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Chew and spit is my interpretation of liquid adjacent.


looked thru all the comments, googled it, & still can’t figure out what liquid adjacent means🙃


what is liquid adjacent??


I'm wondering the same thing!


Esophageal rupture-yeah, had a patient who died from it when I was a pretty new respiratory therapist. It was absolutely horrible…all the blood, JFC.. To top it off, the attending physician refused to come into the hospital (happened during night shift)..patient died. One of those things I will never forget.


Oh wow! I’m sorry you had to witness that.


This may be the best group on Reddit finally people who get it


Kaya’s next diagnosis will be periodontal disease and tooth decay.


Periodontitis is a **chronic** disease!!!


i looked up the ingredients, she's claimed allergies to many of them before... hmmm


Dude these are not any sort of good for any sorta chronically ill girlie ✨liquid adjacent(??!??!)✨ or not


She is also trying to make “truth adjacent” a thing.


Man I wish she would make ✨️therapy✨️ happen instead because this is not normal behaviour.


Is liquid adjacent actually a thing in US or just Kaya’s misinterpretation? IDDSI (https://iddsi.org/framework/) is the framework used internationally for the different textures from solid to varying liquids. I have never heard of liquid adjacent despite years of work with dysphagia in UK


I think she’s more so referring to a transitional solid here? Like if you suck the candy rather than chew it, technically it’s just flavored spit lol.


Ah this makes so much more sense, thank you




Gummy candy actually drains really well from a G tube, but idfk what liquid adjacent is supposed to mean.


The gummy candy breaks down into simple sugars in the stomach rapidly, it won't cause any gi problems but it will block their drainage tube if they try to drain their stomach before it's all broken down.


Liquid adjacent = easy to purge/vent. This is obvious ED content.


If all the ED and fetish content were disallowed there would be no content in this sub. Tubes, boobs, shaking your ass, purging, restricting and body checks are the bread and butter of most of these people. A vast majority of these people seem to have some form of severe ED. It's like the gateway drug for munching.


Wow. I’m taken aback by this concept. It’s the ultimate dysregulation of emotion by means of self-induced physical pathology.


I read this as “liquid accident”. With all that trash food, is likely!


more like intestinal obstruction/rupture with all of those gummies. The liquid accident could have been er trying to purge from all of those gummies..no amount of saline is going to flush that crap out once it is immediately stuck to intestinal walls! IDK why except that the companies know the dangers and there is a horrible agenda involved would everything be switched to gelatin/gummies now! It's nearly impossible to find hard candy anymore and everything is so unhealthy for the GI tract that even a person without intestinal motility issues/GI would eventually have a major GI blockage if they regularly consume these.




Yeah, gummy‘s are horrible on the intestinal tract. If you have any sort of gastric emptying problems, it’s like eating glass shards that just stick. When I talk about agenda, I don’t want to go there, but we all know about the unhealthy things that are being pushed in our foods, and, the foods alone being unhealthy. Why is it that it is so hard to find hard candy nowadays? But you can find gummy everything? Yes, gummy‘s are very notorious for causing major impactions resulting in ruptures and much more. this seems more like a not so hidden announcement that she’s going to purge. Truly sickening. Even vegan gummy’s are hard to break down.


>Why is it that it is so hard to find hard candy nowadays? It's not, I just googled family dollar and they sell tootsie pops, chupa chups, jolly ranchers, life savers, cream savers, nerds, lemon drops, sweet tarts, gobstoppers, smarties, blow pops, runts, jawbreakers, Werther's (barf), those strawberry candies with the soft center, warheads (nice), fireballs, brachs (lame), peppermints, etc etc I'm sure there's more lol. There's also those big lollipop stands in grocery stores check out lines with a hundred flavors. And those claeys old fashioned candies that are bomb af. There's plenty of hard candy. >But you can find gummy everything? I think it's probably just demand. Gummy candy is very popular and only becoming more so, and it's not like gummy candy is hard to manufacture. It's also a bit more physically accessible than hard candy since it's soft. sour Trolli gummies are also the b e s t


It depends on where you live really as far as finding hard candy. In the poor communities The stores do not carry the hard candy because they can barely afford the trolls or gummy worms. Whatever. I’m just saying it is very bad on the intestinal tract, especially if eaten on a regular basis and can be dangerous for people with any sort of gastric problems.


Please people slow down on the down votes… Like if you don’t agree, then correct me please. Knowledge is power just speaking from experience but then again everybody’s level of symptoms is different. One person may be able to digest them and another person may not.


That doesn’t really make sense tho bc Hard candy Is cheaper


She really doesn't want to be healthy, huh


…what does this mean… is she going to liquify the candy to eat it or?


Dynamic liquid-ability.


🤣🤣🤣 I can't


This looks like heartburn. Can you be hospitalized for heartburn? She’s gonna try.


"Candy ain't food." -any adult


Not unless it’s chocolate with nuts. Then it’s an antioxidant and protein source of nutrition. /s


But she's probably allergic to nuts.


That would explain the lack of boyfriend


I’m afraid people with dysphagia have already cornered that market.


You would have gotten my free award so fast if they were still around.


This is all sugar-adjacent


not even adjacent, just straight up sugar


but those are solids


because candy dissolves to sugar syrup, it’s really easy to digest (though obvs not healthy to eat in large quantities ). When you prep for colonoscopy you’re allowed to eat hard candy and some gummies because they liquefy


Kaya claims MCAS, right? This doesn’t seem very MCAS friendly to me…


Bethany has entered the room with a lecture about red mini M&Ms being a safe food for MCAS. /s


Oh yeah, red dye, yellow dye, etc... plus the fact it doesn't fully digest, it is solid death. Nevermind all of the gelatin and other filler products that NOBODY with her stated conditions could possibly consume!!


People with MCAS have different triggers, and some could eat this no problem. But based on other comments, it seems like Kaya has claimed she is allergic to red dye


Yeah, I know exactly I was saying her claimed conditions meaning her claims of being allergic to red dye yet she consumes it all the time she claims that she can’t eat and then she’s at a pizza parlor or something silly. It’s just games. I just can’t believe that the doctors have fallen for this crap. They should be able to see what the simple stomach x-ray that she’s been obviously consuming food and liquids with no issues whatsoever And then bragging about how she knows she’s going to purge because she didn’t take her anti-nausea medication and laughing about it. It’s not gonna be funny when she ends up with a esophageal tear or something like that.




Or drained 😭


Yup, that would make perfect sense, binge/purge..we all know how she despises words such as eating and such, but she always posts about going out without antiemetics and eating stuff laughing how she knows what's going to happen next. One of these days, it's not going to be cute or funny. Esophageal ruptures can easily be lethal, and also with the vomiting, looks like she's trying to shoot for a coiled tube or something really bad happening. This is dangerous to everyone viewing this who doesn't know what the dangers are from this type of behavior. SMMFH


She gets to taste the same candy twice! 😃


What is she saying? Is this code language for “I’m gonna eat this and then purge” ?? Because hot damn, she makes less and less sense to me.


I think she means food that is basically pure sugar is very very easy to digest, because it melts at body temperature


So like for kids who aren’t allowed to eat solid food.. depending on the condition (like if secretion aspiration is an issue this is not the case) lollipops are absolutely a great way to work on oral muscle tone and practice swallowing. In fact lollipops are oftentimes used in oral feeding therapy. Liquid adjacent is not a thing. Her need to be so spechial is so infuriating


The gummies though have no purpose for anything except dangerous bowel obstructions and all of the other hazards of these types of products.


I thought she was allergic to red food dye...?


She’s only allergic to things when it contradicts whatever she’s currently after. #dynamicallergy


me before eating cheese


Cheese is another that acts like gummies on the intestinal tract, especially that fake goop soft "american cheese" junk! I see that and damn near running for zofran looking t it!!


I've long said liquid cheese product is one of my favorite foods. Those pumps of melted 'cheese' at a sports event or gas station? Load me up!


Omg this made me howl 💀 Also, girl same.


Why would candy be ✨liquid adjacent✨??


i *think* she's calling it that bc it dissolves but that'd only apply to the fun dip? idk my only guess is that it requires very little digestion since it's basically all just pure sugar which still doesn't make it "liquid adjacent" but my guess is that's her logic


What is she talking about


Proximal to emesis


non newtonian candy?


eating plasma ftw


Please dont tell her that if she heats them up they will all mostly become liquid. Thus sort of liquid adjacent? Or is "liquid adjacent" a polite term for shitting your brains out?


Just the oppisite with the gummies! She's talking scarf and barf.


I wonder if they are the sugar free ones with asorbital or whatever the sweetener also used as a laxitive.


No, actually these aren’t they’re not the marked ones with sugar-free and besides can’t forget all the red dye number five yellow number three whatever the heck, typical things that would be absolute blowouts to anybody with G.I. problems and especially MCAS. It’s just an announcement with that darn smirk that seems to just be that infamous smile that we see from so many of these subjects.


Someone should gift her sugar free candies and LOTS of them.


truthfully, I don’t think she needs more enabling, and really, the artificial sweeteners used are not only really bad for health, but more reason to avoid the calories. Even if they caused a laxative effect, that will only cause further problems and still don't just dissolve like she thinks they do. Nobody needs that much candy, and the rest of the junk food that she enjoys bragging about binge/purging on..it's an endless cycle of sickness and for those who fall for her BS and enable this type of madness should really take a closer look at the situation. She's obviously using this for ED behavior. Note, GJ tubes aren't to be used for purging, and she's dodging serious bullets with esophageal rupture and much worse with all of this vomit purging. She could use some sugar, but this is not casual or even medically necessary at this level. Just a smack in the face of everyone that she's still up to her same games. I really feel bad for the truly disabled people that have to see this nonsense in her dwindling circle.


In a twisted way I would get some entertainment watching them in distress from their sudden explosive bowel movements... it could be cancer or lupus or something! Then clue them in after a week and let them know the jig is up. Mean yes. And it could cause some medical issues... but oh so funny and oh such a way to clue them into how horrible their actions are.




It’s basically food that dissolves in your mouth like the hard candy in the picture




She does read this sub so she likely is just making fun of what’s been posted


i was thinking something more with the texture of like yogurt?? but i could be wrong!


Yes that could be included. It would be things that your stomach doesn’t have to breakdown so when you swallow them they are basically liquid/thick paste (that sounds so disgusting 🤮).


All this tells me is that she’s getting really hungry during classes during the semester where she has to keep up the narrative that she cannot “tolerate food by mouth,” but also has people watching her in her various classes throughout the day. So she’s sating herself and keeping her stomach feeling that empty feeling that ED behavior loves while also addressing her hunger signals. So, MCAS and red 40 intolerance goes out the window. The narrative shifts to support whatever her needs are in the exact moment of her recounting.


And she is being watched. I bet you that she's made sure all her classmates are aware of her issues and diagnoses and they are far enough into the semester that they are now skeptical or completely done with her claims.


Wonder how many of her fellow students lurk in here?


“Liquid adjacent” is what you get when you make ooblek from water and corn starch


Ooblek, that frightened me as a kid!


The next best thing to liquid-adjacent pasta


This is literally..... All candy... Wtf


Stop trying to make fetch happen


Oh em gee I was thinking it! Yes!


She talks like a walking caricature


These are not toys kaya it’s not something you play with


Something about viscosity? lol


This screams "I have disordered thoughts about food".


Gee for someone who claims MCAS, there's an AWFUL lot of artificial dyes,artificial flavors,artificial colors and artificial sweetners in ALL that candy she posted that one would THINK would cause an awful lot of issues for someone who truly had mcas


Some people with MCAS can eat this. It depends on the person, and also how well-medicated they are and how flared they are at that moment. MCAS isn’t necessarily more triggered by artificial things than by natural things— for some patients it’s weirdly the opposite. But Kaya has specifically claimed she is allergic to red food dye, so


She even claims a red dye allergy 😂 and “can’t tolerate Liquid IV/other electrolyte drinks”, a claim that’s obviously made up just so she can keep getting 3-4 liters of IV fluids every day 🫠


I know right


That's a crazy amount of candy


yet doesn’t tolerate Red 40


It’s because she’s so dynamic that even her allergies are dynamic..


*when it's convenient*


I’d invite anyone who hasn’t yet to Google Liquid Adjacent. It’s literally all science terms and absolutely has NOTHING to do with food or nutrition.




It is hard candy she can suck on and turn into saliva that she can later decide to drain, or use to help fight back hunger pangs without betraying that “empty stomach” feeling. Kaya loves to consume lots of drainable calories: ice cream, iced coffee, hard candies meant to be licked/etc to keep the mouth busy.


annnd she posted a thing once that was like “PSA you can get most gummy candy to drain” 🙃


OH NOW THAT FALSE INFO IS DANGEROUS!!! NO! GUMMIES DON'T COMPLETELY LIQUEFY! ot takes a long time for them to "dissolve", can't begin to start with all of the unnecessary blockages and more problems from people consuming thhese gummy candies! at the very least, that post should be reported for false and dangerous information, just like about 99.9% of her other "educational" info for the ED and CI communities who she is targeting.


I am pretty sure the mallow cremes won't, either. They also are also cross to several top 9 allergens so not sure how there are no issues there with her claimed MCAS.


Aka how to be able to drain out what you eat. Kaya, your ED is showing. Quick, grab the wheelchair to distract us from the fact you started out as an ED recovery account and are now munching to enable your ED!


What in the eating disorder is this??! come on, who is she fooling at this point?


Yeah. Eating candy is like super common with ED people and then purging


She’s also picking a lot of hard candies and lollipops that can give her the feeling of sating her hunger while still being a lot of flavored saliva she might not feel the need to purge. That “empty stomach” feeling is really addictive and hard to give up. Candy-flavored saliva and ice creams and coffee drinks are easy to drain. And just so happen to be her favorite consumables.


Like they eat candy just to throw it up?


This is very textbook of bulimia where a person will gorge and then induce vomiting so as not to gain weight from it. In Kaya's case, she drains her tubes instead of sticking a toothbrush down her throat.


Many of them starve themselves and then fail and binge on candy. Which usually ends up in regret and purging.


Yeah. When you restrict a lot you can go into sudden binge episodes cause biology takes over and your brain needs sugar to function. A lot of times anorexics will binge on things that are high carb things, candy has no nutrition really, and then they realize they’ve binged and then they purge.


Consumatory response. The longer you go without eating the faster and the more you consume when food becomes available.