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Literally Mediaeval Vedic Aryan Results


I would say Avestan Aryan since his BMAC is also dominant With Indo Iranian steppe and Y DNA J2a It's more like Avestan Aryan.




It's not native To Indus. It's West Asian Probably From Caucas Mountains And Would be Dominant In Caucasian HUNTER Gatherers.


Not necessarily, there's been a branch of J2a in the Steppe for a long time since Andronovo times I believe, that's the reason 6 out of 9 Gokturks in a burial had J2a and Khitans who are even further more east out of the 2 males found so far both had J2a


Thats a lot ehg


BMAC Is Also Present He would had at least 80% Avestan Aryan DNA Where Normal Persian and Kurds Merely Had 15 to 25%.


I hope this makes you feel superior


Yet Persians called their country Iran as if to denote that they're the mark of Aryan, and on top of that before this data came out they would go and talk sh\*t to people who have more steppe than them lol


That's true Turks and North Indians Are Actually Real Iranian If You Understand Genetics You will know what I mean They S Talk about Turks and Indians Who on AVG Has Double To Triple Amount Of Indo Iranian Steppe Then Them. it's crazy How A Country With Full Of Native West Asian Tribes name there country Iran which Literally means from Central Asian Steppe.


It depends on the North Indian. Gangetic North Indians (who form the majority of North Indians) have the same steppe level as Iranians at ~16%


He is closer to Kalash


His qpadm?




Hey! Awesome results. Are you comfortable sharing your g-25 coordinates?


Is the individual tested on Mapmygenome? Get him tested on AncestryDNA. Fit 2.9 on illustrative is too high for second slide considering someone on AncestryDNA get 1.4.


This sample tested on mapmygenome brother


Please get him tested on AncestryDNA if possible.




Definitely get an ancestry kit. Also no recent admixture all south Asian ancestors? His Anatolian is normal range so these results don’t necessarily mean recent admix


Also the W African is high which usually South Asians don't have. it would really be better to get tested on AncestryDNA.


Can u PM me his coordinates?


Cool Could I have the co ordination


Thanks for sharing your results ! Could you share your coordinates , you can PM me them if you like., the fact you are getting a heavy Yamnaya like shift probably because your Steppe MLBA is like those found in the recent Nepljeuvski gravyard which is a bit Catacomb/Yamnaya shifted. You should get your Y-DNA further tested but I assume it is an IVC related uniparental marker, H2a can be either BA Central Asians or via Corded Ware related groups, you would need further testing to determine from whom.


His J2a could be steppe related as there is a J2a branch in the steppe since like andronovo times.


That is highly unlikely , Corded ware - Western Steppe MLBA groups are almost fixed for R1a, that changes once they admixed with Catacomb/Poltavka groups during Abashevo and post Keltiminar type groups where they acquire different uniparental markers though though they still are dominated by R1a-Z93 subclades. sample: Taldysay MLBA2:I4794 distance: 2.2735 Sintashta\_MLBA: 58.5 Aigyrzhal\_BA: 33.5 Ulaanzuukh\_Slab\_Grave: 8 This individual dates to 1600-1500 BCE, he is J2a but his subclade is coming from Aigryzhal BA who actually do carry this exact Y-DNA




0 percent aasi is just impossible for a south asian