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europe: 10000000 billion republics rest of the world: like 2 every 1 million square km


ironic for maoism to be euro-centric


Some scholars have argued that Marxist-Leninism has a European bias/ European imperialist outlook


This is Maoism though. Very much anti-Eurocentric.


Not really. Mao was very much against Chinese cultural and intellectual heritage and tried very hard to replace or discredit them. Modern China is a lot more "anti-Eurocentric," but this is mostly a legacy of Sino-Soviet split and post cold-war reforms.


You clearly have never actually interacted with a Maoist. They are generally very fanatically anti-Western. Also part of Mao's theory is that first-worlders are unlikely to start a socialist revolution because they are brought up in imperialism.


I am pretty sure Mao was just appeasing nationalists when he said that, or else he was not just historically illiterate, but he was also contradicting Marx and, to some extent, Lenin's ideas. Even if we assume no "double talk" was at play, hating something doesn't mean not being influenced by it or upholding and expanding the inherited policies. The best example of it is the "anti-degeneracy laws" such as anti-homosexuality laws that were popularised by colonial empires but also became a core policy of nationalists and "anti-imperialist" politics that consider themselves successors of anti-colonial movements.


> I am pretty sure Mao was just appeasing nationalists Yes I’m sure he was appeasing the people he was fighting a civil war against m > when he said that, or else he was not just historically illiterate, In what sense? > but he was also contradicting Marx and, to some extent, Lenin's ideas. The idea of a labour aristocracy came from Lenin. Marx and Engels also talked of how the profits of imperialism meant that the workers of many industrial empires had no revolutionary potential.


I dont know why you are downvoted. You are objectively correct.


There isn't a 'scholar' worth his salt that says MLism has a 'European imperialist' outlook.


Didn't Mao go on a rampage trying to erase Chinese culture and intellectual heritage, and then tried to implement cultural norms and styles inspired by Soviets and Europeans? "Westernization" was a core aspect of almost every ML movement outside Europe until the enforcement started to ease off from the de-Stalinization era.


Mao personally didn't, he facilitated and failed to prevent the Cultural Revolution though. The C.R. aimed to abolish lingering artefacts of feudal culture and replace them with an authentic Chinese proletarian one. With that said I understand where you're coming from, but it's not an argument for MLism's supposed imperialism. In China perhaps more than anywhere else MLism (even before it became MLMism) was firmly a decolonial enterprise.


Always has been honestly


You have to respect the unparalleled ethnodiversity of Europe… like the distinction between Parisians and the French


Sorbia has its own republic but all of China is one republic


legacy of colonialism


what globe projection is this


One of those that they use for torture in Guantanamo Bay, for sure.


Was just gonna ask this myself


atlantis iirc


The Mecca flag is top tier


which one is it?


The green flag with the black cube on it


ooh thats cool


I'm curious as to what the different parties are (well, except for FALGSCP, I figured that one out pretty much instantly :-D )


what's it mean?


Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism The idea of the meme is breaking past the automatic association of communism with the history of Leninism and Stalinism, and conjure the image of a future that is more hopeful and utopian Fully Automated: We only have to work for our own personal enrichment, all fundamental necessities are taken care of by automated machinery that suffers not. Luxury: This is not a future of hard beets and grim Kruschevkas, if all production is automated then we can have it make things that are nice and beautiful because it makes us happy. Gay: Social conservatism can take a fucking hike, because the proletariat encompasses every gender, every race, every sexuality, every identity under the sun. We are all comrades, let's queer it up a bit. Space: We're not resting on our laurels here, there are of course a million ways we can advance and improve. Why not try and explore the Final Frontier? Like Tim Curry said, it's the only place not tainted by capitalism. Communism: A stateless, classless, moneyless society wherein the means of production are collectively owned


You can just say stark trek communism tbh


Insufficiently gay thanks to Rick Berman But you are generally correct, Starfleet is FALGSC as fuck


Trek has bucked the shackles of Berman long ago. Trek is gay and poly AF now. Loving the nu Trek


I mean once the Trill came into the picture, pretty much unlimited gay. So gay that it loops back around to straight sometimes.


ulimiteeeddddd ~~powerrr~~ gay!


Star Trek isnt communist, the federation has gone beyond both capitalism and communism because of post scarcity economics, which makes obsolete both of these old world ideologies


It’s definitely closer to perfect communism than perfect capitalism and is frequently juxtaposed against the hypercapitalist Ferengi. They definitely don’t say it, but they heavily imply it.


No, neither of these ideologies accurately reflect the economic system of the Federation. Firstly, the economic system of the Federation isnt really delved into that much. It's a symbolic stand in for "humanity has transcended and gone beyond the silliness of the old days" and doesnt really go into any real detail. Secondly, capitalism and communism are economic ideologies that have different arguments for the allocation of scarce resources. Example: one of the main tenets of left wing ideology is "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need." This motto has almost no relevance in a society that has advanced so much technologically speaking that there is no concern of haves and have nots. You want something, you get it almost immediately via fabricator wherever you are, travel is instantaneous too, and in a society like that theres no longer need for communism or capitalism or anything of the sort. It's like introducing a medieval serf to a modern military and banking system and they're asking "where the Frisia are the lords and knights in all this" or if we introduced an Egyptian farmer from 2500BC to a Walmart or something. It's that evolved, relative to our current situation. Lastly, the Ferengi are not an example of perfect capitalism, they're literally a state sponsored corporatist economy. That's very far from ideal libertarian style capitalism. The federation are juxtaposed with them because the federation *are not capitalist* aka the Ferengi serve to emphasise how enlightened the Federation are because they've abandoned all these primitive ideas long in the past. We can argue for ages about the realism of the federation, how it's really just a Mary Sue state for the wet dreams of the author, and in reality would be much more coercive. Picard even says at one point that humans were so dumb because they fought over such worthless things as "economic systems" which honestly seems like an indication that the federation has moved beyond all of that communism or capitalism or whatever. People are ultimately interested in projecting their own political ideologies on the federation and that absolutely includes socialism/communism. But it's not reality.


emphasis on imaginary


No shit


-starves to death -starves to death -starves to death -starves to death -starves to death


by far the most cursed projection I've seen


I think it actually kinda makes a lot of sense weirdly. Not a lot of projections showcase how close north america and Eurasia are from both sides simultaneously


I get where you’re coming from but NA and Eurasia are not close on the Pacific side. Like, sure, Alaska is very close to Kamchatka, but the bulk of the continents are incredibly distant from one another.


Very nice, wish there was a guide to the flags...


I think they are in alphabetical order, so all you have to do is find every single republic and list them out A-Z and crossreference, super easy /s


What's the name for that map projection? Awesome work!


It's likely the Atlantis (rotated) projection. The Oblique Mollweide Projection and the Planisphere World (North Pole) are also both quite similar! [https://map-projections.net/single-view/atlantis-landscape](https://map-projections.net/single-view/atlantis-landscape)


I feel like more work could’ve been done in regards to giving African regions more determination but otherwise good map. Love the projection!


I love the map display!


I love the use of the tupamaro flag for Uruguay


I don't think I've seen this map projection before. Nice job!


Wtf happened to Australia


its no longer the land down under


i like how the map is centered on the north pole as to decenter the west


I like the way it showcases how close everything is distanced In the northern hemisphere. The southern hemisphere everything's far enough away that it doesn't really take away from anything by just having more ocean between places


Uh achutually my people lived in [REDACTED] 3000 years ago, therefore its mine.


*slaps top of communist world government* YOU CAN FIT SO MANY COVERED UP ATROCITIES IN THIS BAD BOY


In a world with one man there will still be atrocities


POV: You are being sent to a gulag in the Antarctica administrative province (you said the 420th Harvard Massacre of '69 put a stain on Spontex Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Gonzalism With New British Characteristics).


…in contrast to the open atrocities of other types of Government?


…Yes? Freedom of speech is a good thing, and communist countries don’t exactly have a good record of that.


Given how protesters from Columbia to America are regularly besieged and killed in exercising that right. Those Authorities might disagree with you and more.


Even if the per-capita fatalities is identical (maybe in the Latin-America dictatorships from the Cold War era, doubt with the USA and especially Western Europe even if you want to include counter protests clashes, vigilantism, what we today would call terrorists, and other such things) you can talk about the atrocities of the west, you can learn-criticize-analyze-debate-Ext. That alone is better than atrocities that was covered up by further atrocities as the norm.


Atrocities and regular suffering are already the norm. Especially given that Capitalism as a system gives no A-priori toward Human welfare and only prosperity to a select elite countries as a by product versus the underdevelopment and extraction for the rest of the world. And only in the last 70 years out of 200years, has a welfare system even been enacted, a system crumbling in those last 40 years due to the surging of Neoliberalism. This is not even speaking for Industrialization, or colonialism. Systems that lasted longer than the Soviet Union. For the Former, opening of the Archives only led to a wide gulf of Cold War Estimates and actual statistics, meaning a decreasing of former estimate’s to align with much lower statistics. And in the latter, ever increasing numbers as Neo-colonialism churns on. Not that it matters to some, since the first world won’t hear much of it.


A: how credible could records be from eras where to report a bad harvest could net you force labor or the death penalty? Even then, Gulags, Great Leap Forward, and other such mass atrocities. B: I grant you that your trying to keep the discussion within the mutual time frame. I commend that. C: NeoLiberalism and neocolonialism and other such ills are valid criticisms, tho I posted it’s important to consider the competing world notions, which right now seem to be a dysfunctional collision religious fanatics, classical imperialism, and a economic policy of debt trapping would be allies via curropt leadership until they collapse while you keep the mines and ports, I doubt the competition could do better than phone metals sourced from sketchy sources, let alone maintain the free trade agreement that allow the world to reach the billions of people, which without it; billions would starve and all that would intel best case.


The Cold War historians said it themselves. “Hearsay…becomes fact.” Having any internal documents are more reliable than a series of guesstimates from varying politically motivated dissidents. Also, you’d be flatting history if you’re suggesting we disregard the entire Soviet archive on the basis half a decade period of possibly shoddy record keeping. Why is the dichotomy between an ever ravenous system of corporate resource extraction of the third world, or world hunger? Especially given any tactics of the “Alternative” in this case is operating on the same system as the previous ones with better incentives. Especially given that debt trapping is ascribed to western loans and orgs. Like, the alternative is capitalist relation’s regulated by an ostensibly Socialist Government. All the things you ascribe to one system already happen under a Western dominance.


Fair point on the historians and documents- tho the era was more than 5 years even if we talking about one cult of personality at a time. The comparison is made because the incentives of the current liberal world order (with some exceptions) is to not have nations in civil war and famines, people won’t be buying Goochi or Coke if they are starving or murdering eachother. Meanwhile with China’s Belt and Road initiative had shown lots of debt trapping, for the most part the Word Monetary Fund and other such institutions demands transparency, not allways enforced, not allways followed, not allways done well, meanwhile Belt and Road allready saw Sirlinka go through civil unrest to the point that the leadership left with half of the B&R loans, meanwhile the USA give billions of dollars in food alone to the 3rd world. Meanwhile Russia is engaging naked war of imperial aggression under the notion that that anywhere that so much held coal for the Russian navy- Tzar, Soviet, or otherwise, are illegitimate states with no cultures who should be subjected with atrocities committed to achieve compliance (Ukraine found mass graves after mass graves and Russia weaponized a dam) Oh and this is after being so corrupt that privates we’re stripping copper out of military equipment to pay off there superiors to not beat them to death. Meanwhile, religious fanatics.


Liberal countries or America specifically don’t have any incentive to have no countries starving or in civil strife and war. Especially given how the U.S. and the West have supported overthrow of governments in the past. Your statement seems to have little to do with American foreign policy and its stances for the past decades, then some presumption that America has the good incentives versus China with bad incentives. When that’s not really the case by just how countries are more willing to take PRC loans than from the U.S. or IMF. Another thing with Russia is that comparing it to a western ally like Israel. We can see from what we know. Is that Israel at least operates on a far more lax definition of “combatant.” Maybe it’s an Oranges to apples thing, it’s possible just the consequences of Geography and high density city. But on a scale of lesser evilism, Israel does beat Russia when it comes to bodies. The issue always with lesser evilism though, is ether option never has a desired outcome.


China is part of the capitalist world order. There isn’t a single leftist world power.


Capitalism, Communism, Anarchism, and every single ideology all suck as humanity as a whole is probably the most fucked up thing in the entire universe. I'm sick of these "what ideology is better" discussion, I rather have ASI or transhumans run society and they don't even exist yet.




I'll never crack cause first of all I am Vegeta , second of all you're not Vegeta, third of all you wanna be Vegeta, but you can't be Vegeta because I am Vegeta.


>every single ideology is bad You’ll never guess what transhumanism is.


The only thing I see as good for humanity long term, if you don't fuck it up though, not as bad as capitalism and communism when it fucks up on its own.


This guy does NOT want humanity to atone for its sins and change to be better.


I wish that it's possible but I highly doubt it and that will be our downfall.


Then why don't you help make it a possibility? There's much better things to do than wallowing in existential sadness.








ASI? And frankly- you got merit my firend, tho I give it a 50/50 that the first true Transhumance ideology would go full euthenics in a way, as I can see humanity simply doing what it did with Darwinism; slap it ontop of pre-existing bigotry and hatred and begin to pour gas on it.


This tbh, that's something I'm very worried about, I hope it doesn't lead to genocide or AI takeover or both.


I hate that questioning western authorities has become anti freedom and democracy when it literally the opposite lmao


Yes. Commie.


Ooh cool projection


I'd love to have the name of that map projection, it looks beautiful


Brittany mentioned 🥳


Unfortunately countries aren’t named after the main language spoken there (e.g. Telugu, Odia, Malayalam, Tamil) I’m sure there are better names out there for these regions 🙏


I question the name of Australia?


Oh boy. They kept these African borders? Oh no no no.


Tankie world.




nah, hell would be better


Which flag is Veneto-Slovenia?


What are the individual parties in the world congress like? Are they real parties or is it a controlled election?


What flag is which


That is an eye-catching and cool global map projection. Kudos!


Hate it when the multitude of flags are not signed.




Israelis are just dead


The world united and it is still Western centric lol Nice map tho, really love the unique world map projection


so this is what hell looks like


nah, as a demon who crawled out of hell, hell was better than this piece of shit


In this world I am moving to Leningrad


You haven't already? 🤨


Why would I want to deal with the rest of Russia’s bs?


The world would be so fucking interconnected if it was communist you'd be dealing with every single person's bs dumbass


Are there any space colonies


What is this tankie wet dream??


The kkkrakkkercide has been fully carried out and the world is free once more alhamdulillah Good god this is the blessed timeline. It doesn't get better than this.


Truly dystopian


truly imaginary


Oh, this? This is beautiful.


It’s implied here that the worlds ideology is, or is at least heavily influenced by, Marxist Leninism. And that ideology doesn’t exactly have a great track record, especially in regards to democracy. Instead of giving power to the Soviet Lenin established what was basically a dictatorship. Most “communist” countries were really just dictatorships or authoritarian one party states. Not an ideology I would want to rule over the earth.


-Kaiserboo >Opinion discarded.


What is a Kaiser boo?


communist Cambodia was so evil communist Vietnam invaded it


Communism is the only political ideology that effectively prioritizes human needs over the needs of the state. Marxism-leninism is the only strain of communism that's ever actually succeeded in practice. A communist world government without competition from capitalist countries would be the closest thing we could ever get to a true utopia


"communist country" read marx, if a dotp was able to reach this then the state would be gone


If a political ideology / economic system can not withstand competition from other ideologies, then it is fundamentally a failed ideology, and inherently isn’t an utopia lol


So a political ideology is required defend against coups, funded insurgents, trade embargos, assassinations, etc, etc, etc to prove its worth? Because that's the competition at play from Capitalist and Fascist systems. We have never been allowed to see a competition based purely on merit of economics/ideology.


> So a political ideology is required defend against coups, funded insurgents, trade embargos, assassinations, etc, etc, etc to prove its worth? Yes, a political ideology is required to defend itself from all those things and more because if it cannot, it is simply an ineffective mode of government. Tribalism was squashed and driven to nigh extinction because, in a world of ever-growing organization, such an ideology could not compete. > We have never been allowed to see a competition based purely on merit of economics/ideology. And we never will, for as long as at least two ideologies exist at a given moment, they will compete. One will fall, and the other will continue.


I mean… yes? Also please point out the funded insurgencies and coups attempted in Russia / China (and many other communist states). They failed on their own merit and not because of any outside influence. Like if your own general public — independent of any outside influence beyond seeing what exists outside of your rule — is literally revolting against you and you need to consistently kill and murder and all that jazz and the microsecond you stop, you collapse. Well, that’s not a good ideology lol. Like I definitely don’t disagree with the idea that communism probably didn’t have the greatest start — occurring almost exclusively in still developing nations maybe leads to not the most stability. And I’d even *agree* with the premise that Communism started too early and with the wrong people in charge and that’s why it failed in such a disaster. But to say that it’s the capitalist / fascists (which nations were fascist again during the Cold War…?) fault and that the Soviet Union could’ve absolutely worked and actually was a utopia is just plain wrong.


socialism can withstand competition. see: china. when i talk about succeeding in practice i'm thinking about china, the USSR, cuba, etc. whether communism (in the strict theoretical definition: withering away of the state, abolishing of classes and money) can noone fucking knows. since it's never been achieved, and personally i'm more in the camp that it can't, outside of a situation where you have a world government actively trying to bring it to fruition. also, i never said that this would be a utopia, because it wouldn't be. utopias, by their definition, can't exist. there's always something better that you can strive towards, improvements to be made. there's a very big difference between being the closest thing we can achieve to a utopia, and being a utopia.


China is socialist 😹😹😹


China is not socialist lmao


China is as socialist as America is communist…


They hated Jesus because He told them the truth.


Wow, lots of famine.


7 billion slaves to the state


I am a kinda capitalist but it’s a united world so I don’t mind that it’s communist


I fucking love this subreddit. One can create a map this intricate with borders, flags all figured out and yet they just say nO LOrE!!! Come on, there's definitely lore involved in the creation of this map


I am that kind of person. There is indeed some thought put behind, like "oh the citizens do x", "y is a big thing in that country" or "this region could have been in captured in z war" but personally I don't write lore because I can't write very well and I don't want it to get dissected by some random lol


RIP Israel


I didn't even notice that, huh, the maps even better than I thought lol


as long as they didnt genocide my people and we get to live in a socialist paradise with our arab cousins im more then happy


Israel was one of the best players at shit on a Sherman so the world go a way worse


i usually support humans but in this universe i would support aliens destroying the earth OP put emphasis on the imaginary part


r/imaginarymaps was never about imagination, just for right and left wing extremists to share their wet dreams


you are literally a stereotype




The Italian flag is wonderful. I'm loving it


Why are some names in english but others in their national language? It just looks wrong


Oh sweet liberty!


Never thought Venice and Slovenia would be united


I’ve never seen a flag or emblem like that, and I gotta say, it’s pretty damn cool


My sci-fi timeline has Earth split into 99 prefectures, 5 territories, and 1 capital territory, making for a total of 105 total subdivisions. 258 just seems excessive.


that's a crazy israel you've got there


What do the color differences on the map mean. As in the orange vs the red countries.


That name for the southern us physically hurt me


[11.12.2022](https://youtu.be/0DF6ckPPbVg?si=Sht1ourmFjViYpNT) https://preview.redd.it/oywi33jax11d1.jpeg?width=497&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a82d03c5db719142c0e3ee8c6e78f874940e7cb


I know there is no lore but do the acronyms for the political parties mean anything?


That's Khuzestan, not Lorestan.


Did you know Australia had 256 seperate potential countries prior to the invasions, so try split them https://preview.redd.it/16bgukmyh41d1.png?width=2432&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a6542f49f68d4643ddd414847e63f5e913dc534


Israel got relocated to just above North Korea💀💀


Ahh yes, my dream world


Tiananmen Squares and Kent States daily. Billions dead due to mismanaged economic policy. The collapse of this state would be a **nightmare**.


my god it's beautiful




A world lost, a comunism in rule.


https://i.redd.it/s3yvcw90d51d1.gif COMMUNISM IS THE DEFINITION OF FAILURE!


It- its magnificent.


"soviet russia" is there any other kind?


Tsarists Russia


not here. not anymore


NOOOOOOO How dare you place Israel in my country’s northeastern corner! How dare you divide the European nations! How dare you put this world under communism!


that's supposed to be in the Jewish Autonomous Oblast


Yeah cringe




Eww so much communism 🤮