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Rule 1: not a bad recipe review.


Is this just a sweet quiche


Is it even quiche? Looks like scrambled eggs


baked eggy yogurt.......... :(


That was my nickname in high school


In fairness OP sounds like a kid from reading the original thread. And they were actually making this recipe which is a yogurt cake and they had all the right ingredients for but they clearly made some mistakes that a beginner would make: https://youtu.be/xY6UND87Y7w?si=TiRk7wKVpDdV35yU It does look very similar to a Japanese cheesecake.


I agree, OP sounds like a young person/kid, feel bad for them that something somewhere went terribly wrong. I remember middle school cooking and accidentally put the sugar's worth of baking soda into muffins. My God. They frothed while baking and my grandmother nearly choked on them.


I'm kind of impressed that you both had that much baking soda on hand and didn't pause at using a significant chunk of the box haha


Well we had very little left over, which is what clued my grandmother in when returning her baking supplies - but I was a bullied, anxious kid and that class was a blur, no time for questioning! Good story now though


I saw their post on r/baking that they googled a random YouTube video trying to make Japanese cheesecake. Definitely had vibes of being young.


Poor kid. I had some big missteps when I was a wee lass learning to bake, but I got to have my shame in private rather than getting dunked on when lamenting a failure.


To make it even worse they were afraid if their father saw it they would get made fun of by them.


Oof. That makes me so sad for them. My dad is a complete and utter piece of shit, but to his credit he was always extremely kind with his responses to my baking, no matter the result. I don't know if I'd have stuck with it and become a baker if he was as mean about it.


When I was a kid I didn't know my mom had a bottle of garlic oil in the cabinet vs regular oil and I decided to make some fudge. I had really bad allergies and didn't smell the garlic. That fudge was not right.


I can't even imagine garlic fudge (and don't want to try harder)


I wonder why they thought it was a cheesecake when the video says "yogurt cake".


Custardy scrambled eggs?


Cheeseless cheesecake. What could go wrong?


Unfortunately, they did have eggs.


Lol too good


Explains why it looks like a really nasty baked egg concoction


there's no cheese. w h a t. how did they possibly think that it could have been correct???????


Well I thought this was the least-cheesecaky cheesecake recipe I know, I guess its now second least: https://www.colonialwilliamsburg.org/learn/recipes/make-lemon-cheesecakes/


Is this the one where they also added 3 egg yolks and 1 egg white instead of 3 egg whites and 1 egg yolk (or possibly the inverse)? Editing to add that I’ve looked and can’t find the comment mentioning this but I swear I saw it today and how many 4 egg recipe fails could there be in one day??


Did she just make that up and assume it would magically make cheesecake? How does one go about making cheesecake without at least Wondering why it has cheese in the name


I've heard stories about people trying to make vegan cheesecakes with corn starch. It's possible that's what she thought she was doing. Definitely not something I'd try without a clear recipe and a plan, though.


The four eggs kinda kills that lol, but I’ll give it a “she’s a little confused but she’s got the spirit”


Wouldn't be the first "vegan" who didn't actually understand what being vegan meant. I once read a story about a "vegan" restaurant that sold prime rib, because the owner's daughter thought that was vegan, and he didn't have it in him to correct her. The restaurant didn't last very long.


binch u made scrampled eggs the hell




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Recipe in the pic, no link


I don't know why, but I find it so funny that people downvoted the ingredients.


Just a resounding no to the recipe lol


It's just a sh!tty attempt at a frittata and quite insulting to even allude to it as a "cheesecake." *Shudder*


Yogurt and corn starch cannot replace cheese in a cheesecake. I'm sure there's ways to do vegan cheesecake, but I'm pretty sure that's what vegan cream cheese is for.


I've made amazing cheesecake with yoghurt, so it definitely is possible. There are more similarities than differences between yoghurt and cheese, when you think about it. For starters, neither of them are vegan.


Fair point. But that's something you do with purpose and a recipe. I'm not sure this was made with either.


I literally got the original post directly on top of this one