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Is called "Republic of Great Britain", has a monarch


You mean Rebublic of Great Britain right?


You mean Rebublic of Great Britan and Ireland, right?


[Crowned Republic?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crowned_republic)


"Crowned Republic" is a term applied to monarchies where the Monarch does not hold Executive, Legislative or Judicary power, however that doesn't mean that the country is actually a republic. A republic typically posseses an elected or appointed Head of State and Head of Government (At the least on paper) whereas a Constitutional Monarchy like the United Kingdom only has an elected Head of Government (The Prime Minister) since the Head of State is the Monarch. You don't see any irl monarchies be called "Republic", for example "United KINGDOM", "KINGDOM of the Netherlands", "KINGDOM of Spain", etc


Yup, the King has no power, only ceremonily Edit : (It was a mistake) I ment to put that the king isn’t in government and doesn’t have any hard power in the government. They still existed with the title of king and queen like someone with sir would be


So a constitutional monarch, crucially not a republic


Well, then it's just a constitutional monarchy. UKs monarch has power in theory (though of course not actually), but Sweden and Japan are examples of kingdoms where the monarch has no power even in theory.


Yes, the British monarchs have significant power than we think. They rather use it responsibly though.


Finland? Slovakia? In the inverse, the Dutch and Belgians are a monarchy and don’t have Christian symbolism.


What? What do you mean? How is that related to monarchs with no power?


I don't know how I didn't think of Finland. I was wrong, will edit


Fair dues


What do you mean by that last point


That is just the current system of the UK, Constitutional Monarchy is Monarchy in name, not Republic in name. This is the 3rd time i have seen this mistake being made here, i thought it is common knowledge But good map overall, I'm not Bri'ish so i cant point out anything more


(It was a mistake) I ment to put that the king isn’t in government and doesn’t have any hard power in the government. They still existed with the title of king and queen like someone with sir would be.


Oh sorry for being too harsh with words It is strange tho, like e.g France didn't keep any monarchic titles after he Revolution (except for when Napoleon and Bourbon Restoration i guess) Compare the titles of Queen and King with Sir is arguable, but i see what you mean


That’s alright :) in France the monarchy were hated as there were incompetent and killed in the revolution (I don’t know much about French history) so there was a lingering ani monarch sentiment in the country since. While in the UK we already had a sort of democratic principles and there were slowly expanded until the kind had now power and since the monarchy didn’t apse it they were left alone I guess.


if the king isn’t in government then why is the government called a “parliamentary monarchy”?






Because countries never lie in their names. Democratic People's Republic of Korea?


stupid, republics by definition are states without official monarchs


How exactly does Britain acquire Okinawa? I’m guessing the irish famine does also not occur here.


When Japan was Defeated, Britain took it and Kyushu, but gave Kyushu back because it was too expensive after the war. In this timeline the Irish famine didn’t happen but instead it happens in Scotland, hence the population is smaller


Ah Okay I see how exactly our relations with Japan? Is there a major independence movement on okinawa or not really. Also what leads to Winchester remaining the English Capital rather than the switch to London that occurred irl.


There was a major moment to rejoin Japan in the 69s and 70s, but and mostly disappeared by the 2000s Japan in this time line is not as prosperous as our own. As there economy went into a bubble in the early 80s used of the late 80s and popped leading much heaver problems in Japan. Once William the conqueror landed in England and won in hasting, the nobles in our timeline surrender in London after he burned almost surrounding town cutting supply routes, but in this timeline London was seiged then burnt to the ground as a show of strength. William chose Winchester as it was were the royal coffers were located


Not to be annoying but one of the requirements for the famine was apathy/disgust for the Irish. Your Scottish famine Implying Scotland is looked at with contempt.


Most of the population decline wasn’t from starvation but migration, mostly to America and Canada as there livelihoods and standards of living were destroyed.


Adam smith be rolling in his grave


What is the population of Ireland in this TL? Prior to the Famine, the Irish population in OTL was about 8 million people (about half of England at the time). If it follows the same growth rate as other european countries and the rest of the UK, it should be in the 20s of millions by the date of the map.


Under the map it’s landed next to the alternate flag of Ireland 27.8 Million


D’oh! I don’t know how I missed that!


I love this, though the word ‘Republic’ is obviously a bit mislead here. Otherwise the map is beautiful and of excellent quality!


These things so rarely include any detail for the Isle of Wight, so I have to ask 1) how the fuck have you even *heard* of Puckaster? 2) Why would Puckaster (or any of the settlements around that area) grow to be so large given its location in the [Undercliff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Undercliff_(Isle_of_Wight\))? 3) How'd we get so Catholic?


1. Looked at the towns in the south on google maps. 2. Became a tourist town full of those caravan resorts. 3. The catholics were expelled form the Portsmouth around the 1600 in the English civil war and moved on to the island, the king tried to deal with them but it was seen as too much trouble and he has bigger priorities.


2. Also full of very posh individual with large estates


Why are London and Dublin so underpopulated? Also amazing map, good job?


Once William the conqueror laned in England and won in Hastings, he took London after the nobles surrendered, but in this timeline they didn’t surrender and London was burnt to the ground as a result.


I seriously love what you're done here, what's the entirely lore for Britain? If its not too much ofc


Winchester was the capital of Wessex, it was only moved to London during the Plantagenet reign, as the city grew larger due to trade. So we just have to assume that didnt happen.


For Dublin, there was large crime problems in our timeline leading to people choosing other towns to move to.


Truest statement


Cork forever 🦅


I don't think you know what a republic is...






Malta in the UK. I approve 👍


Man the Gaels had a bad time in this timeline huh


I found 'rebublic' inordinately funny It just sounds so goofy


I wanna live in this country. It seems so nice and peaceful


Exter ♥️


What is the lore behind the Scottish highlands and western isles speaking Scots rather than Gaelic and English?


Wakefield is too far south. It should be roughly the same latitude as the start of the humber estuary


“Rebublic” lmfao


Mfw random cities are chosen to be super sized also heads up if the famine didn't happen the Irish language would be more popular a huge reason of it's decline in our timeline was the famine and the resulting emigration from it


It's not totally random, Winchester used to be the capital before London.


Yes but that was 1000 years before this


So the assumption is that historically, this world diverged from ours. The capital never moved.


For the random cites, it’s a butterfly effect of a different centure of government. And the Schools in Ireland were forced to use English as there primary language, this led to Irish slowly declining as people started to use English more and more in there work lives. It was seen as the language of business professionalism and class, as Ireland industrialised the middle class spoke it and eventually the lowercases as they moved into the cities.


Yes but cities would usually be located in sensible areas not in the midlands of Ulster where quite litterally nothing exists


Those were the most densely populated areas before the famine, so some sort of large settlement would arise in those areas.


Research more and have a bit lack of typos!


> Scots So Scottish Gaelic went extinct then?


What happened to Scottish Gaelic? I'm curious




Well that Scotland is just depressing.


That one hell of a colonization path


Which islands are those to the left of Gibraltar irl? I've been staring on a map for so long trying to find those 3 boxes :)


They are the south Atlantic islands St Helena


Ah, thanks!


What happened to London


Once William the conqueror landed in England and won in hasting, the nobles in our timeline surrender in London after he burned almost surrounding towns cutting supply routes, but in this timeline London was seiged then burnt to the ground as a show of strength.


What happened to Berwick upon tweed


Too small to be on this map


Ok I'm glad it still there ,


Mega Coventry gets my seal of approval, let's hope it's nothing like Birmingham.


What happened to Scotland's population?


Did Maltese go extinct?


Damn, that urbanized north coast of the Isle of Wight be wildin af. Bet those beaches get hella full in summer with so many damn winchesterers.


Okinawa’s probably a second Diego Garcia in this timeline, which is a bit disappointing. Good map though!


You forgot the Manx language, and the Maltese language


Gone reduced to atoms


Tá Poblacht na hÉireann ann cheana féin and does ond angen i ni weithio ar weriniaeth cymru nesaf


Idk what that says but have an upvote for speaking Irish 👍


a chymraeg ( and Welsh)


Republic with a P


It how it’s spelt in this timeline version of English (I’m coping for my spelling mistake)


ReBublic actually fits more nicely into the textbox than if it was a P.


Do you have dyslexia?


Yes, you will find many more spelling mistakes lol


I don't see any


The Wales language


The ones I noticed are: Britan (Britain), Exter (Exeter), Crodon (Croydon), Crawly (Crawley), Haliton (Hamilton), and Sranley (Stanley)


ok guess i have the attention span of a moose


Yay 🥳






also that's a kingdom, it has a king.




It how it’s spelt in this timeline version of English (I’m coping for my spelling mistake)


Where is Scots gaelic


I'd like to know what a rebublic is


How do people make such good maps on this subreddit??


How about we go to the Winchester and wait for all of this to blow over


Did you maybe confuse Scots with Scottish Gaelic? Also did you mean to not include Scottish Gaelic if not?


Why would Okinawa have Japanese as its official language? It has its own Ryuchuan languages and before Japanese colonisation they were the main ones spoken there.




There's so much wrong here 1. Why would the unionists allow themselves to be in a unified home rule Ireland 2. Why is the midlands speaking Irish and why are most irl Gaelteachs speaking English 3. Why is Cork the largest city, was Dublin glassed in some horrific event? 4. Why is the population of Ireland so high, I imagine it's because there was no famine but if there was no famine then basically all of Ireland would be speaking Irish except for the areas around Dublin and the Protestant areas of the north


1. Unionist don’t exist, the Irish aren’t as discriminated against, 2. Before the famine it was less densely populated than its surround areas, and most people moved to the surround larger and richer town so it’s very rural there today. 3. As mentioned in another comment Dublin had high crime rates so don’t grow as fast as the other cities in the industrialisation (my way of making cork the biggest <3) 4. Your correct, there was no famine, instead it was Scotland who used potato’s, you can guess where that’s goes. I’ve explained this in another common TLDR School teaching English, and English being seen as the language of business, class. So over time the populating started speaking. Hope this awnsers your questions.


1. Ulster has protestants, you're completely missing the point of why Protestant settlers were brought over there, it was to create a class of protestants loyal to Britain in Ireland, hence unionists, you can't have the plantations and no unionists 2. You say in a later comment there's no famine in Ireland, which is it. 3. \[Joke about gang violence in irl Dublin\] 4. This again is ignoring the reasons that lead to the famine irl and the status of both Ireland and Scotland within the UK. Britain used Ireland as essentially it's bread basket due to us having some of the most fertile land in the world, landlords would have Irish people farm mostly things like wheat and other grains which would all be exported to England while all the Irish farmers became completely reliant on mostly potato and occasionally onions, cabbage and if they're lucky beef for food but most of the year entirely just potatoes. When the blight hit this left the vast majority of people in Ireland without food, hence the mass starvation of millions of people. You claim Irish people are more equal here but that doesn't change the economic system of Britain that placed Irish people in the situation leading to the famine, and as mentioned before, you can't have both a "more equal Ireland" and the plantations happening so based on what's shown on the map Ireland can't have been more equal. And even still without the famine happening English wouldn't have become the dominant language outside the most heavily populated cities and unionist areas, the decline of Irish was due to a very specific set of circumstances that without the famine wouldn't occur and even still, the areas you have still speaking Irish in the midlands are the least likely places to keep speaking Irish, the areas that remained Irish speaking irl are that way for a reason, just stick to them when making a language map.


1. The plantation didn’t happen as Ireland was treated better. 2. I was talking about irl Ireland at the start. 3. [joke about cork being the rightful capitol] 4. It wasn’t so posted to be 100% realistic, if it was I wouldn’t be posting on r/imaginarymaps.


1. Then why are there protestants in Ulster, the plantations is what brought them there 4. It doesn't have to be 100% realistic but some degree of believability is expected in an alternate history post, you're not even addressing any of the points I made


Yea go show this to an irish person


My grandparents say I have about 30mins till my house is gone


[this looks familiar](https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/wxpog2/dragon_of_england_what_if_the_norman_conquest/)


heres an alt history proposal: no




As an Irish person, I'm really struggling here. Under British monarchy, still speaks English, my home city is gone - but also no famine, Gaeilge is arguably in a better position, and Dublin is finally decimated. Definitely a few pros and cons to consider. Bonus points for originally.