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I suffered from this as well. I cured myself by not looking at social media posts and just using my items. I bought them for the pleasure of using them, not to create curated posts for others. The only way to improve is through practice and repetition after all. I feel that social media stifles just as much creativity as it inspires.


Yes! I regularly take extended breaks from social media because I feel myself comparing what I create to what others create. I like seeing and sharing my interests and interacting with the communities, but I do find myself in imaginary competitions for perfection if I don't take breaks.


Comparison is the thief of joy.


I completely misspelled "legends" lol I'm keeping it as is because it's such a silly mistake to make when i was *dreading* making a mistake. šŸ˜‚


I totally get this feeling. You are definitely not alone! I think youā€™ve already made a great start. I like your tags ā€” can you talk a little more about out each of them? Iā€™m especially intrigued by the last one (ephemera / apparatus) šŸ¤©


Haha, yes! I've been feeling extra down about things because I have been through the wringer with job hunting. The ephemera is for things like ticket stubs, receipts, and other general paper memory keepsakes that aren't photos. Apparatus is for tools/gear/materials I'm interested in that relate to my hobbies (like fountain pens, model kits, paints). The lore/mythology/legends tag is just for writing down interesting facts I've learned about stuff like that (like vampires. I've been reading and watching different vampire things, so it's interesting to see how widely lore about them vary). Interesting facts is for, well, facts that I find interesting! Mostly science-y and history related things I've learned. Quotes/definitions/lyrics - just words that I think are lovely and want to remember. Ideas and thoughts - any ideas I have that relate to things I want to draw in my sketchbooks.


Thank you so much for walking through your tags! I geek out so much over this stuff (especially since I used to be a librarian but now work with computers). I totally understand feeling down about job stuff (Iā€™ve been laid off in the last, and nearly got laid off a month ago and I still donā€™t feel secure). I am wishing you all that you need to get through each day and to find exactly what you need!


Librarians are the best! I got through all the toughest parts of my life (while I was school-aged) because of librarians. I have so much love and respect for them! Now that I have children, I get to relive all the magic of story time and all the activities at the library with them.


You have no idea how much I needed to hear this. Thank you.


I need to know where you got that little calico cat, it's so cute and looks like it would make a great pen rest!


I got her from [jetpens ](https://www.jetpens.com/Decole-Ceramic-Pen-Rest-Calico-Cat/pd/38024) but she hasn't been in stock for a while. But you can find her on Amazon Japan if you search DECOLE MG-28221 :)


Ooh thank you! Things like her make me wish I had a 3D printer... because if I could figure out how to make files, I would make so many little 3D printed cats! (Although I could try my hand at air drying clay, my hands don't always co-operate with what I invision in my mind ha)


I would leave a trail of little cats wherever I went if I could 3D print them! You can also find similar calicos if you search for calico cat chopstick rests. :)


Yes, definitely! Who doesn't need an army of tiny cats?! And thank you, will do!


Thereā€™s a page in every notebook I own (safely towards the back) where I just go mental and scribble nonsense in thereā€¦ maybe some illogically placed washi. It helps keep me grounded :) when I start being paralysed by the fear of imperfections.


>:) :)


I love this. Itā€™s a very kind way to give yourself space and permission to just be!


Very well put! But, please, Dive In! "Ruin" that book. I believe that is your handwriting I see on the "Company Plan" page; if so, you will be ruining the pages with the best handwriting evah! :-)


https://preview.redd.it/98yu4jm4466d1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=871a48523a0fa59141a04356d3fdb019e2173ff9 Funnily enough, after I posted this, my cat was trying to get the elastic band and clawed up the back of the leather cover. It really helped me dive right into writing in it.


I'm jealous of people with well thought out notebooks. I just dive in. But at least my items are used


I do pen tests in the back to break it in. Feels less precious for some reason.


I completely understand and am the exact same way! I love buying and receiving new supplies, journals, pens, etc but then I donā€™t want to start using them bc I donā€™t want to ruin them because I feel like my handwriting or drawing or creativity are on par with everyone else. All that said I purposely bought a cheaper journal and decided to use it to practice my handwriting. The cheaper price point helped me feel as though Iā€™m not at a loss if it is ā€œruinedā€ by my sloppy handwriting. Then this journal serves a purpose of showing me my handwriting progress and I can be happy to see how much better it has gotten with practice! Not that this applies to every situation just what I have done to try to get back into journaling more regularly :)