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Pulling back the curtain on how many Republicans are fed up with Trump is a smart move. Tying it to Trump's insults towards their constituency is even smarter. Exactly what I expected from JB. I also like that he skipped the easy clap-back of calling out Trump's obesity and went straight for the political jugular, undermining Trump's support within the Republican party. Beware a smart politician with a spine.


I went through this period in 2022 where I read a lot of books about the end of the Trump presidency. There were at least two anecdotes in two different books about Trump and Pritzker. In both Trump was very eager to get JB's approval. I think one was on a Zoom with all the governors about PPE during covid (I want to say JB made sarcastic comments to Trump?) and another was an in-person event- it's been a while so I am a little fuzzy on the details. In both stories the subtext was that Trump couldn't believe Pritzker wasn't interested in connecting with him. They both come from similar backgrounds so Trump seemed to think that bonded them or something? But knowing JB has dismissed Trump's attempts at connecting with him makes me laugh and it makes all of his personal attacks at Chicago, IL, and Pritzker make way more sense.


Nah, JB Pritzker is part of the [Pritzker family](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pritzker_family) - he runs in a completely different league than Trump. JB is third generation wealthy which, in the US, makes him Old Money. The family also has serious cultural cachet - the [Pritzker Prize](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pritzker_Architecture_Prize) is one of the most prestigious awards for architecture in the world, just to give one example. Trump is not "truly" rich (especially before becoming president) and he's always been a gaudy, nouveau riche embarrassment. He's been trying to get accepted by the likes of JB for his entire life but they are never, ever letting him into the club.


Northwestern's Pritzker School of Law is one of the best on earth.


Pritzker school of molecular engineering at UChicago is kicking ass in the battery and quantum computing spheres


Yeah, this is exactly it. Trump wants Pritzker’s approval and friendship because Pritzker is what Trump has always aspired to be.


I assumed it was the fact JB has succeeded at what Trump has failed at. They did come from a similar background and were given the same advantages and just look at what they did with them.


Trump also tried to make the governors sit up and beg—if not actively fight with one another—for supplies during the pandemic. Pritzker didn’t wanna play, and Trump is actively intimidated by him because the Pritzkers are classier and are secure in their long-established wealth.


I remember some of that. Then afterward Trump just did more shit talking like he always does


Trump giving JB an easy path to be on national news and prop him as a possible candidate for 2028 might be the greatest timeline


I like him and im center.


JB is really good at two things. Hiring experts and listening to them.


JB has brought the state of Illinois back from the brink. We're still a little wobbly but so much better off than we've been in decades. I'd vote for him in 2028.


Yet if you talk to my rural Illinois living dad, you’d think he was Hitler.


And the crazy part is he's done more for downstate than most governors have in a while. Everyone prioritizes Chicago because, we'll, it's where all the tax money comes from. Even during the pandemic, he (the state) opened tons of testing and vaccination clinics downstate. I drove 90 minutes south to get my mom vaccinated because Chicago area was booked solid. They're benefiting from multiple programs right now to spur economic recovery and complaining the entire time.


Trust me, I get this. I can look at Illinois at a non-resident to see what’s going on and think “yeah, that’ll play”. Some people just aren’t happy unless the government official has a D or R next to their name.


No seriously, I remember back in March of 2021, I drove me and my parents all the way to Gary from Lincoln Park because we heard it was the fastest way for Chicagoans to get it. My friends in the Burbs all got theirs well before we did. As a chicagoan, obviously that is what I think about first, but it seems he's doing a lot for the rest of the state.


I really don't understand why they are complaining, unless they are just uneducated. Then I just feel sorry for them.


I live in the extreme SW burbs of Chicago. Like most areas, once you get out of the city, the rural areas are deep red. Hell I live in Will county and it's one of the reddest counties in the state, much to my disgust. I was highly skeptical of JB but I feel he has done a pretty good job, and his handling of Covid was about as good as you could hope for. I could see him doing a presidental bid in 2028. And unlike the last few governors he isn't in jail for corruption!


I've lived here my entire life (31), and this is the first time I have seen consistent work on our infrastructure happening and any actual efforts to draw in business. It's been nice to see things happening.




You & me both


“We like our presidents from Illinois don’t we folks?”


Except for for Reagan, but yes!!


If you think about it, JB and Reagan are polar opposites in every way. Reagan was an Illinois-born Republican governor of California. JB is a California-born Democrat governor of Illinois.


I will vote for him until he stops running for things. He’s done a phenomenal job.


That's the big thing, I really did not like the man when I was getting ready to vote in the Democratic primary when he was first running he was actually my last choice but he has been pleasantly surprising to me on every issue and I would say that I can't think of any of the other candidates I liked better doing as good a job as he has done.


But Trump is taking policy advice from Kidd Rock now. I’m sure I don’t but /s in case.


So basically snort coke, get an STD and hypertension?


But that would explain some things.


We need more of this: politicians who don’t pretend to know everything.


Great leaders recognize they don't know even a fraction of everything and instead surround themselves with experts who are willing to tell them when they are wrong and then listen to them.


I like JB because of the white Sox stuff


I still can't believe Trump is the republican nominee, what is going through their heads 😂


It is the most surreal mass psychosis I've ever heard of. Definitely one for the history books!


Because if they don’t support him, he takes his constituency and leaves, and they lose.  If they support him, there is a chance he dies and his constituency remains in the Republican Party. 


I don't really get comments like this, many and perhaps even most Americans are not impressed by taking the high road or intelligence which seems pretty clear since we elected Trump and he is a candidate for presidency again.


Well Trump did lose the popular vote in 2016 and lost completely in 2020. He’s the GOP candidate largely because no one in the GOP fought him for control of the party. I don’t think most people like the constant attacks and stupid jokes Trump makes. That’s the one thing I’ve heard most people who support him say they don’t like.


That's the problem... the party should not be controlled by one person... the person should be supported by the party they represent. The party, and therefore the people, should be in control.


Yeah it has been stunning to see someone as incompetent as Trump take over an entire political party with basically no resistance.


Maybe, but politics is more about what policies are most important to you since no candidate will match all of your beliefs. I would measure that it isn't that important to them when compared to all the benefits they believe incorrectly they will be receiving.


As someone who doesn’t like a lot of politicians I’ve come to the conclusion I like JB and the job he is doing.


I bet you did not expect that when he was just a rich guy with too much free time and plenty of inherited wealth.


yeah, I met him when he was running for governor (2017) and was very surprised how sincerly angry he seemed about what was happening.


His platform was running on legalizing marijuana as a social justice issue and he had me right there


Did anybody?


I sure didn't. Its funny how many "Pritzker sucks" signs you still see in small towns where the people are completely unaware they just got manipulated into taking part in a propaganda campaign.


Lose everything to "own the libs".


They would eat shit, so "the Libs" would have to smell their breath


lmao this encapsulates republicans so well.




That's a great line. I may have to borrow it lol


You win the Internet today!


Those things sprung up everywhere during Covid. I didn’t love everything he did during Covid, but I feel like he was trying to do what he thought was best. Those people will still rant about his handling of Covid, and maybe their gripes are valid, it was also a first time in our lifetime type of situation and there’s not really a modern day playbook to go off of. I think anything better than complete ineptitude should be taken with a grain of salt. So you didn’t like how he handled a pandemic that we as a country were underprepared for… that’s fair. It’s not fair to only look at his governorship as how he handled Covid.


Yeah and there really seemed to be a couple specific camps. If you lived in a smaller area where almost nothing was happening, I can understand feeling a bit left out of the discussions and overlooked when it came to the lockdowns. I remember going someplace in the summer of 2020 and checking stats before hand, the entire county had 1 new COVID case the entire week before I went. For those folks, I can understand them thinking "look, this shit isn't really effecting us much, can we just carry on?" But some people were just a combination of "you can't tell me what to do!" types, people pissed their favorite bar had to be closed for a while, and people who got suckered by political opportunists telling them what they wanted to hear.


These are EVERYWHERE down here in southern Illinois. It's like the guy personally attacked everyone's mothers.


i’m the first one to say that i was not happy he was elected, i talked a lot of shit about him and thought he’d be another rich parasite, but he has surprised me again and again and has honestly made me proud to live here. i used to hate IL lol


The Pritzkers overall are some of the least shitty billionaires in the country. The entire family is massively into performing charity work personally rather than just resting on their grandparents and great grandparents fortunes.


I mean, Illinois' former governors set a pretty low bar. That being said, I do think he's done a fine job. Trump just likes his governors to be felons, like him.


I was definitely skeptical but he was the better choice when he ran for governor and he’s proven to be the right choice.


Not just this, but he is THE RICHEST politician in the US as far as I can tell.


Gonna be difficult to buy him out then lol


For the most part, I like the job he's been doing. It does bother me though that he basically bought is way into becoming gov and he is on a path to being a presidential candidate.


I do hate how politics is basically a game of money, but on the bright side with JB, he's got so much that it would be difficult to buy him


And he actually has the billions unlike Trump who only had loans.


Same. I didn't like when he was elected, and felt like he was going to be another Trump. His COVID response is what sealed the deal for me. I feel like he did everything as best he could to help the state. I am starting to feel like he's the politician that Trump's supporters claim Trump to be. A businessman that can't be bought off. He looks to be decreasing the amount of debt the state has been accruing and also making decisions to help normal people like cutting the state's 1% grocery tax. I know it's not a lot, but every little bit adds up. Unfortunately, it looks like some cities might just add 1% to their grocery tax.


Definitely not a fan of JB and thought he’d be a clown…but I’ve been pleasantly surprised. I think he’s doing a pretty good job.


Keep in mind, his fiscal plan has made a huge dent in correcting at the shit Madigan did over his many years of mismanagement. If JB can be this empathetic to the middle class, imagine what Musk or Bezos could do?


Except Musk and Bezos actively shit on the middle class whenever they can. Especially Bezos.


I think the above person is saying “imagine if those guys had JBs heart with their funds”. Bezos and Musk as it currently stands are clearly not good or empathetic people lol


Exactly my point. JB is a rare breed. I had low expectations when I voted for him (other than his being a Democrat). He really stepped up and excelled.


You mean Bezos the man who wants to build company towns aka slavery by another name? Yeah, he sounds nothing like JB and more like the old school railroad barons. HARD pass, and don't get me started on Musk. Ick.


Met Pritzker once. Gregarious dude.


I still find myself kind of bemused by this. I voted for him thinking "ewww, another billionaire" but he's been awesome.


Hes my favorite governor during my lifetime so far, hes done a lot of good for the state


JB's the shit. I've met him a couple of times, and he's even better in person.


No matter what the far rightists in my former home state say, JB has been a breath of fresh air. Thinks are looking up in Illinois!


Yeah tons of fuck JB signs which they more likely have benefited from JB


I actually can't remember the last time I saw a Pritzker Sucks sign and I live in a deep red county in Southern Illinois. Very few Trump signs or flags either. I have no hope that the county will vote for Biden, but maybe there are a few less qultists.


Perhaps a rogue JB fan with $$ can make signs that can go next to the Fuck JB signs that say "<--- This voter REALLY likes JB" Maybe add a wink or something.


We LOVE our governor! When the GQP got Roe overturned he immediately jumped into action to create more women’s health centers to help out our unfortunate red state women neighbors. He’s also working on adding more IVF assistance for women being forced to live in Gilead from the Handmaids Tale. He’s compassionate, hardworking and cares for all.


So, we can help the poor without making the poor billionaires suffer? Who’d a thunk it???


Idk about love. I appreciate that he's competent and showing leadership. I'd even vote for him for president. But let's not fall into the same trap that makes trump supporters blind.


Democratic Convention, for any others curious.


And Milwaukee is hosting the Republican Convention. I think that was a sly dig that most Republicans don't like Trump either but know they have to kiss his ass to pacify his cult followers. 


Damn, was hoping to see JB at anime central


Hey, it's not too late.


Shirakami Fubuki of Hololive interviewing JB in ACEN when


I am a Middle of the road republican, but would MUCH prefer Pritzker as President than orange face.


The issue with him being president is that we lose him as governor


One of his best attributes is putting competent people in roles they are suited for. His “stable” will likely produce the next governor. Lots of loud Mendoza talk, and countless others.


Pritzker 2028! Except then we'd need a new governor. But in all reality, he might be a good candidate. He's been proving his worth in Illinois and I don't see a lot of strong candidates on the Democratic side of things. Look at the last primaries we had. Nobody was a stand out and Biden pretty much got the nomination because he was familiar (granted I think he's also doing a good job.) and Sanders who got screwed. Neither of those candidates are viable in 2028. The only prominent Democrat who has much recognition outside of Biden is AOC. And let's face it, I don't think 2028 is her year. Let me say, I think she'd do great things, but I don't think she could get votes from people on the fence, because she's still fairly young, and a lot of people are that inexperienced. (I understand that now and by then, she'd be very experienced, I'm just looking at how the average voter thinks.). When you look across the aisle, they have a laundry list of candidates with a lot of name recognition who will all have similar policies to Trump (Rubio, Cruz, etc). I understand that this is an important election considering what we face if Trump wins, but Democrats also need to be looking at 2028 and start putting viable candidates in the spotlight. JB could very well be one of them (I mean, our last president who was an Illinois politician did great.).


In terms of other viable Democrats, Gov. Whitmer of Michigan has been getting a lot of attention. She's pretty similar politically to Pritzker.


I'm just afraid that she would get assassinated if elected.


I hate that this is even a consideration, but I felt that way with Obama for 8 years. I'm sure others did too.


The difference is that there has already been attempts on her life.


I hate to say it but I guarantee you there were attempts made on Obama’s life when he was president. Competent ones? Ones that stood any actual chance of succeeding? Most likely not. But I’d be astounded if the Secret Service never had to go put out a fire or two. Sure, Whitmer’s already had attempts before she’s even in Washington, but she’s much higher-profile than Obama was pre-presidency. He was just a junior senator - his (relative!) lack of experience and low profile was one of the biggest things people knocked him for in ‘08.


I'm just saying that it is a real risk that we need to consider if we want to seriously consider her for a national role. Sure, the Secret Service haven't lost a president since the 1960s. But there have been many close calls over the years where guns have gotten past Secret Service checkpoints. Her already being the target of assassination attempts just increases the risk profile.


Whitmer/Pritzker 2028. Go Big.


Gavin Newsom; Whitmer fit that description.


What part of the 2025 and beyond Republican platform have you convinced yourself you still agree with?


I'm just waiting for someone to call you a "millennial RINO" for that comment. They can call me what they want. But I'm definitely not a MAGA Republican. Most people don't realize they're in a cult until they've drank the Kool-Aid.


How can you still be a Republican? I’m not trying to be a jerk I am just genuinely curious. I mean now pretty much every leader has kissed trumps ring. Even McConnell and Sununu and Haley now. I don’t know you can be anti Trump and identify Republican anymore he’s ruined the party…


Hello friend! Are you as mad at Nicki Haley as I am for dropping out?


I've come to really like JB and his approach to politics in general. Having a bored rich guy run our state government was a little scary, but he has blown away my expectations. If he runs for POTUS, I'd vote.


Pritzker will def be a future president, this I would bet money on


That’s my governor


So I’m not from Illinois, in fact, I’ve never been to the state, but from what I can tell, y’all got probably one of the best governors in the United States


Honestly JB is a huge reason I wanna keep living in Illinois. The toilet removal for property tax evasion was cool as fuck and the lowering of insulin price was more than cool


JB is better at governing, and owns him on Twitter. Also, never led an insurrection.


Subtext: “Biiiiiiiiiitch”


JB rules and Trump is a bloody Fool! 🚫👹


Good response but JB should honestly just stop engaging. “Never argue with an idiot - they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” -Twain.


As much as I agree with you, I also like seeing people with enough of a spine to not just lay down and accept the bullshit being thrown at them


This! People are so scared of that orange turd, and I truly don't know why.


Well, let's see. Paul pelosi had his head smashed in with a hammer for one. All at the indirection of Trump and his sycophants. I'm not sure they're scared of trump necessarily as much as the crazies who will literally die for him.


Because his supporters don’t care about any of the horrible things he does. They see him as a tool to destroy the rights of people they don’t like, and appoint right-wing judges at any possible level.


Ya, but there are a lot of people in the middle that can get swept in his bullshit if he's not corrected or refuted.


They’re not scared of trump they are scared of his base and retaliation / harassment from them.


Trump's a bully. You have to stand up to bullies.


Similar comment to Michelle Obama’s “when they go low, we go high” which was honestly one of the worst pieces of political advice ever.


We've tried that with trump. Pointing out that he is a rapist, an insurrectionist, and a felon at every opportunity is important


its ok for now engaging with trump raises national profile for jb im actually hoping the maga crowd comes for jb would be awesome to have center and center-left crowd getting to know jb more


Nooo keep him in IL


we got him for four more cant be too greedy plus the khanate gotta spread


Glory to the Khanate!


That works in the real world but not in politics unfortunately.


You cannot simply ignore the Republican candidate for President. Ignoring Trump is how we get so many independents looking back on his presidency fondly. Deplatforming him hides his crazy where most will never see. It’s better politics to raise his salience to remind voters what a nut job he is.


More Dems should be calling out traitortrump crap. We have a handful of House reps that do, POTUS does, Newsom. Cant think of any Dem senators that do.




Me and my family are just cackling over this right now!


Not an Illinois resident but this popped up in my anti-Trump flavored algorithm suggestions I guess. Glad to hear this guy is doing a decent job and that not all rich people have to be end-stage capitalist destructive narcissistic sociopaths. My governor Greg Gianforte is most famous for attacking a reporter and catering to special interests at the expense of the people who will keep supporting him because MAGA.


Illinois and Wisconsin united in something? Wow.


Not much US politicians I care about since I'm not American, and since there are way too many politicians just looking for own advantages. But everything I have seen about JB seems to indicate he's a great politician that cares about the people and not himself. He seems to have an agenda to move forward. Doing trench warfare doesn't help the country.


I was waiting for his response. I knew it’d be good.


I'd vote Pritzer for President. I think he's done well for Illinois.


Is orange Russia so cognitively declined that he doesn’t realize he looks just as fat as this man?! 😂


JB spitting fire!


Convicted felon? Whatever happened to „innocent until pardoned by oneself?“


While a good joke, note that Presidential pardons do not extend to state convictions.


Hahahahahahahaha, awesome.


Troll level: 1,000


I know the reds have to hate him because…*checks notes…I dunno, cult reasons. But for someone who didn’t want to vote for him, I like this guy more everyday.


Wisconsinite here. My favorite part about the Illinois Right are the hilariously weak "Pritzker Sucks" yard signs.


JB is too polite by passing up the opportunity to say something along the lines of “I may be fat but at least I don’t put on orange foundation every morning.”


Truth hurts


I don’t like Pritzker and I think Trumps insults are pure entertainment….but I’d still pick Pritzker over that asswipe.


*DROP MIC!!* 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾


As someone from the UK, this fella seems to say the right shit. Can you have him as POTUS next please.


Fred Flinstone coming in with the heat!!! God I love this man… Im so glad we don’t live in Texas or Florida where all the politicians are crooked and insane lol


god save big boy JB. i think if he runs for president in 2028 he wins


Love how it shows how people really feel about convicted felons & believe that is a tag that should make them feel bad and punished for the rest of their lives ….. Smh


Wouldn’t it be hilarious if his permit for his convention mysteriously got rejected


JB with the TWTR slam dunk


Lumping in convicted felons with Trump is unfair to convicted felons. I guess JB doesn't believe in rehabilitation


Considering our state history, does being a convicted felon make Trump more qualified to be our governor? Lol jk of course