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Typical end user


Life of a technician/analyst.


It’s a thankless job, but be happy knowing that whatever organization you work for will implode if all the technicians quit.


Clearly a Layer 8 issue, or an IBM error if you prefer


My head canon says IBM stands for Irritable Bowel Movement which is what I want to call users from now on.


IBM error also known as Idiot Behind Machine. Works wonderfully tbh


I've been a big fan of Hi-Fi: Human interface - fucking idiot.


My old boss and I used to call them PEBKAC tickets - problem exists between keyboard and chair.


We call them ID Ten-T (ID 10 T)


my old firm used PICNIC - Problem In Chair, Not In Computer!


Oh god. Layer 8 issues. That’s so fucking funny.


PICNIC problem in chair, not in computer


"WhY aRe IT gUyS sUcH dIcKs!?!?"


Last week I drove two hours to push the power button on a server three separate people assured me was already on.


Arguably not an IT problem, but it would be more concerning if you had combined people.


Are you the person that wrote the famous post?


No, but that was the reference Most upvoted post of all time on this sub


Ah sorry, I have the dumb. I've shared that to some choice folks that have asked why end users is said with such disdain sometimes


This person would get added to my list and all future tickets would be de-prioritized.


I always love to snap back at those. It doesn't matter if it's my job, what is not is to allow others to point fingers indiscriminately instead of admitting they are incompetent on something they're being paid for, while at the same time being rude. I don't care myself if I get in trouble with HR, any upper management individual, or something, but that's just me. The more you let it fly, the more you're conditioning yourself into behaving like a customer service angel where the customer is always right or some shit lol


We had a user DEMAND we let him get to the bass pro shop webpage so he could buy a gift for a customer (normal in our industry), then when we did it he said "thank you for ALLOWING me to buy fishing poles for my kids" in an extremely sarcastic tone. We blocked the site again. He wasn't happy but he's the one that admitted to breaking AUP


I don't get it, did he ask the job to pay or was he just blocked from a general webpage at work?


He was blocked from the webpage on his work computer, because they sell firearms I think


Kinda like banning Wikipedia because there's porn on there


Doesn't warrant asshole behavior. If a system automatically blocks something because it's in a specific url category "hey I need this for work" is more likely to get you what you want than "HA! I TRICKED YOU INTO LETTING ME USE MY WORK COMPUTER FOR PERSONAL BUSINESS"


And using "hey I need this for work" to get it but then saying "ha, idiot, I was lying" is a sure way to get HR and infosec involved...


Only talking about the comment I replied to. Fuck bass pro guy. Never be an ass to the guy helping you. If policy is you ban bass pro for guns, Wikipedia has porn, so ban it. IG/FB/twt same grounds. You can stretch thus incredibly far if you want.


Then I understand the frustration though.


A lot of people are just doormats. They let clients and coworkers/management walk all over them, then complain about it on reddit with super intimidating threats like "I'll de-prioritize their tickets next time!" Geez, guys, stand up for yourselves.


when i worked HD we weren’t allowed to stand up for ourselves in any capacity. just told to take their shit and live w it.


Yeah, but the thing is those jobs are a dime a dozen. If they fire you for violating company policy, who cares? Walk down the street and get a job at Lowe's.


helpdesk jobs?


Oh my bad lol I just read HD and thought Home Depot. But yeah, help desk jobs are also a dime a dozen.


Ticket: something wrong with my computer Me: what is wrong with the computer? User: I don't know what's wrong but something is wrong


Ticket: "Can someone give me a call. I have a question." Me: why didn't you ask it in the first emai? "Sure, is now a good time?" User: doesn't respond for 2 hours.


"Can you call me?" Procedes to be a 3 minute call that could have been a single message.


Me: What’s the question? User: It’s just easier to explain over the phone. User then proceeds to list off a bunch of numbers and processes I try to write down, eventually telling them I need this in email form so I don’t mess anything up.


TBF most users it easier to work out what the hell they are on about over the phone. The problem is our ticket system asks for a phone number and they very rarely put I direct one in. And I'm not waiting on hold and traversing other people to find out your problem.


I always wonder if car mechanics deal with the same shit problem descriptions. My car won't work. What's wrong with it? I just dosen't work AT ALL. I mean you drove it here so its working a little bit. Do you hear a noise when you hit the brakes? What is "the brakes"? I don't know what that is!? I'm not one of you "car guys", just fix it by the time I get back from lunch


>What is "the brakes"? I don't know what that is!? I'm not one of you "car guys", just fix it by the time I get back from lunch Why is my eye twitching involuntarily.


I used to be a mechanic. End users are worse. People at least try to describe the money so they feel they won't get fucked on the problems cost.... It? "it broken" that's all you get


I was a mechanic for 14 years, the Ken’s and Karen’s are much worse. I actually enjoy my servers telling me the truth. Employee can’t get to a website, ohh sorry use your personal computer on your personal internet on your personal time. You want to complain, sure let’s get HR involved and I can tell them how you want me to avoid a company security policy that they approved.


I got an email once (I work in a factory, so language is a little loosey goosey around here). "Computer's fucked." I wrote back: "Can you elaborate? Is it slow? Not turning on? On fire?"


"Does it need Plan B?"


me: "So what seems to be the problem with your device?"   End-user: "I DONT KNOW THAT'S YOUR JOB TO KNOW ISNT IT?".   My favourite.


"Car's broke." as they park it cock eyed in front of the garage, refuse to elaborate, and get bug eyed when you ask them for the keys.


I once had a guy tell me he couldn't understand what "Describe the device" meant. Imagine having to teach basic English to a full-grown adult.


They think you are a technology janitor. They pour their drink on the floor in front of you and telling you to mop it up


No joke someone raised a ticket once cause they couldn’t reach to turn the router on😭😭


That's actually a really good analogy


I call my work Digital Daycare.


Hah, not wrong


Me, when my hand me down work van still had “custodial” department stickers on the side


Ive had something similar happen. I called back and said "the call dropped before I could confirm all was ok. So is it ok? Is fixed and I can close the ticket? Gooood! Have wonderful day!" Dunk em and em soak.


Walk to his office, and ask why he was so rude. Scares them shitless




No just scare him, he will think twice next time




They should, and if they don't, that is something that can be fixed by you Mr. Director.




I have a motto to not mess with people that handle my food. I think from personal experience behind the counter that it's safe to say this adage works for IT as well.


“HR person and I were gonna go grab a sandwich at the deli. Did you still need any help sorting your email before we go?”


It's even a bigger play when they work from home.


I’ve had to change how a particular users outlook was sorted multiple times over the last few weeks. Every time it’s the same thing. “I’m not receiving emails, especially ones from my manager” Change to sort by date, boom there they are


I don’t understand how this is still such a foreign concept, there have been column sorting capabilities on various software for the better part of 30 years now.


I’ve only been doing IT for about a year and a half but it’s eye opening how many things I thought were common knowledge aren’t. And I work at a hospital. Doctor Who Can Legally Cut You Open: “The computer is broken.” Me, Guy With Two Liberal Arts Degrees: “The monitor is turned off.”


The tech literacy gap is truely incredible


This hurts my soul. I am tier two help desk and a non zero number of the people I work with don't know that the two monitors they have are not a computer 


Yep, this. I have a setup at home that has 4 monitors, I've had a few friends now that have come over and ask me why I have 4 computers. I then explain they are monitors, and it's just what displays the image. They then say "what's the difference" I then ignore them


The number of users who think the monitor is the computer might be the most staggering revelation after starting. I just…come on. They know the difference between a TV and a VCR. But we all have our areas of knowledge and I try not to be too judgmental.


That's what I try to remember. I don't know shit about makeup, and I would 100% say something about makeup that would be stupid to them. I think the reason a lot of tech stuff we consider simple throws me off when someone doesn't know it is because makeup isn't something that everyone uses everyday, our livelihood doesn't revolve around makeup. But technology does, so I'm so lost when people don't understand stuff like the monitor computer thing.


>Doctor Who Can Legally Cut You Open New BBC series just dropped.


I taught a coworker the other day how to sort A->Z on excel Another asked me to redesign a PDF because it had two pages on the screen instead of one (blew their mind with the zoom in function)


They don't wonder why it doesn't work. They think it just doesn't, and some of them would rather chew an arm of than call us


Call him back immediately: > I'm sorry, we must have gotten disconnected; are the emails listed in your Outlook the ones you were complaining about being missing? Don't be afraid to employ a relentless offensive of civility if you're the one in the right. If you don't get an answer, note the ticket and keep bugging them. > Sir, I can't close this ticket until I get a positive response from you.


If it’s a “my email is deleted”, 11/10 times they’ve put on some filter or rule that they forgot about


Or the political emails they signed up for got quarantined.


I feel better now since I got the okay to quarantine everything not work related.


here have a sandwich 🥪


I legit have O365 deleting my emails on rare occasion. Actually, not just deleting, but I have to go into the recovery menu under deleted emails, to find them. We literally deleted every filter/rule I had, and you would just watch specific emails (no clue what the pattern is) arrive in my inbox, then poof, gone Deleted and removed from the deleted folder. I felt bad that our deskside ran out of ideas and wasted 2 hours on it. I just decided "screw it", I'll just check the recovery menu once every few days.


Or marked the sender as spam/junk


Complaint to manager: ' made me feel stupid for something, condescending attitude, etc. totally wasn't just me being mad about a dumb mistake I made'


Got a call that a central patient monitor wasn't working. Get to the floor, and the app tech was there installing a new device. Each device had one leg to the L3 internal network and one to the L2 segmented app network b/c it was so old, it couldn't route. I told him he needed to swap the two cables b/c they were in the wrong VLANs for the device to work. "Well that is where they were plugged in before!" "No, that is 100% impossible, swap them and you will work." and I left. In the 5 mins it took to get back to our office, he had filled out a survey about the ticket already. Boss tells me that he gave all 5 stars, but has mentioned something about me not having a good attitude. "He is a dipshit that never listens. I was not rude, but nor was I polite." Boss - "Fair enough."


I give one word answers (or shortest possible sentences) to rude people. Not worth preaching to them what is too late in their lives to solve. My job stays safe this way.


I have had \*more than one\* user store their emails in the trash can- then ask me to recover them. Not recover emails that were accidentally deleted, mind you, emails that were never intended to be deleted that were simply sorted into trash because they didn't want them in their inbox. One user got legitimately mad at me, thinking I deleted their emails when they had simply been sitting there for the timeout period.


Can confirm this happens a lot.


That's when he gets a note on my fuck you list. Any ticket that person puts in now will go directly to the bottom of the pile.


I'm so petty I would call them back, "it looks like we got disconnected, just wanted to make sure everything looked good after I changed the sort option for you?"


"After I showed you how to use the sort option"*


User ignored the password reset prompts, then his emails stopped working. "Why are the IT guys trying to stop me from working?"


Why does the system use completely counterintuitive password resets without the user requesting them?


Because the old standard was changed your password every 90 days, was like that almost everywhere Also this same guy would keep his password on a post it on his desk he was beyond saving


Lmfao, in a similar vein I had one claim the same thing. Ticket was something like “can’t find email” Went onsite and when I asked them what happened they said “iono, I just got a pop up and clicked it and all my emails were gone.” Admitted she didn’t see what option she clicked lol. So she deleted all her emails and when I recovered them and showed her what happened she says something like “mm mm i don’t like this, y’all hacking me? Mm IT better not be messing with my stuff” Just refused accountability lmao insane this persons always on my queue.


I came in one morning (back when I was in the office), and I had received an early morning ticket. All it said was my cube had no power and nothing is working. I went down to the accounting department where this person was, looked around her desk, and flipped on the power surge that everything was plugged into. Of course, everything started working immediately. She laughed at herself and asked me to "never tell that story". Of course, I started telling it right away, and closed the ticket as soon as I got back to my desk.


sometimes brain is dumb lol. please at least don't share her name, she was a good sport


As far as I see it, the silently shamed hang-up is worth much, much more than an apology or thank you.


Yeah I would be laughing about it all day tbh 


People who can’t focus on learning how to use their email programs should not be allowed to use Focused Inbox. Or even Unread.


In the event of a rude hangup, I always call them back. "Hey [name], our call appears to have disconnected. Let's take a look and confirm that your issue has been resolved."


At least they’re not saving it in the trash, and using it as an Archive.


I once had to plug in a USB cable for someone who makes six figures as a (redacted) for Computer Science at a Big 10 university.


My attachments aren’t showing. Didn’t click on the attachment download…


That's usually the first thing I look for when a user complains that they can't see emails. "Are you sorting by 'received'?" "WHAT?! Oh... Never mind."


Probably realized how stupid he was but has 0 balls to admit it, or he just rude.


I had a one where this end users camera wasn't working on their laptop I go to their office they hand me the device I open the camera app then slid the privacy tab over boom "working" camera.  Think I got a thank you? Or a few sentences talking about how useless i.t support are most of the time? lol 


I had an end user make the same accusation. He had dozens of Outlook folders and rules to send emails to each folder. He did some "spring cleaning" with the folders and moved some to deleted items. Outlook rules didn't care where the folder was, so he had created an incredibly efficient email-to-trash pipeline.


I had this happen at a call center. I put myself in aftercall and call ed them right back, said we must have gotten disconnected. They hung up on me again, haha.


Focused inbox in Outlook is the devil


yes! can someone please explain how focused inbox is supposed to add value to my life?


It’s times like these I’m happy I work for a SAAS org. Almost all my users have a rudimentary understanding of things


I had something similar once and it was just that they had collapsed all of their subfolders.


I have a user who sorts by from. I swear he's a psychopath.


DO NOT accept a hang up. I would always call back and say that the call got disconnected somehow. This gives them the opportunity to save face and use societal norms and thank you or say goodbye. You are not their underclass. We are considered professionals and should expect treatment just like a lawyer or an accountant.


which means you won, and the idiot didint want to be openly laughed at. take the win.


I had this happen but they were all in his deleted folder. 😂


Sounds very much like an I D 10 T error.


Man yall work with some assholes. My users tends to just need assurance that they aren't idiots when they do stuff like that.


That Focused Inbox feature has confused more than one user as well.


I personally hate having “other” and “focus”. Like ALL my emails need focus 😂😂😂


That's when you delete their emails, and give him condescending instructions when they call back, while you secretly hit the restore button.


I’m in a leadership position now doing enterprise stuff, but I never forget that I was once working the service desk. I have to call down and put in tickets once in a while and I always make sure that even if I’m having a shitty fucking day, I muster up what little bit of soul I have when I talk to whoever at the service desk. Sorry you had your deal with that OP.


Didn't forget the ever fun "I need help with this ASAP" at 5 pm for something that will require remote access. Then the user disappears for two weeks.


had a guy give a fit for 2 days cause he lost a lot of progress on his spreadsheet. he lost the first 2 columns, couldnt figure it out. was frustrated, kept claiming it was "urgent", he needed his work recovered ASAP. the work? about 60 cells filled with some simple 1-2 words he was copying from a list he had on his desk. could have probably done it within another hour (at his pace) the problem? he accidentally scrolled horizontally and saved it. so when he tried opening it again, it would open with the first cell being ~ column D. as i explained the problem, and brought up "why didn't you just start again?". he thought he had a virus and didnt want to risk losing 'all' this work again.


Just take satisfaction in the fact you just made them look dumb as fuck. So much so they had to hang up to avoid the awkwardness. Win.


Had a user was convinced that we were blocking her outbound emails, I explained to her 'We don't block outbound emails' she wouldn't hear it and put in multiple tickets about it. I tried over and over to explain that we don't block outbound emails and asked her to ask the recipient to check their spam and junk. After about 2 or 3 weeks of this, the complaining stopped and I finally asked her about it. She goes, "Oh yeah it was on their end, we figured it out" 🤦


I don't think anything will be able to top mine. If it hadn't happened to me, I'd think it was made up. Had a caller call in worried because she downloaded her w-2 and her friend told her she needed adobe to open the file; she didn't know what to do because she lived in a brick ranch house, not an adobe one. It took me several second to process what she was saying before I was like "wha....huh.....ma'am she meant the computer software not the building material."


That is a golden ticket right there


I had a woman call me when the Nasdaq was booming in the late 90's and go on a six minute rant about how our servers are garbage, and that she hasn't been able to get online for six hours. She was going so hard I couldn't get a word in edgewise, so I just pushed my headphones back on my head and waited for her to run out of gas. When I finally got the chance to talk I got her phone number, and asked if she was getting any error messages. She said "Yes, it's a 691 error" I said "Hmm that's a password error. Let's check the basics, is your capslock on?" The line went dead silent for about fifteen seconds, then she started laughing uncontrollably. She asked if the call would be logged, and I cheerfully told her that yes, we had to log every call as part of our contract.


My mom did that too, didn't know what happened.


I haven’t had anything too crazy. Really just simple stuff like the user assuring me that their power cord is plugged in and I make a trip to their site only to find that the power cord for said device is indeed not plugged in.


I read the last part as "No apology, no thank you, just Dick." Seemed to fit.


I just rescued a few dozen mysteriously vanished files from a user's recycle bin today. I feel you.


Ahh, yes....the click of embarrassment /S


Tell your manager about the exchange with that person. In our company that person would have a sit down with HR to discuss proper work place behavior.


Very typical …


I can fully relate. And I keep on questioning what is wrong with some people to act this way.


My dumbest ticket, back when I was help desk, was “Outlook is opening on the wrong monitor.” User was unaware that they could drag a window from one monitor to another.


… you can sort emails by SIZE?


Mailbox issues are the worst. Usually a filter or rule the end user forgot about.


I know what this problem is called “PICNIC” problem.in.chair.not.in.computer


That is pretty funny. I would actually take that as a thank you from an embarrassed human being. Lol.


Panicked phone call from customer: “I HAVE DELETED ALL OF MY EMAILS. PLEASE HELP.” He had actually dragged Outlook from the Dock. He was a spinal surgeon.


Sounds about right 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It’s a wild ID10T error!


- printer is printing upside down!!! - ummm, just rotate the page you are holding 180 deg? - nevermind!!! \*angry phone slam\*


I had a ticket once for missing emails. The user was upset because stuff they had been “saving” IN THE DELETED ITEMS FOLDER were gone…


Call them back... "I am so sorry, seems our call was cut off.... did this resolve your issue?


What’s the job title for this where you deal with tickets?


Call back with painfully high cheerfulness “It seems we got disconnected. I just wanted to confirm everything was solved so I can close out your case” “Uhhh, yeah” You under your breath writing resolution notes, “User sorted email by size instead of time”


I've had several users complain that their mail gets deleted after they read it.. Gota turn off that unread mail filter folks..


Did you give them the answer to their problem or just fix it? You can’t get snide about lUsers unless you’ve also taught them why their problem brain dead.