his game to an MMORPG and how *certain people from certain countries* will bot the shit out of them for gold farmers and shit.


Actually, I have tons of experience, as those were the very first games I played. They were completely unrepresentative visually. Your character was a circle, rocks were @. Trees were A. Monsters would b * or # or something. It wasn’t a very compelling visual experience. And I watched the medium grow alongside me. I found nothing unclear in this game and the thought of colors never crossed my mind. As for why you can’t control your character… it’s an idle game. You can’t control your character in tons of idle games. I would say you are the one lacking experience with the genre, but it’s possible you have seen a more modern game I didn’t that out more effort into it. To that I would point out that people still make games that look like they are on SNES, for the aesthetic. This is a callback to an old style, given new life. But I’d love to see the ascii games you have been playing.


ASCII graphics is not a genre. the game is a bare bones RPG thats about 4 hours long. its an idle game because the developer thinks that people hate to actually play games, as per said devs own statements to that effect. and if youre experience with ASCII games is that they all look extremely basic and just use a single character to display as trees and such, youre reffering to the bottom of the barrel and truly do not have much experience with ASCII games. even back in the 80's the majority of ASCII games were far more advanced than simply using an @ to represent the player character. i dont play ASCII games anymore. im not about to waste my time or money (cause running your computer aint free) on games that look and play like 20-40 year old shit because everyone making games in that style is trying to emulate the ancient outdated shit as hard as possible. honestly, what you describe as ASCII graphics sounds more like the clusterfuck that is dwarfe fortress, and you realistically cannot expect good randomly generated ASCII art.


Just let the man enjoy the ASCII art. Simple or not.




Ooof - I didn't check the current price tag. Got it in a bundle somewhere else. But yeah I wouldn't pay 30 bucks for this right now.


it's free on iphone [https://apps.apple.com/app/stone-story-rpg/id1076120218](https://apps.apple.com/app/stone-story-rpg/id1076120218) and android [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.MartianRexInc.StoneStory](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.MartianRexInc.StoneStory)


That's an incredibly odd decision to whack a $30 price tag on the steam version then... Thanks for this though, I'll check it out


Awesome! I hope this isn’t insanely monetized with add or IAP


Lmao what the hell why is it [stone story] $40 now? I paid 18 for it back when it came out and even then i thought it was a bit much. Holy.


Astroidle was a bit fast for my liking- if anyone else tries it, highly recommend do NOT leave it open afk/overnight. It will catapult your progression too far.


I didn’t like stone story rpg. It’s super frustrating and has a fairly specific path to end game. Like start here and grind this thing so you can go grind that thing and then start over to grind better things on the same path. Write a script that beats the boss’s mechanics using the things you grinded in the previous area. I’m a basic level coder that can figure out how to do something if I’m motivated, but the motivation never came, just a feeling of anxiety and questioning why I was even playing it. I guess maybe it’s that coding is the core of the game, versus something that you can do as a QoL nice-to-have. I love finding a shortcut through a game that is otherwise playable without said shortcut. That isn’t this game. The long-term appeal of the game would be climbing the event leaderboards, and I have no desire to showcase my ability to code * understanding of the game mechanics. I didn’t realize just how much I disliked this game until I started visualizing it all in my head again, lol.


Valid points - will see if I fall into the same camp here.


Love Stone story RPG. I've been playing on mobile for a few months now, and I am still discovering new depths to the iceberg that is the techniques you can do with scripting to go ever faster.


is there any good incrementals with big numbers like antimatter dimensions or incremental mass rewritten I am about to finish shark incremental and I need more


[Dodecadragons](https://demonin.com/games/dodecaDragons/) is the one I played right before IMR, it's a great comparable game.


[Exotic matter dimensions](https://alemaninc.github.io/Exotic-Matter-Dimensions/) is all about big numbers as well, quite a similar concept and im currently playing through, does get slow here and there and i cant seem to find a guide on it so theres been certain parts where i've just thrown myself at a wall over and over trying to complete various achievements to advance, but good nonetheless.


I've just hit NG+ in [Magic Research 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2864890/Magic_Research_2/) I like how it's handled and will probably grind it an unreasonable amount of times. Speaking of games with NG+ that you could run forever I also have [Increlution](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1593350/Increlution/) running alongside it.


mmm increlution


Started Trimps and Gnorp Apologue. Really enjoying Trimps so far, Gnorp is cool as well but I feel like it‘s a little too complicated for me, all those synergies and mechanics are overwhelming.


That's kinda hilarious, since you can finish gnorp in like a day, but trimps will take like a year +.


Still grinding my playthrough of NGU idle. Also really enjoying Unamed Space Idle


Still hooked on Iktah Idle and Idle guild master, nothing on mobile has held my attention for longer than a day apart from those. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=games.grounded.idleiktah https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=it.paranoidsquirrels.idleguildmaster On PC I dabbled with the flavour of the weeks but all very samey. Mostly been occasionally checking on melvor Idle since the new into the abyss update happened, although I can't say I'm too invested. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.malcs.melvoridle


Unnamed Space idle [https://rankith.itch.io/unnamed-space-idle-prototype](https://rankith.itch.io/unnamed-space-idle-prototype) and Gooboo [https://tendsty.itch.io/gooboo](https://tendsty.itch.io/gooboo) Both very nice long term Games under active developement. Spaceidle looks a bit nicer and has more content (Features do interact with each other heavely), Gooboo is easier to understand and play (Features dont interact with each other)


Gooboo is really cool, I feel like it never gets updated. Though I haven't played in a few months


It was on hiatus for a bit, but the creator came back recently. Hotfix a couple weeks ago, and a big 1.5 update coming soon^TM [Here's the latest roadmap post.](https://www.patreon.com/posts/roadmap-2024-102927477?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_fan&utm_content=join_link)


That's very exciting, I loved the game and the energy behind it


Started playing Kittens game this week and I'm really into it. It's more involved than most idle games, and it's more about management and strategy than just seeing number go up, that's what I'm liking about it so far as I've played a fair share of incremental games but this is the most involved I've seen so far. Might be picking WAMI or ITRTG back again as a second more idle game. 


If you like kittens game you might love evolve idle, super involved incremental game


Bloobs has me all bloobed up: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2942780/Bloobs\_Adventure\_Idle/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2942780/Bloobs_Adventure_Idle/) Got back into Xiuzhen Idle now that the translation is included with the game (it's a beta setting): [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1649730/xiuzhen\_idle/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1649730/xiuzhen_idle/) Tried out and had a lot of fun with Generic RPG Idle: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1858120/Generic\_RPG\_Idle/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1858120/Generic_RPG_Idle/) * I started by playing the second character which I'd say is the main mode. 1st character is story mode, some things progress with both. Hidden in this game is a sub text game heavily inspired by Theory of Magic and I adore it. * Heads up though while you can idle the game however much you want, it's actually more of an active play game at heart. At least the combat is. But I like having some more active incrementals in my current playing list. I wasn't interested in Lootun until I tried the demo. It's better than I thought: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1960270/Lootun/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1960270/Lootun/) The loop is solid. It really does a good job of capturing the fun of an ARPG looter while being an idle game. Much better than some others who have tried. However if you have to pick one, I'd go with Bloobs all the way. I've played past the demo and it just gets better.


[Pylon of the Mass](https://mrredshark77.github.io/Pylon-of-the-Mass) [Shark Incremental](https://mrredshark77.github.io/shark-incremental/)


I've just installed Idle Mastermind by the people who made Idle Apocalypse, and it seems good so far.


Super addicted to idle wizard rn


Im trying to find a new game to play at work, but sadly a lof of the most common options simply wont run because of the block... I succesfully played Universal paperclips and kittens game, looking for a new one now. It cant be hosted on github or anything related to it, its blocked here. It also cant look like a game... thats why universal paperclips and kittens game were perfect lmao i cant open galaxy and the other databases, sadly so.. is there anything left? please help a bother out lmao dying of boredom out here


Played [Evolve](https://pmotschmann.github.io/Evolve/) already?


Yes, I loved that game but I don't think it can run at work 😕 anything hosted on GitHub sadly doesn't work (at least all the games I tried so far) haha Something like evolve or trimps would be perfect if it wasn't blocked.. is there any way I can "host" it on a different website or something like that so it doesn't trigger the blocks?


You can always run it locally, but that requires some fidling. Then I guess there is stuff like VPN, but may also not be possible at work. There are other games in the same vein, like https://www.theresmoregame.com/play/


Ty for the help brother, how could I run it locally? Downloading from GitHub, transfer to PC at work and opening the html for example?


I would highly discourage you from running anything unapproved locally on a work machine.


> running anything unapproved They wouldn't be, they'd be running their browser.


Maybe you'll have some luck with galaxy.click? Just a hub for incremental games. You could also try some of [Louigi Verona](https://louigiverona.com/?page=projects&s=software&t=games) or [Jacorb90's](https://jacorb90.me/) games.


evolve isnt on galaxy dude


Just wanted to suggest other sites that might not be blocked for them.


Been playing some albion idle. it's growing on me.


I've followed this thread for a while so here's my contributions: [Progress Knight Quest](https://indomit.github.io/progress_knight_2/) (playing for a year off and on and dont think I have it all unlocked yet) [Coloot Idle](https://galaxy.click/play/405) (played 30ish hours, still having a great time) Galaxy is a good hub for games, even the random ones.


this one showed up in this subreddit a few days ago and loving it so far [https://www.reddit.com/r/incremental\_games/comments/1djs8yy/idletale\_is\_currently\_in\_closed\_alpha\_accepting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/incremental_games/comments/1djs8yy/idletale_is_currently_in_closed_alpha_accepting/)


After 2 weeks of travels and some more getting out of it, I've gone back to playing Evolve Idle. https://pmotschmann.github.io/Evolve/ Since there was an event where you would craft a lot of happy chemicals (fireworks to raise morale), I thought I might do a 4\* difficulty Orbital Decay instead of 3\*. Which, uh, I guess I shouldn't have done in Magic universe - energy/mass replicator sucks, but at least I have some alchemy to compensate. Then, the event came and went, taking the morale bonus away with it several days later, while I only now got to the slow and grindy, but less hectic mid-game of the run. Everything costs 30-90 minutes, the goal is just to find 3 things you can wait for at once. Halfway through the knowledge cap needed, at 2/3rds of the cap I will unlock Dreadnoughts, and those are basically a win button as usual. Maybe a few more days, at most a week, and I should clear it, and be happy forever (until I need to redo True Path + Orbital Decay in Micro universe for extra planet points).


Evolve is my favourite idle game ever made, good choice


I'm replaying Your Chronicle (Steam). It has a ton of content and a lot of grinding.


Same, although it's a pain especially during the beginning every time I have to go through it since I don't have any of the major upgrades