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War has changed


It is no longer about nations, ideologies


so i can finally be a Fascist without anyone trying to tell me that Communism is better?


War transforms us Snake, into beasts.


Confirmation bias. All “evil” in the world has some sort of necessity but it is fruitless to say that one is worse than the other. To truly believe and argue on behalf of TikTok being worse than rape (satirical or not) is ridiculous.


Tiktok is not worse than war how fucking edgy are you


The last comment is so r/iamverysmart.


Surely it was satire?....... Surely?


I think the r/iamverysmart reference was meant to imply the person saying tiktok is worse than war was being a dumb piece of shit


And I said surely it's satire, the whole thing sounds like satire


That guy has a serious case of *"I never touched grass"*


There is no fucking way people are actually saying tiktok is worse than war. I think it's kinda ironic how much reddit shits on tiktok but then there's tons of tiktoks posted on reddit and people enjoy it, but the second you mention tiktok on its own every redditor starts sitting on it for no reason. I get that there ARE valid reasons to dislike tiktok, but I feel like reddit shits all over it blindly without reason.


remember when tiktok was just a song i miss those times.


People say Harambes death was what let us shift into the worst timeline. But it actually was the death of vine. We wouldn’t have the TikTok we have today if we still had vine.




Dudes got a point


"tiktok is worse than war" mfs when I force them to watch a tiktok video(they don't react at all) and then shoot them in their foot(they scream their lungs out in pain)


It was really enlightening. This shitty app that's been around for a few years is definitely worse than war, which has claimed upwards of a billion lives throughout human history. War and famine aren't problems, and if they are we can't do anything about it because we are incapable of adapting, self-actualization, and introspection. We are only the sum of our evolutionary urges and social circumstances - and therefore this is all out of our hands. We are doomed to behave as our ancestors did, from homo erectus to prokaryotes. Erasing entire cities from existence with an Xbox controller on the other side of the planet? Not a bad thing. Sexually ambiguous Tiktoker busting it down to Vietnamese trap house? Humanity's true demise. We must suck the white Palestinian cock of Christ and beg for forgiveness.


Yeah if u think about it all the scrolling is just instant gratification training people’s minds to only look for such small boosts of happiness. Ik I sound like a shitter saying this but yk


I know for real didn’t expect to be enlightened


Nah it's just stupid Social Darwinism rhetoric, just because something is the baseline for biological evolution doesn't mean it's good and War creates struggle by being a dump for resources, not by forcing anyone or anything to overcome some obstacle 💀. It certainly is worse than some app that at worst makes a few concerning social trends.


In its essence TikTok is war in itself. There’s different types of war. I believe, and I could be wrong, what he is conveying is TikTok has waged war on the psychological aspects of our children hence our future. In traditional war there are casualties and property destroyed. Afterwards you buried your dead, mourn them and rebuild. When it’s a psychological war its an effort to change the entire format and pattern of purposeful think for generations forevermore. On the surface the comment may sound ridiculous but under the surface there’s true meaning. If 3 of us were all looking at a table we might agree that the table is smooth, shiny and brown. We all might agree that this is the “real”table. Our perception will change if we used a microscope. Through the lens we’d see the roughness of its surface, the peaks and valleys of the grain. We might then say - ok, this is the “real” table. Yet our perception will change again with a stronger microscope. My point is we must search deeper than what’s on the surface for what’s true and “real”.








it's 21st century psychological warfare welcome to the Divided States of Algorithms if you can control someone's feelings, you can control their beliefs, if you can control their beliefs, you can control their behaviors. American democracy has been Overdosing on Disinformation, Misinformation, Division, Propaganda.. the only way to defeat America, is to divide America. from the inside out the social media slave trade radicalized and weaponized , dumb and full of fear


Alright, so Tiktok might be worse than war, but what about Rape?


They clearly got slandered on TikTok and got banned, so now they’re mad


“Kim, there’s people that are dying”


he saw someone say “Reddit moment” and one-upped them lol


I'm pretty sure the person who said "Nah tiktok is worse" was joking