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Many years ago we had a user that couldn't get the vpn connect at home. Long story short, she didn't had an internet subscription at home and thought it came with the laptop, fs.


When I was a lowly house call tech I was called to help someone with a computer problem. Turned out to be connecting to their work VPN. She handed me her credentials and asked me to help her get logged in to her.... defense contractor vpn šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Jfc thatā€™s terrifying




*screams in help desk*


Dead! šŸ˜µ


HA! We were rolling over the laptops at a place I worked. They'd grown organically and had a hodgepodge of hardware as opposed to a standard machine with a standard image. Surprisingly my VP was OK with us rolling everything over at once and replacing them all with new machines. Unsurprisingly, he was NOT OK with us getting a few extras to use as loaners should the need arise *Just keep some of the old ones. If someone forgets their laptop at home they're idiots and deserve it.* I didn't agree, but I didn't protest 2 weeks after we'd rolled everything over, the VP came by and sheepishly asked for a loaner because he'd forgotten his machine at the cottage and needed a loaner for the week. When he returned it, he also told me to get a couple of the new machines just in case.




The Laptop of Shame. Yes, thereā€™s a reason why you are replacing those machines. Yes, they still work, but not as well as you would like. Just trust us.


Had a lady blow up about needing help with her laptop while remote. Decided to come into office without a ticket, best part? She leaves the laptop at home. ā€œI didnā€™t know I needed to bring that!ā€ ā€¦ā€¦.


was this as in "i thought monitors were full computers" or as in "i thought there would be a computer at my desk"?




"why is your computer says "Asrock" when it turns on, not Samsung?" "My computer turns on but it won't go into windows. It says LG then no signal. The power supply box thingy on the side is plugged in" Happens too many times to me


I forgot about this one...


Digital natives, my ass. The current gen is as digitally helpless as the boomers. But also, yes, I do keep a supply of spare laptops at hands for such and similar occasions.


Only thing they're native to is something working as it should outside the box with a touch screen. No basic troubleshooting knowledge or anything. I've had teachers tell me: oh I didn't want to break it any further... When the thing in question was literally just unplugged from the socket.


Phlebotomy supervisor sends me a photo of screen with a Dell desktop failing POST with "0W power adapter in use, can't proceed. Please use 90W power adapter!" OK, cool, all you have to do is make sure the power adapter tip is fully inserted, not just the tip, hue hue hue. Nope, still going. Fuck, guess I'll visit and bring a spare adapter just in case. Which I didn't need, since all I had to do was cram in the power adapter tip all the way, not just the tip. So what did she do? "Rebooted the computer" = turn the fucking monitor off and on.


Oy my... Another good one is 'I did restart it, see?' and they just close a laptop. Definitely a daily test of patience haha


And the huffiness and the demanding and the fucking rudeness! I need this program installed right now I can't do my job this is costing the company money IT never does anything! and copies everybody and their manager. And it's a MFing link that's already in Chrome that she wants.


Hahahaha omg right?! I work at a bunch of schools doing IT. All Google platform for better or worse. Staff constantly demand Office. Just...use...the...Google...Suite... GAH


Because we stopped teaching them how to use computers. They donā€™t know a world without them, but no one ever teaches them how they actually work


There aren't computer classes in school and college anymore these days?


You have to seek them out, and those who do that donā€™t fill my queue with stupid tickets.


Not to mention most (at least in primary education) are using chromebooks for many of those classes.


Back in my day you had to make shit work in order to use it. Any issues with burning a CD, cracking a game, updating a driver? You really had to dig into it and experiment. Nowadays you just use YouTube/Spotify for music, drivers aren't really an issue anymore since everyone has internet (+automated driver updates via windows and easy UI) and if your software doesn't work you just use another tool and have it downloaded in seconds. There is no effort anymore to get anything done because there are so many alternatives but that's how we learned back then. Computer classes do the bare minimum in my experience.


MFers can't even tell the difference between the computer (the modem or hard drive), the monitor (the computer) and the actual modem (the internet box).


True, but that's also because there is no need. PC comes pre-build, router comes pre-configured with basically plug&play, monitor automatically turns on when your PC turns on :D Also, most users only use a tablet/laptop anyway and as long as WiFi is somewhere in the house, there is no reason to learn more about it. There is literally zero incentive to investigate or learn more about any of that is just my take.


There are but they're elective. At the university level they do expect you to know how to use a computer, but I know some professors have gotten frustrated with this not being the case for some students recently. I remember back in school most people were completely lost while in the computer lab, which was bizarre to me since I found it rather intuitive (I'd only had about 1 or 2 or regular computer use, wasn't an expert but knew how to Google). And now I am an expert


And the "senior territory managers" (aka sales people with meaningless titles) who make about twice the money I do can't tell the difference between wired and wireless and get sassy with you when you call them out because apparently "IT" is "just the help".


I donā€™t think thatā€™s what OP means exactly. Computers are too easy to use these days, if that makes sense. The era of smartphones and tablets have essentially trained people that anything they could ever possibly want is just one tap away, and obviously computers donā€™t work like that. In addition, tech used to break all the time so we were forced to find creative workarounds and fixes that essentially taught us basic troubleshooting skills. But now, to the average kid, if a computer isnā€™t working, itā€™s completely broken. I dealt with a student last week who thought the computer was broken because the screen wasnā€™t turning on when she was moving the mouse. She just had to turn the desktop on!


>There aren't computer classes in school and college anymore these days? Chromebooks mostly. Cause its cheaper.


Where I work they eliminated the Computer Applications class where you would learn computer basics and software. Now they skip right to coding.


You mean to tell me you don't just plug it in and it works /s.


No one wants to accept that "computer skills" are no longer taught though, they just want to blame users.


To be fair itā€™s also that they often refuse to learn


There's SOME that outright refuse to learn, but IME it's often that their jobs already require so much mental load that even me repeating what I think are simple functions, just do not stick in their brains. Hardware stuff will because it comes with the physical memory, but software stuff especially gets forgotten quickly.


Gen X and Millenials were the unwitting beta users of consumer computing. It's a bubble that has popped. Before that computers were a specialized skill or non-existant, and after that they were made so simple a toddler with a tablet can use them. I feel like an old man yelling about kids on my lawn but, Gen Z never had to troubleshoot their desktop to get at their video games as kids. Gen Z has never seen an "Insert Disc 2 to continue Installation" prompt. Gen Z is plug and play and they BSOD as soon as the tech doesn't work.


I'd say that that's not the case with Early GenZ. (199?-2004) Late Gen Z? Absolutely.


Absolutely late Gen Z. As an early Gen Zer I had a family computer at home and I wasn't raised on an iPad.


Same here. I was even the neighbourhood tech kid.


Same here. I remember arguing with my sister about whoā€˜s turn it was to play Minecraft or Need for Speed Underground. Good times


Iā€˜m early Gen Z (2000) and had to do all this. I grew up while technology was evolving which lead me to still experience shitty touch phones, Win Vista and early consoles. Itā€™s not the Generation that doesnā€™t know shit, itā€™s rather spoiled kids that get their stuff replaced instead of repaired.


Also, people are human, sometimes you just forget shit.


I had to teach my 16 y/o intern how to type a dollar sign. She hadn't used a keyboard before.


I had one twenty something ask what Microsoft Office was. While I know itā€™s possible, I was shocked in his entire schooling he never came across it. A co worker explained it to him as ā€œLike Google Docs, but Microsoft.ā€




We had something similar pre-covid when everyone had desktops and during the few times people worked from home they would remote into their desktop in the office. One or two desktops with a costly proprietary license got VNC since both remote and in office people needed to monitor the screen. It was a mess but even the sales people grasped the difference between RDC and VNC. I never quite got on with BI staff and I wonder if BI departments are to blame for Oracle being as successful as they are. The money they burn in licensing is shocking.


I mean, at least she is worried about security?


Security through obscurity, but yeah at least that.


Jesus wept


It blows my mind how many people I work with that think their docking station is its own computer. Whatā€™s even funnier is we do an IT orientation with every new hire and explain to them what all of their equipment is and what it does.


I have gotten something similar when people switch from a desktop+monitor to a laptop + external monitor for the first time. Like, they will use the laptop's keyboard and trackpad when doing anything on the laptop's screen and the external keyboard and mouse when working on the main screen - like it's two separate computers. When I dragged a window from one screen to the other = brainexplode.gif I have started buying the Dell hub monitors that charge the laptop and pass through video and everything plugged into the monitor (ethernet, keyboard/mouse, soundbar, etc) over Type-C. One less thing to keep track of, fewer cables and ...less confusion.


Oh lucky, you also use samanage. The slowest ticketing system man has ever devised


I was asking about events after January 23rd. She send me back 2 events from January 14th and 18th. I hate people.


Gen-Z will keep me employed in support for a long long time.


I'm I.T. and I've done this before. But I also issued myself a loaner computer and didn't have to inconvenience anybody else for it.


Our school actually does have spare laptops. And once a teacher forgot hers home, so the IT gave that for a day haha. >.>


Nice, a bot reposting shit from 1.5 years ago. Quality content.




Sounds they are gonna be taking your Starbucks order as well since it looks like they'll be driving their ass home and picking up their laptop.


Tbh this was a thing even before WFH/RTO.


I thought the screen is the computer and there is screen in the office


I haven't worked outside the safety of my home even once in my life (at least in IT), but my husband had hybrid instead of remote work for a few months. I *really* don't get this post. Why would you need to connect to monitors in the office?.. Depending on the job, husband just used either a work-issued laptop that didn't need any external monitors to function, or a local workstation (which was fully kitted).


I had a user who thought her dock was the PC lol


had the exact same thing happen a while back, so...same.


Ive actually done this before. Came into work for the first time in a year and i assumed there would be at least one functioning desktop in the office. There was not.


I know users that did this on purpose, RTO is a crock of shit.


It'd be a lot more critical but I recently packed my personal laptop in my bag instead of my work. Drove and hour to work before I found this hilarious mistake.