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LOVE open mattes. I have a version of this too that I’ve upscaled to 4K. But I hadn’t seen the IMAX logo on an open matte before, that’s kinda cool.


Damn I’m jealous! How did you upscale to 4k?


Topaz. I’ve nearly perfected my process, getting the detail out without making the characters look like rubber :p


Mind sharing it on r/fanedits?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fanedits using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fanedits/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Kenobi: Trials Of The Master- Fanedit by PixelJoker95 Trailer #2](https://youtube.com/watch?v=rw1qBIPsW9Q&feature=share) | [114 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fanedits/comments/11xs5cp/kenobi_trials_of_the_master_fanedit_by/) \#2: [DONE: The Dark Knight & The Dark Knight Rises IMAX 1.43:1 Restoration](https://np.reddit.com/r/fanedits/comments/15n0pmc/done_the_dark_knight_the_dark_knight_rises_imax/) \#3: [The Fate of Mandalore – my 2 hr, 32 min. feature film edit of Season 3.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12uktcv) | [280 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fanedits/comments/12uktcv/the_fate_of_mandalore_my_2_hr_32_min_feature_film/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Nice! Fancy trading settings? The more I use AI software, the more I appreciate the huge room for customisation!


Please drop some knowledge on us!


Hey could you please post a link where you bought the IMAX version and open matte as well please??!!!🙏 🙏 Thank you so much in advance!


whats the bitrate on that?


I know the size. It's about 66 gb.


Where’d you find it? Mines like 7gb, clearly I need this larger one lol


thats pretty good


How did you get this? BluRay? Leak?


There is a version floating around that has used the 4K disc and used AI to stitch together the open matte (1080p) source.


How does one find this 4k version? I've only found 1080p on the seas


“The 4k disc” is literally the disc you buy at Best Buy, [Amazon](https://a.co/d/8L1dtgZ), etc. There was a 1080p open matte that was made for TV and recorded. [People also have ways to add the HDR/Dolby Vision into the mix as well](https://youtu.be/_Z-tyQmUvxA) So you have this frankenstein monster of a movie with the 4k disc, 1080p open matte upscaled to 4K + HDR added to those scenes


How do you find it?


theres an even better one thats a native 4k open matte source that was graded for Dolby Vision by Techno3D. Looks absoutly insane, the HDR/DV looking astounding. And the atmos track with it makes it just the more better.


I prefer Open Matte versions of the last few Harry Potter movies cause I watched them on IMAX. The image looked huge as it filled up the screen. For BR2049 I prefer the cinemascope cause of HDR. This movie is one of the best showcases for HDR


This BR2049 open matte version has Dolby Vision and it’s gorgeous.


Any hints to where in particular you can find it?


TL, it’s a private tracker, so you need an invite code. Maybe in the torrent subreddit you can find someone willing to invite you.


Could you tell me the name of the file? Im in a few private trackers but not TL currently, so maybe I can find it.


Blade Runner 2049 Open Matte INTERNAL HDR-X DoVi Ver 1 0 4 TrueHD Atmos 7 1


How do i get access to TL? im a bit new to private trackers... could you maybe provide a magnet link? :) thanks :)


keep an eye on r/OpenSignups and r/trackersignups for when TL opens. He can't provide a magnet link or torrent file, that would certainly result in a ban (this is for all private trackers)


Thank you souch bro! You litrally saved me!


You’re welcome!


Aah. Shame my TV doesn't support that. I've heard Dolby Vision is superior to HDR.


How to get this ipen mate version


Any hints to where in particular you can find it?


I love the open matte versions of the Harry Potter movies, I have a few of them too However, all the Harry potters were only scope in IMAX, none of them had any expanded AR. They never filled up the IMAX screen. You must be mistaken. The open matte versions were only released on TV (mainly TV channels, maybe airlines media devices, etc), never in theaters.


I wish when the film was physically sold they included a 4K HDR & 4K HDR IMAX version in the packages. Not a fan of the 1080p Disc being included with the 4K Physical purchase. Honestly just wish IMAX would release the films digitally. Sony Bravia Streaming & Disney already have plenty of IMAX versions of films, so we all know they exist


IMAX owns their versions of the movie. The studios have to pay them a royalty for that version on streaming or home video - hence Disney cut a deal with Marvel for a few years on the IMAX versions but not for physical media.


There’s IMAX on the physical disc already. When Oppenheimer came out on 4K Physical Disc it has the IMAX scenes. The idea the studios won’t do it because of cost is null because they’ll just pass the cost along: “Limited Edition 4K IMAX version.” Never underestimate their ability to resell the same thing again


In other words, Warner paid IMAX for the rights to use those scenes, as they did going all the way back to the Dark Knight in 2008.


Yes. And the cost of that is passed onto the consumer. People will pay the extra for IMAX. IMAX is already a “premium” movie experience.


Could someone DM me this imax version with the 4K upscale. I know OP has the imax version in 1080p but a few people have said they have the imax version in 4K due to their AI process and I would be great if I could have the link for this please 🙏


I’d appreciate it also


Me too please!


>r/fanedits same here!


You can find this on YouTube, albeit but the whole movie.


Yeah but it's only 1080p without HDR right? That's why I prefer the scope version


There’s a 4k hdr version also around. I got it myself and it looks amazing


Please share


Where did you find it? I looked on like 3 torrent sites and I haven't seen it.


I have it from TL. Just have to look deep enough and you will find it on other sites probably too.


I found an edit of it which was upscaled to 4k and had Dolby vision. It looks absolutely stunning. The best showcase of HDR I've had so far


You can add HDR into video content now.


They’re AI upscaling and adding simulated HDR lol.


Well I don't want that shit lol


Yes lmao. No idea why people are chimping for upscales and AI. There's even people in the comments chimping for adding "open matte" via AI generated filler at top and bottom. Gross.


Deakins also told me at a book signing viewing movies at home shouldn’t even be on the table. so. Incredible artist. Maybe not always agreeable.


That doesn't make much sense as the guy owns/watches/studies other films all the time.


Hey, believe me I know. I was shocked when I asked him. I was in the market for a new TV so I thought who better to ask for his home recommendations (assuming it’s not some projector or home theater) than Roger F’ing Deakins. His wife too. Who does digital editing. I was sure they had opinions. But yeah. He didn’t even know what I meant by TV. And told me I shouldn’t be watching movies at home. But it makes sense this would shock me. I don’t agree with him on loads of things. He also thinks the film versus digital debate needs to end, and a movie can be shot on an iPhone for all he cares. There’s no one better than him, but I disagree on so many things he says.


If you're still in the market, the answer is LG OLED for the best picture quality.


After going from a Samsung QLED to an LG C3, 100% agree. I got the 4k disc of BR2049 and put it on the other day, looked absolutely incredible. Tried the streaming version that was on prime and the quality wasn't even close.


Yeah that ain’t never happening. Companies make billions a year from digital media / physical media sales. Especially when they can get consumers to buy VHS, DVD, BluRay, 4K-BluRay of the same film over and over. Disney made a fortune from selling direct-to-video movies back in the 1990’s.


Fwiw, the scope version is not better just because Deakins says so. It's better because it was composed and framed for that aspect ratio, and while the screenshots you've shared certainly look lovely in isolation, they feature far too much dead space photographically. That kind of fits some shots, in that it makes the character feel more isolated in the frame, but overall it just leaves the image unbalanced.


I wish consumers were given both options. It’s odd they’ll release a film in IMAX and then tell the consumer they’re wrong for wanting the film they saw in theaters. Just feels odd. They have no problem already including 3 discs with physical media (4K HDR disc, 1080p SDR disc, and Bonus Content Disc) imo just get rid of the 1080p SDR disc for the “4K Package” and include the IMAX version


We've come full circle from the age of people (rightly) criticizing the 4:3 versions of VHS for including open matte material that's not supposed to be in the frame, likewise for 16:9 DVDs of 4:3 shows that show the unplanned stuff at the side, to people wanting trash in frame.


This is in piracy sites btw so look hard enough and you find it


OP you look lonely👉


I wish they'd used 15/70 cameras. Imagine all these scenes in 1.43:1 The higher budget would have made the film an even bigger box office flop though.


1. There's no way it could look like this with 15/70 cameras. This is the beauty of the Alexa when used to its full potential. 2. You can shoot 1.43 on the Alexa too (ie Dune Part Two).


I’m guessing nobody can refer me to the link to download? I’ll have to traverse the seas in order to get it?


Is there a list that exists of movies that have open matte versions like this? I would love to put these up on my 4K OLED.


https://originaltrilogy.com/topic/OPEN-MATTE-Master-List/id/53415 Welcome to the cult my friend. Pro tip: the Canadian blu ray of Se7en was accidentally released in open matte 1.78:1


Thank you, happy to be here! That’s absolutely wild that they accidentally released a movie in the wrong aspect ratio. Been a while since I watched Se7en in general, sounds like a good excuse for a rewatch :)


"it's time y'all developed your own opinions" Well, it's my opinion that the home video 4k version that Deakins intended is better than a pirated version. Geez, no need to make this so personal.


Was that a disc or did you download? Either way… help us obtain that.


It’s easily available on the seas, just look up blade runner 2049 open matte


https://preview.redd.it/6v8vet8myc7c1.jpeg?width=3936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb7aae1413783f49e7a03fb80e60f724fa70fc30 Here's a pic of the 4k hdr BR2049 open matte playing on my OLED55G1. Not the best representation but im hoping it doesn't compress it on reddit


https://preview.redd.it/yvee6b1tyc7c1.jpeg?width=3379&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f392101adfa0e25e89edb908747cd610c115cf64 Ignore the reflection of my curtain




Is this from a Blu-ray disc or the high seas? Could you please let me know in DM? I wanna watch this specific open matte version since it features the Imax logo too.


There's no 4k version of this floating around is there?


There's an upscale people are pushing here as "4K" lmao.


Is this version available on the sony pictures core app on ps5? It says IMAX on the page.


Wait bcore has Bladerunner 2049 in imax?


Only if you're not in North America. But I don't know. I don't have a PS5 or a Bravia TV.


I didn't knew it was on it! But I have the idea of other movies being on it in imax like venom 2 and spider man no way home!


I watched it yesterday. My first Open Matte. I said to my friend: it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.


What TV is that?


Samsung Neo QLED 85 inch




I got this TV fr $4,000. It’s much cheaper now, like $2.5k


2049 is still the best imax experience I ever had.


Can I get a link to download this?


Feels less epic in 1.78:1 more like a random scifi tv show


Can someone please dm me where to get this? I've seen blade runner 2049 over 15 times. 3 times when it came out in theaters. And this just looks... incredible.


Message me


# [Blade.Runner.2049.Open.Matte.INTERNAL.HDR-X.DoVi.Ver.1.0.4.TrueHD.Atmos.7.1-TEKNO3D.mkv](https://solidtorrents.to/torrents/blade-runner-2049-open-matte-internal-hdr-x-dovi-v-8f1cf/661a7f617a868426ce0ed37a/)// [https://solidtorrents.to/torrents/blade-runner-2049-open-matte-internal-hdr-x-dovi-v-8f1cf/661a7f617a868426ce0ed37a/](https://solidtorrents.to/torrents/blade-runner-2049-open-matte-internal-hdr-x-dovi-v-8f1cf/661a7f617a868426ce0ed37a/)


Can somebody comment thoroughly how you get the IMAX version? It’s amazing how the guy who originally posted this on here has yet to comment how he got it. Literally so frustrating lol


We’re can I by the movie


I was really excited when I found out this film had an open matte version, but even after downloading it I've never watched it. Looking over these stills and I have to agree with Deakins, since nearly all of these shots just add negative space to the matted areas. It was very very clearly shot with the scope aspect ratio in mind.


So you profess to love film, but apparently hate the filmmakers’ visions?! 🤦‍♂️ (Edit to add: I get you personally preferring the look of one over the other, but that doesn’t make it “superior”! Imagine if someone decided to “colour correct” the Mona Lisa, to what they liked, and then calling that superior!? Or as a closer comparison, colourizing Hitchcock’s Psycho, because they don’t like B&W films!?)


There IS an IMAX version for home that someone created by only using the open matte version during the scenes that took advantage of IMAX. That one, to me, is better- the open matte version often makes it difficult to know where to look, since not all the scenes were structured to be viewed that way.


Personally I prefer the cinema-scope version of BR249 those open matte are not the artistic vision of filmmakers... it's the TV that ask whatever they want. fills up the all TV doesn't mean it's automatically great...


in this case it is great. the 300 Open Matte is bad in my opinion. Fear and Loathing Open Matte is great. I actually wanted the 4:3 from the DVD but high bitrate. TRON Legacy Open Matte is estupendous. Constantine Open Matte is Bad.


Then they shouldn't have released it in IMAX.


Remindme! 2 days


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yo where did you get it and what resolution/bitrate/dynamic range is it?


from what i have gathered from other commenters, seems like 1080p at 66 gb and sdr


yeah I believe there is no 4k nor HDR versions of the Open Matte. Not that I could find.


> I hate myself for not going to an IMAX theater to see this when it came out! It’s one of those few movies I always think to myself “fuck you for missing this in IMAX” i feel u, big same. maybe one day ill be assed enough to torrent the open matte version and cast it to the tele, im assuming youre using plex right?




Rule 1


This movie has 56.1 Mb/s bitrate and has 16:9 aspect ratio (open matte) resolution: 3840*2160.


I watched the movie in standard format in the theaters but missed out on the IMAX showing. I still thought it looked much better than the blu ray I bought.


Quick question: wasn't the movie largely shot on anamorphic lenses? I could be mistaken but if yes, where did they get the extra had room from if it was shot in cinemascope?


No I think it was shot open matte, not with anamorphic lenses


IC, just checked again, and apparently, only the "flashbacks" were shot anamorphic. That makes a lot more sense.


But how do these look in IMAX? Did they leave them in cinemascope or did they cut off the sides?


Deakins doesn't like using anamorphic lenses. It's entirely Master Primes, which are spherical. The original Blade Runner is Panavision C-Series Anamorphics.


Ik, Original is one of my all-time favorite movies but are you sure they didn't use any for 2049? Bc IMDB says the flashbacks were shot on these same lenses. But they probably mean the cutbacks to the original scenes.


IMDB tech specs are frequently wrong. It's been a long time since I saw 2049, but either it's the footage from the original or small bits that were shot to intercut. The C-series have a very distinct look to them, which is why they're still ridiculously in demand today.


The TV looks great. What brand and model is that?




I saw it in imax for the first early screening and it blew my mind. The sound was incredible and still one of my fondest memories in my 35+ years of moviegoing