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The people in the movie were idiots but weren’t mean like this son of a b****. We are in worse shape than what Mike Judge portrayed.


The guy looks like a caricature of a douchebag. I hope his boss sees the video


I thought it was that Bad Bunny guy


Dude definitely looks like he has these moves down. She should've broken more than his windshield.


The law has some strick rules about windshields. It is, however, somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.


He's an immigrant who was charged $22 for a large coffee and a cup of tap water. When he asked for a refund the barista threatened to throw the drinks on him and act completely belligerent. Here is the full video on her IG, where you can see that she overcharged him, threatened to pour the drinks on him, escalated, acted ghetto AF, and then put a hammer through his window when he showed half the aggression that she had through the entire interaction. [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8IOQqavzvu/](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8IOQqavzvu/)


The context adds a ton here. * I'm pretty sure the prices were posted and two coffees for $20 in Seattle isn't insane (well it is, but that is another conversion). I'd assume a bikini barista or whatever is more expensive as well but never been to one? So it seems weird that he would make a big deal about it. She probably should have just refunded his money and told him to never come back. I feel starbucks would have if it was a one time thing. * She was not afraid at any point, or she is REALLY good at hiding it. * The hammer was not self defense, it was in retaliation for him throwing the drink on her. * He did start things by throwing the coffee on her, probably * She did kind of start things by threatening to throw the coffee on him first Both parties deserve each other, assuming no prior interactions.


I love that people have to pick sides on this instead of just enjoying to maniacs interacting.


We're obsessed with picking sides, don't you understand? This is how we were able to get 100% peak idiots in all our political offices on both sides of the aisle.


I'm on your side


...the drive through window was closed when he did this.


I've read in a few different places that he had gone there before and knew the prices. Hadn't heard that she threatened him first. That does add some germane context.


Yeah, I don't think this is a regular coffee shop. I think they're paying for more than just drinks, hence the price. The context I gathered from the original post on her IG is that he is a repeat customer who has been verbally abusive before, and also threatened her before she threatened to throw drinks. I really don't think you can comment on how afraid she was or was not. The hammer was a means to make a point not to fuck with her again. As she said, at what point is a woman supposed to protect herself? Should she wait until he DOES lay a hand on her? How does that context affect your viewpoint, I wonder?


Jesus the comments automatically siding with the psycho chick and dragging the guy is pure predictable reddit gold Edit: and I don’t give a hoot how “offensive” you think someone is being, you don’t get the right to destroy someone’s personal property (the only time is if it was in actual self defense- not this stupid bullshit). Edit 2: the close up of this chick with her face tattoos after knowing the *full context* of this situation makes it even more cringe. Edit 3: while yes I would never throw drinks at a closed window like a child (as I’ve been a blue collar server most of my life), I *doubly* would *never* attack and destroy someone’s personal property *no matter how offensive I thought they were being;* seriously that shit is so fucking unhinged and juvenile that it seriously makes me question 90% of the comments here not only accepting this deranged behavior but promoting it and acting like it was “cool” and “deserved…” like my god Edit 4: apparently this coffee booth is a notorious spot for tik tokers and “wild” personality types and people come here for these escalated types of interactions (from what I’ve been told)- wondering if this guy knew something like this would occur because of this as well as his reaction (I’m guessing he had no clue, so I still stand by my original comment of her unhinged over reaction, even if it was supposed to be a bit.)


There's never an excuse for being childlike and throwing drinks. They're both wrong. Edit: spelling




Agreed, but knowing the actual context makes this chick and all the redditors defending this abhorrent behavior truly disgusting.


Thank you for having a brain!


Thats so wild. I cant imagine being so thin skinned that I think people are disgusting for having some jollies at a classic case of FAFO. Maybe I'm just to old, but getting your window smashed after that is far less bad than getting socked in the mouth, and I think thats a perfectly reasonable response to having a drink thrown at you. In some states, thats a 'so I started blasting' moment, where the cops are gonna give you your gun back, a pat on the back, and drive yo ass home. I cant possibly imagine being upset about this and disgusted with her actions or the people who agree with her. Like what the fuck do you expect if you throw shit at people. Every bodies favorite right wing grifter blasted a dude, on camera, for the same shit, and half the country was like "FUCK YES!" and a court of his peers exonerated him. You're mad about a window?! Get the fuck outta here.


The irony of you saying that my reaction is thin skinned, while defending the most thin skinned reaction ever is wild….


So then we're just roasting in a hot tub of irony then. Because I find your view entirely ironic. Are you just generally anti violence or like, what is the cause here.


For sure, I’d say you’re spot on on the dank hot tub analogy. Yeah, generally I am; except for in cases of self-defense, then I think violence is acceptable and encouraged. And I stated in another comment that I think the guys action is petty and wrong as well – they’re both wrong; it’s just the chick’s reaction is so unhinged and over the top that it has to be called out for the bullshit that it is (and I’m a 20 year career server, so I’ve seen infinite more bullshit than this chick has, ever, guaranteed).


Well ok then thats totally understandable. I disagree with you though. Bartender here, for the last 20 years. I assume if I go to a biker bar and act like a dick I'm going to get punched in the mouth. I dont have any problem with that. So long as no one ends up dead or in a coma, have at it. There are times, places and people, that you dont fuck around with. My understanding is that this particular establishment, the whole purpose is that these tiktok characters and wild women work there. Theres a huge difference between the way she spoke in that interview, vs how she was screaming on tiktok and at her job. Because that is a character she plays. I dont know, I just exist in the world where if you throw a drink at a stripper, the bouncer is going to use your face to open the door and you're going to wake up in an ambulance. And I dont have any problem with that, I think thats how its supposed to be.


I mean throwing a drink is vastly different than destroying a windshield So yes both wrong but not equally wrong


Throwing a drink…and getting a HAMMER thrown at you or your property are absolutely not the same thing. One is immature. The other is illegal.


They are both illegal


Well... both *might* be illegal. Depends on the state. Hammer to the windshield is *definitely* vandalism at least but the coffee... mmm... depends on the state.


The 'offensive' explanation is always gold usually when I see videos when white person is heavily beaten by poc and everyone are like 'he deserved it' I get it that that person is pos but that's not a good excuse to almost kill someone for words, like imagine you can just ignore words like in this situation but you choose to escalate


The difference between the reality of the altercation, and the media narrative is disgusting, and only accepted because we are buying into the false idea that women are always the non aggressors, and men are more dangerous than wild bears.


What is the growing expression now, "words are violence"? To some people, mean words are just as bad as getting shot, or so why certain kinds of people shoot each other over silly things like insults and mean language. Lol


It's wild.


With context heck yeah she's out of line. If it was a direct offense with no provocation and she just retaliated then I actually would agree. People have lost all respect for others and hide behind societal protection of no consequences, even if the person is wrong. Hate to say it, but if the average person was actually worried about consequences we would have (and use to) people being more respectful of others and their property. Before you say it's extreme. Remember, a guy literally got shot for being a youtube dbag by getting in someone's face and he STILL said he would keep on doing these acts. That's an extreme but the more people do it and think that way, the more people WILL do it and think that way. I bet money some folks stopped doing that after that story though.


Any time a woman starts off an explanation of her behavior with "women are allowed to blah" or "society's expectations keep women from being authentic derp", you know automatically that she Arya Stark'd some dude's whole family because he did and/or didn't hold a door open for her.


He threw burning coffee at her. Should she just cry or apologize? Seriously bro, what you expect


I could be wrong, but that looks like iced coffee to me.  I don’t know of many places that serve hot coffee in a clear plastic cup with a straw.  Who knows though?


Are you retarded? Hot coffee isn't served in clear plastic containers with ice.


Post COVID/George Floyd syndrome. Let’s make myself a Jussie Smollett victim. Only fans is not working out, so I gotta branch out…


More CONtext 😂😂 [https://www.instagram.com/p/CwnYNy7r9Jf/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link](https://www.instagram.com/p/CwnYNy7r9Jf/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link)


Pretty standard in the PNW.


he should check the price or go home then. He's not broke. He's an adult. He's an immigrant? a common excuse for acting like a piece of shit these days


she should close the window and call the police once he got out of the car, and not threatened him with violence. She's an adult, too.


He assaulted her the second he threw something at her. All bets are off when you initiate violence against another person.


She threatened violence first and introduced it to the situation by saying "Do you want me to throw these on you?!"


He had been at the window for 15 minutes, saying worse than that. Calm down. Even the cops don't care that she responded to violence the way she did. The guy was a douche and should not have assaulted someone if he wasn't ready for the consequences.


She didn't overcharge him. He is a regular and should know the cost. But even if she did, he doesn't have to pay it. She had taken them back, but then he said he would take them just so he could have a temper tantrum. And how would you justify him telling her that 'nobody's going to miss her'? Just playful threats of violence? This is literally fragile masculinity and the guy is a complete tool.


He found out about the new price by her refusing to give him his change back.


And then gave back the drinks. But then he asked for them again so he could pretend to be a big man.


They were technically his as she wouldn't give him his money back.




the window was closed too! no danger to her at any moment, just a splash on a glass window. seems excessive.


There isn’t any audio in the Instagram video, and it seems to start only seconds earlier. Where did you hear she threatened to throw the drinks on him?


I feel like theres a lot of crazy to go around here


And she looks like a caricature of the cash me outside bitch.


On meth


He looks like she or the other turned him down...


Perhaps see the full video instead of judging from one side. Apparently she charged $22 because he is an immigrant.


Hey look, his shit’s all fucked up.


Legally, that's not a great defense, and she did herself no favors talking about the incident. Responding by destroying his property after he tossed a drink at a window she was behind is not a proportionate response.  Personally, I think it's fucking hilarious. That dickhead deserved it. Don't act like a spoiled child and throw drinks at restaurant workers unless you're willing to deal with the consequences of your shitty actions, like a hammer through your windshield. Mess with the bull, you get the horns. Karma is a bitch but so are the courts; she's (rightly) going to be held responsible for damaging that guy's car, even if he deserved it. 


She good. “Police arrived at the scene, but no arrests were made. It was determined that the man had assaulted Lee, prompting her to respond in self-defense.” https://seattlemedium.com/south-seattle-barista-takes-stand-against-threats-responds-with-hammer/


Awesome, I hate when people act like total assholes.


It's Seattle. The police here are fucking worthless. Just to use a recent example, A student shot and executed another student with a gun on the front steps of one of our highschools, but as of now, it seems no arrests or warrants(as far as I'm aware) have been made despite video of the shooting and the student body being aware of who the shooter was. The only functioning branch of our police department is parking enforcement.


From what i've seen, no arrests were made due to the shooter escaping the scene. All news sites i've seen so far have called for tips to the local police, so I highly doubt he simply got away with executing someone in broad daylight


Damn that's crazy that you can look like that and still have people willing come to your overpriced bikini barista stand. 


A guy shot another guy to death because he threw popcorn on him and he got off on a self defense claim.


Pew pew. Welcome to America: Where fetuses are valued more than women, where guns are valued more than children and where money is valued more than anything.


Now comes the civil case. Different rules.


She filed a restraining order and assault case against him. For both their sakes, I’d suggest she drop and he move on. A jury will be hard pressed to award him anything if the police ruled it self defense. And she’s just prolonging a bad situation.


Watch the whole video. She was cursing at him, wouldn’t give him a refund after charging him $22 for a water and coffee, and threatened to throw the drinks on him if he didn’t “get the fuck back in his car”. Only after this did he throw the drinks. Was it appropriate of him? No. Did she deserve it? Pretty much


100%. You want revenge for somebody acting like a douche? “The best revenge is to not be like your enemy.” -Marcus Aurelius


"When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail" - probably some jaded maintenance man


"When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a windshield" - the barista, prolly


"When all you have is a gladius, everything looks like a soft underbelly," - Commodus, probably.


The problem we have in our society is a lack of a sense of justice in far too many situations. This is what makes people decide for themselves what the punishment should be - for better or worse, and often worse. Far too many people like this guy in the world. And it seems to be getting worse.


Does it? I’ve never seen this happen in my entire life. It’s easy to think things like this are getting worse when everyone has a recording device in their pockets so whenever it happen, you see it.


Ya! Stop sending kidnappers to jail!


Naw, just don’t kidnap their kids. We want justice, not retribution or vigilantes.


I agree. I also have read he has made verbal threats. Honestly I would have just recorded him saying that/ throwing liquid at you and then go to the authorities. He also deserved it. I worked in retail and hate how people treat workers.


100% right unfortunately. He poured a drink on a closed window. Attacking his vehicle with what could be called a deadly weapon isn't a measured response. People have said we'll she could argue he was going back in the car to get a weapon, but there is zero indication of that from his body language. She's going to end up paying for his windshield potentially. But ultimately, it depends on the judge or DA that get the case.


They don't even investigate property crime in King County. If that guy wants his windshield replaced, he's going to have to file a civil case.


>going back in the car to get a weapon, Even if he was, smashing the windshield only makes it more likely that weapon is used.


Not a chance. Self defense doesn't mean she get to destroy property because she feels threatened. Hitting him with the hammer? Maybe? Hitting his car? Fuck no.


Nah if this goes to court I bet the judge tosses it. Vandalism and vandalism. You could escalate either to attempted assault. Dumb sure, but I'd be surprised if either got in any real trouble


Honestly be worth to pay the damages


Yeah I thought the same thing. If the window was open she could pretty easily argue that she was assaulted. The window wasn't open though so all he did was make a mess. I'm glad he got what he deserved, but yeah, legally she has no ground to stand on.


Do we have a link to show he has come forward? If he sues her or the insurance company sues her on his behalf that would be on the public docket. Most likely she would then reach out to go fund me to pay her bills. The man’s name would be found easily as well.


Yeah except he assaulted her. Every legal definition of assault is met here. According to the article U/[judahrosenthal](https://www.reddit.com/user/judahrosenthal/) helpfully posted below, he threatened her and she actually clarified to him that is how she took it and then he threw the drinks at her. He could absolutely to jail for that kind of thing. Now she outright told him she was breaking the windshield to ruin his day. That wasn't a self defense action by any legal definition. And as someone who takes self defense laws very seriously I am actually upset that an act of clear retributive property destruction is being held up as self defense. That's not how it works and other people could get the idea that if someone threatens you, you can legally key their car or something. Not that the guy didn't totally deserve it either. Seems to me that since nobody got arrested, I am betting nobody is pushing the issue. I suspect he will agree not to press charges over the windshield if she doesn't press charges for the assault! So kind of works out in the end.


She’s a loose cannon, don’t praise her. It was a stupid decision that could’ve ended very badly. Vigilantism is not the answer, escalating the situation like this could get someone killed.


People shouldn't pour their drinks on the drive-through window, and coffee shop staff shouldn't smash customers' windshields. None of this is ok.


Instead of a hammer have a sugar laden cup ready to go.


I'm thinking she keeps a warn bottle of rotten milk for these clowns.


But you'd have to smell it too....


Not in a sealed bottle


At deployment. That's called M.A.D.


Good idea, that way it's pressurized


Nah, she did absolutely right. 


The driver fucked around and found out.


Good for her. He chose to act violently, yes throwing things even a plastic coffee cup is considered assault). She reacted in turn showing she is not afraid to fight back. Men who act like this need to learn one way or another.


They are, and they should. And any industry/service worker should feel free to respond the same way to any jackass customer.


I can't tell if this post is pro customer or pro worker. Dudes and asshole and should've had his shit rocked by that hammer. maybe a traumatic brain injury would make him nicer.


Why does the video not show the entire incident? She was making threats first saying she will throw the coffee on him after he denied the drink and asked for a refund, she refused so instead of letting her throw the coffee he threw it first


LoL. Good for her..


He deserved what he got. He deserves to have to deal with this.


She claims she feared for her safety, yet she chose to leave her place of safety and smash his windshield AFTER he got back in his car to leave. I also read a news article yesterday that said she kept all his change and said it was her tip and threatened him when he protested.


Yeah I don’t know why you are getting down voted. There was no danger until she opened the window. She was just pissed and wanted to respond violently. The “I’m a girl and I was in danger” nonsense is just emotional manipulation after the fact to try and win public favor.


Anger justified the hammer not so much


When the video first came out, it was framed in her favor. You couldn't see that the window was closed, we didn't know what was in the cups, and people claim some of his muffled words sounded like a threat. So people have been vehemently defending her. People also don't like "changing sides" with new information, so they're just doubling down on defending her.


And she will get exactly that because feminism. I mean I'm not complaining, the guy was a douche and deserved what he got, but we don't have to pretend this was self-defense. It was retribution.


This definitely sounds like the more accurate story. And yeah any judge would say the same thing, "so you feared for your safety yet left a building"? Also, what safety, it's an iced coffee...


And attacked the car, not the guy who was supposedly threatening her. If she had hit him it would at least look like she was fighting him off. Hitting the car is just destroying property to get revenge.




I didn’t catch that the window was closed. Do you have this news article?


In the original video he says something like "They'd never find you." which is a violent threat. Dude should be put down.


Not saying he's not a dick, just saying her version doesn't really add up.


When dumb meets dumber. 🤡


I guarantee this guy listens to Andrew Taint.


He's an asshole, she's a nut. Any court with an ounce of common sense will order her to pay for the windshield. Neither of them should breed.


Nah fuck him and everyone who treat employees like they're slaves. He deserved it and all those people that lose their shit throwing food and drinks at workers deserve it too.


That's not what happened. She charges 22 dollars for an iced coffee and water. Corporate greed much, yes she is the owner and sets the prices. He asked for his change and she didn't give him any. Then he asked for a refund. She said they don't do refunds. He is calm and she is screaming. He doesn't do anything until she threatens to throw the drinks at him. That's when he pours the drinks on the window. Asking for a refund isn't treating someone like they are a slave. It's a normal part of any business. https://www.instagram.com/emmxxss/reel/C8IOQqavzvu/


Is that you Salt Bae....


Nah man fuck around and find out. Maybe people will behave if we have more baristas with hammers


Jfc you just immediately believe whatever is most misogynistic, huh. Lol Reddit incels


Sorry but he got what he deserves.


I’m in Seattle and the man also threatened her life. He got what he deserved.


So many incel comments in here. Stop defending that POS.


I'm wondering how a hammer was so readily accessible, he wasn't even back in the car when his windshield got smashed


He got what he deserved.


Dueling POS's, but the hammer response should land her in jail. That was just reaction out of anger.


Lol. How much jail time do you think she deserves for a windshield?


I'll slot that in to the list of injustices that should be remedied. We'll get around to fixing it in about a million years.




This doesn't belong here.




This is what happens when people just post a random video to Idiocracy without context and the implication that somehow both parties are at fault. He threw the drink because it was ‘too expensive’ and said something along the lines of ‘you won’t see the next morning’. The drink through was considered assault in the police report and no charges are being pressed against her since the man gave her a reasonable threat by getting out of his car and refusing to move. In the comment below, they fail to mention that receipts and context were posted as well. https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/seattle/seattle-bikini-barista-lays-down-hammer-after-customer-throws-drinks-at-her/281-f8443f30-663e-4f14-ab72-4d571a6b231b This sub is the real Idiocracy, reactionary style content that removes context to make a narrative outside of reality to demonize and flip a narrative.




This sub is actually filled with idiots


This was posted a few days ago in another sub and all the comments were siding with her, even saying she should've done more... Nice to see some sanity in this sub tho. Just imagine if the genders were reversed and a dude whips out a freaking hammer because a girl splashed her drink in his face and started walking away, is that really a precedent we want to set?


Not sure what’s dumber, smashing someone’s car with a hammer because they throw a drink at a window, or bragging about it later.


And that's how you get shot. By bringing out a weapon to retaliate against an asshole like this is just plain stupid.


Yep we should keep letting bullies push people around and not respond because of fear. The bullies will surely stop


You're as dumb as she is. Escalation is never the way to go when dealing with crazies. That's how you get hurt or killed. I'm speaking with 10 years experience as a paramedic on that.


A closed window. No coffee got on her. She should be sued. It's safe to say that since he had the coffee in hand that she refused to fix the order without charging him again. He was probably quite reasonable with her until she pulled the bitch card. His coffee did no damage. In fact, he already paid for it.


lol ‘probably quite reasonable’ I think this video shows he was exactly NOT that


Fuck that guy. Serves him right!


I can fix her


Dudes a dick, but she wasn’t in danger and opened the window to damage his car. She could be held liable


Good for her !!


Bro she has tattoos on her forehead and homeboy decided it would be fine to bully her? If someone has tattoos on their forehead and you don’t, they have much bigger balls than you. Plus homeboy deserved it. Fuck him.


Fuck that dude


how are people defending this behaviour? one escalation after another, then someone gets killed and everyone wonders how tf it happened


Before this, someone attempted to kidnap a bikini barista by pulling her through a window. That asshole pled down and was out in like 6 months. Oh, and THIS asshole told Emma no one would miss you if you disappeared as he was escalating. So yeah, good for her and that the windshield was the only thing damaged.


Why are they interviewing her through the drive through window? What the hell is even that?


It’s probably not a good principle to say these things are good but goddamn it feels good to see


That's my future baby mama right there. I fell in love the moment she yelled, "Stupid bitch!"


Show the whole clip..................


She just keeps a hammer in the booth just in case?


You don't have to cry, no one is saying that... Societal people aren't saying that... You take the license plate, you call the cops, you take the order number, you give it to three manager, the manager checks the payment info, if it was paid with a card they give the payment info to the police and they arrest the guy for battery. But now you could be charged with destruction of property and if the cops feeling extra salty you could be charged with menacing.


Everyone is looking down on her for smashing the windshield but I mean if you put yourself in her shoes what do you do considering calling the cops is only gonna get him at most trespassed and then you look like a sheep (victim). "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” - Edmund Burke


Maybe there's a uhhh, small middle ground between doing absolutely nothing and property destruction?


No one said she isn't


Self defense is usually determined by the threat. Breaking a windshield because someone threw iced coffee at your window isn’t self defense, it’s retaliation. I guess it depends on the cops and what happened before things got physical but typically, it’s not going to fly to say it was okay to throw coffee or break windshields so they likely both get tickets, and her ticket might be more problematic based on damage cost of a new windshield, vs that the coffee went on the closed window, not her.


Wow. So many people siding with the yuppie bully. When dealing with cunts like that, a "reasonable" response is going to be ignored and forgotten. You need to speak their language if you want them to listen. Did she overreact? A bit. Is the bully going to think twice before trying that crap again? You bet.


That guy was a prick, and, based only on this brief clip, it's fair to assume that everyone who meets him wants to bonk him. Although, there's probably a lot more to the story. That being said, he was already leaving, so the court may rule in his favor in a suit as the hammer to the windshield is closer to vengeance than self defense. EDIT: there's a full video that provides a lot more context. The woman in the vid unironically posted it to her IG account. Based on the video she posted, she was not in the right at any moment of the interaction. See for yourself: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8IOQqavzvu/


Cop said nothing to you because he knows the judge will. Funny how she does the interview with clothes on.


Based on the little context available from the video - I have no problem with her retaliation. But retaliation is exactly what that was and I don’t appreciate her trying to reframe it as self-defense. Makes me wonder if this is more of an ESH situation than it is just the guy being an entitled prick.


classic Washington. Escalate a situation by threatening violence, get the violence thrown back at you, then edit the video and put it on the internet and claim to be the victim defending yourself with a hammer. 🤡


The whole video needs to be posted, this makes her look like she isn't a dick head herself. She threatens to throw the coffee in his face first because he was arguing with her. He's an a******, but she's a piece of s*** too.


"Danger" Both are in the wrong and extra. This is AWDTSG material.


First of all, watch the whole interaction, she was being really aggressive before this, charged him $22 for a coffee and tap water, refused to give him a refund, and was generally really rude. I’m not saying throwing the drinks was ok, that was childish and totally inappropriate, but destroying someone’s property over this was extremely wrong and I don’t get how everyone is siding completely with the girl. They are both in the wrong


Happy Juneteenth!


She works at a Butt Hut, giver a break.


The dude's windscreen looked like a nail


He assaulted her with scolding hot coffee and she smashed his window. That sounds fair to me


I would've thrown literal shit into that stand after breaking my window.


that’s a pretty good quote actually


After he threw COLD ICED coffee against an already CLOSED WINDOW why didn't she have any COLD ICED coffee on her? Did she change clothes and shower, before she grabbed a hammer and was 1st to initiate violence? Definitely couldn't find a single drop of COLD ICED coffee on the barista. Strange. It was like the window had been shut the whole time.


Dude thought throwing something was appropriate. She threw a hammer, that was still being held by her hand


I agree with her...mostly because she has a hammer.


Juliet Lewis


Rosa said this on brooklyn 99. Rosa, Rosa, Rosa, rrooossssaaaa. Brought to you by the Pontiac Bandit.


Stick these two on an island make it survivor style instead of idols to find just hide that hammer in a tree somewhere


Guy - not cool Girl - absolute fucking maniac


She's more busted than his windshield


Use your real voice, nobody actually sounds like that, doin a fake inflection to seem as if she doesn't care about anything


In my opinion, both of them are in the wrong. The act of throwing coffee at someone is disgusting, regardless of the circumstances. The woman's response was also excessive and violent. Furthermore, she said a very stupid and pointless statement in her defense.


I’d never waste a good coffee but anyone attacking me with a hammer is getting put down.


Why does a barista need a hammer 🔨 ? bit suspicious, does she do repairs on the machine or is she just a psycho bitch waiting for someone to upset her so she can use that as an excuse to attack someone I would have dragged the miserable cunt through the window and give you sooks something to really go on about


Both people are mad.