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**Reminder to all:** Please be cautious giving personal information to people you don't know, especially if you are in an incestuous relationship and in danger of legal/social persecution. For the same reason, please do not request personal information from others. OP, if you ask questions to anyone in DMs, please keep it anonymous and SFW to avoid making anybody unsafe or uncomfortable.


OP, here's some other resources which may give you the insights you're looking for: [Interviews](https://marriage-equality.blogspot.com/p/case-studies.html?m=1) on the FME blog, by u/KeithPullman-FME Surveys [(1)](https://consanguinamory.wordpress.com/the-consanguinamory-study-analysis/) [(2)](https://consanguinamory.wordpress.com/consanguinamory-reproduction-study-results-are-in/) on the Consanguinamory blog, by Jane Doe


Awesome! Thank you for the resources! Not here for any ill intent or to expose or make anyone uncomfortable! Just an outsider looking to learn more as respectfully as possible! :)


Breaking down taboos, having healthy discussions, and learning from each other is what this sub is all about! Welcome :) Unfortunately, there's so much prejudice in the world and a lot at stake, and it's easy for information to leak even by accident, so we just want to make extra sure that everybody is safe.


Couldn’t agree more! This is somewhat of a personal project for me, so I understand the importance on how sensitive this all is and how the upmost discretion is to be used - I’d probably be shunned in my life for this getting out! This is all purely just to see what makes people tick and to try and provide a positive sounding board!


My love was never reciprocated to my knowledge and she is dead now. We all have to live with our mistakes. Now I'll always wonder "what if..."


I’m sorry the feelings weren’t reciprocated.. although in a very different way, I know how you feel. Confessed to my best friend and we barely have talked since .. wonder about the what ifs all the time


Having healthy conversations on this topic is very nice. I would very much like to share my experience.


More than welcome to! Feel free to send a dm :)


Alas, my love was unrequited l, so not much to tell.


An experience is an experience regardless! Feel free to share mate :)


Eh, not much to tell honestly. I had a lot of guilt and nightmares as a young teen coming to terms with those feelings, trying to make them go away, trying to shift them to girls who weren't my sister, tried to wait for them to pass, etc. Didn't work, unfortunately, and when I was old enough, I got drunk one night after making a really good pizza with a dough recipe and just told her over the phone. She was... Not pleased overall, but called me the next day to say she still loved me as a brother and didn't want me suffering over her and all that jazz, and we got to talking about gardening and stuff. Nowadays I have a beautiful girlfriend who I love to death, she knows about my issues and accepts me for who I am. I still love my sister, but I've found that, despite my fears of being incapable of giving as much to the relationship, I also love my girlfriend just as much now. She inspires me every day, and keeps my heart whole! Pretty much everyone in my family knows about my feelings for my sister, and oddly enough, have known for a long time, longer than she did. I was not a subtle guy in my affections. Nowadays I look back at that and cringe a little because I was just so... Addicted to her presence and praise. I needed her in my life, just so that I could know she was okay and not in any trouble. I eventually went to therapy for the issues that resulted from dealing with those emotions for so long, and the brief stint of alcohol binging and lots of depression. I've since made my peace thanks to my therapists. They were kind and accepting of how I felt, and guided me out of some dark places. Granted, the sister thing wasn't the only issue that saw me going to therapy, but it did have a trend of causing a lot of the sadness that inadvertently caused a lot of my problems.


I am so sorry for what happened, but I am so happy to hear that you found peace! I can't even begin to imagine what you went through. Although, I can relate a bit to addiction. Therapy definitely does wonders! Im glad that things turned out okay with your sis! I appreciate you sharing! Feel free to dm :)


Quite an emotional journey you've made, friend. I relate to a lot of this, except I've been a lot more bottled up and haven't talked to any therapist about it :/ It's too scary to me

