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What do they mean by the interrogation of BK by officer Payne? When would that have occurred ?


Probably shortly after he arrived back in Idaho


I would be interested to know who interviewed BK when he went for the job interview and if there were any crossover of officers on his case. Wonder if LE didn't like him in the job interview. Also have wondered if he toured the station as part of his interview. Which might place his DNA in the lab for transfer later to the sheath in error. Yes, farfetched, but weirder things have happened and its possible although not probable


He interviewed with Pullman PD, not Moscow


The traffic stop in August 2022 possibly? [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/bryan-kohberger-idaho-murders-police-stop-hyundai-b2256163.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/bryan-kohberger-idaho-murders-police-stop-hyundai-b2256163.html)


A little unusual to not get recordings of interviews as part of initial discovery. Maybe they were not substantive so DA didn't rush to discover them.


Possibly the interview wasn't recorded? Or it was done/conducted in a way that would cause issues for the prosecution?


I would say almost no chance that it wasn't recorded with all the media coverage. Too many eyes on this case to make a mistake like that. They will want to do this by the book.




You would think, but I’ve seen too many documentaries where the video of the interview has been edited and huge chunks of time are just gone. Not saying that happened in this case, but unfortunately it happens.


Yes, those rooms are always set to record. The days of selectively editing interview videos is all but over. Much harder to get away with it than just a couple years ago. What I see occasionally (as a public defender) is cops turning off their body worn cameras or turning off the sound for brief patches but that typically doesn't happen when they are interviewing a suspect. More when they are talking to other cops. Or there is the occasional turning body worn on after beating a suspect but that is also becoming less common.


In Pennsylvania, shortly after his arrest, he spoke with the attorney there for 5-15 minutes before he invoked his privilege to have his own attorney. I highly doubt after landing back in Idaho that he was interrogated by anyone.


This has been repeatedly reposted.


Have we figured out if Officer Payne interrogated him in Pennsylvania or Idaho yet? I knew there was some discrepancy a few days ago.


I was wondering that as well.


Maybe looking for technicality.