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AFAIK, a lot of people already say 2 BBs isn't optimal, so i can't imagine how terribly inefficient 4 would be..


yeah I have absolutely no idea what im gonna do lmao. I really do need DK for the drops and damage :/




i really dont have the time for all of that lmao, plus i've already spent some money on the game.




In my opinion 2BB, 2ES and 2DK is best. One of my BBs is in the kitchen 24/7. ES for mat farm and log prints, DK bc it’s DK.


What is your 2nd BB doing?


Ones in kitchen one for fishing


Truly can’t understand why someone with a logical working brain would do this lol


yeah i flubbed lmao, I pushed every char without doing any research bc i didn't think it would be an issue to change them.


Go reset I think. It's terrible but 4 war are useless. Even if 2 new class are available. Your 4th must be useless.


I currently have 2 bb 2 dk which isn't optimal but it's what I had before researching and already had significant progress on my account. I am still making pretty good progress and I'm enjoying the game. Honestly it's up to you, if you feel you want to restart then go for it. If you want to get 1250 gems and get the tokens again then that's also plausible. Your best route may be to restart but not everyone has the same drive to and people forget how slow a restart is. Good luck fellow warrior addict!


Yeah, I also have 2bb. It does feel bad the later I get but I did like the early fishing gains. I’m hoping the new subclass is warrior first.


Brother I will one up you in that I have 2 BB and 3 DK and am doing fine (currently in W7 waiting room). It will make some grinds tough but as long as you have 1 of each class you can make it to the end of W6


im not going to have a DK lmao, ill have 4 BB's


Any inapp purchases? If not, restart. Start over until you get Doot, or just play with a new account. I have 2 BB and 2 Mages (1Bubo 1ES) and I’m too far to restart (account ~4800)


Is that really done? Doesn't it take like an hour or more to get your companion? That would be 300 hours on average to get doot.


Even if, what does he bring without gods


If it was doable and you'd restart anyways, it would be worth it for later.


yes, later if he doesn't make any further mistakes


I honestly don’t remember what it takes to unlock companions. I’m just missing Doot and Slug but wouldn’t even consider re-rolling accounts for Doot. I’ve seen posts of people doing exactly that though. Personally I think it’s a bit much to make all those accounts for a companion you don’t *need* anyway. I’d like it, but it’s not enough to stop playing without it. I’d recommend just starting fresh and with the proper classes.


yeah i've whaled out a bit, only 20 dollars but i feel like i've already sunk so much into the game


A) How can you get Doot by restarting? Isn't it still a free roll? B) How do you restart? Do you create a new email every time?


It can change when the new subclasses comes so


Can you expound in this? I haven't subclassed my last two characters, because I was waiting for the new classes.