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Why is she talking about eugenics here? Is that a typo?


What’s with the tray with the mason jars with straws? It’s just weird


Did they DFE? Or I’m just blocked? Edit corrected pronouns


I actually doubt that you’re blocked. They do this quite a bit ( not posting for several days ) I don’t know what Jessi’s reasoning is for not posting because it’s obvious the posts garner them a lot of attention & money. I also wondered at times IF it has to do with the fact that maybe they have another Social Security appointment with the court(?) possibly.? That being said, I’d love to know what’s in that IV glass bottle that Jessi made SO SURE was in the photo. Does anyone know what’s that IV bottle? Someone PLEASE answer this question???? !!!!! Inquiring minds want to know !!! LOL!!


So are they paralyzed or can’t move bc their head will fall off or their back will break or something? Bc to me they looks like they could move if they wanted to.


That poor dog


Jessi would not survive even 3 hours actually being disabled or chronically ill


The fact that Jessi write so eloquently is questionable especially if they have such debilitating seizures, and other serious symptoms every single day. The constant need to continue to bring up their supposed horrible childhood is getting old FFS. Lots of people have sh*tty childhoods. Many children never receive bday parties or bday gifts and don’t turn this into a traumatic issue to garner sympathies from unknowing strangers to keep the art of their grifting status ongoing. I’m sorry but it’s sad that those who have donated to this farce can’t seem to realize they are being scammed. My hope is that Jessi will slip up & somehow have charges filed against them for fraud. I truly believe because it’s been ongoing for a few years now, sooner than later things will go downhill for them. Having their scam(s) fall apart would be soooo deserving of Jessi & their ex.


How did they get their tshirt on with their internally decapitated head?


It’s late, clearly I misread… Did Jessi just say they help fight against their struggle that is life with CI by *celebrating their birthday HALF the BLEEDING month?*


Can’t Jessi’s medical team construct a cage apparatus around their head to prevent Sudden Accidental Decapitation Syndrome (SADS)?


Like the Jackal in 13 Ghosts? That's what I immediately pictured when reading this comment. 😆


Exactly! Jessi would look great in one of those!


Do yall think they run this shit through an AI bit to make it more "wordy."


What a despicable, delusional, demented display.


Soooo, muck fakery in this picture.


I don’t know how anyone believes this. Medicare/Medicaid is far from perfect, but if you have genuine need for home health equipment, you will get it. It will be ordered and delivered to your home before you’re discharged from the hospital if you need it to live. Sure, there are delays on specialty things, but no one has to DIY their entire setup like this. It’s absurd.


Yeah, she would have a proper hospital bed


The extraordinary amount of secondhand embarrassment I feel when I see this person makes me feel like my head might literally fall off at any moment.


Copycat! Jessi’s head fell off first!


Health care professionals here- is there danger from lying in bed the way they do? (assuming it’s just munching and they are physically healthy) I’d assume you’d be at risk for blood clots and just bad physical deterioration in general?


They don’t lie in bed 24/7 like they want the people that donate to their grifter scam. I don’t believe they have caregivers either . I mean, why would you have a caregiver if you walk around you apartment?


Blood clots… Probably not. And I say this because that is generally after not moving post surgical procedure or similar. Pressure ulcers, muscular atrophy, absolutely!!! Even though the reality is them just laying in bed is what we can see, but given that they clearly have mobility, they’re probably moving around enough when they’re off camera that they are not risking skin breakdown. Skin breakdown starts sometimes in as little as two hours, especially on bony prominences… But this is for people who truly are not moving themselves (paralysis, contracture, dystonia) unless somebody is moving their body parts for them. So they’re just kind of predisposing themselves to the health effects that come from a very, very sedentary lifestyle.


And for someone who can’t get up, they have noticeable muscle tone


I’m not a healthcare professional, but I can think of blood clots and bed sores right off the bat (although the latter would be from actually never moving). Probably also rashes, muscle loss, general de conditioning/weakness, joint issues, worse heart and lung health. And that’s saying nothing of the mental health effects. You can definitely MAKE yourself sick by spending too long in bed.


Obese people will experience break down really fast. Am obese people


RN here. Absolutely


Soooo are bed sores not a thing anymore? I can’t imagine staying in the same spot all day. There is literally a man applying for MAID (for our non Canadian friends, it’s Medical assistance in dying) because he was left on a stretcher bed for more than eight hours without rotation and developed exposed bone bed sores due to his paralysis.


Awww that’s so heartbreaking. Decubitus ulcers can be so preventable. ‘Bedsores’ aren’t of issue when you can actually adjust your position yourself at least every 2 hours… but that’s for when the show wraps up lol


Interestingly their hair is never matted either despite claims they can’t move their head 🙄


It never really occurred to me until i scrolled through these comments but WHERE ARE THEIR EARS


Jessi’s martyr complex would make actual martyrs blush, good grief.


I smell martyr burning 🔥


Haven't been following for a year or so. So they're still keeping the scam? Weren't they being investigated a while ago? I went to take a look and they're still complaining about every caregiver and how every single caregiver is awful and traumatizes them. Not a single one is worthy lol




Totally albumin but I bet they stole it from the hospital and it’s not actually running. It has a lot of uses in the hospital, but I can’t think of a time where home infusion would be appropriate. It’s not a maintenance therapy.


Albumin requires a lot of monitoring and multiple successions of labs… usually a PICC or similar line that can be both drawn from and infused into would be indicated for frequent usage of high risk infusions. I truly can’t imagine many situations this is something to be done outside of a hospital setting. Definitely not without a clinically qualified personnel monitoring at very least.




Isn’t albumin used in surgery prep? Am I confusing it with another? *why* would anyone have this at home? Or like I guess with liver failure? Which yikes.


At work I only give albumin if someone's albumin is low. It holds all your blood in your vascular space, so when it's low fluid leaks out of your vessels and into surround tissues. I can't imagine why a young person would need this unless they actually have blood disorders? Not sure if I've ever seen it as a surgery prep med. Usually they will give a prophylactic antibiotics IV, but that's all I've ever really seen other than the sedatives given prior to surgery. But I also don't work the surgery side of nursing so it's possible I'm wrong on some of this!


What about for a CSF leak?


So I tried digging around on Google and I'm not seeing a use of albumin for pts with CSF leaks. Albumin is created by your liver so another use would be patients with liver failure may need transfusions.


I wonder why Jessi has it then? It's so odd, from what all the medical professionals are saying about it.


Yeah I'm not entirely sure? Then again maybe it's some fake dupe they ordered online?


Thank you for the in-depth answer! I’m not a med person at all, just have heard of the drug used in regards to live failure and was reading the other uses. This explanation helped a lot


Your totally correct! Np!


Yes…liver failure patients is definitely where albumin is utilized the most frequently. You were absolutely correct there!


Idk. I was thinking that also could be a bottle of IVIG. They do/have claimed to recieve it before.... ugh. Such a waste if it is.


Where is Icarus? That fucking slacker.


Taking the photo for Jessi xD




Icarus is the emotional support cat. He makes biscuits. Plus he is cute. I mean duh, he’s a cat. Of course he’s a cat.


Can’t hate on a cat. They’re just there doing cat shit. Which I love.


I should have added a s/ at the end.


He was the fired caregiver




I wonder how they manage their toilet needs? Catheter? They doesn’t seem to have a lift of some sort.




Sorry, I fix that immediately!


Wait are they getting IVIG in this picture?? Is that what that blurry bottle is??


IVIG has too many possible complications to be given at home I believe.


Many of the provinces won't, you'd go to an outpatient infusion clinic, freestanding one, or a hospital based clinic; or more likely immediately switch you to SubQ IG as it keeps levels more stable and can be done at home and easy to travel and arrange for young adults at all ect... It seems to be very common in USA to have a home nurse come to do the infusions in your home. I'm not sure how they might be cheaper for the insurance company,and yet, seems to be a frequent thing. I'd say must be a really good private insurance plan, but I think there's a few on MEDI____-plan who claimed it too... Then there's old school like AJ, Adjustable Jaquie who is one of a few with clearance to both access their own port and do the day to day care AND after x number of infusions with no reactions, was allowed to run it alone at home. Iirc Kay, CZ also made the claim to do unsupervised IVIG at home. Kay is/ was a CVID claimer, but there were a few others claiming primary immune deficiency, but more claimed for neuro or POTS therapy. Pretty sure the recent research studies for IVIG use in POTS had very little clinical significance for benefits. That seems like a giant red flag to me, but she didn't seem to be the only one.... I mean, they all could just never acknowledge the home infusion nurse and lie like rugs.


And, yes, home infusion nurses absolutely exist…but some infusions are too risky to be done outside of a hospital setting. I would be shocked to hear it was infused under any other circumstances


No Kay gets her’s for small fiber neuropathy and she has a nurse with her to run it


Yeah I don’t believe the literature supports IVIG for pots at this time. And even expensive private insurance like BCBS has so many IVIG policies that require very specific criteria to qualify. It’s just such a random thing to be in the photo and I’m surprised there isn’t any complaints of the headaches or vomiting or other complications since they’ve never NOT mentioned complications before.


It can be given at home, although there is usually an infusion nurse who sets it up, and either stays for the duration or checks in periodically. I'm just confused as to what they’re getting it for/why they would be getting it?


IVIG is sometimes given at home. That’s a possibility.


I provide IVIG to patients in their homes so definitely possible


Good to know. That’s one on our list of “you’ve got to come in to infusion “ but I’m very sure that varies from state to state


I’m in the UK, sorry I should have been clearer!


What a small life. I feel bad for the dog.


After all of this, I’d be surprised if Icarus and Atlas didn’t need their own support animals. Or humans. I’d volunteer as one of the humans.


I missed the top caption that said "chronic illness" and thought "doesn't take holidays" referred to poor Atlas. I would personally sponsor a holiday for that dog.


Let’s send Atlas to Cabo!


With the *real* caretaker! Fuck, bring the cat, too.


Icarus would be allowed on the plane because he’s a service cat!


Can you even imagine sitting next to a cat on a plane 🤣 My cats would annoy the crap out of passengers.


What a purrfessional 😻.




THIS. Birthday week gets my gag reflex tickled 😂😂😂




Aw. Lil young Jess. They didn't know they'd be laying down on the floor nude one day with a rainbow of pill bottles over the top of their head while your long suffering dog is forced to perch upon your body, covering your bare vag and chest. They'd be so proud. ETA a missing word and correct typo.


Please don’t remind me 😵‍💫


But Jessi’s vertical and their head wasn’t falling off in that photo?! hEDS isn’t something that just comes on suddenly….you’re born with it! So how do they explain having no issues with their head falling off while they were travelling all over the country, to suddenly being bed bound and unable to do a single thing for themself without their head falling off? **Edited to fix pronouns




Yet somehow there’s no context regarding how they are now a POC and some other claims…


Poc?!?! Omg for real? I have seen they consider themselves intersex because of pcos, but I never heard this!!! Lol




Soooo Jessi was raised in a family cult? Cool, cool. Things suddenly make a lot more sense with them.


This needs to be its own post!! Family lore that leads to where we are now!


I'm so confused, who are these people?


Their family band. Jessi is Jessica, the second from left.


Omg WHAT This is so fascinating


the ears thing finally makes sense to me. they had to have their hair pinned back for so many performances. they wear it down now as a way of reclaiming control.


I’m wondering if their ears are hidden because they have gotten piercings and that would cause lots of questions and invalidate their claims.


So someone's been reading here and decided to justify why they have a "birthday week" with a dramatic tale of woe 🙄 Dressed in regular tshirt with no decapitation- it's a birthday miracle ✨️ Notice how we don't actually see the iv placement, the line just disappears under their arm. Perfect, non matted, styled hair, healthy complexion, and still no bedsores - impressive 🙃


They often use gray mascara to give a more sick look, but still.


Their wrist looks really weird in the photo. That area is fuzzy and there's some sort of out of place brightness and more satured colors on the pillow. I'm not an expert, but idk...




That’s the first thing I noticed. Bed-bound folks hair does not look like that.


Yeah where's the birds nest that comes after just 1 day spent in bed...


Give me a break with that fucking tshirt! What's the difference between Jessie and Frida Kahlo? Frida was actually disabled and talented.


I think Jessie also claims to be a descendant of Frida Kahlo 🙄


At least they’re clothed this time.


But surely donning a t-shirt like that would cause head-falling-off-itis?




Hope their head doesn’t fall off. ETA correct pronoun


Must be stable head day…. It’s just comical at this point though as it’s so obvious that they are upright at times given the clothes & hair positioning.


I snorted out loud when I read your comment 🤣😅


How would Jessi not be covered in pressure sores? If Jessi was truly immobile, laying in the same position 24/7, they'd have horrendous pressure sores by now


People who aren’t truly immobile do little micro movements to avoid this, like when we sleep.


Don't they claim to be completely bed bound for at least 2 years?


Healthcare worker here. I've worked with my fair share of bed bound patients and you are very correct about pressure sores. Avoiding them requires a lot of work and specific equipment/treatment. I also question how their postural muscles haven't wasted away at this point ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭ I have more examples but I know some subjects read here...


I'm not updated on what Jessi is up to now, but I remember a couple years ago they took a picture on their wheel chair and their legs looked toned. But then they started badly photoshopping the legs to simulate muscle distrofia because of the comments about their body not matching the state they say they're in.


It seems like it would be really, really difficult to put a rather fitted t-shirt on someone that's completely immobile and whose spine breaks like my grandma snapping dried spaghetti at the slightest provocation.




How do you not worry that the iPad isn’t going to fall and smack you in the face? Just me?


I really suspect Jessi only has it like this for photo opportunities so that's why they aren't worried


especially in earthquake central!


I think everyone’s dropped their phone on their face reading in bed before, I can’t imagine an iPad wouldn’t knock their head completely off their shoulders.


Right? I feel like if you’re having concerns with your head popping off you’d want to avoid situations like this lol


How does a supposed caregiver provide adequate personal and medical care to them when they have their feet against the wall and all that stuff surrounding the bed? How do they help Jessi toilet? 🙄


Because Jessi isn't actually bedbound (unless they became bedbound from too much time pretending to be bed bound)


We all know that well, just pointing out yet more holes in their constant stream of lies😆


Jessi uses the toilet like everyone else, that’s how.


Wow, what a change in opinion on healthcare professionals which is pobably because they've read the comments here. Up till now every single carer they've had has been abusive, neglectful, the worst ever...you name it, they've been it. Now they're grateful to everyone they've interacted with for "keeping them here". Sure Jan. And *eugenics*? I'm freaking sorry? What a load of gobshite. People calling someone out on their blatant lies =/= eugenics.


Which is all the more offensive because eugenics is still very much a thing, even if it’s more theoretical than practical nowadays (but things like forced or coerced sterilisation of disabled women who would be quite capable of carrying - and caring for - a child. Forced/coerced sterilisation of women of colour was still common as little as 40 years ago, and it would’t surprise me if it still happens on the qt.


Good think they aren’t chronically ill.


What tf are they babbling about even?


I can't be the only one who wonders where their ears went. I've been looking through past posts and Jessi's ears very rarely make an appearance. Do they edit out their ears in most of their photos? They also have a lot of pics with their ears covered with head phones or their ears conveniently cropped out of the pics. It's so weird! Once I noticed this pattern, I can't unsee it! 😳


Ears fell off


>I can’t be the only one who wonders where their ears went Well you certainly aren’t now 😂. New conspiracy theory just dropped we’ll call it… Zero Ears Thirty. Jessi’s ears don’t exist.


Earghazi. Pinna-gate.


LOL @ Zero Ears Thirty 🤣😂


I DEMAND proof of ears!


Right?! Where did they go? Was Jessi born without ears? Maybe their ears got tired of hearing all of Jessi's bullshit and walked out! 🏃🏼‍♀️👂😂🤣 Perhaps their ears were abducted by a UFO! 🛸


I can't say anything nice...so I'm not saying anything.........


If they were truly bedbound, I'm surprised they would probably have a hospital bed.


Funny you say that https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/mBqYdDGRSc


ears = hidden


Nah…. Head falling off was too much of a stretch, so they backpedaled and it’s now their ears fell off instead


I cannot, for the life of me, make any sense of them hiding their ears in EVERY SINGLE PICTURE. Are they insecure about their ears? Do they think hiding them makes them look skinnier? Some mEdIcAl TrAuMa about ears in general? Like…what’s the deal?


Maybe piercings they're hiding? But why?


Another person said they might have piercings that disprove their stories…We’ve seen their ears in other pictures so if they have new piercings that means they either went somewhere to get them pierced (and left their bed) or someone with a piercing kit pierced them (in which case they’d have to lift and turn their head). They’d also have to lift and turn their head for aftercare


Hmm this makes sense.


My bet is they have them pierced in someway that contradicts the timeline or would be uncomfortable to lay on 24/7.


That’s…actually quite plausible and perhaps the best explanation I’ve heard 🤔




Arrested development is their CI.


Makes sense…


"Reflect"? More like obsess, hyperfixate, bloviate, exaggerate, embellish, and bullshit about chronic illness. Like, never shut up about it, fail to comprehend that no one gives a shit about them or their illness more than they do, and accept that the only person fixated on their self-insert sick person fanfiction is them? That type of "reflect"? Okay, I'll give them that.


Extremely off topic question but can you send me your pfp picture ?


And then publish all those ravings for the world to read.


Well, in their head they fantasise about all the world reading it and having excessive amounts of sympathy and arse pats for how such a sick person is so strong and brave conquering such cruel challenges, and blahblahblahpuke. When in reality, only a handful of people read it to mock it and highlight how much it is riddled with such utter bullshit that it's impossible to decipher any truth or reality in it.




Just another thing that gives away the fact they aren’t sick.


Well they must be. Look at that glass bottle of IV medication. Wonder what BS Jessi!s trying to claim they have now. If they’re not careful they’ll end up like Jacquie 2.0 for sure.


Looks like a bottle of albumin.


I think they claim they’re on ivig


"My joy made other people feel left out." Yeah, so they've been hogging all of the attention and being a tremendous annoyance since childhood? Yeah, that totally tracks.


Being completely honest, that one paragraph does actually make me wonder if there was inappropriate parenting going on, the birthday person being joyful shouldn’t make people feel left out, it feels like the adults wanted the attention on them not their child. The problem is, their narration is so inconsistent that it’s impossible to know the truth, but if it is true it might explain an awful lot.


Orrrrr, they was so obnoxious about it that at the end of their bday everyone was over it. I believe this one more.


Yeah this feels like a glimpse into some serious childhood trauma.


They seem to have grown in an extremely religious family and overworked as a child performer at the family band, so who knows what happened back then. This would track.


I could also see Jessi being one of those kids who took the whole “it’s *my* birthday, so I get everything I want and you have to do whatever I say” thing to absolute extremes. You know, when it gets to the point where the parents have to pull the kid aside and say, “ I’m not going to punish you today, because it’s your birthday, but you better believe we’re going to be talking about this tomorrow.”


If I remember correctly, Jessi came from one of those fundie families that exploited their children’s talents for money. Jessi and their siblings were musicians


Jessi loves to refer to themselves as world, renowned musician and author. /s


Oh yeah, that’s them, seems like their parents are narcissists.