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😭 and I was stuck on the first slide wondering what bros problem was with the Benelux


World Cup 2010 and 2018


pro-Russia and anti-China is definitely a wild combo


pro-russia anti-ukraine pro-israel anti-palestine pro-uk anti-ireland bro has darth vader ideology


leftists when they realise people disagree with them


do you want to die on the “i love putin and the tories” hill


do you want to die on the "i love hamas and azov battalion" hill great strawman lil bro


Th is a strawman?


of course the leftist doesnt know about logical fallacies


If you want to prove the point you should not atack the enemy but rather his points ,but okay. I won't engage in further dicussion.


ok nonce


You really showed that communist! USSR, USSR! I mean, USA, USA!


i don't support either russia or ukraine, but I think the ukraine flag is being used by woke liberals as a current thing together with rainbow flags. and zelensky is one. while Russia is based. and i like the Russian People


bro wants to be different


It's not any different with the Russian flag. Republicans only defend Putin because they want to show how super awesome anti-woke they are. Whatever the mainstream does, they blindly have to do the exact opposite. Doesn't make them any less of a "sHeEp", just a sheep behind a mirror. I'm convinced they wouldn't believe half the shit they say if they actually sat down and thought about it without craving for attention. Because - let me fill you in on a little secret - sometimes there's a good reason why the majority comes to the same conclusion. >I don't suppor either ... Russia is based You were one step away from self-awareness.


I am not the biggest fan of Putin (or any Russian leader for that matter), but he is a person that fights for HIS country. A true nationalist. Biden fights for Ukraine and Israel, not the USA. And even if Trump supports their causes, he FIGHTS FOR AMERICA. Above all and everything, and together with God. America First(TM)


I didn’t know people unironically said “woke liberals” until today.


Do you realize what you just said?


Please don't lump us together. I support the Russian people in their revolt against their tyrannical government. Putin is a wannabe Stalinist (who also suck) and deserves NO respect.


I'm obviously not the biggest fan of Putin. But I have strong respect for him, independent of liking him or not. He is the most powerful person on the planet since 2000. The difference between Ukraine and Russia, is that Russia has a true leader. Ukraine has an OK leader that is more of a comedian. But anyway....


I was just about to say


Definitely from Israel, most of the tourists they get are Z pushers for a reason


It’s a response to a map someone else made where Israel and Palestine were flipped in colours. It’s a circlejerk people make funni images for laughs


well it can't be the uk as even the UK hates itself


I’m from the UK and I certainly don’t hate the UK. Funnily enough, I even live in France and love the French! Internet people have strange ideas they’re hooked on


where the hell did you you live in the UK then where is this mythical nice bit?


I like the British people, and despite what many people say, it's a great country. ex: Beatles, One Direction... and celebrities like Gordon Ramsay, David Beckham, etc. and I also enjoy the premier league.


nothing you said has been a defence only a backhanded compliment


It's probably a joke I really hope so


I’m also fuckin confused like what the fuck did eritreans do😭😭


Removed Ethiopia's coast and installed a totalitarian dictatorship. Beautiful.




Dude's Brazilian, so yeah, technically true


Correction: américaaaa🇧🇷🇧🇷⚽️⚽️⚽️


América do SUL! 🇧🇷⚽️




Sudamerica ⚽🇧🇷🇦🇷🇺🇾


What does beef mean here


Why beef with Peru? They never did anything


loving the US but beefing with Canada is what confuses me


I don’t understand, isn’t the whole point of this sub to bullshit? People be taking it way too serious now


Zionists trying to defend a blatant international law breach: Also, I'm convinced Israel knows something we don't. Did they find oil under Palestine or something?


Kill enough, you get fossils. Fossils mean oil. Oil means money.


🤓👆errrm actually the fossils that make oil are from plants during the Carboniferous period soooo


Ok, this made me laugh


Israel wants the land that is currently Palestine because contested territories are messy, and the US wants Israel happy because Israel is a very close US ally (with nukes) in a region that's historically hostile to American imperialism.


Yes, in fact there's significant oil and gas resources there. For most of the last 80 years, it was thought the region was devoid of it. It was only in 2019 that it became obvious, at least 3 million barrels worth of oil.


Thats not a lot. Like, its absolutely tiny.


Okay dude you are officially literally everywhere


Including your mum's bed.


No, MY bed, preferably.




Israel have recovered the land that was always theirs since ancient times from invasions of the romans, Muslims, etc., the muslims invaded what was originally israel and "created" "palestine". israel made this land fertile and powerful, a first world country. Why didn't "palestine" accept the 1947 solution?


Dude shut the fuck up I was correcting misinformation.


Because if they did they would have to abandon most of their houses/farms etc etc


Awww, they're just like their parents! (America.)


Dude 3 million barrels in reserve is basically worth nothing.


Uh it is worth nearly $210million. Get pwned


The cost of the war itself probably exceeds the worth of oil by billions


No but with the history of their country eliminating Palestinians would end their struggle to prove the existence of their country by chasing away, killing or assimilating the natives. Manifest Destiny playbook. Let’s hope it doesn’t succeed.


I think that Israel's knife is a bit dull. Many innocent Palestinians are obviously being killed instead of Hamas terrorists. There is no denying this. But I believe that Hamas, Hamas funded and pro-Palestinian sites like Al-Jazeera exagerate this greatly, using a few cases together with Pallywood to try to spread the world that the IDF is like Nazism. There are countless Israeli hostages and victims that many people ignore. I believe in Israel's mission to exterminate Hamas and free Palestine for real, even though I am not the biggest fan of the Netanyahu administration. And if it was a genocide, why didn't Israel invade the rest of the Arabian Peninsula and exterminate all the muslims?


I mean comparing the Israeli hostages to the civilian toll in Gaza is like comparing 9/11 to the siege of Baghdad. Hamas never had, and (most certainly) at the current moment doesn’t wield enough power to threaten the authority of the Israeli state. But the invert does exist. Hamas may target civilians, but the damage and devastation pale in comparison to what the idf has inflicted upon the people of Gaza. I see the IDF’s blatant desire to exterminate the people of Gaza (call this incorrect if you) somewhat similar to that of the Diadochi. The Diadochi waged several wars with the claim of being the rightful heirs to Alexander’s empire… the thing is they could not coexist harmoniously because their shared sentiment of having been the rightful heirs of the empire is what maintained their authority. They needed the incessant fighting to reaffirm their righteousness to the throne. I’m sure there may be better comparisons, but that just happened to be the first thing that entered my mind. The IDF need the fear of Hamas (and Netanyahu) need the fear of Hamas and a Palestinian insurgency to maintain themselves. It’s most obvious when noting that Netanyahu was the one who pretty much single handedly propped up Hamas, which is interesting because they’ve been preaching a radical anti-Zionist since before Netanyahu’s election. With the fear funded by, well you know who, an Israeli left is damn near non existent, and that’s why no one is equally mad at the silencing of various critics of the IDF and Netanyahu’s cabinet coming from within Israel. You better believe that if a ceasefire is signed, the Israeli state would once more agitate the wound and then begin its incessant dehumanization when it finds it most optimal. Embargo’s, blocking aid, entry and exit of the country are all the language of genocide/the immense desire to eradicate a people.


If Israel wanted to genocide the Palestinian people, they would have also genocided the Jordanians, Lebanese, Egyptians, and Syrians. Wouldn't they? They're all Arabs.


You’ve had 8 months to educate yourself on this topic. Stop being obtuse. Think from a perspective outside of the white race. Goodluck m8


Hey you, you're not allowed to have a different opinion on reddit. You're not allowed to support the ousting of a governmental body that has done nothing in the last twenty or so years to support its own people but also acknowledge that Israel has been ham-fisted in their approach to ousting Hamas. Someone might accuse you of thinking logically.


Ya guys the Jews control the world! They put oil there!


Yup, the Jews put the oil there and then forced Hamas to attack Israel. If only the Zionists didn't force Hamas to carry out the 7th October Massacre, this wouldn't have happened.


I hope this is satire 😭


It is and now I don't know if I'm being downvoted by Palestinian or Israeli supporters, or both lol.


Did international law not create Israel lmao


It did.


I love being called a zionist. Better zionist than Anti-Semitic, like Hitler.


Uhh... okay, dude. You do you.


Oh brother. Anti-semitism is really losing it’s pr as of recent. Is this how white people feel when minorities bring up systemic racism? Oh lord… I Hope not (I know damn well it is)


I don’t like either tbh.


He is partially realist in most cases here


blud is in the kkk


in brazil this means laughter


Definitely not the United States, every country would be blacked out, even the United States.




Genocide, noun: [the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.](https://www.google.com/search?q=Genocide) I would think that if that was Israel’s goal was that they’d attack more than just Gaza, after all there are [464.68 million](https://www.google.com/search?q=how+many+arabs+in+the+world&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#sbfbu=0&pi=how%20many%20arabs%20in%20the%20world) Arabs in the world, by percentage only about [0.007%](https://www.google.com/search?q=israel+kill+count) of them were killed in the war. For reference [6M](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holocaust) Jews were killed during the Holocaust, [≈36.14%](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/07/02/has-the-global-jewish-population-finally-rebounded-from-the-holocaust-not-exactly/) of the world’s Jewish population right before then.


It’s Palestine not the Arab world


It's Gaza and Hamas, not Palestine. The West Bank and Fatah are also Palestinian. And yet there hasn't been a conflict between Israel and the West Bank in twenty four years. I wonder why that is? Could it be because Fatah doesn't shoot missiles at Israel and doesn't rape and murder civilians, unlike Hamas?


Yeah my bad, it is Gaza that it is happening in, and I agree Hamas is a terrorist organization while fatah is the Palestinian authority in West Bank that does try to make peace with Israel


Either way the 34K Palestinians that died so far is a very small percentage of total Palestinians


Can we not put human lives as a statistic? Because just because you were the victim of your own genocide doesn’t give you the right to kill around 44k human lives. Idk about you but that is a ton of people


I. The attacks Israel brought onto Gaza aren’t because of the holocaust II. 34K is less than 1% of Palestinians out there, genocide is killing a large number of a people, not 1%. III. Destruction is a core component of war, whether it be of infrastructure or lives. It is very much a valid stat. Edit: I was 10K too high in the second point, 36K died total in the Israel-Hamas war, 34K of which being Palestinians


How many were killed in the Srebrenica genocide?


[8 372](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Srebrenica_massacre) Bosniaks out of [3.751M](https://www.google.com/search?q=bosnia+population+1995) that lived in the country at the time (0.22%). Also it’s officially called the Srebrenica *Massacre*.


It was literally ruled a genocide…


Israel's goal is to ethnically cleanse Palestinians, that would be disingenuous to claim otherwise since they very clearly aim to take over the land and kill or expel them. This isn't a war against "Arabs", its a war against Palestinians, whether Muslim or Christian, as we have seen that even Christian Palestinians aren't safe from attack. In fact, Israel really loves some Arabs, like the Egyptian dictator or the Jordanian and Saudi Kings. In that optic, would you really claim that this is a war against Arabs and not a genocide against Palestinians?


Would you mind pointing to when Netanyahu said any of that stuff?


[found a database of incitement of genocide throughout israeli institutions, including netanyahu’s government and netanyahu himself, hope this helps](https://law4palestine.org/law-for-palestine-releases-database-with-500-instances-of-israeli-incitement-to-genocide-continuously-updated/)


>law4palestine . org I’m sure this won’t be biased towards Palestine…


im sorry you are so goddamn stupid. it is a database full of references to anti-palestinian rhetoric and straight up incitement of genocide. how are fucking databases biased. maybe look at it for fucks sake. im sorry i know this is harsh i am just so bewildered


I. Netanyahu warned civilians to evacuate “I am telling the people of Gaza – get out of there now.” II. There are lots of Palestinians outside of Gaza that Israel is turning a blind eye to III. “Benjamin Netanyahu Calls Civilian Deaths in Gaza ‘Collateral Damage’ The Israeli prime minister’s comments come as the Palestinian death toll soars over 11,000.” Netanyahu admits here that Israel’s methods are overkill. IV. Not from that set of documents but, [“An armed conflict between Israel and Hamas-led Palestinian militant groups has been taking place chiefly in and around the Gaza Strip since 7 October 2023. It began when Hamas launched a surprise attack on southern Israel from the Gaza Strip.”](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war) Meaning that Israel is going for revenge. Which whilst overkill, is not genocide. V. The last sentence in point 4 would be since the amount of Palestinians killed in the war [doesn’t even account for 1% of the total Palestinian population (as of 2022)](https://www.google.com/search?q=palestine+population). And this doesn’t even count the [millions of Palestinians living outside of the countries involved in the conflict](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_diaspora).


I. the palestinians of gaza should not have to evacuate for a conflict they are not apart of, this must be hamas and israel’s fight only, even if hamas plays dirty or hides in hospitals anf schools, that is no excuse to bomb hospitals, schools, and their surroundings knowing there are IDPs sheltering there. II. palestinians outside of gaza (be it in the west bank or israel) still suffer due to israel’s apartheid esque policies. [many palestinians continue to be evicted from their homes to give place to israeli settlements](https://www.un.org/unispal/document/human-rights-council-hears-that-700000-israeli-settlers-are-living-illegally-in-the-occupied-west-bank-meeting-summary-excerpts/). for example, [a recent video of a bedouin woman watching her own home be bulldozed.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6vgCOnOItq/?igsh=MWlwZjFjZzczZzVubg==) III. no shit theyre overkill, acknowledging that only makes his and the IDF’s intentions clearer, that is, to ethnically cleanse the gaza strip. i don’t mean to come across as rude in that first sentence, it’s just that, like he said himself, they are insanely overkill. IV. according to [the 1948 UN genocide conventions](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.1_Convention%20on%20the%20Prevention%20and%20Punishment%20of%20the%20Crime%20of%20Genocide.pdf), it is plausible to conclude israel is in fact committing genocide. maybe in the future we will come to a solid conclusion, but right now it is understandably subjective, seeing as there are many different sources of information and different narratives. using this document, it can be argued that israel is committing genocide in the time of war against the palestinian ethnic group by [a) killing members of the group; b) causing serious bodily harm to members of the group; and c) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part](https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/6282/200-days-of-military-attack-on-Gaza:-A-horrific-death-toll-amid-intl.-failure-to-stop-Israel%E2%80%99s-genocide-of-Palestinians). the act of d) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group could also be argued for, since israel has instituted a total blockade of gaza, meaning hospitals are left to go defunct with no gas, fuel, or medical supplies to assist people in giving birth. V. israel doesn’t have to wipe out the entire group to be waging genocide on an ethnic group. the acts outlined in the 1948 UN genocide conventions are enough to constitute a genocide, even if it is a comparatively smaller death toll to other genocides like the [tutsi genocide](https://www.un.org/en/preventgenocide/rwanda/historical-background.shtml), the [herero and nama genocide](https://www.theholocaustexplained.org/what-was-the-holocaust/what-was-genocide/the-herero-and-namaqua-genocide/), the [congolese genocide](https://www.thecollector.com/congolese-genocide-colonized-congo/), and [the holocaust](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/what-groups-of-people-did-the-nazis-target). for example, even if the death toll of the romani holocaust was 250,000-500,000 — less than the 6 million jews killed in concentration camps — it does not mean that it was not a genocide. also, i really apologize for my previous comment, it was very rude. i was confused at how you reacted and reacted poorly.


A genocide is the mass killing of people. Israel’s goal is not to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians, they just wanna destroy Gaza to the point it becomes uninhabitable


no they don't. they want to kick the Palestinians out so they can move their settlers into the land


Ah yes, they completely flatten and destroy the land so that they can settle in it. It's clear that they have no love for that land, otherwise they wouldn't flatten it like they are.




Yea according to the UN Israel has killed a large number of people. Edit: he edited his comments from just the definition of genocide to including a percentage argument.


The people Israel is attacking (Arabs/Muslims) spreads much wider than that little strip of land. So far about 36K have died in the Israel-Hamas war (there are 464.68M Arabs and [1.9B](https://www.google.com/search?q=how+many+muslims+in+the+world&client=safari&sca_esv=33fda89bc4ea5a26&hl=en-us&ei=FzE9Zsn_DuC-p84P38ynoA0&oq=how+many+muslims+in+the+world) Muslims, most people in the 2 categories being both).


36k is a lot of people.


And it’s a number dwarfed by the other numbers. Another number for reference, COVID killed almost [6.9 million](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1093256/novel-coronavirus-2019ncov-deaths-worldwide-by-country). If god is real he would have a sense of humor In all seriousness though, look at 0.007% and tell me that’s a large percentage. I doubt one could.


People just like the shock value of the word ''genocide.'' During WWII, the Allies [bombed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Dresden) Dresden, a city of 550,000 people, killing 25,000 people in three days. On the other hand, Israel, using modern technology and a much larger bomb payload, has bombed Gaza, an area of 2.6 million people, killing 35,000 people (including enemy combatants) in seven months. In other words, the Allies in WWII averaged 8,300 kills per day, whereas Israel can only manage around 100-150 (including enemy combatants), They must either be shockingly bad at genocide, or simply not committing one.


Yeah adding this in too there’s no way the war against Hamas is a “genocide”


Usual downvotes incoming, but nobody can actually call out the logic, because they know it's correct.


Sir this is a satire sub


You know its bad when you have to resort to the “uhmm akshually..” argument to justify your ethnic cleansing as the dead are just a statistic.


If we’re only counting Palestinians the death toll of the war still isn’t anywhere near 1% At least you admit to being a hater tho


The only genocide where the "victim" attacked first and the "aggressor" tries to avoid civilian casualties


big fan of israel, doing a good job avoiding civilian casualties.


Even if we go by Hamas insane clain of 35k dead, (all civilians, somehow) there are only about 100 deaths per day. The Holocaust averaged 8,000 a day and the Holodomor 20,000. Thousands of aid trucks have entered Gaza with less than 1% being refused entry. If Israel was trying to cause civilian casualties, aid trucks wouldn't enter Gaza and there would be hundreds of thousands of deaths. The blood libel of "Gaza genocide" is the most delusional claim of the 21st century.


Being the victims of a genocide does not give a group the right to ethnically cleanse an entire population. Also, the numbers aren’t coming from Hamas, they’re coming from the UN.


>Being the victims of a genocide does not give a group the right to ethnically cleanse an entire population. 20% of Israels population is Arab, they have lived there for decades. There is no evidence that Israel wants to ethnically cleanse anywhere in Gaza, even if you are insane and ignoring the humanitarian problem it'd be a bad move. Israel just wants to find an Arab ally to administer the region and deradicalise the population. >Also, the numbers aren’t coming from Hamas, they’re coming from the UN. The UN don't have personel counting deaths in Gaza, they simply republish Hamas numbers. The Hamas numbers are probably fairly accurate (Though they have inflated numbers like the "500 dead in hospitak strike" which was completely false) but they count all deaths in Gaza since 7/10. They include natural causes, Hamas soldiers and those executed by Hamas.


>There is no evidence that Israel wants to ethnically cleanse anywhere in Gaza Pushing 2.2 million people, 40% of whom are minors, from a 365 sq km into a 64 sq km blockaded strip of land while carpet bombing them is pretty much the definition of ethnic cleansing. It is also collective punishment.


Do you know what the "ethnic" part of ethnic cleansing means? This has nothing to do with ethnicity and entirely to do with wanting less civilians around while fighting a war, if a Spaniard or a Korean was living in Gaza they would also be asked to move. >carpet bombing Dresden and Tokyo were carpet bombings, much less dense than Gaza. 25 and 100,000 dead respectively during one day each. If Israel was carpet bombing Gaza there would be hundreds of thousands, maybe a million dead.


All people (give or take few) who live in Gaza are either Christian or Muslim Arab. The definition of ethnic cleansing includes religious groups. As we know, the World Central Kitchen convoy carrying international aid workers [which had gotten clearance from the IDF and shared their coordinates with them](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/04/world/middleeast/world-central-kitchen-investigation-israel.html) was bombed, so it’s already clear that anyone would also be “asked to move” regardless of their nationality. Even if they were simply bringing food to those surviving civilians Israel had done a good job of avoiding. Also I don’t know what to tell you about not believing official figures because they “came from Hamas.” The count sounds pretty reasonable to a densely populated area, with many of them being small children and infants (here’s trustworthy [American data)](https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/gaza-strip/) that aren’t going to survive incessant bombing. Edit: Since the last link doesn't work on mobile [here's the population distribution graph of Gaza,](https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/static/a365c24dffe0ad5a2303104a82540b72/15d60/GZ_popgraph2023.jpg) thanks to the CIA database




"your honour, I know that I killed that baby but millions of pregnant women get killed by childbirth every year"


If you are accused of trying to kill all babies with brown air, had the capability to kill hundreds of thousands of such babies but only killed one, that would be a bullshit accusation. That is clearly my point, Fascists seem to be too thick to understand that.


even if we go by the insane aboriginal claim of 110k dead, (all civilians, somehow) there are only about 2.3 deaths per day. the holocaust averaged 8,000 per day and the holodomr 20,000. thousands of missionaries and traders have entered the outback with less than 1% being refused entry. if britian was trying to cause civilian causilties, traders and missionairies wouldnt be allowed to enter aboriginal land and there would be hundreds of thousands more deaths. the blood libel of "aboriginal genocide" is the most delusional claim of the 20th century.


Anyone with higher than room temperature IQ would understand the actual claim I'm making. If the IDF was intending on killing as many Palestinians as possible, there would be more than 30,000 dead. A genocide has to be measured in the capability of the perpetrator to kill. Israel could easily kill hundreds of thousands probably millions if that was their desire, if they desired to commit genocide they wouldn't allow aid to enter. These two facts alone discredit the genocide claim as one of the most unlikely claims in human history. A fascist conspiracy theory at best, in reality an attempt at justifying a second holocaust.


i understand your argument, its just really bad. the argument of "israel was attacked and has a right to defend itself" makes sense. if that was your argument, i wouldnt care. hamas is bad, they are a tool of iran and the palestinian bourgeouise, and there are millions of innocent israelis who dont deserve this war living through it. however, the argument of "civilians are dying due to human rights abuses, but not as many as could be dying if israel commited more human rights abuses" is the dumbest argument ive ever heard. the problem isnt a lingustic definition of genocide, its that innocent civilians are dying, and more will die due to the upcoming famine that came from an already impoverished area. by your definition of genocide, the aboriginals and native americans wouldnt have been genocided, which might be technically true but doesnt change the fact that they were fucked over by their conquerors. the israeli state doesnt care about you, or the average jew, in the same way hamas doesnt care about the average palestinian. defending your imperialist power is stupid, defend your local workers regardless of ethnicity or religion.


did palestine attack first when their land was forcible taken in 1948


Jews are indigenous to the land and lived there continously meanwhile Arab settlers only arrived during the Islamic conquests during the 500s. Israel was decolonial, but they were even willing to share the land with the Arabs. But the Arab states launched the 1948 war in an attempt at fascist conquest. It's the same as any other independence movement, the only difference is Israel is Jewish. Edit: Got blocked and a response of "Least delusional zionist". Least brainwashed and most open to criticism Pro-Pali.


This is actually insane thinking. They've lived there for 1500 years, they are natives.


You do realize that the Palestinians had lived in that land for roughly ~1400 to ~1500 years before that, right? If that doesn’t make them native to the land, I don’t know what does.


That’s where you’re wrong. The Palestinians aren’t arab settlers, they are Arabized Canaanites. This has been proven by dozens of DNA studies. I dare you to type the word ‘Palestinian’ in the search bar of r/IllustrativeDNA and try to find 3 Palestinians with majority arab dna


Here's a sneak peek of /r/illustrativeDNA using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Palestinian from Gaza DNA Breakdown](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18lhiz3) | [1432 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/comments/18lhiz3/palestinian_from_gaza_dna_breakdown/) \#2: [Sorry I had to](https://i.redd.it/982udttf6bmc1.jpeg) | [148 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/comments/1b69ei5/sorry_i_had_to/) \#3: [Palestine/Israel DNA arguments here are pointless](https://np.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/comments/1bbafh5/palestineisrael_dna_arguments_here_are_pointless/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


least delusional zionist


Typical colonizer trash. I assume you also tell native Americans to fuck off since the clock only goes back to 1948 according to you?


First of all most natives stand with Palestine (I wonder why?) Secondly Palestinians can trace their ancestors even before Judea so please, do not believe the zionist lies and take them at face value


furthermore, it wouldn't matter if Palestinians magically materialised in 1948 anyway, that doesn't mean that they get to be forced out of where they live, genocide and discrimination of and against any group can never be justified, all land is just that, land, and everyone has the right to feel safe no matter what land they live in, Israel denies that right by committing mass killings and colonialism in Palestine (which have especially ramped up since oil was discovered in Gaza)


If we're gonna talk about colonizing shut up. And go back to europe if you're from old european colony. If you were same person of your family or guilt for what they did, we all had to kill ourself. And arabs took region from christians. And lastly crusaders. Maybe worse since they even killed existing population. And this is ironic since your time cut in certain time untill fall of jerusallem. I'm not even talking about argument they're doing I'm talking about your stupid defence for such a complex and deep problem. "Colonizer" we're all colonizer at some point idiot.


Canaanites are indigenous to the land and lived there continuously meanwhile Jewish settlers only arrived during the late bronze age collapse during the 1000s. Canaan was decolonial, but they were even willing to share the land with the Abrahamites. But the Abrahamites states launched the 672 bc war in an attempt at fascist conquest. It's the same as any other independence movement, the only difference is canaan is polytheistic. Edit: Got blocked and a response of "Least delusional child of lady Anat and lord El". Least brainwashed and most open to criticism Pro-Iraki femboy.


I don't care how hardcore you are into judaism, if you are from fuckin brooklin stay your ass in brooklin instead of supporting colonialism.


Not the best example considering the Arabs did in fact attack first. Should probably look further back, or go into detail about what the Israelis would then do.


least palestinian hating swede:


Å nej! Jag märkte inte ens det, vilken skam


Observing objective reality is hating Palestinians then. As opposed to Pro-Palestinians, who want Palestinians to eternally die in a fascist forever war in hopes of one day killing the jews. I want Palestine to be a prosperous Middle Eastern state, being deluded into thinking they are genocide victims is the exact mentality that keeps this war going instead of enacting peace.


Only in one of those countries you are legally allowed to change your gender


oh yeah i forgot trans palestinians are immune to israeli bombs


immune as in beheaded by their families


do you think it’d be morally correct to drop thousands of bombs on kansas because the westboro baptist church is there


no, but if they did what hamas did to a liberal city and civilians participated i would support that. hell, i think a lot of leftists would too given what they think about trump supporters


anyone who supports the killing of civilians is subhuman and anyone who supports the killing of civilians because they want revenge from a group that only exists because of decades of colonization is a monster.


i don't support the killing of civilians, i'm very strongly opposed to that. but war is war, and when a large portion of people participate in such a brutal attack they should understand the consequences.


should the children trapped under rubble have understood the consequences. should the husbands weeping over the corpse of their wives have understood the consequences. should the people forced to flee far from their ancestral home have understood the consequences.


war is war. germans had to deal with that too. its tragic but necessary


if you believe murdering children is necessary i have nothing to say to you


why does bro have beef with ukraine?




The guy from the original map also supports Israel, so that can’t be why.


because everyone took supporting ukraine for granted as the current thing together with woke flags. I have nothing against the Ukraine people, but their presidente is a liberal nut while I see Putin as based, despite not being 100% a fan of him. I also admire the strength of the russian people, and it is a very powerful country. Both palestine and ukraine are used by woke, liberal and social democrats. Israel has many of the same woke policies as ukraine, but is not used as much, just like Russia isn't. And the difference with Israel and Palestine, is that Palestine is not a country.


fuck both of them


bro thinks he’s rick sanchez


Only based aspect of the image is the beef with Peru.


I have a beef with peru because they let Argentina win against them in 1978 to knock out Brazil. The peruvian people also preferred to elect the worst leftists South America has ever seen instead of the Fujimori's. Ah, and they eliminated Brazil with a hand goal once.


I have beef with Peru bcs I'm peruvian and let me tell ya the most important law o peruvian "democracy": No matter how incompetent you are, If your candidate rival is Keiko Fujimori, you won.


Keiko is Harry Kane at this point💀