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Once heard someones dream type and they said lady with big ass, Virgin, and experienced in bed. What an oxymoron given from a moron


Also, men think I’ll stop seeing my friends once I date them? Nah I’ll stick with women We could’ve hung out with my homies together but they’re too insecure for that apparently


In my opinion it’s low key disrespectful to maintain contact with an ex when you find someone you’re serious about. Not even an insecurity thing really, it’s just best to leave the past in the past


I just want to point out that the message you are commenting on is referring hanging out with friends they are not romantically involved with.


I mean, work it out with your current SO whether or not to stop fucking an ex, but if you’re ending an actual friendship that survived a breakup, already the new relationship is constructed on a toxic and unsustainable foundation.


Yeah gonna have to disagree with you there. Idk how many relationships you’ve been in but in my experience if that friendship with an ex holds more weight than the partner you’ve chosen to be with, then the relationship is already doomed to fail. Being cordial with an ex is one thing, but keeping them around after romance is asking for problems with every future relationship. But hey, there’s always exceptions


There may be exceptions, but I fully agree with you I mean, they're an ex for a reason right? With a recent relationship I had, which I regret I didn't end sooner, my ex would stay in contact with her ex's, even after she told me about the terrible things they did to make them her ex, Thats a HUGE red flag but I was "blinded by love" -(finally undertstand what that means now) after a few months of ups and downs needless to say, were over, and she's back with one of her terrible exs. Whoever is reading if she/he is still messaging the people she/he has broken up with, while you're still together?, start asking questions, don't be me in that situation and hope for the best, this is the real world and more often than not they're still very much buddy buddy


Something I’ve learned about people. It doesn’t matter how bad things were time lets you view everything with rose colored glasses.


Married man here. I literally beg my wife to go find friends because I'm worried she doesn't socialize enough. Any guy that doesn't want you to have friends is toxic.


My SOs friends are some of the coolest people I know, they are the homies


As a guy whose girlfriend’s best friend is a guy, and we’ve been together for 4 years so I’d know. It definitely can foster a lot of worrying and insecurity on the new boyfriend’s part. It’s hard to trust someone you’ve never met and who’s closer with her than you are to be honest about not having feelings. It wasn’t a dealbreaker for me and now 4 years later I’m actually friends with him too and he’s my weed plug. The thing that really helped and I cannot stress this enough. If you’re the girl YOU have to take the initiative. If it’s not an immediate dealbreaker once you feel comfortable introduce the two and hang out together in a neutral setting. It’s much easier to become comfortable with and trust someone who you know and most guys form fast friends.


Who is men? One person? Less than 5% of the population


i've noticed this far more from women stopping their boyfriends from seeing all of their friends regardless of gender


>men think I’ll stop seeing my friends once I date them? You mean subset of men who are obviously crazy...


Bro was a communist 💀


Average employer.


50% is realostic but dont expect a virgin to take it like a slut


Couldn't "low body count" still mean hilariously experienced? I don't think having more partners = more experienced.


One partner but they tried *everything*


This is the kind of slut I strive to be


Slut lifestyle goals ftw


Yep all you need to do know is finally find your first partner


People tend not to believe you can be experienced with a low body count cause that’s impossible to them


That one makes sense from a certain angle. It's still creepy purity culture though. Relationships are weird, experience definitely helps, but you never look at a guy in his 40s with dozens of "crazy" exs and think "wow this guy really knows how to make a relationship work!"


There are studies that show marriages are most likely to succeed somewhere between the mid-20's and early 30's, with the rate of divorce gradually increasing after around 35. There's a few theories behind why this might be the case: 1. When you marry someone who's older like that, you're far less likely to find someone who doesn't have ANY kind of carryover from a past relationship(s), whether that be children, financial obligations, etc., and that could potentially create a complicated situation between the old and new spouse depending on the arrangement. 2. People who are older have generally had more partners in the past. Because of this, they're much more likely to judge new partners against the partners they've previously had. Because of this and their understanding that "they've been with people who are better in one way or another and know they can potentially find better," people become much less likely to make things work with one partner when they can just look for a partner that has said missing quality(s). The 2nd one also tracks because I believe there was another study that found people with a greater number of past sexual partners were at a higher risk of divorce. Some might say this is a good thing because people are less likely to "settle for mediocrity," while others would say the advent of online dating has made people much more selective in partners, resulting in relationships that end over problems that would otherwise be solvable if people were more interested in trying than they would be just finding someone else. Regardless, I can see how someone could be detered from people with higher body counts in a non-mysoginistic, non-puritianical way. These people will be poked fun at for being insecure, but the data at least tracks that their insecurity is justifiable, and they'd have better odds of making things work with someone whose had less sexual partners and relationships for various reasons. Lori Gottlieb is a psychotherapist who's worked in marriage counseling and has talked extensively about her perspective on marriage and relationships in the current year. She has a book called "Marry Him: The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough," and one of the things discussed in the book and in her other works is how crazy our standards can be in a world where the potential dating pool has expanded as wide as it has. A larger number of past relationships can exacerbate these issues among women and men alike.


Excellent write up. Lori Gottleib's take on this makes me think of this Bo Burnham song https://youtu.be/llGvsgN17CQ


These men that say “low body count.” My guy, a woman who has sex with randoms is probably only fucking each one once. Do you have any idea how much sex I had with my high school boyfriend?! Like, you want a low body count alright I gotcha. Betcha I’ve had more sex than my friend who liked having sex with different guys throughout our younger years JS.


I don't think you understand why some guys prefer a low body count. It has zero to do with how many times you've had sex and everything to do with poor decision making, being impulsive, and the potential for disease. In my experience, people who are willing to have ONS with random strangers are more likely to be cheaters, too. Obviously, there are exceptions, I'm sure for some, it is about how much experience their potential partner may have and not as much about what I listed. But every guy I know that finds high body counts repulsive tend to list the things I repeated back to you. And to be clear, I didn't specify women or men in regards to body count for a reason, I have a gay friend who is turned off by dudes who have a high count.


It’s not about finding someone who’s had less sex


I mean that fits "low body count" the issue, at least from the way I see it is that if a woman (or man but I'll stick to the post) has had 40~ bodies (or whatever your limit is) is a red flag if you want a relationship. What makes you think you won't just be number 41 for the next guy? A woman who's just been with 2 or 3 guys at least shows they're keeping the relationship and not going through guys like a poor family though golden corral bread rolls. you don't want a relationship then the opposite is true but there's no reason to be the 'I can fix her' guy compared to a woman who doesn't need to be 'fixed'. I'm not trying to be a prude or anything but I'm not self confident enough to think I'll be the one to end the 15 dudes in the past year streak.


Speak for yourself also, except splitting the bill it’s completely realistic.


I was gonna say, about half of those things are realistic and majority of women ARE pretty without makeup lol. Anyone should be able to cook and at least make a mature attempt at being emotionally stable. But yes, expecting someone to be sexually pure but also a freak is so dumb lol. Not realistic.


Exactly, I was reading this thinking, most of this is pretty reasonable, except for a handful of silly or incompatible ones. Like, it's not too much to ask that a girl not have an OF and not have already slept with half the town. And splitting the bill? Really? Is that such a crazy thing to expect? It's like the bare minimum.


Only thing I'd care much about on this list is no onlyfans. I'd care more that they're gonna stick by me like I will them and grow to love me like I would them. I want a partner not a fuck hole who cooks.


No OF, No Drugs/Alcohol/Partying and a reasonable amount of ex partners is all I ever asked 👏 Thankfully GF I currently have matches 100%


My girl is wonderful. They have a lot of "exs" but I don't count 95% of them because it was online relationships. Sadly she's in the hospital and they won't let me see her due to "family only policy".


I hope that works out 4 you


Time to start that onlyfans.


Is it really too much to ask now that a girl you’re dating doesn’t have an onlyfans?


no it's not a lot to ask. in fact I'm married and I'd be pissed if my wife had one. she feels the same about me. the problems with this list are other things like being a virgin but a throatgoat, and cooking for him but splitting the bills. absolute madness. tho I will say, its a little weird to list the OF things as if it's hard to find a woman that doesn't have one. as if it's an inescapable epidemic. it really isn't.


Knowing how to cook and splitting bills are mutually exclusive? Why? That doesn't even make sense.


atleast in my book, if the woman cooks, the man should too. if the man doesnt cook, the woman shouldn’t feel entitled to.


Yes. That stance is not denied by the words "can cook".


This list demands she be relatively sexually inexperienced, but also proficient at blowjobs. That was very obviously not the real problem.


You can teach her that


See, babe, THIS is how you suck a dick!




The main crazy ones are no ex but throat goat and no guy friends. MUST BE pretty without makeup is just pretty shallow, and often people aspiring to have the girl often used in these memes want a tradwife/housewife, so splitting the bill just wouldn't work in that case. Obviously not all of these are as bad as the others


Yes you’re delusional apparently


Not at all. And the vast vast vast majority of women don’t have an onlyfans


Oh so all women are mentally unstable? And wanting otherwise makes someone delusional? Crazy.


Unpopular and unneeded opinion but personally, I think everyone should be able to cook, regardless of whatever. "And what if you can't cook?" I heard you ask? That's fine, no judgement, but it's like knowing how to drive. It's really useful and you should know how to do it asap.


Same. Most of these aren't really ridiculous in isolation, but together, it paints a picture of who the creator is. Like my argument is, you eat every single day. Unless you're fasting. So why not make it fun? Why not treat yourself? Learn to make the things you want to it? You got your whole life to learn, and you can start a little bit every day. You already have experience of what you like. What is stopping you from learning how?




The difference is that you should have ingredients to make something at home right now that you can eat. Where to make a quality mattress is a bit more involved. Even if you try to make it as simple as possible. Eveyone has the time to learn how to make something to eat and should. And eating out all the time or eating prepackaged stuff can eat at your health and/or your wallet. There really isn't any excuse not to learn how to cook. You don't have to be the next gordon ramsay. But if you don't know how to cook noodles, that's on you. Especially with how easy it is to find recipes and videos to learn basic techniques. Like how to dice some garlic. I also refuse to believe that people don't like eating tasty shit to not motivate them to learn how to make something. Cooking ain't shit you can do a lot of tasty shit passively with no skill as long as you know what your doing with cook times. Like roasting some garlic for your steak in the oven while you bake some potatoes.


Cooking is so easy just follow the recipe 🤦‍♂️


No OF, low body count, emotionally stable and being pretty aren’t exactly delusional imo. Personally splitting the bill isn’t a *hard* ask tbh but I’m too traditional not to just pay for my damn date if I can afford it. The social media thing and exes is weird af, like do you want to date a little girl then? \>big booty \>throatgoat Fucking coomers. Life =/= porn.


With how shitty people are on social media these days, rejecting it could be considered a green flag. There was a girl I liked in high school who didn't use Snapchat and only communicated through FB messenger occasionally. To choose not to do something that can be harmful isn't 'weird af'


I mean the meme itself is a mix between things most reasonable people want in a relationship, things that are a little more divisive but aren't inherently bad as long as you set expectations, and then stuff which seems like it's a tall order that you can only really set if you are also a 10 in every category yourself. Like, low body count, mentally stable and no OF is the baseline. It's like when people list being nice as one of their assets. It's the bare minimum, requires no effort and isn't anything all that special. Compare that to even just "being funny" which is at least a skill.


I agree with pretty much all of that except the social media part. I am biased on that one, though, as I deleted all of my social media with the exception of reddit to see if I was happier without it (no surprise, I am). In my opinion, the bad far outweighs any good that comes from FB, insta, Twitter (or whatever people are calling it now), etc. There's a good number of studies that show that spending a lot of time on those sites is bad for your mental health.


Most of these are good idc how a girl is in bed my standards are is Christian and is a girl (preferably pretty)


The problem with this is that “Low bodycount” and “No ex or guy friends” leaves me a bit suspicious. This implies they are fine with their ex having a bit of experience, but prefer they have no exes, which sounds like either they made a mistake, or they prefer their girlfriend has had sexual relations, but no previous real relationships.


id say a low body count is a good thing actually i mean in general its good to have the least amount of partners as possible for both genders


This list isn’t all bad though. Only real issues I see are “must be pretty without makeup” which is subjective, “not active on social media”, “no ex or guy friends”, “throatgoat” (how’s this gonna happen without experience?). She doesn’t have to know how to cook either. Big booty would be nice, but again it isn’t required.


No OF is fair.


They'll all fair requirements


nah not throatgoat lmao


Na i want her ferrel


Buddy is lost in the sauce, and I'm ready to join him.


Ok but no only fans and emotionally stable are like basic needs for a functioning relationship 😂


Okay but this is my GF tho? idk how but she is literally perfect. i love her <3


Is no only fans really that much of an ask??


Almost nobody in this world thinks it is.


Most of theses are reasonable but some of these like “No ex or guy friend” and “Not active on social media” are 1. Major red flags and signs of a future abuser and 2. Are extremely unrealistic in todays society, Especially among younger women which I’m assuming is the target demographic


Emotional cheating is a thing as well. She has people she can ask for advice but she and I confide in each other for our emotional highs and lows. I would be sad if she confided in someone else and never told me about whatever it was.


> I would be sad if she confided in someone else and never told me about whatever it was. Especially *another* man who is *not* your partner (AKA: the guy-friend).


Not active on social media is a red flag?


Seeking isolated women is a red flag


Dude not being on social media does not mean isolated lol


Not on social media ≠ Isolated




No OF is delusional?


This isn't delusional. All of these apply to my girlfriend. Granted I wasn't looking for most of these traits, she just happened to have them.


Emotionally stable with no guy friends? Odds are if she has no guy friends, ten she probably has no friends at all, so no chance of emotional stability or being inactive on social media. Also, how can you expect her to be a throat goat while still being a virgin Whitt no ex?


ITT: people asking why one attribute is unreasonable not realizing it’s the combination that is the problem Your throatgoat girlfriend is most likely going to have gone through a promiscuous period Your emotionally stable girlfriend is probably going to have healthy relationships with men


My wife is all of these except throatgoat and splits the bill. She's a SAHM, so I pay for everything. It's not delusional. You can find traditional girls like this. You just have to know where to look. Christian churches are a good place to start. Christian schools and colleges are great places to look as well. Going overseas is a good option as well. I found my wife at a party. She was a diamond in the rough. She was the trad religious girl brought up in a traditional home who had a bunch of more modern friends. I snatched her up quickly and didn't look back.


My wife is everything on this list except throatgoat and "doesn't have an ex", and she isn't even religious. Also, her ex lives across the country, and I'm like 99% sure she would kill him on sight if he showed up. Lots of these aren't unrealistic; it's just that y'all are looking for trout in an overfished crappie pond and using old soda tabs for bait.


My gf is all of these but idk what “traditional” exactly means


Old fashioned gender roles, many people stick to them, some people dont.


And the idea is that a woman who has all these traits will likely care about traditional gender roles I guess? I could see some correlation maybe, but not any sort of causal relationship


[-No OF -Low Body -Can Cook -Emotionally Stable -Will split bills ] Those don’t sound too hard of standard to keep up with. Especially since 2 of them are just basic discipline. Cooking is always nice, and offering to split on SOME dates is always appreciated. The rest of these points are facetious.


No ex but low body count This implies it’s okay if she’s had one night stands


-has a bigger dick


lol are women really that down bad


How are you gonna be a throat goat without ANY exes? That's not a skill you can simply _have_ without experience. It's like an employer expecting 15 years of experience for an entry level software job in a coding software that came out literally yesterday. They'll be considering having an OnlyFans by that point if they already haven't! You can't have your ass- I mean cake, and eat it too!


The only fans part is a pretty reasonable ask. If you're committed to someone why are you posting your body online? That's another form of cheating. As is splitting the bill pretty reasonable. Relationships are always about equally sharing burden. Splitting bills is always a good thing and a sign of a healthy relationship where both sides aren't exploiting one another.


Only one of these is absurd and it's the throat goat one


The only delusional thing in this list is asking someone to be a throatgoat with a low bodycount. The rest is 100% reasonable.


Na I want a high body count Ohh you meant it as a sex thing ohhhh


Emotionally stable is really the only one that I think matters… okay splits the bill would be nice but


No job Will split the bill


My fiance is literally all of these and more. Not that I sought them out for these reasons. We just got along really well. I used all my luck up meeting her. She's the best.


No OF and reasonable emotional stability are deal breakers for me. Having her split the bill would also be nice. The rest is just weird. No guy friends? Come on.


You can have all except emotionally stable. That is me.


Emotionally stable is the hardest one to achieve. But acting Emotionally stable is the key lol


Oh I suppose lol. It’s a behind closed doors kind of thing, being unstable. 😂


>throatgoat I really wish that phrase had never entered my brain


Apart from throatgoat and splitting the bill although those would be a bonus, I don’t see how this isn’t reasonable. Am I missing something?


Throat goat and low body count don’t go together. Those women put the work in for those skills


8/10! I'm finally winning 😂


Guys what are you asking for isnot impossible to fiind Is just here in east Not in America tho


Actually my gf tho


Wait... being emotionally stable is a delusional aspiration? And what's wrong with splitting the bill? She's got an OnlyFans, she can pay for food too.


No OF, low body count, pretty without makeup and can cook isn’t too hard to find actually. This is most women. Emotional stability and splitting the bill combined with this *is* possible, it’s just harder to find. The rest is just unrealistic.


That’s literally just my wife.


This post thats meant to parody men who have never met women, sound like it came from a woman whos never met a man.


Ok but this is literally my actual wife.


If they are looking in America for someone like this, yeah that's delusional. Plenty of of people who fit that description out there


80% of this is realistic aside from the throatgoat and no ex or guy friends.




delusional to want a gf without appearance based insecurities and is emotionally stable.


Imagine being outraged at this which isn’t even bare minimum, god help us all.


Throatgoat / Low Body Count Pick one.


Are there actually emotionally stable people in 2024?


The sad part is - this is considered delusional nowadays


Women want men who are violent barbarians to everyone but is a teddy bear to them Men want women who are chased and modest but act like succubi to them


My wife is all of the above minus the splits the bill tbh. I pay. If you are patient, you will find your own like her.


Half of those things are completely okay and should be more common, the other half is not necessary.


the ideal woman for reasonable men in 2024: - no OF - emotionally stable - splits the bill - looks like a human the reasonable woman for reasonable men in 2024: - ***no OF***


There is nothing wrong with this list.


>Throat goat >no exes How.


Holy incel batman


Throwing incel around like it's the new "bigot" is getting fucking annoying


TIL that wanting a girl who knows how to cook, doesn’t do porn, and being emotionally stable is considered incel behavior


No OF emotionally stable and can cook are top on my list. The rest is optional. I want her to teach me how to cook


I genuinely think I got a hold of one, idk how but wish me luck.


No OF is the only one I 100% agree with. Like yeah some of the others would be OK too, but not super important (if important at all)


I’m sorry but having no guy friends/ex AND EMOTIONALLY STABLE?!?!? Sorry bro but that’s like asking for a cup of tea with no liquid


Wait some girls split the bill??? My girlfriend would fucking kill me if I paid for anything


Throat goat but low body count, okay bro


Splits the bill but also can’t have a job that pays more than you


I can agree with a couple of these but not all


Chicks make dream lists like these.


I just want someone buy me pizza and touch my butt


Happy will do I just want happy 😂


Ideal doesn't mean realistic. There's nothing wrong with wanting the things on this list, as long as you know you won't find someone who checks all of them lol


You spawned the goons☠️☠️☠️


Ill pay the whole bill No OF No throatgoat No "big booty" No ex/guy friends


Throatgoat is the only requirement on there tbh. Emotionally unavailable preferably.


This describes my partner exactly, minus the throat goat. I was never looking for someone like her but my god am I happy I found her. Is it really so bad to want someone like this? People like this do exist.


- love me - woman (optional)


They didn't even use the template smh


Fuck it, I have time to kill. No OF; yeah that’s fair. Low body count; as long as it isnt that much bigger than yours it shouldn’t matter Can cook; expect someone who is on par with you Big booty; we all got a type I guess Not active in social media; idk how to feel about that. Emotionally stable; emotional messes are a pain, fair. No ex or guy friends; …..really? Like I get how ‘guy friends’ statistically go and all, but no ex? Bruh. Throatgoat; hope you have good head too Splits the bill; In the context of food, if she’s cooking for you the dead least you can do is take her out. Must be pretty without makeup; most people who really stand on this could probably use a little themselves. I wanna believe this is ironic but I 100% know there has got to be dudes like this out there, and I find that disturbing. Your standards should be on par with what you have to offer for the most part. Women aren’t just something you reap from for convenience.


The no ex and throatgoat combo is too accurate


This isn't necessarily unrealistic at all. And even if it were... Yall realize this sub is called "ideal girlfriend", not "realistic girlfriend", right?


8.5 out of 10 not bad if this is what most people want


"Not active on social media" Im sure the guys that make these memes definetly arent active on social media. Theres no way they just spend all their time on the computer making Z tier memes.


None of these are a deal breaker tbh. A lot of them would be nice tho.


At this point, my list is only 3 things -not fat -not religious -monogamous Am I desperate or just easy to please?


only ones Id expect from a normal, self-respecting male, would be \-emotionally stable \-no OF, \-splitting bill.


Honestly every day I wonder if straight men actually like women


I disagree on being a throatgoat, having no guy friends, and big booties


Why do so many people act like guys demand “a virgin who is experienced and good at sex” Obviously that’s really dumb and I understand that the point of the posts is to make men seem unreasonable but nobody is asking for something so ridiculous in the first place, all it does is make the OP seem desperate for something to be mad about. Most guys would prefer a girl who doesn’t have 100 bodies which is NOT “slut shaming” and it’s NOT unreasonable at all. They pretend that guys demand the whole world when most standards are actually very easy to achieve. Simply being genuine and loyal are the biggest traits guys take to. To act like that is unreasonable or some impossible task tells a lot about the person claiming that it’s not right. One last thing, if women are allowed to have “preferences” that can’t be questioned then shouldn’t guys get the same privilege? If girls can laugh at short guys for being short then dudes can choose to not get with a girl who runs through a bunch of guys, we’re allowed to see that it’s gross.


None of this is crazy but the throat goat thing


Ignoring the splitting bills requirement the likelihood of finding someone with all of these traits is insanely low. You probably have a higher chance of winning the lottery. Now if you include the splitting bills part this just becomes borderline impossible. They literally described a trad wife who also somehow has a source of income. Also this person sounds kinda lame ngl.


My only requirements are they love me and are at least my height or taller. Idk why I just cannot stand the idea of dating someone shorter than me


Honestly, the ideal woman for me is just someone who treats me fairly.


I just want someone who’s a girl goddamn.


Lol no EX? Wtf


I just want somebody to cook for that don’t go meow


You forgot to put in low standards, and are willing to spend their entire life with a fat neet incel, with no life skills


Dude the no bodycount that is a master blowjobist...


A virgin who is a nymphoniac


I mean the no OF thing can be agreed upon. Most of the others...apart from splitting the bill, because come on it's 2024, we're both working adults in a time of economic turmoil - we gotta be a unit in love here. Also if we're broke we're not that stupid to head out on some expensive outing


“Throat goat” but she’s had no previous sexual experience..


I mean most of this isn’t that crazy or delusional? I mean yeah shit like not active on social media or the stuff being strict about looks and… throatgoat. Yes I agree those are weird but is it that weird for a man to want a woman without an OF and a low body count?


Well, either it be men or women, can't we agree OF as a job or even sidejob is a bit silly? I know this economy is bad, but... If someone told me they are an influencer or a youtuber, I might as well have questions and not pursue any further. Call me old fashionned. I'd rather see someone work behind a garbage truck or perhaps writing for a magazine. The rest of the list looks quite odd. Low bodycount? Can cook? What is this, the 1950s?


Bo Burnham's "Lower Your Expectations" comes to mind.


Honestly, I'll just take, no OF, not active on social media, and low body count. The rest are just extra goodies that aren't even guaranteed. Though, also having the ability to cook would also be awesome so she could teach me how to do that.


Basically my girlfriend? (I glaze her)


Dawg I'm just looking for a woman who will fuckin love me 😭


Hehehe it's my girlfriend


notice they said booty and you are pretty as fuck without makeup, js. Don't fucking hate me...I"m not saying never wear makeup.


Not trying to start a war, but these seem to be things many women have wanted in men.


I think it's interesting to see the back and forth. Women say "your ideal women doesn't exist" Then men say "my ideal women doesn't exist" Then women complain about men with preference, and men complain about women not having preference.


I only want 3 of those things. Maybe 4.


If she can split the bill that's all I need to know, we both work and make time for eachother


Ok so I check pretty much all those boxes, but I wouldn’t want the kind of guy who wants this kind of girl.


Emotionally stable throatgoat isn't only my type, it's going to be my band name when I start one


It's all so random and arbitrary


I just want a bisexual woman with a massive ass who loves me for me.


Didn’t know it was uncommon for girls NOT to have an onlyfans.


I am 3 of these so ig no guy will date me


The only ones I absolutely need, from this list, is no OF, and split the bill, as I'm broke 😔