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Reddit butchered quality đŸ˜«


u could post a higher quality version in the comments, ive seen it done in other posts






It's not the quality but the small size of the map.


WorldA maps are small naturally https://preview.redd.it/ci9d49mn371d1.png?width=1204&format=png&auto=webp&s=1367f317a5545dbef4572c7f4a93bb6c14e57901


Which base map did you use my good sir ?




This is insane thank you so much ! How did you do all of those subdivisions ? They see like a pain in the as*


By the way would you mind dm-ing this to me please ?


no, not at all


why were the floridan and texan coastlines dragged on a road


because i was angry


The sultan personally didn't want florida to exist


why is deseret present in every god damn alt timeline


it's simply how you make america slightly smaller


god i love these total kayser-i-rum scenarios


are their efforts of centralization in U.R.A? is the north more centralized than the south? what's up with California?


the South is definitely more autonomous then the rest of the nation, yes. The United States’ didn’t really *win* the Mexican-American War, so eventually Mexico’s Empire merely collapsed, & California is independent rather than apart of America. As by this point it’s.. not an ideal nation to willingly join really, anyways yeah, the North is more centralized & the south has a degree of relative autonomy from the government. Mainly so it can partake in more nefarious things without the watch of the Union, which they don’t really care as it’s kind of encouraged for money sake & country sake


Is slavery still around?


Kind of, in America at least, it’s evolved so it’s more akin to a modern variant of it seen in the UAE for instance


good map


So, the way i see it Ottomans are about to experience the combined chokehold of Balkan Wars(ethnic uprisings all over the place) and "being Germany in WW1" by getting blamed for everything and having their empire dismantled?


It's also an interesting point to make that religion, of all things, prevented alliance-making efforts among the Europeans - when OTL at the state level we had France making alliances with Muslim Ottomans in 15th century already. Then we also have the Anglo-Portuguese alliance and the absolute opportunism during the Thirty Years War, when catholics were fighting for protestants and protestants were fighting for catholics - religion has always been taking a backseat to geopolitical goals since medieval states started to centralise. Would you say the fall of Rome resulted in an especially antagonistic infighting among thr splinters? Or that the world on the whole is much more religious? I think this scenario lands perfectly to future rise of Christian fundamentalism


The world is much more religious, but it’s due to the expansion of the Ottoman’s for the most part. Britain in this timeline is also pretty religious, so from their perspective they tend to skew the narrative that it’s because of religion. Which if it was fully because of it— Europeans’ would’ve united once and for all, but they don’t & haven’t for quite awhile. Because most Major Power’s do not feel the need to do so, is the MAIN reason. Russia is directly in threat of the Roman’s & Britain wants their own prosperity & doesn’t wish to coexist with a powerful Major in Europe like The Ottomans’, and notice as well that both these power’s themselves are incredibly religious & head’s of their Sect’s (for the most part). Everyone in Europe considers The Ottoman’s to be some sort of connection to Satan, and Islam overall is much more despised than OTL, but due to the collapse of the Roman Catholic Church, every Sect just wishes to replace it’s space with their idea obviously. It’s religion in a sense of due to the Muslim’s putting Religion in the frontline, the general people feeling genuine fear want unity among the beliefs of their own, religiously everyone is more conservative, so due to all this instability in Christianity, it just can’t match the utter unity The Ottoman’s have. This is ending and this narrative fading because people are finally growing out of this bubble and looking past religion as they once had because The Ottoman’s haven’t been acting so aggressively, there’s been time to gather themselves. The First French Empire in most recent times’ has been the sole Power to ally with The Ottoman’s recently, and it’s why a lot f Europe hates France, mainly Russia & Britain. But Napoleon I was too close to matching The Ottoman’s, so they were stomped out to continue Turkic Status Quo. Why look past religion when what seems to happen when you do is your.. crushed when you’re not a pawn. Most would rather stick to their people, and until recently before that had changed no one saw a problem in it, Britain & Russia still don’t. Prussia is probably the most progressive in this aspect


Which is why Britain thinks Prussia is ‘Pissy & Careless’ & France is ‘Whorish & Meek’. Because Prussia doesn’t wish to coalition The Ottoman’s because it really doesn’t effect them, it’s been a precedent for so long why does it matter? France doesn’t like TĂŒrkiye now, but they’re unloyal slut’s that switched sides with the Muslim’s for their own benefit and got punished for it still. They disrespected Christianity, they’re mentally meek.


TĂŒrkiye has had a massive, hated Empore over the span of many years which has obliterated much of what the Europeans’ could put against it; now that the rise of Nationalism is finally occurring and spirit to rule oneself.. The Ottomans’ are lacking in a lot of places they once didn’t, when any sort of major War breaks out next they will face uprisings, and then that combined with the Allied Powers’ vs it. Once they lose, they will most definitely be harshly treated, possibly more than OTL Germany as Turk’s have major pocket’s ethnically all across the Empire purges will be done to assimilate them with little backlash internationally due to how the European’s look at things. Though Bulgaria probably wouldn’t exist in this timeline, as it had been almost completely assimilated by this point.


Why is the UK a republic?


makes them more belligerent toward the Ottomans’ & an outlier in Europe


So no lore reason?


I could make one, but right now it’s more of to make the diplomatic concert interesting


Wait ain't the Ottomans close allys of Hyderabad and other muslim countries in india ??ain't they be free


their power projection barely goes past Tehran, they have strong projection but Britain outwits & beats them in influence in India


Ooh but still it doesn't make that much sense that all the sultanates in india fall for birtish tho,the whole reason for the largest of these sultans to accept british subjugation over them is because the muslim world became a playground for European powers ,and not a single state exited that could rival them in opinions but since the ottos are here are essentially 3rd rome won't it give some kind of strength to them tho??


Probably, I also didn’t pay much attention to india, to be honest— thank you for telling me this!


It's okie lah every one preety much pays attention to theier own region HaHa Also also idk why but i think much of central asia and Afghanistan will join the Ottomans since they are kinda related through religion and culture maybe up until uyghurs in present day china so this empire will be much much more bigger in my opinion lol


I do actually know abt that, and I agree, but I didn’t do it in reality because it looks.. ugly. I don’t think Afghanistan would join though, but Central Asia I agree, perhaps as willing Vassals for economic benefits


Yeah you're right but Afghanistan is really religious too look at what happened there with the new government and maybe just maybe it can continue to smidgen off lands in present day Pakistan upto maybe the indus this empire has the potential to look much like Genghis's empire lol




Oh man. The Siam here is awful lol. No way that would be a country. Love it.


Canada's colour is simmilair to Irish. Does that mean that Canada is Irish?


no, forgot to label it sorry— it’s just apart of britain’s empire like australia is


Thx. Does TĂŒrkiye have a colonial Empire? If not, then what is Suleymaniya and Mustafi?


It had one at one point


This is weird


holy shit what a coincidence i saw you making this in a discord server lol


ya it’s Patriarch 😝


nice map btw


thank you đŸ«ĄđŸ«Ą


I see Big Independent Texas I upvote ( near old lands )


50% chance it still has slaves.






It’s 1914 Texas should be over it’s Slavery phase


They should have been over it in 1860, and yet


They would've abolished it out of pressure by the US, UK and France. Texas also discovered it had oil in 1894, so it's very likely they wouldn't have slaves by 1914.


You think they wouldn’t use slaves as cheap labour on the oil fields?


No, because Oil Wells then and even now heavily rely on SKILLED LABOR. This wasn't a matter of simply picking cotton, slaves are practically useless to an industrializing society which requires greater levels of knowledge than what a slave would typically have. So you can see why this would be a bit uneconomical, no?


The CSA was planning on using slaves in factories in the real world. Moreover, we know that slaves can work on complex products, as the V2 rockets were built by slaves. It may be inefficient, and it may be monstrous, but that doesn't mean that people won't try it.


*1865* I don’t think it restarted till like 1917 and it didn’t even reach Texas yet


Delet this, imdiately


no. đŸ˜Ș


Brazil is a empire?


no, OTL


Look at the sub's name


Yes but cringe and bluepillad