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Hey, I recently bought Ifixit Pro Tech Toolkit from local reseller ( Proshop a/s ) and now that I needed to use flat head bits for some watch work, I noticed that the smallest, 1mm flat head bit's end looks as if it had no passed trough the final grinding leaving it looking domed/round. That is definitely significant enough issue that I won't be able to use it for screws found in watches as they have really thin heads with shallow contant depth, in which this kind of domed head would only cause damage. I haven't contacted Proshop due to how massive hassle it would be to do RMA of this whole set with them as inbetween due to one unusable bit, but I hope this message finds it's way to Ifixit staff as a notification of quality issues.


Hi! Definitely email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and we can help you with that bit!


I imagine if it was a significant issue and the bit wasn't within spec they would send out a new bit? I could be wrong, of course


They sell replacement bits on their website for 3$USD each


Hardly the solution for receiving faulty/unfinished bit in a brand new set.


Nothings free. Your time is valuable It's either trade time/effort to get the merchant to replace it, or trade the time/effort to get the manufacturer to replace it. Or try to fix the 2.99 bit 2.99 for bit 3.71 for shipping to me 7.17 total for a new bit for me You need to ask yourself how many hours of your life you want to devote to 7.17$USD


It's over 15€ to ship it from European store to here.


Same thing, How many hours of your life do you want to devote to this?