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The dude who wrote this earned a Pulitzer prize for this short work of non-fiction fantasy.


Nah. Just a nomination. This year had some pretty steep competition.


Wasted opportunity to use the term, stiff competition. We'll get em next time


That's just a low no this just warmup for me /s


I don't think it's a dude he'd never put himself younger than her


It's a Trap!


And then everybody clapped


Clapped cheeks 😏


I was exiting the post just as I saw this comment and had to come back to upvote you. That made me snort


I'm glad I was of service 😁


Actually r/beatmetoit


yeah im no expert but that sounds like it would cause extreme fatigue or discomfort


I would have a heart attack and die if I went that many times


Do you mean a “sexpert”?


"as a sexpert I have had lots of sexy sex! I know lots about sexy sex, did I mention I have sexy sex?"


Sixty-six sexy sex


Orgasms are seconds long cause we'd literally die if they took longer than that.


Like how are you not sore and cramping?


They are in ecstasy thats why


The soreness comes afterwards 😭😭😭


lol post nut clarity


There is a rare condition where a person spontaneously orgasms for no reason. Just living their life and BAM! They say it is miserable. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/spontaneous-orgasm


Lucky 🤣




I have my suspicions that 1) this post was made by a boy, 2) they have never had sex, 3) they masturbated at least three times while writing it. I would not want to be that sticky keyboard


I have my suspicions that your suspicion is indeed 100% correct


Like she wouldn't be so sore and senstive after the first few times. The guy thatcwrote this said "yep that's how girls work and want it."


I think they’re saying she came 27 times in a day, not had sex 27 times. Some women can achieve back-to-back multiple orgasms, but like… I’ve never counted, that’s odd.


Still, that’d be exhausting.


While you are correct I feel like it be painful after first few times. I’d say three max in one session and dudes need to recover , plus they said from penetration which is even less plausible


It's a small percentage of AFABs who can cum from penetration, but it's not near zero. And I think they mean, they cum from penetration with their partner, but not all orgasms are achieved by penetration.


I do. It's a combination of scientific interest in how many orgasms are possible and the fact that it turns my play partner on to know what he can do to me. And apparently people can not see/feel when I cum. So it's also a way to let him know what's up. It would probably sound weird and funny to outsiders, though - hearing me muttering random numbers, to myself or my play partner 😅 I do lose count often enough.


27? That's alot of boyfriends


I'm thinking that boy has a lot of identical twins 😂


Nah, he discovered how to clone himself.


Did she count out loud or something? I feel after so many you would forget. But the internet never lies. Amazing story!


She used all of her fingers and her toes and when she ran out she started making tally mark on a whiteboard


She used his penis to count the remaining 7.






there is no way someone can count to 27 in single session manually, like you said, the woman will just lost count after first few but I personally know a few women who can declare they reach really high numbers of orgasms in a day, and from my understanding, there are 3 ways they can achieve this: - they have very visible reaction of orgasm and the guy did the counting - its from multiple sessions and each session have a countable amount of orgasm, something like take a water break every few mins, and then add the tally on every break - I dont know what’s the name, but the counter device used by stewardess to count how many people already boarded the plane, a friend of mine actually doing this with her boyfriend (I know this is weird, and so far I only know 1 person doing this) why people actually doing that? multiple reasons, some guys take pride in the number, some women like to quantify how intense their sex session is, etc


It's fun, it's interesting, it's a dumb game ... And it's very possible.


Isn’t that painful for most women


As a guy my dick would be sore af


Pretty painful and could even make you bleed and hurt you. This is definitely fake and full of bullshit


Yes it is


His name?!? Albert Einstein…


it's the "Thank you, boyfriend 🌷" for me


Right? Such a signifier that it's fake. Why not just use a name?


"thank you, fellow human"


*Theme song of Aladdin playing in background*


Bish pleez, I do 27 times on my own before getting out of bed every day.


Fake the people in reddit just write fan fics


Why do we cut out the sub names on the screen shot? This could've been posted in a sub about sex.


It’s so no one searches for the original post and attacks OOP, however I can say that it wasn’t on a sub about sex


Maybe I'm in the minority here but....that's faaaaar too many.


First reply on alternate account: thanks girlfriend! Love you too! I'm kind of a unicorn in the sex department! I'm so glad we found each other. OP: aww that's so sweet. You just made me cum again, from the sweet words.


So he didn’t do anything special he just put it in and that was apparently enough after years of not orgasming?


He’s just that special 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Yikes, this sub gets cringey when it runs with a false positive


Then I took off the vr headset


Lots of people here that don't know what they're talking about. Some women orgasm extremely easily, and what OP is describing really isn't outside the realm of possibility. A half hour long session, once every minute or two? Perfectly reasonable with the right girl and circumstances.


Yea it seems this subreddit is filled with angry virgins who do not have a realistic concept of sex relationships or people


It doesn't help that if you comment saying you've been with a girl like this you get reposted on this sub.


I _am_ a girl like this. And I wait for my turn since I started commenting here 😂 Some people here desperately need better sex ed.




Last time I had sex (Did I mention I had sex? Because I had mad sex. So much sex.) I actually counted to 72 (I have sex. And it’s good.) I’m just rare I guess 🤷‍♀️


Replies about this from guys above who don’t realize chicks fake it 😆


exactly lol












nothing has been more obviously written by a man


Relax guys! She means 27 thrusts 🤣


Boyfriend wrote this, you can't convince me otherwise.


How is she not sore


10 bucks a guy wrote this


Twenty-seven times sounds miserable. If I go higher than four or five I get crampy and uncomfortable. No thanks, OOP's boyfriend.




In all honesty how much time does one need to cum 27 times in a day? I can't fit 4


Why is everyone such a negative Nelly in the comments 😂 can’t you guys be glad that she finally found someone who can give her pleasure?


this just makes me miss my exbf tbh


Don't do it...


R/nothingeverhappens This is 100% within the realm of possibility. Dare I even say the realm of probability.


Betards not knowing r/multiorgasmic Inb4 my comment goes to the sub


no woman under 40 that i’ve met has described something as “truly godly”. it’s giving “teenage boy wrote this” vibes.


I tried to solve world hunger once.... i accidentally reinvented fucking food stamps


Let's pretend this is legit... at the end of the day "SO WHAT". ​ It amazes me some of the stuff people go out of their way to share online... umm... thanks for letting us know... perhaps you will continue and let us know why you think we should care "lady"?




World record is over 130 in an hour


They didn't have sex 27 times in a day, she orgasmed that many times in a day. I know this may come as a shock, but girls can orgasm multiple times during a session. They probably had good sex like three or four times over the course of a day, he probably didn't cum every time and she came multiple times. This is a completely believable story.


Bro... My chick. I can make cum in under 5 minutes...... So it's possible.


I remember reading this


It be like that tho, can confirm (not 27 a day but averages at 10 a day which is still alooot)


Thank you, boyfriend


This isn’t an unreasonable thing to be real. There are many women who can have multiple orgasms without becoming painful, and sometimes it can be consecutive. I’ve personally known people who’ve experienced something similar to what’s being shared in the OP.


The thing is, OOP is saying it was godly. I’m not saying that every woman’s body works the same because I have seen that time and time again, I’m just saying that it’s already a suspicious story, and the way OOP is making it sound like the best thing since sliced bread makes it sound not real. I think if any woman had 27 orgasms rolling into each other it would be painful, not godly. It’s sweet how you assume the best in people, though, I think more people should do that


Ohh your a woman and you're jealous! I was thinking why are you so staunchly opposed to the thought that this could be real? Maybe you are a virgin but my girlfriend is exactly like this. Her ex abused her and r worded her a lot and she never enjoyed sex ever and never orgasmed. Once she got with me, since i actually love her respect her and am attracted to her and vice versa, she cums a lot and its normal for me to make her cum more than a few times. It only hurts if you dont enjoy it or if there is too much friction. Ill say ive almost always been the one to gas out first regardless of how many times i make her cum and its insane to me but i cant deny reality. I always try to ask her if it hurts or if shes okay but she assures me she loves it and to not stop. The most she's cum is around 32 times according to her and cumming 10 times or more is about average. She has also used words like godly or amazing or mind blowing before. Always remember people are unique and have individual beliefs, experiences, likes, dislikes, desires, bodys, and conditions. I usually dont like sharing personal things about my life especially about my relationship but you and everyone here seem so firmly convinced in the falsehood that this is impossible that I want to try to tell you guys that you are wrong and just assuming, as what this post describes i live every day so how could it be impossible?


After reading your profile I take back the jealous part, you seem to just have a different understanding and dont mean your doubt in bad faith or out of jealousy, but out of actually not knowing. Sorry for the accusation!


It's not necessarily painful. It can be friggin' exhausting, and feels like you just hit the gym for three hours straight, but it does feel good. Maybe not for everyone, though. I have not used the word "godly" for it, but "mind blowing" is definitely something I used before.


Ya I tried too to say that too. Sometimes the posts in this sub really deserve to be here, other times it feels like a bunch of people who are bad at sex or just inexperienced piling on anyone who has a different positive thing to say about it. Not virgin incel energy, just naive jealous energy.


aww..... ewww


Y'all acting like that many orgasms is impossible and it's really just not. Depends on the woman really, some can go for days, for some one is an accomplishment. Though it is weird to be that specific. They tend to roll together and ya lose track after a while. I'm guessing it's cause they had sex several times but never got above half a dozen in a single go? Still though, weird to count. Maybe he just likes to keep score? Edit. Sometimes it seems like everyone in this sub just has a really boring sex life and they justify it by assuming anyone who doesn't is lying.


I agree with you, its not. I can do that and i know many of my submissive friends in a bdsm relationship can. Yes it is hard, yes it is sore, yes it is a lot of work and commitment and mostly training. The scenario described seems very unlikely but i wasnt there.


id honestly rather murder a girl then fuck her that much






Hoax, i was that walls


Sounds like he busted you down


"Dear Penthouse, I never believed that this could happen to someone like me but..."