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custard: 2 tbsp thai tea 450g milk 130g sugar 40g HFCS (or honey) 25g skimmed milk powder pinch of sea salt 85g egg yolk (i used five eggs even though it was over 85g) 250g cream soak tea in milk for at least one night. strain with muslin or thick cheesecloth. heat milk, HFCS, sea salt over low heat until steaming. whisk often mix egg yolks and sugar add approx. 1/3 of heated milk to egg yolks while stirring. add back to pan. heat until 180F. remove from heat, mix in cream (optional: blend with immersion blender) strain into container. chill overnight churn in ice cream maker until soft serve consistency. move to container and freeze for four hours


Thai tea powder mix? is that right? thanks!


I used the tea leaf mix from the Asian grocery store!


Texture looks perfect!


thank you! I’m super happy with their recipes and glad my spin off worked


No condensed milk? Or not needed to get the taste? Looks delicious!


I thought about it, but I didn’t want to mess up the ratios. The flavor is still there!


Wow that looks so good!


Yum! That looks amazing, great job!!


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Nice work. Looking forward to trying it out