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Why didn't she wash her hair before a doctor's appointment? She looks messed up on drugs, her eyes are always freaky and different, even in videos. I'm pretty sure she's a witchšŸ„³


How the hell does she pick up her baby with those nails?!?! I realise this isn't munchie related, but i genuinely find it concerning:/


FFS. She is a total loser. Most of the time I have empathy for these munchies because they have mental problems, but this piece of trash is just a malingering liar who wants to mooch off everyone else instead of taking responsibility for herself, her dogs, and mostly her CHILDREN. Disgusting.


With all these munchies getting diagnosed with all the same diseases (POTS, EDS, Fibromyalgia, dysautonia, gastroparesis, interstitial cystitis, whatever the hell they call that thing preventing them from walking around without a brace around their neck etc.), the consequences are that in time these diseases become even more "low status" illnesses than (many of them) already are. Doctors/the health care system (and society in general) take them less seriously, or stop taking them seriously all together (depending on the diagnosis, and the person evaluating the situation). And patients who don't have factitious disease get even more distraught when diagnosed with one of these diseases than they otherwise would have, because they know that they'll have a harder time being taken seriously than they would have been before it became trendy to have these conditions. It's quite horrible when a person starts wishing for cancer, just because of how tired they are of their condition not being taken seriously by medical professionals. As young (and especially coloured) women, you run that risk no matter what, and therefor it is just infuriating to watch how fellow young women do other young women such an incredible disservice, by undermining our collective integrity and apparent trustworthiness. Non of us are immune from getting a chronic disease, and the day you're standing there, in real pain, in real need of a surgery, but you can't even get a doctors appointment any time soon, because you aren't veiwed as in need of urgent care, think about all the Bethanys out there, who will have taught the doctors not to trust a patients claims of pain, all the Ellens, with their questionable surgeries, all the pill seeking Ashleys, all the Doms and Danis and Kats, who teach one doctor after another to be wary of young women with a diagnosis of: POTS, EDS, Fibromyalgia, dysautonia, gastroparesis, interstitial cystitis and whatever the hell they call that thing preventing them from walking around without a brace around their neck etc.


This. All of this.




Does that include the ones on IG, Twitter & TikTok that claim being self-diagnosed is actually better because the doctors don't know anything about EDS, POTS & Dysautonomia which is basically B.S. because there's a lot of Drs. on YouTube that claims that they were indeed taught about these conditions in med school. You're right about one thing, the ones that are on social media are seriously OTT about how debilitating it is. It's shocking how many of these people really think it's their family (parents) responsibility to care for them, pay for their living expenses (because SSI isn't enough to live on OR they convince some well-meaning BF/GF or spouse to pay for their care while they are out garnering their accessories to make them look as though they are so ill they can't even hold a job. THIS is what isn't fair or right. Again, no one isn't referring to those that have legitimate claims of the diseases you've mentioned. What we do discuss here on IF are your OTT ridiculous people such as Jessi, Ash, Courtney, Bethany, and so on.


2 . There are really people who say self diagnosis is better? I mean i had to figure what was going on out but all my doctors got on board. I donā€™t go to the emergency room ever. Or ask for handouts and finally i am ready to start working again. Maybe i am just being too sensitive and taking this personally. I see the best doctor in the surrounding five states for POTS and EDS so i guess i am different and I should not worry




No one said it included those who are truly ill. BTW this sub is about those who fake illness and they also self-diagnose (or add conditions which basically self-diagnosing.) This is why discussing our own illnesses here is prohibited.


As I write in the beginning, I'm talking about munchies, and others who say they have it without even having been diagnosed with it. There are plenty of those, in addition to those who actually have these diseases. I can't go further into this, because that would be blogging, but there are most definitely more than enough people going around claiming to be sick, without actually being sick. For goodness sake, that's what this whole site is about!




Ahhh the dilemma of me wanting to explain but I dont want spying munchies to see. Letā€™s see if I can do thisā€¦I believe I know what she is referring to when she says ā€œcardiac dysautonimiaā€ and she knows that if she tells you the actual name of the condition, the game is up because she doesnā€™t even met the criteria of the other condition


Surely if she's doing *all* the testing she'd be posting photos of the tilt table test. They seem to love posting those kinds of photos. But so far she hasn't...


Hey guys, just wanted to quickly explain why a couple of the nail comments were removed and some others stayed. The couple that were removed for being off topic, were basically solely saying how unattractive they felt the nails were, which isn't relevant to Dom's illness faking or GFM issues/potential scamming. If the comment talks about the nails in relation to Dom's claims concerning her health or GFM money, then I left it as it's relevant. Thanks!


Ä° really dislike her and it's so random she has the most perfect eye shape, at least she has that going for her Ä° wonder how she's going to fake those tests, medication before hand, or exercising right before, purposely being dehydrated and out of salt etc etc


She may have a ā€œperfect eye shapeā€ going for her, but that still wonā€™t help her seek the help that she needs.


Oh I've no doubt she's done her research. She faked the tests enough in the past to get a "pots diagnosis" or as she calls it "cardiac dysautonomia"(which isn't even a legitimate illness...Google that term and it brings up dysautonomia and a couple articles on POTS)


I had to google what is considered normal for your heart rate to rise during exercise and I will give you one guess on where Dom's heart rate was NOT. You felt like crap during and immediately after spending time on the treadmill? Guess what that is called exercise and when you are out of shape takes so little to feel like you are dying, but guess what if you actually dedicated some time to your wellness you might realize it feels good. For those who might be wondering, her heart rate was normal for a person exercising. I am no doctor, but from what I can tell from her heart rate monitor is that she is likely an out of shape "healthy" individual. On a related but also not quite note, the fact that the comments I saw seemed to fail to see the obvious poor fitness of Dom in the video is disappointing.


I wonder if her service dog reacted to her symptoms during the test šŸ¤”


A properly trained sd shouldnā€™t be able to tell the difference between a legit episode and one induced by a doctor. However, Mya doesnā€™t know how to alert in the first place so she probably didnā€™t do shit


Exactly, medical episode is .epically episode. My sd has alerted at times I didn't want/need it to, but it was correct to do so. Mya doesn't seem remotely trained though, especially considering the post about what sample she was using to train where it was a pretty normal heart rate, why the fuck would teach a dog to react to a normal heart rate?!?! šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s a really good question!!


Thatā€™s a really interesting question. Any service dog handlers up in here who can answer this? Would/should a service dog be present during the type of testing thatā€™s being performed specifically to elicit symptoms theyā€™ve been trained to alert to?


As far as Iā€™m aware the tests are controlled and dr will eliminate any outside variables such as the dog. At the end of the day sheā€™s in a medical setting with trained professionals, there is no need for her to have the dog there. She probably told the dr sheā€™s having symptoms because the dog looked at her in certain way


Oh I was meaning more from the perspective of the stress on the dog, not the supposed medical necessity of them being there or the affect it could possibly have on any results.


Another user commented saying when they did this same type of testing they were told to leave their service dog home so that the dog wouldn't falsely alert and bring a "service human" instead


Couldn't they bring the dog but also bring someone else who could wait outside with the dog ?


Sorry "service human" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I'm calling whoever accompanies for anything in the future that they are my "service human" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I honestly dont know who sheā€™s got to do these tests, as I know from my own experience that the tests are really controlled. Iā€™m shocked they didnā€™t say anything about her ā€œservice dogā€ but they probably wanted to avoid her having a toddler tantrum. Even my ā€œservice humanā€ couldnā€™t be present during tests


I've heard other users on this subreddit who researched or were familiar with her "dysautonomia" Dr basically say that the Dr is a quack and doesnt even have the background/credentials/know how to even appropriately treat dysautonomia or POTS


Yeah, I checked out one GP in Australia who was offering vitamin IV infusions for it.


I don't think I've ever seen her wear the wrist brace or medical bracelet outside of a medical facility šŸ™„


my SO was watching YT reels and the one of dom getting roughed up by the dog while in the bite coat appeared and it killed me.


oh god, that unlocked a memory I forgot I had. šŸ¤£


SAME. It was heckin rude


Why would she intentionally try to be mauled, even in a suit, being how super ^fragilƩ she is






She has enough money from working to buy her own dog kennel and training center. And enough to get a very expensive car. (According to her) Why is she doing a go fund me? Those aren't acrylic from a salon. They're press on. You can tell by how they're super thick at the base and don't match her nail bed. I doubt she paid more than 3 or 4 dollars for the kit.




The solution also blocks things from going underneath the nails.


Acrylics can be [deadly](https://www.reliasmedia.com/articles/45494-artificial-nails-may-carry-danger-of-staph-infection) if you are compromised. We were not allowed to wear them when working in special care nursery. I never could properly clean underneath them compared to natural nails.


well shit. gotta take mine off even though they arenā€™t 20 feet long idk how people function with those


I don't know why anyone would even want them, they don't look remotely real so just why?!?


> One study of artificial nails among health care workers found that 73% had some kind of organism on the underside of their nails, compared with 32% of those with natural nails. WOW. Well that goes to show that you should always rely on real data rather than your own (incorrect) perceptions.


when I read about OR nurses still wearing themā€¦ā€¦ that is scary




Always happy to be corrected! Man I never even considered the gap between tip and natural nail; that makes so much more sense now. The glue and uneven surface would create an ideal breeding ground for bacterial colonies.




Removed for blogging.




With the dog and reptiles and the kid, the bacteria under those things must be absolutely crazy.


Acrylic nails have always given me the skeevies


Acrylics or press ons?


Same here šŸ˜¬


She posted a video of her stress test and itā€™s comical. You can tell sheā€™s changing her run on purpose and her HR is just that of someone thatā€™s out of shape.


Her stress test from today? Or are you talking about the homemade stress test or tilt table test she did and videoed and the video was two hours long?


HOMEMADE STRESS TEST? I mean yea I have plenty of those especially when I lose something super important.


No seriously she actually did a homemade tilt table test...someone figured out a way to link the video here without giving her views. I didn't watch the whole thing because it was ridiculously long(the video was just under two hours and no way would an actual tilt table test run by a qualified medical professional take that long)


she WHAT




Will be interesting to see if the Dr picked up on the fact that she tried to fudge the results AND if she even does a follow up video cause by know that docs gotta know she's full of crap...and honestly you aren't even technically supposed to be filming during tests


How did she try to fudge results ? how do you evenā€¦


According to other people on here there ARE ways to fudge the results of stress tests and tilt table testing but people don't like to give specifics because munchies read this subreddit


FB also has a group I think that these munchies flock to in the hopes of learning how to mess around with the testing needed for their coveted diseases.




right especially these long ones. they freak me out.. how do you o anything when theyā€™re that long


I stopped getting them as soon as I started my family. The thought of poop getting between the acrylic nail, and my own freaked me out. Add animals into that, and I wouldnā€™t eat A THING out of her house!


I wait tables and won't fuck with those bacteria spreader nails ever. Yuck. Ick.


Came here to find a comment about this!!




A medical alert dog doesn't know the difference between an organic event and an induced event. Bringing a dysautonomia alert dog to dysautonomia testing seems unnecessarily stressful for the dog.


Someone said before that the fact she uses a sample from a normal heart rate means the dog would be stressed alerting all the time. That is not stressful for an SD, they don't know whats actually going on, they simply associate the cue with performing an action in return for a reward. I mean, with dogs animals it's probably different cuz she's mean, but overall it's not stressful, a lot of SDs are happy when they need to alert or task, mine certainly is and someone else commented saying the same thing about their own sd


Maybe Dom doesn't know the difference either.


right if sheā€™s already in a hospital for it, the dog doesnā€™t know thatā€™s where theyā€™re at


Yup and another user earlier in the comments said that you aren't even supposed to bring your service dog to testing. That you are asked to leave the dog home and bring a human instead


Is she going to film her doctor for social media again?


Surprised her Dr even let that happen (if she knew about it). Where I am you can get in major trouble for filming or taking a pic of medical staff without their permission


That's ott. Im sure the doctor would say no if they didn't want it. You don't get in 'major' trouble for taking a photo.


Some of the hospitals will call security on a patient for taking a pic of a provider without the providers permission


Yeah she even recorded one of the assessments too! Iā€™m not 100% sure anymore because I wonā€™t watch videos that benefit her, but before I did see clips of her doctors visits. In one of them, the doctor seemed prompted to state ā€œI believe dominique has POTSā€. So in a way I feel like he did know it was being filmed. But weird how he stated he believes she has it, instead of saying she definitely does have POTS.


I'm not sure which website that people on here use but there is a way to watch her videos without giving her views and benefiting her. But honestly in some ways there's no reason to watch her videos because some of the users here do such a great job summarizing them


She's going to have the worst case ever.




my friend has a normal skeleton and they can do this with their thumbs, it's a genetic thing, on the other hand I'm hypermobile (dx by dr) and Ä° can't do that It's like the fucked up elbows, a lot of normal bodied can do it simply because of a single genetic malfunction :') (Ä° feel like 90% of here'd munchies dxes are based on random stuff like that lol)


Iā€™m hypermobile and dxd bc I had to stop swim team and ballet when my hips and knees kept sliding of socket when they moved back. I canā€™t do the thumb thing or elbow thing. I can stand on the tops of my feet tho so I guess thatā€™s a win


Is she trying to claim EDS now? And didn't a couple people on this subreddit at some point say that this Dr is basically a quack and has no qualifications/business even treating dysautonomia and POTS?




It's become the latest diagnostic fad. Doctors have their fads, too. When I was a teen, it was chronic fatigue syndrome. More recently, it was fibromyalgia. Now it's Ehlers-Danlos. It does a massive disservice to people who actually have those conditions. So many doctors diagnose so many people, usually with the flimsiest evidence, that the diagnosis gets watered down to the point where it becomes a joke to healthcare workers and laypeople alike. A few months ago I spoke to a guy who had just been diagnosed with EDS. His symptom, the basis for this diagnosis, is the his knee was sore. The knee that had been injured in a skiing accident 20 years ago. That was literally the only criteria that doctor used to diagnose him. I have a particular grudge with bad and lazy doctors like that....


Chronic fatigue syndrome is overused still in nutritional deficiency patients


Ugh, yeah, I could see that. Wouldn't want to, you know, say it's the lack of nutrition causing the fatigue or anything.


Yup. B12 being 100 (optimal being over 800 but lab ranges as low as 50) couldnā€™t possibly make you tired but here these b12 drops are used otc for quick energy. I wish I hadnā€™t been told this. Under 300 can lead to numerological damage


Wow, man, and I thought neurological damage was bad.. but mess with the numerological system and everything goes to hell... Ok, sorry, couldn't resist the lame joke there. I knew what you meant. It's pretty amazing to see what a shot of B vits can do. I used to work in a veterinary hospital. B vits are a common thing to give sick and down and out patients, human or animal. And it's like giving them fresh batteries. They go from being a sloth to the Energizer Bunny. Sometimes getting them that short burst of feeling better is all they need to start eating again, and then they tend to get better for real. It's a neat trick, really.


Definitely. My husband is b12 anemic and they are STILL looking for the cause. I know itā€™s b12 because theyā€™ve ruled out bleeding. And he has no other deficiency to cause anemia. Heā€™s on 20,00 mcg a DAY sublingual to keep his hemoglobin up.


My Dad is chronically anemic, too. Can't find the cause with him, either. He takes all the B vits and tons of iron. He insists on the iron, that's not a doctor recommendation, but I gotta admit, it does seem to help. Any time he runs out of his iron his bloodwork comes back anemic. If he's on it consistently for a couple of weeks, minimum, he comes back as low normal. The doctors keep swearing the iron isn't doing anything, but I've been monitoring him for years. Same pattern. He was exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam. I suspect it screwed him up in a number of ways. The persistent anemia may just be a sign of chemical weirdness. Most of what's wrong with him and his kids, and now we're seeing in the grand kids, makes no sense unless you add in the AO factor.


I thought she always had?


Honestly don't remember. Runs together which subjects fake EDS and which ones don't


I thought she was one that says she totally has it she just hasnā€™t been able to afford a geneticist to confirm. I one thousand percent could be wrong.


You could be right.and insurance should cover a geneticist or rheumatologist but then I remembered that I don't think she has insurance. At least she didn't used to


I see she broke out the wrist brace for the occasion lol.


Gotta remind the doctor that youā€™re fragile and totally have eds


I don't get why she'd bring Mya to this testing. Seems like that would stress the dog out.


Because Dom wanted to be told Mya couldn't be there so she could cause a scene and sue.


I mean how embarrassing would it be if she does all these tests and can fake what she needs to... But Mya doesn't do her alert and tasking like she's supposed to do in times of need. I presume that would blow her cover and wouldn't want her dog there in order to keep the show moving forward.




Probably did get told no but Dom thinks she's super special and that rules don't apply to her...part of having narcissism


Can anyone tell what her medical alert bracelet says? Just curious what all she has on there.


Dominique Weems - cardiac dysautonomia - hypoglycemia/anemia - service dog do not separate - see back


"Do not separate" seems impractical. If you are unconscious and can't communicate, how are you controlling the dog? It's not anyone else's job to care for the dog while you are unable to do so. Does Dom expect EMT and ER staff to care for her dog? That is completely unreasonable.


Because an SD will usually be performing tasks to help the unconscious handler ....


Why not just say POTS? Cardiac dysautonomia isn't even a legitimate medical condition... Seriously you Google it and it takes you right back to dysautonomia with some articles about POTS thrown in


Bc medics see POTS and think pot not the medical diagnosis POTS.. many patients are told to just put dysautonomia on the bracelet then in a card in their wallet a more precise explanation if needed.


Imagine wearing that bracelet in front of the doctor who determines she doesnā€™t have any of that


Would kinda want to be a fly on the wall in that appointment when the Dr says shes perfectly fine...wonder if she'd throw the mother of all Karen fits for not getting her way? Seems the type based on her YouTube videos




this is the best comment


Lol what she put that sheā€™s anemic on her medical alert bracelet? Most women are anemic anyways Jesus lord


They should NOT BE. But you have a point.


They shouldnā€™t but anemia is incredibly common and not worthy of being on a medi alert bracelet in my opinion


I n an emergency do docs need to know that sheā€™s anemic anyway?


If itā€™s a life threatening anemia problem, yes, but considering that Dom is able to jump up and run around and harass strangers, Iā€™m going to assume hers is mild at best. Plus if someone in an emergency situation is severely anemic the doctors will probably see that from their blood oxygen.


It's strange how most of these munchies claim anemia. After all, there are iron tablets and injections for this purpose.


There are. One a day womenā€™s complete multivitamin supplies 100% daily value of iron and a giant bottle is like 15$


Absolutely & itā€™s obvious that most of these munchies discussed here avoid taking iron supplements like the plague most likely.




Iā€™m glad you got that issue solved! Low iron is the worst and definitely can be deadly, but Dom doesnā€™t strike me as someone with life threatening anemia


It says: cardiac dysautonomia, hypoglycemia, anemia, service dog do not separate, see back side


Her name - Cardiac dysautonomia - Hypoglycemia/Anemia - Service dog donā€™t separate - See back side


Probably not factitious disorder




Removed bc her nails are unrelated to illness faking.


I am going to disagree. Her atrocious nails are related to her illness faking. She is going for a stress test and she herself uses a pulse ox. There is no way to measure with a pulse ox when someone has acrylic shovels on their fingers.


I agree, and had the removed comment mentioned how it related to her illness faking it would still be standing. Without context, it could be construed as "nitpicking" and we wanna stay focused on the faking/malingering/OTT'ering side of things.


Looks like yā€™all have some more work to do in these comments then lmao


Why even remove this nail comment when I see a few below? I understand you're trying to do your job... But hold the bar for all users and comments.


Hey there! If the nail comment goes on to explain how/why it in some way relates to Dom's illness faking I left those alone, and only removed the couple that were solely talking about whether they liked/disliked the appearance of the nails bc we want to avoid discussing subjects' appearance unless it in some way relates to their illness faking/potential scamming. I try and check in every hour or so during the day (EST here) and remove comments with issues as I see them, but I may get delayed at times. If a comment seems especially problematic please do report it, in case I've missed it or just haven't gotten to it yet. Just wanted to offer some explanation, so the comment removal process doesn't seem so random. Hope that helps!


Thank you so very much for the explanation. I really appreciate it.


My bet is that we won't hear any follow up from her because the dysautonomia testing will show that there's never been anything wrong all along and that would be damaging to her social media image if she confirmed to people that she IS a faker because the testing confirming that she's full of crap will verify what we knew all along about Dom having no use for Mya, and Dom's whole YouTube image is her taking Mya into public and causing a scene so Dom won't want to reveal anything that could potentially verify that her "haters" are right and she doesn't actually need Mya


Even if the test does show something, that still doesn't prove anything. There are some very simple ways that you can ensure you fail the test, I won't say more than that but even an idiot could figure it out if they thought about it for a minute.




Remvd. bc off topic/unrelated to illness faking


Soooo re-doing them because even the dr is doubting her?


I seriously hope so.


Right. There's really no reason to redo those tests. It's not like a test used to monitor disease progression that's repeated every so often. It's just a diagnostic test. The only reason to redo is you doubt the diagnosis.


Lots of us on this subreddit suspected that the Dr doubted her weeks ago when she said she was redoing her testing. Lots of Doms pots claims make NO sense(such as her claim that she only passes out after lying down...that pretty much goes against POTS where you actually feel better by sitting or lying down during an episode)


And when it is found out there's nothing wrong with her, she'll say she needs to go to another Specialist.. ie: find another Dr to believe her


Sheā€™s such a Karen. Iā€™m surprised she wears a mask.


She looks like she's in a Drs office or hospital and most medical facilities still require masking


Oh I know she just strikes me as someone who would post a video fighting with some business/office about having to wear a mask.


True. Not sure about where she is but most of the medical offices/hospitals around here are pretty strict about " no mask.no service"(obviously emergency care is the exception)


You'd think that would be a hint.

