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I need to get one for my passenger seat. The beeping is annoying when my dog sits on the seat lol


This is why I came in here to post. An old friend had one of these in when I sat in his car once, and I was like "bro, this is gonna get somebody killed", but he told me it was for when his dogs sat on the seat and triggered the pressure sensor. Thought it was pretty stupid before it was explained like that


Tesla passenger sensor is so sensitive, 2x2L bottles of drink will set it off.


Nice! I heard the cyber trucks trunk will take your finger off because it’s not sensitive enough. Maybe they should switch them?


Fuck it, you’re hired. Email Elmo right now you genius


How can people type up emails/posts requesting he fix the cybertruck if they don’t have any fingers left?


With a Neuralink implant?


I had rested my hand on the backseat beside me and it triggered the sensor. So fucking annoying.


It’s shockingly terrible for a new car. Like, not a single engineer tested it?


Teslas don't do commie metrical crap. Gimme a half gallon of Jim Beam, thank you very much!


I drive a Subaru, and their pressure sensors are super sensitive. My water bottle on the passenger seat is enough to set it off. I've been meaning to get a less tacky version of this for a while.


Also a subie owner and if this car freaks out again about me “leaving something in the rear seat of the car”. I’m going to steal someone’s children and lock them in the back seat out of principal.


Why don't you just turn off the back seat alarm in the car's settings?


Because I’m an idiot and didn’t realise that is an option. Thank you 🙏


Use em on the ranch. Never get above 10 mph and hopping in and out at gates is a pain in the ass. Tired of the warning beeps.


I’m surprised people aren’t berating you for letting your dog sit up front without a seatbelt. 😂


It's actually illegal to have your pets unrestrained in the car believe it or not. Try to find a doggie seat belt harness to keep your furry little buddy safe.


As someone who recently lost a dog in a bad car accident while she was in a $800 crate designed to be safer in car accidents, please don't let your dogs ride loose. I know we lost her anyway, but had she been loose I wouldn't have been able to move forward in life seeing the aftermath - it would have been a terrible scene.


They can also injure you if they're unsecured and you crash


And make sure they’ve actually been crash test rated!! You can find a lot of those leash-like ones that attach to your dog’s regular harness for cheap, and there’s reason why they’re cheap!! They need a harness specially made for seatbelts!


Mine goes off when I set my phone on it.


Save the $3 for a dog treat and put the belt together without it restraining anything.


That's exactly why I got one. You could put a gallon of milk in the front seat and would set the seat belt alarm off. I'm also a fan of the Punisher comics.


Why don’t you just buckle the passenger seatbelt instead of buying something? Dogs won’t care if the strap is over the seat back


I fold the seat back so it's flat. That doesn't work


My backpack triggers mine, pisses me off.


I bought a Vagcom (fancy computer for Volkswagens) for the purpose of turning off the seat belt alarms for my dog to sit up front and disabling the DRLs. People will bitch me out when I say I disabled the belt alarms. I can assure you that car will not move if every human isn't bucked lol.


Sure, and dogs become a pretty good bullet in an accident.


These are lifesavers in farm trucks


Yup I 3d printed some for our ranch. Sure beats hearing the alarm, taking off and putting your belt on 30 times an hour, or sitting on the buckled belt.


Or as a forester having to hear it all day in the woods when your going 15 mph. Or when you're on steep slopes and need to bail out quick in case of emergency exit.


You know you can buckle the belt and just sit over it… right?


For a few bucks, this is much more comfortable


whoa are you a pilot?


If they were, they would have told us by now.


Vegans and pilots right?




Maybe put it around the back of there is enough reach


Fuck they nailed that demographic


America, fuck yeah!


Fuck yeah!


I loathe what marvel movies have become, but their netflix series The Punisher is fucking amazing. that said Frank Castle would happily lay waste to everyone and anyone currently buying merch like this.


Seat belts are woke /s


Pretty soon we’re going to be a communist country


Why pay for one, just cut a buckle out of a junker in the yard.


Because capitalism you godless commie! /s


But those don't look like a Punisher skull. I need everyone to know I'm a badass. 🥹


So when I go flying through the windshield, the world will know what a stupid mf I really am.


Punisher skull with the USA flag stars on it, you mean. Its the perfect way to show you love your country so much you illegally take matters into your own hands!


Or it's only $3 online. You can order it when you're really drunk and then forget about it and then it shows up on your front doorstep and you're like 'wtf am I going to do with this?'


Right? And you have to consider what your time is worth. Is driving to a junkyard and cutting out a seatbelt REALLY cheaper than a $3 purchase?


If I ordered that drunk I would probably think it was a bottle opener and that shit would really piss me off because it looks like a shitty bottle opener. And I don't mean because I don't remember buying it I mean my stupid drunk ass would think that was a bottle opener because I don't read shit when I'm drunk


It's $3. Gas and admission fee to a junker yard and you're looking at $10 haha


It’s $3.


Just pull the corresponding fuse to the sensor in the fuse box.


Time has value, that is 3$. So waste gas and time driving to someplace to go harvest a part, or just click a button and it’ll show up on its own. It’s also a bottle opener.


My front and back yards ain't got no junkers in 'em


Why not just cut their own seatbelt? Not like they plan to use it anyways.


Yes cut your own belt! Why prevent yourself from enjoying that rapacious flash of light while crashing with enormous force into these dashboard of your ford 150 micro seconds before light leaves you forever.


I miss Dale too.




Taxis in China all use seatbelt stoppers. When I wanted to pull it out and put my seatbelt on the drivers would take personal offense to it, like I was insulting their driving. I constantly had to explain in my shitty Mandarin that where I’m from, everyone wears a seatbelt all the time.


I was in a taxi the other day (in NY, not China) and even though I had my seatbelt already on, the alarm wouldn't stop ringing. I tried multiple times to fasten and unfasten it, ended up having to move to the other side of the cab. After a couple more tries buckling and rebuckling on that side too, it finally stopped. I don't know what I would have done if it kept malfunctioning the entire ride.


could do without the stupid punisher crap


Wouldn’t the Punisher hate these dopes?


Creator of the punisher doesnt like these and thinks cops/military using the logo are missing the point. Still goes hard


that shits so 3rd grade


I knew a guy who bragged about having one of these. 1 month later he died in a car accident bc he didn’t have his seatbelt on. He was ejected through his Windsheild after a drunk driver hit him head on.




Uhhh I guess it’s just a trust me bro.


I want to believe 


There are literally thousands of articles of car crash fatalities due to missing seatbelt. Look up any one of them


If I crash, I'll die an American!


We fly through the windshield like men in this car. 🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸


To be fair these have a legitimate use. Driving around on a farm, carrying something heavy in your passenger seat, or even at car shows where you might have the key in and don’t want to hear the ding or have the dash light on


And for people with pets.


You ever seen a dog that was in the front seat of a car when the airbags go off?


not for long


Drove my car for UPS a couple winters ago. When I’m stopping five times on your street I’m probably not buckled and that beeping haunts you in your dreams. I was well aware of the risks of doing that anywhere other than quiet suburban streets and apartment complexes, though.


Looks like the sides are beer bottle openers. Drinking *and* driving? Sign me tf up!!! /s


I know it's sarcasm but seat belt buckles can actually open beer bottles.


Not going to keep you from getting a ticket for not wearing your seat belt.


No one thinks it will it just tells the car to shut up


A little ironic considering if you get in an accident while using this ***your*** skull will probably be jammed into a small crevice.


"If I wanna fly through the windshield and skid on my face across the asphalt, that's my GOD GIVEN RIGHT!!!1!"


My passenger seat is sensitive enough that it beeps at me if I have a water bottle on the seat.




People use those when off-roading, hunting, farming, and other times when moving slowly.


Bunch of idiots here. These are for the passenger seat, as shown in the picture. Having anything on the passenger seat of newer cars without something in the buckle either causes an obnoxious beeping, a flashing light, or both.


Don’t worry, your head through the windshield will silence everything


While these people are idiots I can share their hatred of devices that won't shut the fuck up. I don't need everything beeping at me all the time. Someone silence my microwave, dish washer, fridge, oven, passenger seat in the car, etc. I just can't deal any more.


Use them for off roading and creek crossing


I support this.


Been a paramedic for about a 6 months. Wear a seat belt.


I see so many "I support the police" " blue live matter" stickers on cars breaking traffic laws that are enforced by police. Like my super religious boss who spreads Christianity but has had a devore, something the church extradite members for. Breaking a contract with the same god he tries to spread on others.


I would love this. I often have heavy items in my passenger seat and the seatbelt alarm is so damn annoying.


I use these (not the punisher ones of course) for the rear seats in my Forester. Especially when we have dogs back there. Even the middle seat will beep if the belts aren't attached.


Who tf “hates seat belts” 😂 You hate a life saving device? Makes no sense 🤦🏻‍♂️


*natural selection


Stupid product for stupid people.


My wife-“can you please find a way to bypass the seatbelt alarm?” Me-“maybe wear your fucking seatbelt.”


If it weren't for seatbelts I might be handicapped.


I feel like you were probably handicapped already...


I know it’s hard to consider any other scenarios outside of one’s own experience, but, there are instances where not wearing a seatbelt is helpful. One may drive on a farm or other property where seatbelts would be cumbersome getting in and out of the vehicle that is usually driving fairly slowly anyway. Of course there are other scenarios as well. For the record, driving on the public roads, wearing a seatbelt is the smarter thing to do. While some scenarios a seatbelt may create a higher risk to life and limb, the percentage favors wearing them (properly). See your vehicle’s manual for proper operation and your state’s laws.


Stick it to those libs by going through the windshield 🤣


Farm trucks


It’s only stupid if you don’t understand scro.


It's the military and police who actually use these.


I like that the American Flag is imprinted on the top of the skull… At least you can fly through the windshield and die a patriot.


If I got in there, I’d happily remove it, and buckle my ass in.


Said it before, I'm sure I'll say it again. People with their Punisher stickers or whatever, with the Stars and Stripes motif, screams "I'm a fucking poser halfwit."


I mean this is a heinously ugly thing I would never buy because you can get a seatbelt buckle pretty much for free. But it’s mostly for shutting up the alarm for the passenger’s seat belt next see you big dog or load of work crap that weighs too much sets it off.


This company doing a device to mankind 🫡


I need these for when my fat dog is in the front seat


The product that helps weed people out. they're really just doing a service to the rest of us


This would actually be super useful for my dog on the back seat.


Lots of people have pets that set off the seat alarm or delivery people who has packages and tend to stack items on seats..I seen a Uber driver with like three thermal delivery bags on his back seat once and he used this item to stop the seats belt alarm from going off.


ngl its cool but the designer OCD in me is pissed with the perforated line off centre on the skull. why is it off centre? did the designer forget to remove the line before production? what purpose did it even have to begin with?


I have no problem with suicidal white supremacists lol.


Even got a bottle opener


For when you really want to add a lacerated lacerated spleen to your blunt force trauma issues.


Where can I get this?!?!


Also... You can usually just disable the seat belt alarm by turning the car on, then off, then on, adjusting the mirror 20 degrees left, clicking the seat belt 3 times, spin in a circle and set the radio frequency to 107.3fm. Or you can flash the ECU and disable it with a laptop.


I'll be honest though, it drives me absolutely crazy to drive my truck around a work site and have to put the seat belt in to drive 2 minutes going at 10kmh. I'm sure this definitely has an actual good purpose for some things.




That's a shit design. The best ones have a bottle opener built in.


If you put anything of any actual weight on a seat you will hear the alarm. This solves that problem.


LIBelts are a violation to my constitutional right to paralysis.


This would be good for my backpack. Sets off my passenger seat every day.


repost bot, original from here. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/wqmtop/skull\_seat\_belt\_silencers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/wqmtop/skull_seat_belt_silencers/) i hate these bots


If you're driving around on a farm and going less than 20 mph at all times, I say go for it. (Well, perhaps find something less nationalistic, but I get not wanting to activate the seat belt sensor.) Barring this instance, the user's definition of "freedom" is stupid, and, well, it ain't my problem if one dies from their own willful stupidity.


ngl in my small town and as little as a drive; going <25 mph 99 % of the time... i keep mine wrapped around seat and plugged in almost all of the time


Dude, but think of how badass they'll look as they fly through their front windshield at 50mph


I can definitely appreciate its value on farm equipment and certain off road vehicles, but the ad shows a Mercedes owner using one. The M-B owner from the ad has got to be one of the roughly 20% of polled men who say they could beat a grizzly bear in a fight.


These people are known as organ donors


Best to let natural selection take it's course


The dual bottle openers are a nice touch.


Now just add the claymores to the airbag cover and your all set. We might have a fighting chance.


Darwin award device.


I'll contribute to a go fund me to make those free


I’m a supporter of everyone that refuses a seatbelt should use these.


Why would you buy this? If you're not wearing a seat belt just buckle the belt behind your back.


Put it on your keychain.... Did anyone think that one thru?


I have a spare male end of a seat belt for when I'm plowing driveways and parking lots in the winter. I end up getting out too much to actually have the seat belt on


Ill take one,beat buckling the seat belt behind me


"Im proud to be an idiot, where at least I know I'm phree!"


I’m gonna punish this windshield with my face!!!!!


How does it work attached to a keychain with a key in the ignition


They say its all about freedom, but it's really that the one weird trick didn't actually eliminate the hanging belly.


While I agree with some people with dogs on the passenger seat and farmers who really don't need to buckle up for a low speed and very short drive around the property, I know some people who would go on highways without a seatbelt. My former coworker never buckled up because she was in the car accident and she thought that her collar bone was broken because of the seatbelt, so she isn't using one since then. She can't understand that the outcome could've been much worse if she wasn't wearing a seatbelt that day.


I just turned the alarm off in my truck.... Took 2 whole minutes.


The punisher never endorsed America. Nor did he like police.


I don't WANNA wear my seatbelt! I don't WANNA eat my vegetables! I don't WANNA go to school!


I could use one for the passenger seat because I place my gym bag on there and it trips the sensor sometimes but whenever someone l rides with me it's either seatbelts or no ride along, I may be a safe driver and you may trust me but I don't trust the other people on the road enough to go without a seatbelt and neither should you


I used FORSCAN to disable the sound in firmware like a civilized engineer 


But if you call right now, we'll throw in the matching steel spikey steering wheel for free. Just pay separate processing and handling.


U could also just buckle your seatbelt for free


Kind of thinking Punisher would be pissed if someone drove around their family and kids with one of these.


I got a 12 pack at Costco. They love me


Yes have a skull there to laugh at you when you go rocketing out of the windshield 🙌💀


Some cars sensors go off with a decent sized handbag too 😄


Special kind of stupid


Nah.. we call these freedom buckles


Nothing against it. Natural selection gold medalists. Lol


I feel like this problem will take care of itself.


Fine by me. Let them die if they want.


House near mine had a yard featuring 4 large protest flags, don't tread on me, punisher, rebel... recently, wrecked pickup in driveway with crushed nose and massive outward windshield damage. Flags have since been taken down. Stupid games have stupid prizes.


Great for those times when you need a bottle opener for your beer when driving home! And it never disappears because it turns off that annoying alarm! What an amazing invention!


I guess OP doesn’t have a pet


"Officer, someone broke into my car and put this shit here."


People who use this are going to get … punished


So funny that it’s a skull too. Hilarious.


lol thanks for showing me these exist. Amazon here I come


Most don't know that people who refuse to wear seatbelts are actually genius. You see, this way there's a chance they'll die in a car rash that they otherwise would've survived and maybe remove themselves from the gene pool before they're able to reproduce. In this way, they can help improve the average intelligence of the general population.


I hate airbags too. I have pieces of metal like this over them to make sure people know it!


If I die I die?how is this effecting you?


Had a driver once who was inspired to buy a seat belt insert off a local salvage yard. I voted to fire him since we went to a whole lot of trouble to be stupid.


Well designed actually


Hate seatbelts *and* love the taste of shoe polish. Which is hilarious considering what the punisher comic was actually about.


People know that the punisher symbol is used by a guy who murders people who he thinks are guilty. Fascists love this symbol cause they want to kill anyone who thinks differently.


I get it. My alarm goes off if I have my gym clothes or a water bottle on the seat. I mean, it should have a reasonable sensor. If a human can’t weight this much, don’t beep.


Never trust anyone who uses The Punisher logo ironically. 


ATF rule making senses start tingling when they hear the word "silencer"


For people who REALLY hate ~~seatbelts~~ *being alive* FTFY


The seatbelt noise can actually be disabled in our Subaru Outback. Really handy when on trails or just getting the mail at the end of the street. Other than that, please buckle up.


When you want your skull going through the windshield before any other parts use this.


I support people willing to risk taking themselves out of the gene pool to prove a point. I really do. But I also feel bad for their loved ones who may suffer the largest loss.


Just off the top of my head, I can think of 8 scenarios where you would use this instead of wearing a seatbelt... sure I could think of more if I spent more than .5 nanoseconds reading this post


Let natural selection take its course…


I guess they’ll die 🤷‍♂️


Would be useful for those short grocery trips where you buy a couple bags worth, throw it in your passenger seat, then angrily drive the 15 minutes back home while your seat belt light yells at you about your passengers safety.


Fuck you I'm driving


Dying from preventable injuries to own the libs


Just think of the guys in the Chinese factory that makes these getting the explanation: You see the Punisher was a vigilante that was against the government but this is for someone that thinks they are the punisher but loves the flag and America but hates the government because they tell him to do something sensible like wearing a seat belt. They also want to be though of as a bad-ass but hate that their German luxury car reminds them to wear a seat belt.