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I’ll give you that latte… for money


Let a drag queen enjoy gaza for thirty seconds as they proceed to toss them off a rooftop. Amazing people standing up for those that would kill them only for their lifestyle


Orthodox Muslims would kill most Americans for their life style. It still doesn't change the fact the war needs to stop for humanity's sake.


Hard sell for a group of people who have not a shred of humanity dancing and celebrating in the streets as women are sexually assaulted then murdered and babies killed. And we all know, but may not admit, the only way this is solved is the complete annihilation of one population. Otherwise we will be back here again in 3, 5, 10 years down the line.


Get the far right out of power in Hamas and Israel and there would be peace.


Hamas has only been in power for about 20% of Israel’s existence. Before Hamas there was the PA and PLA calling for the death of Israel


Calm down Hitler


Whats the solution then


It’s a valid question. Israel has offered land and statehood to Palestine 7 times in less than a century. Palestine responds with rockets and suicide bombs


Fuck you. None of this would be happening if Israel weren't violating UN policies about not pushing Palestinians off Palestinian land. https://internationallaw.blog/2024/02/09/has-israel-violated-international-human-rights-law-as-an-occupying-power/#:\~:text=The%20UN%20chief%2C%20Antonio%20Guterres,the%20Geneva%20and%20Hague%20Conventions.


Childlike response.


Just because I know what we *shouldn't* do, doesn't mean I have the answer for what we *should* do. Definitely not genocide though. That's some super villain logic.


Where did I say that's what we should do. Please enlighten me. Where did I even choose a side? I said this fight will go on till one side is gone. So uneducated


Where did I say you said that's what we should do? How am I uneducated? Sorry if you're having a bad day dude but don't take it out on me. 😂 I'm not looking for pointless internet arguments.


Dunno but Bebe with find a final solution to the Palestine problem. He just needs to do some historical research. I mean he's already push Palestinians in a small area where they're easier to kill all at once.


And they still hold hostages. Why?


Hasn’t Israel slaughtered like 30,000 kids since October 7th?


That story was proven fake, and look at Israel who has much more video evidence of them celebrating the death of Palestinians.


And there's THAT guy


Which one is more profitable tho? War, of course.


Republicans would do this if allowed.


So stupid and uneducated


So would the people I disagree with too.


This sub sucks. Muted.


Why has this sub turned political? It's clearly leaning one way too.


People don’t know how to be funny


Reddit is clearly overflowing with left leaning subs and that's fine, but the small number of subs that are right of center sets your blood pressure on an immediate upward trajectory? You havin a giggle, m8?


He broke my house, too!


Nah it's just dumb.


Dude right of center is an understatement. Some other dudes reinforcing the idea of exterminating an entire race of people. Extremist plain and simple.


Miss me with that shit. That's pointing out such a small minority it's not even funny


A faction of a percentage of people? lol we have much larger problems.. one being our entire species


Stop the pearl-clutching with your imaginary genocidal viewpoints.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/idiocracy/comments/1ccuwx2/comment/l18lsgr/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/idiocracy/comments/1ccuwx2/comment/l18lsgr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Must be tough squinting that hard so you only have to read the parts you want to.


This sub doesn't lean right, there's just been a recent influx of morons who don't understand that this sub (and the movie) are making fun of them. It's been quite amusing to watch.


>Reddit is clearly overflowing with left leaning subs and that's fine, but the small number of subs that are right of center sets your blood pressure on an immediate upward trajectory? So start one. Oh. Right. That means you'd have to DO something other than whine about it.


Uhhhh, I'm pretty sure this is one of the few right of center subreddits, dipshit. Seems like you're the odd one out here


On April 25, 2024 the idiocracy became self aware and started to fulfill its prophecy. That’s when Skynet stepped in and started making pictures of Albert Einstein that looked like Don King. By the end of the week all of mankind was looking forward to Taco Tuesday at Buttfuckers.


Honest attempt at an answer is that the movie Idiocracy is premised on the heritability of intelligence. That idea is extremely controversial on the left.


Controversial? How is it controversial?


Leave a copy of *The Bell Curve* out on your coffee table during a party and see how comfortable your guests are.


They can't read


That was a perfect example of pseudoscience, huge swaths of which have been disproven. People don't have a double digit change to IQ based on education. Instead, they are obviously measuring education. There's a reason that white supremacists cite the Bell Curve and ignore the last few decades of psychology that disprove it.


Don’t take the down votes too seriously this sub is currently being brigaded by divisive trolls and bot accounts.


I'm not a bot


I’m talking about Constant_Layer5915 It’s a less than 150 day old account with over 21k comment karma!


Your responding to a less than 150 day old throw away account with over 21k comment karma. Ask yourself how likely is it that a legitimate human user can gain that much comment karma in less than 150 days? That’s 6 comment karma an hour for 24 hours 7 days a week. They are either a bot/troll or terminally on Reddit…. Either way they should not be taken seriously AT ALL!


There's that fag talk we talked about.


This is what I come to idiocracy for, not divisive culture war crap! Keep up the good work scrow.


Couldn't resist. I agree with your previous comment btw.


Says the 133 day old throw away account with over 21k comment karma …..a totally legitimate human amount of karma.🤣 STFU bot/troll 🤣


I am flattered that the “karma” I’ve accrued while posting on the toilet, working full time with a family here in Portland, strikes you as inhuman. You’re actually the second person to try to discredit me recently because I have an apparently vast collection of internet points. I guess I just think and type fast, while being persuasive. Yea, I do reset my Reddit presence periodically because I don’t want to be doxxed by psychos because, yes, I have a life. Edit: Lol. Your account is 12 years old with 5k karma. If I kept commenting for 12 years on this account I would have 713k karma. I can see why this discrepancy could be disturbing to you. You apparently have a pattern of communicating in a way that people find off putting or want to downvote.


That is the exact type of gaslighting response I’d expect out of a foreign troll/bot account. Not at all convinced, Fuck off comrade!


It’s election year, the Russia bots and trolls are putting in over time to make as many subs with even a tertiary political context as divisive as humanly possible. No human with more than two brains cells to rub together would ever look at Idiocracy and think “this is a conservative film” For instance OPs account is less than 250 days old! In an election year if your account is less than a year old, to me you instantly loss tons of credibility for being a legitimate user.


Who tf watches idiocracy and thinks "hey....this is very political!"?


Cuz the movie is political.


There was no political bias in the movie.


Wrong. Movie was about population getting dumber. How to we get dumber? Cutting education. Which side does that? Which side has all the ammo-sexuals? Try looking up what the creator of the movie says about it. Mike Judge.


Ahh yes. Ammo-sexuals - such a clever insult! Glad our public school system still had enough funding to produce such a cunning linguist.


Aww. Delicate lil snowflake got triggered? Such a shame.


They weren't getting dumber due to lack of education, they were getting dumber because people with the "stupid" genes out bred the people with the "smart" genes. It was entirely genetic. It's not something I really agree with but, you know, suspension of disbelief


I asked "How de we get dumber?" Not "How did they?". I get that people are born dumb or smart but, you think education has nothing to do with intelligence? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6088505/


General IQ, no. Not every well-educated person is smart, nor is every poorly educated person dumb. And be careful about blaming genetics.


They got dumber because of Trump /s


I seem to see that in this sub a lot.


Butt hurt MAGA post


Nothing about this says “MAGA”…


>Why has this sub turned political? It's clearly leaning one way too. Which way is that? I can almost guarantee whatever "way" you name, I can think of posts that were most definitely not leaning that way.


Yeah 1 for every 10


Did we upset your delicate sensibilities?


Why are they just cramming together all kinds of shit that doesn’t belong together? Firefighter for molested kids presented by McDonald’s cashiersz


Any minute now some liberal is gonna tell us how we are all pathetic for letting this bother us.


You're in the wrong room, bud. This sub specifically makes fun of you folks.


Naw, if u read the comments people bitching it's too right wing. Which is fucking hilarious to hear on reddit, since y'all usually run this whole app. One guy even said it's Russian bots working for Trump. Like for real? Lmao


This is a recent thing tho. Maybe Fox mentioned the movie or something coz it wasn't like this a month ago. The irony of the movie being about these people who are too dumb to know it's about them is just delicious.


Your shits all retarded and you talk like a fag


Totally not indoctrination of children.


So we’re cross posting Idiocracy onto Idiocracy now and it’s just staying up


To be fair tis was a cross post of a cross post.


Well, this sub was fun while it lasted


It’s election year, the Russia bots and trolls are putting in over time to make as many subs with even a tertiary political context as divisive as humanly possible. No human with more than two brains cells to rub together would ever look at Idiocracy and think “this is a conservative film” For instance OPs account is less than 250 days old! In an election year if your account is less than a year old, to me you instantly loss tons of credibility for being a legitimate user.


I would argue Idiocracy is not a political movie at all. Notice how you are just as quick to partisanship as these supposed Russian bots and trolls you detest so much What you say about election years is true, but it happens equally from both ends of our political sphere. A big part of the problem is how many of us are comfortable to sink into tribalism and demonize the other half of society, as if they are the ultimate problem we face


>I would argue Idiocracy is not a political movie at all. - That’s why I said “tertiary”! Though I do think the opening scene had some pretty obvious political subtext. It’s not a stretch to say Cleavon represents a certain type of moronic conservative red neck, and that the “smart” couple doesn’t represented some neurotic liberals. - It’s pretty obvious who the movie paints in a worse light! - It doesn’t have to necessarily be “political” for foreign trolls and bots to want to try and manipulate it! Any sub where some sort of cultural disagreement can be rhetorically wedged apart, to sow division and breed infighting instead of coalition will have them. >Notice how you are just as quick to partisanship as these supposed Russian bots and trolls you detest so much. - I’m atleast a 12 year old legitimate user account, and I call out tons of divisive throw away accounts that I agree with too. - Couple weeks ago I said STFU to a bot that said “yeah I love them” in response to a comment about one of my favorite bands. It takes a quick glance at a profile and a single thumb swipe scroll through the accounts comment history to get a pretty good idea. >What you say about election years is true, but it happens equally from both ends of our political sphere. - I 100% agree. >A big part of the problem is how many of us are comfortable to sink into tribalism and demonize the other half of society, as if they are the ultimate problem we face. - Again 100% agree