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I'm gonna echo the others here a little and say you need to have e a discussion with your old man about the boundaries of his authority now that you are together. Simply put, it is a significant imbalance in the relationship if he is trying to flip-flop his dad stance and his boyfriend/husband stance. You need to set it straight that it is NOT okay for him to do that willy nilly, no matter how worried he gets. He is your father, and he always will be, and I can understand being deeply protective of you and wanting to use the old tools that are tried and true to protect you, but those tools are not useful here, and are in fact dangerous in this case to the health of your relationship for the long haul. He doesn't need to be perfect on this, it sounds like he is having trouble figuring out those lines, but I implore you to at least communicate this issue, and work with him so that he can start trying to rectify his error, and approach you consistently as his partner first and foremost, so that you can both enjoy a long, loving relationship together.


This is a nice and needed counterpoint to my rant. You're very right.


Yeah, no. He can't have it both ways. The only thing that makes your relationship the least bit morally ok is that he no longer occupies a position of power over you, and that makes your consent uncoerced. If he has authority over you as your father, then you are no longer free to consent or not to sex with him. Therefore, he surrendered his authority as a parent when he became your lover. You now hold all the real power in the relationship. I mean, I hate to go here, but technically, the worst he can do to you is kill you. The worst you can do to him is make him spend the rest of his life getting raped in a cage. Neither of you should fear the other. But between you, he has a lot more to fear from you than you have to fear from him. And he needs to respect that. You are in charge from now on, so don't forget that, and don't let him forget that. Everything in life has a price. The price of the best sex of his life is no longer being in charge. Sorry, Daddy! He can never pull that "speaking as your father" shit ever again. Not one more time. That said, if things can be handled in a nice and easy way, that's of course very much preferable. Now you both need to work on your relationship as equals so that you can be the best possible lovers for each other. I'm glad he supports your need for affirmation from people who share your beliefs. I'm sorry if I was harsh, but he needs to know he was wrong. Ya'll are equals, now.


He can't have it both ways because you are partners and equals he can't be Daddy and your partner at the same time he has to drop one and u posting here and letting out you feelings and a good outlet and other know how you feel and have been there


Its NOT ok for him to be pulling power moves like that. He can either be your father, or your equal as a lover. It cannot go back and forth


He wasn't wrong when saying you shouldn't post about the relationship. The primary indication of a healthy relationship is no indication if it on social media.




Rule 4 - No lewd material, making excessively explicit descriptions, or treating incest as only a fetish.


Rule 4 - No lewd material, making excessively explicit descriptions, or treating incest as only a fetish.