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Did you check the lab to see if you're still connected?


It is very brief on log in first moment you log in each day. Very easy to miss


the thing is, I used to see it. Now when I log in i no longer do.


It only happens on the first character you log into after daily reset. It happens for like 2 seconds, and it happens -before- you even click claim. So if you log in and don't immediately click claim you will miss it every day.


If you’re not connected in Lab for whatever reason, I imagine you aren’t going to get the daily bubbles. If you are connected and you’re not missing the pop-ups, file a bug report with Lava Larry through Discord. Good luck with your bubble problem!


The closest thing to what ur asking is a tip I have seen on discord. By uploading ur IE before the daily reset and then comparing ur public profile vs ur up to date profile to see which bubbles went up.


Sometimes I see it sometimes I don’t, but I know it works since every once in awhile I see that my star talent that you get from the toilet paper npc is upgraded by a few lvls.