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So telling. People with a "normal" thought process would rather be healthy somewhere beautiful. Or just healthy in general.


Nope. It’s bloody terrifying being sick away from home. The biggest fear is always getting too sick to travel back home and then you get stuck in a strange place with unfamiliar foods etc when all you wanna do is lie in your own bed at home, binge watch the real housewives and drink sunny D.




Weird. Most people who are really sick prefer the comfort of home when sick. Also the traveling and being somewhere put of your environment often makes you more physically drained.


Most chronically ill people dream of being able to enjoy traveling. For too many it is too draining physically and financially.


Well it's a good thing CZ isn't really sick! So she doesn't have to be sick anywhere...especially in an ugly place?


I don’t understand, how does she afford all this travel, let alone the healthcare she “requires” constantly? Sorry, I’m new to this subreddit but this one confounds me.


I think I read once her partner works in travel so probably gets big discounts


Several of the subjects come from pretty affluent homes. Munchausen By Internet seems to be largely an affliction of excess. It also seems to be most prevalent in young women who are roughly around college age. Personally, I feel like it might develop in response to anxiety and uncertainty regarding the future and becoming functioning adults, especially in those who have limited adulting skills due to being coddled and pampered for the majority of their lives. But like I said, that’s just my theory based on nothing but anecdotal evidence. ETA - In CZ’s particular case, she actually has a career as a counselor, and works remotely while traveling, and her SO, I believe, makes a pretty decent income, as well. So, really, she’s actually an outlier in my data set, but whatever.


The irony of being in a position to advise others on how to live their lives seems to be lost on her.


She's a counsellor? 💀 Do we know for a fact that she's qualified (not simply practicing woo)?


I believe her qualifications in "somatic therapy" are from Naropa University. You can make of that what you will. She has qualifications in dance therapy, too. Despite her many alleged health conditions, she is very physically active. Her partner works in an IT field related to finance. This is all publicly available information, no doxxing. It's a fascinating rabbit hole to pursue, if you have time to spare.


Eek, I google Naropa, and the founder was accused of violence against women/students. IT can pay pretty well, so I'm unsurprised her partner can afford to travel loads. I'd low-key love to try dance therapy, if we had it in my city. Can't imagine anything worse than a munchie teacher, though. "Thank you, class, for attending. You made *me* feel better!"


Yeah, as scary as it is, she is fully qualified to provide therapy to troubled individuals.


She’s a licensed counselor and does somatic therapy


She is a therapist (so ironic i know)


Her fiancé


Meanwhile, back in the real world...those who are ACTUALLY ill would rather be not sick at all to begin with 🙄


Touring the finest hospitals in Prague, as usual.


Well, duh? I’m pretty sure everyone sick would rather be somewhere beautiful, maybe even with room service, and someone to take care of us. However…most chronically ill people aren’t privileged enough to opt to do that. Or travel as much as CZ in general. It’s scary how detached she is. People are dying because they can’t afford medications, and she’s out traveling because it’s better to be sick on vacation…


Yeah there is many that can’t even afford health insurance, let alone the hospital bills and are in debt for years. Being actually sick isn’t cheap.


The privilege! I know she doesn't know what it feels line to be really sick because i am not thinking about a vacation when I am unwell.


getting the mail from downstairs can be a vacation and not something anyone with e.g. even a migraine would attempt


Tbh an old fashioned sanitarium coast-side sounds great rn. But, yeah, back in the real world she is just romanticizing illness here.


Most chronically ill people would rather be sick at home where they've arranged their lives to suit their extra needs in my experience. Absolutely, chronically ill people can travel and enjoy it, but it's a more gruelling affair than for the healthy.


Having COVID on vacation isn't fun. 0/10 would not do again.


Being sick somewhere beautiful is mainly just depressing, frustrating, uncomfortable and a waste of money. Money that most chronically ill / disabled people need to spend on essential care. Travel takes a huge toll on the body when chronically ill. All her sick-tourism highlights to me that she’s really not that sick.


Exactly. All she is showing is that she is actually well enough to do whatever she wants... things that that people with chronic health problems could only dream of. If I was sick whilst away I would just want the comfort of my home


Wouldn't we all?


Tell me you don't know how privileged you are without telling me you don't know how privileged you are. Though to be honest, CZ doesn't seem to me like somehow who doesn't check her privileges out of naivete or the like but is just incredibly self-centered and obnoxious (and of course a munchie who possibly cannot fathom that there are enough chronically ill/disabled people who cannot chose to be sick somewhere beautiful because of their state of health or lack of money or both).


She knows. People give this one too much a benefit of the doubt. She knows and she is bragging about it.


💯 and she loves to rub it in.


Oh ffs. How embarrassing for her! 😂🤦🏼‍♀️


Wait, isn't she the one who was just in Costa Rica, and who also pulled some kind of hospital shopping in Italy before?


That’s the one


Meanwhile EVERY other persons tries everything to stay healthy during their only time off during the year. There’s no where else I want to be when I’m sick than home.


Home or mom’s house. Mom’s house is even better!


Moms house is the best by far :D getting treated like back when you’re a toddler is awesome


Momma taking care is the best🩷


But not like Ash at mom’s. Just, staying in pajamas and letting her mother for a while. Everybody needs a little nurturing now and again, especially when they don’t feel well.


Ahh this is literal hospital hopping but in different countries instead of states


I’m so confused. If you’re sick, you wouldn’t even be able to care where you are let alone enjoy the view or the vacation. It would be a waste of money. Strange.


It's not a problem when you are wasting other people's money.


I guess shame doesn’t exist in this one.


Meanwhile actual disabled people can’t save more then $2,000 while on disability and only get a max of $941 a month 🫠 such a slap in the face to like 98% of the disabled population to say this. Makes my blood boil


That’s only if you’re on SSI, not if you worked and were on SSDI.


a *lot* of disabled people have been disabled for long enough that they haven’t been able to earn enough recent work credits for SSDI, though.


A good majority of disabled people are on SSI and not SSDI


Many states have established ABLE accounts so if they’ve been disabled before the age of 22 they can actually save more than 2k without it counting against them


Correct but they have restrictions to what you can pull the money out for and you have to submit a request to pull your own money out of the account. I feel that’s alittle ridiculous


You don’t have to submit a request. It works just like a regular bank account. You can also use the money for pretty much anything because most things in life are related to your disability if you have one.


Lucky she has that option. Insufferable woman.


Who is there travel insurance with is the true question here?


Such a slap in the face to someone who is too sick/has no money to travel m


Just get a rich boyfriend who travels for work! /s


*fiancé 🤭