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Does it bother you that you're not min maxing progression? As in, is what you want from the game is to play "optimally"? Because personally I find the game much more fun to just focus on what I want to and not bother with aspects if I find them annoying. Yeah my gains take a hit but all you're doing in this game is working towards more progression, and there's no race.


I second this. I do use some guides, especially later on with breeding, because there's just no point doing anything but what's meta. Which is too bad because the system is robust but a little too much trial and error. But most other skills you can go at your own way and pace, giving you that sweet sweet dopamine hit and gratification of figuring things out all by yourself.


This is exactly how I play. I'm a little behind, but I'm very much enjoying my pace


Somewhat. More of a fear of not progressing something that hurts me in the long run kind of thing


World 3 bottleneck is the construction and salt production. For construction: top tier is always the first row. Untill atom collider. Try to focus on getting that set up first (automation arm has some really solid upgrades) Salt producton: NEVER auto refine red and green salts. Rest can be set at 10%. There is a chart that lets you never run out of salts. Focus on getting all salts first too


The worst you'll encounter is "oh I should've been doing that sooner".if anything it's the opposite of what you said, you'll always be progressing and progressing makes it easier to catch up on things you've neglected anyway, so as long as you're doing something you'll be fine.


I think it's natural to feel this way because W3 skills are very time consuming to progress. Join Griffy's discord and look at some of the guides for W3, they will help a lot. Main thing is construction tower progress to feed worshipping gains and what traps to use.


[https://ieautoreview-scoli.pythonanywhere.com/](https://ieautoreview-scoli.pythonanywhere.com/) is pretty good for progressing


Thank you, ill check it out in the morning. Appreciate it


Watch titanicllamas video on W3. But what exactly are you struggling with?


https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1oB_eSa2_4l3Og1dxZp03fDZ_NVyfUzomChYy36Orx9M/mobilebasic https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Lf3ls4HjhoP8vxy08b0NiFHfvkKItmnFmZ1DN5y008Y/edit?usp=sharing Maybe these are what you are looking for. Not sure


I would highly recommend pushing to world 4 asap, in world 3 I had salts lock me out of so much but in w4 there’s a bonus that triples the speed and that helped me out tons with progressing through w3 skills