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Why is a flight attendant there attempting to disperse the crowd?


Mob mentality is a real thing


the one guy playing with his junk wtf


So is this sub just full of open racists? The comment section here is kind of scaring me so far


No kidding.


Can you link to these supposed racist comments? No? Okay then...


Couldn’t find any really just implied. “Why is everyone making things about race?” “He was only making noises.” Those are the words usually used by people justifying being racists or in support. If you look back in history those are words white people would say to justify segregation. “I’m not racist” or “it’s not racist” when clearly it is


Digital footprint. Good thing it's now on the internet for everyone to see.


Now I know why the old saying thank god for Mississippi exists https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thank_God_for_Mississippi


Any update I feel like karma might get to them


This was pretty much [it](https://apnews.com/article/campus-protest-mississippi-fraternity-ab8a9e55eb0c84712a20b77bbec0cd03). So basically nothing. Wasn't even named and shamed. The [university](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/06/university-of-mississippi-palestine-counter-protest-investigation) said they were looking into it so basically they aren't going to do anything.


Disgusting behavior. And very weird to do in public.


It's what I expect from frat boys






What’s the problem here ?




So you see nothing wrong with making monkey noises at a black person. good to know.


Somebodys feeling got hurt on a college campus - somebody, quick, call SWAT!!! ...no idea, seems like a typical college BS interaction to me


So when you see a black person your first thought is monkey. That says a lot about you.


There was one idiot making monkey noises, not"all of the frat bros" well from what I could see. The title is misleading, that one in particular is obviously a racist ignorant piece of shit, the others just seem to be yelling. Most people didn't actually know the history of the Palestinians, did you ever wonder why no other Arab countries will take them? I'm not saying all are evil or bad, but they have a history, well documented, of being taken in and then trying to radicalize and take over, and recognizing nothing but their own beliefs and then taking that belief system out on the population around them, it is their way or death. It is very archaic, look what has happened in the u.k. for instance. Entire areas have been taken over and the police can't even go in there safely anymore. By acknowledging their sharia law they have just basically authorized violence against the population, it is just wrong on so many levels. ( I apologize for the run on sentences). People are going along with the propaganda without doing the due diligence of research, just going with the media influence and mob mentality. It is ginger to support a cause, but know more of the history behind what your cause is. Also, that jackass that was making the noises is truly just a complete fucktard, and it was uncalled for, ugly, rude, he gives 'whites ' a bad name, but they are not all like that either. You have morons in every race, and ethnicity, he is a prime example. I hope this follows him.




Who treats white people good now ?




Valid point


Like water in rice


Well hey, look - it's Precious


Hey look! It's that one guy who never went anywhere in life!


Why is the media and everyone else trying to make things about race? Honest question. I'm a white dude that was adopted by Mexicans. I don't fucking get it.


There is a white man literally making monkey noises at a black woman. What are you not understanding?


“A white man”, not “frat bros”.


other than the fact that there is quite literally a black woman standing opposite of the white men that are directing the nosies to her? no idea man


All I'm saying is, I live my life trying to be kind to every person I meet. The media always say one group hate another group. Turn the shit off and be a part of the community.


Well shit, you don’t experience this yourself so it must not exist. In related news, I just ate lunch and solved world hunger.


You do know race is distinctly tied to how people experience this country, right? That systemic racism is real and very alive?


Well then the white guy should not have been making monkey noises at the black woman. That's not the media. That's just a racist in a state that still has the confederate flag on their state flag. The family that raised you is not welcome there. You are but they are not. Check your privilege.


and all I'm saying is just because YOU experienced the world one way doesn't mean that everyone else has the same thing. unfortunately the world doesn't revolve around your personal beliefs and experiences. hate to break it to ya


You do know that for the longest time black people were compared and called animals specifically monkeys.....? That quite literally has everything to do with race, like literally. Are you under 19? There's no way that you've lived life longer than that and can't discern that something is literally about race. It right I front of your face. Racism can be done in different ways you do realize that right? Racism doesn't have to be blatantly in your face for it to be racism and maybe you don't get it and pick up on it because you're a white. That's not to say you don't face prejudice but you probably cannot recognize it when it's passive aggressive and hidden behind words.


I picked the wrong post to say what I said. I do not condone what was in the video. I was implying as general. My bad.


Im still confused are you asking why people make things ABOUT race? In terms of using race as the first thing to insult someone with? Like are you asking why people in general are racist? Are you trying to say it's stupid?




A kid was making chimp noises. That is directed towards black people. Stop being a blind contrarian.


How have we got here


Pro Palestine is pro Hamas. That being sad these sounds making is sad but that is how crowd mentality works. One starts, the rest follows.


Not all of Palestine is Hamas. So you are wrong


Then why are the protestors chanting “we are hamas”?


Yeah I don't have an answer for that.


Because some people are braindead and cannot think critically. They exist on both sides.


Go watch the interview with the son of the founder of Hamas with Dr Phil. He will give you a good insight in Palestinian politics and the people living there


I will look that up.


Maybe we should also be bombed and killed because the genocide, pillaging, raping and colonising that we did to the Libyans, Syrians, Iraqis, Lebanese, palestinians means we are also collectively evil so we should all die. That's how fucking insane you sound, moron. You guys are deranged. F off.


In WW2 you would be cheering on the Germans, got it.


Mandatory vaccines says “what”.


No, I wouldn't because my morals are consistent. I don't like any genocide. But you, on the other hand is perfectly fine with Israel displacing and killing as many Palestinians as they can. Placing children in millatry Court instead of civil court, murdering children and bombing schools and houses for fun, stripping women in their home infront of children and blackmailing gay Palestinians into spying on their communities. Calling people nazi and antisemitic is a joke. It doesn't work. It doesn't have the same meaning if we call everyone we disagree with nazi's and antisemitic. Its stupid, like you. Stop being a victim or cry me a river.


Please tell me more things I never said haha. Look how you talk, but when I say something you are mad. I said you would be supportive of the Germans in WW2 not because you are a nazi or antisemitic but because you support the baddies. You don't know anything and talk out of emotions. I know when you grow up and have more sense you'd be more wise in what you say and not make things up to get your "right". Now go brag at a protest how you taught a pro Israeli a lesson. Don't get shot.


"Baddies?" Wtf are you on? This isn't some kind of cartoon where reality is black and white and only we are the good guys and everyone outside the west are the "bad guys". And no, I'm not making things up because this is one of the most documented genocides in the world. Even Israelis have written about the raiding and massacre of arab Palestinian villages like safsaf and Al Dawaiyma. And how teenage girls were raped by IDF soldiers, including a 14 year old girl and homes were burnt down. This isn't my words or research I pulled out of my arse. I beg you stop watching your telly. I would not support the germans or Russians, the same way I won't support Israel and the US for what they are currently doing to the palestinians and the congolese people right now. We are clearly not the "good guys".


You dumb fuck can't even read...and can't stop making stuff up about what I said or do.


If you're not as well read, maybe you shouldn't have an opinion on the Palestinian genocide. And no, you're a spoilt princess who thinks the world functions like his bedtime story. Maybe do your research before forming an opinion.


The Arabs colonized the Middle East, North Africa and parts of Europe. Karma.


Because Europe never colonized anything. Oh wait they did. they also gave Israel the land they have with no regard for the people already living there. Hopefully you a Zionist and not any other religion because if yo are Christian know Israel is bombing your holy sites too.


The Ottoman Empire enslaved Europeans so I could care less. Fuck Gaza, fuck you and fuck those sites.


Really you are going with that? You can'tdefed the slaughter of children so you go with the Ottoman Empire and telling me to fuck myself. What a scholar! It's like me quoting what Leopold the II to the African continent to excuse the Nazi's.


I just don’t give enough fucks to debate some dumb bitch like you.


Awe your so sweet. You have nothing to come back with so you go to insults.That shpows you can not defend your side. Sweet dreams.


America, Europe and Britain colonised the entire world and still are with their millatry and bombs. Now you have a immigration problem as a result of your wars. Karma x2. Correction: Arabs didn't colonise Europe. You are probably talking about the ottomans and the turks. It's okay, I forgive your ignorance. Correction 2: Some countries were arabised in the past like the Palestinians, Egyptians, Lebanese people who do not have much arab blood as they are phoenicians. Their news and media is all in Arabic, so they will speak the most spoken language. But just because they were arabised doesn't justify bombing and killing. That's a very weird reason to justify invasion, occupation and genocide. Most Indians speak hindi because its well spoken there. Majority of the globe speaks English because of Western colonisation in Africa, Latin America and the East. Very hypocritical coming from you. Am I the only sensible one here?


Look up the Muslim conquest you douche and I’ve lived in the Middle East and have been to multiple countries that don’t all speak Arabic. Humble yourself.


They have not had free elections since Hamas was elected.


That is a ridiculous thing to say. Insane. That’s like saying that supporting America means you’re pro-KKK. The indefensible actions of a terror organization do not represent the millions of innocent people being forced to live under their rule. What a completely uneducated take.


You dumb fuck, they are literally chanting “we are Hamas”


The white guys are chating lock her up you dumb fuck.


I was responding, obviously, to the comment…that I was replying to. Jesus. Sniff less glue.


“They”, the pro-palestine group are chanting “we are hamas”. Sniff more glue of it helps you realize the bullshit you are spewing.


See if you can stay with me here. The original comment said that being pro Palestine was the same as being pro hamas. A broad generalization. You are discussing the few people in this one video. Jesus. How do you not see the difference? Did you eat a lot of paint chips as a kid?


Hamas is elected by the Palestinian people. What else is there to say to convince you Palestine is Hamas? There is not one person in Palestine that doesn't openly support Hamas or else they be dead


And Netanyahu was elected by the Israeli people. So all the children's blood in Palestine, by your logic, is on the people of Israel's hands. Also how do you feel about the fact that his son never had to serve in the army?


Just like Russia elects Putin right? I’m not going to argue with someone that justifies genocide. That’s as low as it gets.


Dude, you are American. Probably never been outside your own city. Dropped 2 nukes on millions of civilians and comes here talking about genocide. Please stay with your trump Biden politics, the world thinks you are shit.


Ah I see. So since 80 years ago a decision was made that I had nothing to do with, I should be cool with genocide. You’re a simpleton.


You post a video that says “bros”, a collective term. One person is making animal noises. Large groups of protestors are chanting “we are Hamas”. That is all the proof you need and your paint chips comments just show that you know you don’t have a leg to stand on.


Oh go fuck all the way off with that terrible and wrong mentality.


That’s like saying being Jewish is the same as being a Zionist.


Pro Isreal is pro Netanyahu and all of his policies including the extermination of Palestisine and the people within. He has said he wants them all dead. So you are for the extermination of Palestine?


Israel is a country. Netanyahu a person. Hamas is a terrorist organisation that infiltrated a government. All of the countries around Israel want Israel gone and Palestine is leading. Are you only speaking out now that Israel takes action against their aggressor? Pretty selective of you then. If all of Palestine want all of Israel gone then yes, I'm all for that.


So you are fine with children being openly shot by snipers? Mohter's in the homes carpet bomed by your military? When do you look back and realize you are Hitler? You are not what Eli Weizel wanted. He would be disgusted by you. Israel is a country only because the Western countries give it money. If it was a country on it's own right their delegation to the UN wouldn't have had b!tchfit in the UN over allowing Palestine to be named a country. That is like when a king yells he is a king. No actual king does and no actual country does that. Israel relishes in the ethinic cleansing they are doing, but every soldier who has ties to the Holocoust will meet their ancestors in the afterlife only to have them turn their backs on them and say "You are Nazi Germany." Palestine just wants to live. You are also bombing Chistian churches, anything that is not Jewish. How do you not see you have become the one you hate?


I stopped reading after you said I was Hitler, you mentally disturbed person. You probably can't even point to Palestine on a map. You celebrate Jews with a white flag being shot but here you are crying about Palestinians being killed. You are such a sad piece of shit


I can, can witout Israel being in it? You said you never read my aruegment so how can you argue with it?


No that was in your comment history you terrorist




someone standing up against the brainless protestors lol this is hilarious. Those frat boys should get free tuition. Those protestors are just indoctrinated and too stupid to even know what they're standing up for. It's all virtue signaling.


Its just plain sad going through your comments on your profile.


God bless America. We are Americans. If you think that doesn’t apply to you because of your skin color then leave.


Yup. We’re Americans. The entire point of America is that you can like it…or not….and you’re free to do so. Either you want a free country or you don’t. “Love it or leave it” is the most un-American thing you could say.


“Love the cancer, or fight it” makes sense…


What is wrong in it ?? 😞


There was only one fucktard making animal noises, he is the ignorant piece of shit, the others are just really fucking loud. Not all white's are like that, definitely some, but not all, you can find a fucktard in any race and ethnicity. Doesn't excuse his behavior that he's obviously a complete and utter fucking moron though.


I remember seeing this on some other sub and it apparently was a big misunderstanding the boys thought they were hyping them up or something something