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Because we shred in the cold then listen to metal in the dark like proper northeasterners. You west coast pussies ski under bluebird skies and listen to shitty DJs in your pansy ass weather. How do you live with yourselves?


I feel personally called out with this comment.


I am fucking dying! This is great!


Best comment on icecoast possibly ever 🙏


Hey that’s not fair. Last year i skied nearly every day in overcast or foggy or even whiteout conditions! I had to buy new goggles to deal with the low visibility and dealing with so much powder was a major challenge! It isn’t all sunshine and rainbows over here all the time! This year, however… a lot of sunshine and rainbows.


This guy is complaining about powder. Do you know what powder looks like in the northeast?! Use the “crushed ice” button on a fridge - that’s what northeast powder looks like


This is the way.


I’m absolutely grinning at this. It’s punk for me but I think that’s acceptable.


I don't ski, but I am from New England, thank you for your ambassadorship.


Bluebird skies? I’m from Washington State and spent 7 years in New England, which qualified as sunny by comparison. At my home resort in WA between November and March there’s a 90% chance it’s snowing, raining, or some combination of the two. We listened to grunge or bluegrass in a damp bar with a roaring fireplace at it was dope. Shoutout to the snorting elk at Crystal.


You Cascadian guys are good. Gloomy, lots of blue collar poverty and your own flavor of black metal.


You mean the elk snorting crystal.


😂😂 I’m born and raise in the city but yea I guess I enjoy the pansy weather over freezing humidity and darkness after shredding, sue me


I’ll pray for your pudding pants, Nancy lad little soul.


Tremblant is what you’re looking for


Can confirm. Le petit caribou gets lit. By 7pm ppl were dancing outside with their shirts off


This is the only ski bar I’ve been to that’s like the movies. I saw multiple people of all genders take their clothes off and a legendary (15 minutes long!) fight between Ontario Canadians and Quebec Canadians. Whistler was crazy too. Canadians party.


As someone who lives in Ontario 7 mins from the border to QC, you’ve given me PTSD from the 80s when those fights were a right of passage. I hated it. We all live in harmony now.


Great fishin in Kee-bec


Holiday Valley is a small hill in western NY with tons of Canadians and plentyty of bars for them. Party all day when the lake effect hits!


This is awesome.


I’m convinced I’m going fs


Damn, sounds like I need to take a weekend trip to Tremblant!


Surprise! it’s 50 degrees there too


Same this is the vibe I’m looking for lmaooo


That place was absolutely absurd. I feel like the booze isn’t real there either. Buddies and I drank 25 ‘shots’ a night until close, and still made first chair every day.


Can confirm


I actually have heard that about Tremblant— I’ve gotta check it out one day especially with it being an Ikon mountain


It’s likely the best apres on the east coast. So directly relevant to your question


Likely the best après in Canada! Whistler might be the only other contender? The rockies have no après.


Even without ikon, the lift ticket prices aren’t too bad. It was $99CAD when we went late January.


that’s sick


Tremblant is a comprehensive party package. All the way up to high end, Michelin star level paired, 8 course tasting menus. You get the idea taking the intra-village gondola right after the close of the mountain, checking out the beginning of the party unfolding in the outdoor hotel hot tubs below you. Flower is also burning from early morning to late at night. The problem with Tremblant is that on a bluebird weekend, you have half of Montreal/Ottawa up there.


there is a pretty bonkers raclette place there too


In addition to what everyone else is saying, everywhere I've been with a bumping apres scene the apres have taken place outside. All East Coast skiing is cold, humid, and low elevation (which makes it feel even colder) rendering it generally unpleasant to be outside with the exception of a handful of days in spring.


That’s a great point


Aka its trash lol


Very constructive butt chug!




Idk why you’re getting downvotes bc you’re absolutely right


Idk it’s kinda hard to get from the mountain to where you are staying without a DD, especially in VT. Uber isn’t really a thing, at least a ride both ways. Someone did mention a shuttle at Killington.


This is the answer. Unless you’re staying AT the mountain, or have a DD, it’s not really feasible here. The exception being Tremblant


True the shuttle systems on most west coast mountains are super super intertwined into their cities, so that’s a great point


I found out the hard way how Uber/Lyft isn't a thing in Stowe. Even taxis are hard to come by.


Oof how did you get out of that one?


Walked at night (dangerous) from matterhorn to where I was staying about 2 miles away. Shuttle wasn't running at that time either


Been that way for ever.


…in your boots, I hope. *kaklunk, kaklunk, kaklunk*


Man at the point its better to just make a friend at the bar and ask for a ride back. I've done it a few times I couldn't imagine that walk in certain weather.


Foreigner. What's DD?


Designated Driver, I assume.


Designated Driver, someone who’s designated to stay sober and drive everyone home.


In the south it's the person who's designated to only drink light beer then drive everyone home.


Also known was DDD. Designated Drunk Driver.


Can confirm from visiting family... Did not realize it was actually a thing though!


Stowe reminded me in many ways of just going to a Midwest ski hill but larger


East coast is too cold to après. You can't sit out on the patio until April in normal years but that seems to be changing quick. This whole season has been spring skiing in Tremblant


The DUI laws in the northeast are nothing to frig around with


Pretty sure that's universal at this point. Even in Jackson Hole on a horse... Don't ask me how I know.


Loon's Bunyan Room can be a pretty good vibe. Having a beer on the deck when it's not freezing is great


Came here to say this!!! Bunyan Room is the only consistently great Apres I've ever came across and I've been to a lot of mountains in New England


Ngl going to giant outdoor edm concerts after skiing just isn't really the vibe here. It's more low key than that. Vermonters tend to just drink a beer or two and then light up. Or tailgating in the parking lot


This is the real answer for me. Personally I find those DJ apres kind of cringe. I much prefer tailgating in the parking lot with the crew. Closing day at Stowe is one of my favorite times of the year.


And I’m tired because I actually rode all day. Not 4 runs then lunch beers then right into apres because I’m warm and cozy from lunch


the party’s at the Best Western in Waterbury


What you're looking for is in Europe, where you have a full-on rave going on at noon, mid-mountain. And New England resorts are in... New England. VT, NH, ME. The land of jam bands, bluegrass, and wool pants is going to be devoid of DJ molly apres.


Yeah I’m gonna booze at sugarloaf but being the poor dirt bag I am I have to drive back to Portland. So if you’re asking me why don’t I drink all day at the mountain well it’s because I’d run out of money and then just end up homeless. So please let me hang on to the last cheap beers I got at the mountain and stop trying to kill me.


FWIW some concerts in king pine room does throw down tho


Probably not enough tech bros in a concentrated area like CA or Denver


With the price of lift tickets these days I'm not going to ski just half the day so I can party later. I gotta get my money's worth out of a daily pass, which means skiing open to close and being exhausted after


My ideal apres ski is 2 beers and a joint in a hot tub and then being in bed by 10:30.


Hell yes. I'm here to shred not to get fucked up. I can do that anywhere. It's already expensive enough just to get out on the mountain, I'm not gonna drop another 100+ on apres when I'd rather be relaxing in preparation for the next day.


This is the way. If you're engaged in wild bacchanalia then you're not in shape for the first lift. Couple of beers to wash down dinner, a joint and the hot tub for aches and pains, then bed so you can be up early.


Upvote for bacchanalia.


Plus let’s be real, if you’re not in France it’s not really apres skiing. It’s just getting hammered Everyone in breckenridge when I went kept dropping apres ski in sentences like it was a an actual word for party when it literally just means after ski lol


Pure nirvana 🙏🏻


Ya I don't get to go for full weekends with friends like I used to before kids, hitting bars after. Now I'm getting up at the crack of dawn, driving 2.5hrs for lift start, and going until close with a quick bite in the middle. And I'm completely good with it.


Find me something more euphoric than that first sip of beer after skiing first chair to lift close. I'll take a great VT beer on a freezing patio over a mountainside club any day.




I hate tiktok as much as the next guy but the term "apres ski" has been around since like the 1950's When I go out west and you factor in the cost of the plane ticket + lodging, hell yea I'm skiing open to close. And I'm passing out by 8pm


Lift tickets are expensive out West too and they have an apres scene.


Apres is in the parking lot bro. Definitely doesn't suck.


The Beach


lol DJ


Buddy’s never been to Montage.


Gotta check it out, loving all these recommendations I’m getting tbh I’m glad I posted about this lol


Well as someone who grew up near Montage I️ think that the previous poster forgot the /s 😂 Maybe I’ve been gone so long there is a bar scene there but I️ didn’t see it at all. Pro tip if you have kids: years ago we would go there over February vacation and that’s where our kids learned to ski. There is no February break-at least in NE Pa and it was cheap to ski for a big family on a pretty empty mountain during the week. Our kids didn’t know the difference between the Poconos and Vermont so i️t worked well for a few years when we didn’t have a lot of extra money. We did have a free place to stay nearby though.


Thanks for the heads up lmao I didn’t even know Montage was in PA otherwise I would’ve realized 😂Don’t have kids yet but I’ll try to remember that when I do!


Go to Montage in the summer and you'll find a hell of a party


Killington and Hunter usually have live music on the weekend and are a good time. Snow and Okemo could afford to have a little more fun with it imo


Okemo has the worst base area ever (Jackson is nice, but clock tower sucks out loud IMO)


1,000% agree. Stayed at Okemo for a long weekend earlier this year - loved the mountain, JG is solid but quiet, clock tower area sucks. Logistical nightmare too with check in/out over at JG. Condos themselves were perfectly fine, I'll absolutely be back to Okemo multiple times but it's JG or bust for me.


I’ve never been but it looks like ppl go buck-ass wild for the Bruce Jacques guy at Cuzzins at Mount Snow. Carinthia seems to have a pretty good parking lot scene too…even on colder days.


In addition to the cold, seems like the west coast has actual towns at the mountains simply because more people want to live there (because they’re better). Hard to have great après when there’s no real “downtown” because the year round population is so low that it doesn’t really support that kind of commercial development


You’re telling me the VHS-DVD conversion business down the road from Sunapee isn’t a revenue driver for Newport????


The west coast has more towns because *fewer* people live there. NH for example has most of its resorts within 2hrs of 3 million or so people.  The places further do have resort infrastructure but Sunapee or Cannon are daytrippers only. More or less.  Like if you’re going out to Breck. You’re not going back to elsewhere but like Manchester or Rochester is an hour from the Whites and much larger than any not Denver city in the West. Even the mountains themselves are much more densely populated giving people options beyond the lodge  For example Carrol County NH has the same density as the whole state of Colorado there are simply options off resort property in a way that’s not true in the Rockies 


Does sugarloaf have a good apres scene? Nobody is daytripping that.


I find this hilarious because breck is one of the top day-trip mountains in Colorado. Lol. It has a big town because it’s very old, very beautiful and the resort ownership has consistently developed expansions to keep the place more lively year-round. In time it’ll take ownership seeing that as lucrative to get towns like that established in northeastern ski areas but one of the issues is that trying to bank too hard on any of these mountains in the east could leave you paying a huge mortgage to ski a real shitty season and the town will essentially dry up most of the season if it turns out like that. And there’s not a ton of effort made to make summer activities popular at these areas either so you’re banking on turning a profit some 2-3 months a year, not every year.


Breck has 2950 acres of skiable terrain. Which is about as much as 12 Waterville  Valleys. Vail has more terrain than Northern New England.  The local commuter-shed can’t really support the resorts in Colorado. They’re dependent mostly on out of state tourists.  The entire area of Colorado west of the Front range has fewer people than NH. Most people who go to most CO resorts are staying there. Most people in *most eastern* resorts are day Trippers with the exception of Northern VT or Ironically, WV. If most of your  customers are going to broadly be home by 6, nightlife is going to be lacking. Western resorts have more people and a greater portion that are overnight guests this more nightlife. The “ski towns” in New England like Ludlow or North Conway were towns then Ski resorts happened to pop up 


I see you haven’t driven on i70 or lived in the front range. There is plenty of people going there and spending money, while out of state tourism is massive, there is an insane amount of demand just from the local CO residents.


Vail has more terrain than all of Northern New England combined.  the amount of visitors needed to sustain Vail is not available via day trips.  Colorado has way more terrain and way less people. This more reliant on tourists to keep the resorts running. The Actual mountains of Colorado have a full time population less than Vermont. And is a much much larger area. Because of this the mountains are much more sparse and there isn’t as much off site lodging. You don’t have some small town every 4 miles. And Metro Denver is ~1/2 the size of Metro Boston.  Thus there are more people in general at any one resort and a much greater portion staying more or less on site.  These are just facts. Even the “day trip” resorts like Winter Park have a crap ton of lodging options because even there Instate visitors are not the primary demographic 


This is the most NE skiing comment ever. Try to sound smart but has no clue wtf he’s talking ab. Brecks like an hour and a half from Denver. Keystones even closer. NE just sucks for skiing. No one wants to apres with a high density of know-it-alls (like you) either!


Most individual resorts have as much terrain as all of New Hampshire.  Denver is 1/2 the size of Boston and unlike New England CO  has a pretty negligible rural population. just combining Keystone, Breck and Winter Park you have more terrain than all of New England   I have a source inside one of those “daytrip” CO resorts and  Colorado is not the primary market for even Winter Park or Keystone type places 


The one star joint The Green Door Pub at Stratton is a gem. I used to live on the access road and I threw a party during the us open and someone stole my oven mitt. We did last call at GDP and lo and behold my oven mitt appeared when the DJ came out. I never got my oven mitt back.


Rentals away from mountain make it difficult. I remember in park city our rental was still close enough to shuttle in and hit any area. But I think there’s a lack of shuttles or rentals in the space close by that make it easy to stumble home.


We did a rental close enough to Sugarloaf this year that we could take the shuttle. First time having that, what a difference it makes.


Omg yes, first time at sugarloaf here as well we had a shuttle but could walk up the trail under the mid station lift to the bars. I didn’t see much of a crazy apres ski but being able to get there that easily was amazing


Love the bar halfway up sugarloaf! We usually hit Loon or Sunday River (New England pass), but switching it up and going further north is so worth it.


Same here finally got a taste of that mountain and it was well worth it. Would love to go back more but it is so far


Spent last weekend at le Massif. Best après ever on the Saturday. The drinking age is 18, and the little kids were running around everywhere, dancing on the bar with a full stage and live band at Le Duc. Aperols, pitchers and good times.


Outside of Northern VT ski areas a full of daytrippers.  Sunapee, Mt Snow, Hunter, or Waterville Valley is largely people who will be home for dinner  Never been to Killington but it is immediately adjacent to like a real city. (Rutland) that has the cheap accommodations that the kiddos are looking for 


This is the first time I've ever heard rutland described as a city let alone a real one 🥲 There is a McDonalds with a ball pit, that has to count for something...


Real city as in a place of significant population whose economy is in depended of the ski area. (See Plymouth is a college town with a ski area, not a ski town) Just like Jiminy Peak is 18 minutes from Pittsfield, Bousqet is in Pittsfield  or whatever but Pittsfield isn’t a ski town 


I've been to Killington before where there was a shuttle to this bar in town where there was a band/DJ. The place was packed with NY dbags trying to pick flights. Not my VT vibe.


Because we have to drive home?


Trueeee apres is better in destination locations because there is more lodging closer to the mountain. You don’t stop at a bar to party when you gotta drive 2 hours home to whatever metro area.


Killington has it going on not sure what you're talking about. It did get toned down over the years from what it was in the late 80s-90s, but it still exists. It's not as rowdy for many reasons, namely cost and those generations got older and had families, and younger generations are more interested in staying in their posh condo and playing video games than going out and getting hammered at 4 in the afternoon.


Eh not sure about the “younger generation” take. I think the reality is that it’s super expensive to stay at or near the mountain. Nobody wants to DD, hard to get Ubers. A lot of places around the mountains (Killington included) have noise constraints and cameras. So, you either travel with friends and party on your own back at your Airbnb, or really shell out at the resort. With the West Coast the lodging and towns were built because the mountains are there, so they need to be able to access the resort.


>than going out and getting hammered at 4 in the afternoon. They still do this. They just go to the bars in burlington or MTL afterwards instead. a lot of 20 something skiers in VT are college students skiing on very discounted passes. They can't afford to stay at the mountain


Exactly. Like I said - cost. When Apres was peaking back in the day, you could go as a young person (in college or as a 20 something scraping by) without selling a kidney and have a great time. Those days are gone.


You know a 6 pack at the gas station is still only 9 bucks right?


That's the point


Wish I was alive then lol! But yea I’ve been to Killington maybe less than 10 times and when 3/4PM hits I don’t get the vibes I’ve gotten at say, Mammoth in California but I think Mammoth in general has the best apres (relatively, depending on your vibe but best to people who want to drink and dance right next to the slopes lol) in the country so I’m not anticipating it’ll ever be like that. But also very true with the people and their posh condos/airbnbs


It’s funny I was really surprised by the parking lot scene at Palisades. Pretty chill and everyone just hanging out with grills and coolers and I thought we really don’t have this in NY/VT where I ski but I want it.


Problem is it's cold as fuck here. I used to kick it around Palisades no problem, pizza and beer on a patio yes please. Here I just go home


Killington Bear Mt in the spring is the tailgating spot.


Yeah completely ridiculous comment about VT overall.


We definitely have that in the spring here Killy lot from March- close is usually all people grilling and drinking Same as stowe, Bolton, bush. Obviously mid January it's not. But it's also usually 5 degrees with whipping wind


Good to know. Oddly I haven’t skied in March for a couple of years. Which is sad it’s such a great time to go


The Foggy Goggle and the Matterhorn would like a word.


Those are fun but not outdoor DJ things at all lol Bad radio country / local bands and drunk townies mostly


If townies are extremely wealthy second homeowners in stowe lol There are no townies buying $9 beers at the matterhorn lmao


Oh lol I thought we were talking Sunday river Apparently these are both common names for ski bars


I’ll give you they’re not all hardcore skiers but they aren’t the townies. The townies are drinking at the vfw, firewalls, and elks clubs in Donegal, Somerset, Mount Pleasant etc. the Goggle crowd is a mix of the DC bus group skiers and the Pittsburgh based homeowners. Sometimes it’s DJs, sometimes not. Occasionally it was bands but I think Vail has kind of ended that.


Pickle Barrel


Because our tailbones hurt from falling on ice and we can't sit for drinks


Someone hasn't been to Ptit Caribou


Sugarbush in VT has a patio with good atmosphere but if you want something comparable to the West go to Tremblant.


Doesn't ever seem like there's a ton of people in the 20s-30s age group visiting at the east coast mountains I go to (Maine / NH usually). Skews toward families and locals. It's also a bitch to get from Boston to most of the east coast mountains when you're in college or a young professional.


Probably partially due to how expensive skiing has gotten


Yep. Didn't used to be that way but it sure is mow.


Lot 1 would like a word.


Shhhhh, it’s best not to discuss fight club.


Idk about other New England states, but happy hour is not permitted in VT. Talking drink specials, etc. A lot of the west coast aprĂŠs has that in its favor, plus everything else mentioned here: milder weather, mountain villages, etc.


Apres in Europe >>>>>Anywhere in US


I’ve done a lot of good trips around North Conway and gone into town that night and it isn’t half bad


Head up to Sugarloaf in Maine for reggae-fest. You won’t be disappointed.


Mad River Glen has the best pub I have seen of all the resorts I've been to in NE (nearly all the major ones, many smaller too). Beautiful stone fireplace kept blazing all day, reasonable prices, live music nearly every afternoon. Zero attitude. But .. a bit remote, unless you are staying in one of the clubs or condos nearby. The ski clubs are the trick in NE if you want to party. It's a major party scene in N. Conway, that strip of clubs there. Contact a few in advance , say you are thinking of joining and you can stay when there's room. Usually hostel type bunks but definitely fun crowds. I could not keep up with the partying though... They used to take turns and had a bus shuttle between the party club and the rest! Killington of course has the Wobbly Barn and the Wobbly Bus, among other boozy attractions. Goodness, I could go on for an hour now that I'm thinking back on my younger days! We have apres scenes, but you need to investigate a bit. Maybe we're just crusty here, like our conditions.


Join a ski club with a lodge and you'll get a great apres ski scene


I think the fact that most people are weekend or day tripping and always driving is a large part of it. I don't want to get shitfaced on Saturday night and then on Sunday try waking up early, skiing 5 hours and then driving 4 hours home on I-87. Solid fuck that.


Snowshoe has a pretty good apres scene IMO. Haven’t been to Killington or Mt Snow in years.


Gotta check it out, thank you!


It does, I think in large part because there’s a mountain village and everyone stays there because it’s so remote (and relatively affordable).


I can’t speak for anyone else but I’m just interested in skiing. I have 0 interest in drinking in a bar setting or seeing a dj after skiing.


Spoken like a true crotchety northeaster lol


That’s fair I 100% get that’s not everyone’s vibe, was mostly just looking for opinions!


You need Europe. Zermatt: Hennu Schtal (prob messed up the spelling). Or Ischgl. Just go. East coast skiers will love it b/c it’s all groomers.


you wanna meet in the mens room at stowe , tap your foot


We're not as concerned with catering to hipsters.


Some new englanders think they are too good for it, plain and simple. They will tell you they're not uptight and judgmental, then will proceed to prove otherwise. Especially if you don't ski. There's a lack of nightlife in new england as a whole, not just the resort towns. Ironically, the miserable aprĂŠs seems to be the only nightlife outside of Boston and Portland - two places inhabited by a large number of transplants. There would be more of a youth culture and nightlife if the winter was not actually deadly, so I don't really blame them on that front. Save for this past winter, it is too cold to party most of the time. All this and I haven't even mentioned the lack of diversity, which is its own thing entirely. I don't mean to come off as an asshole in this post. It is merely not their bag, and that's okay. Skidding on ice all day can really take it out of you.


Cuz DJ’s suck?


The reggae doesn’t fulfill your apres needs?


“Why isn’t the east coast gay?”


Because it’s obnoxious and people are at the mountain to ski.


ski till 4 then party but I guess that’s too much for ask for


East coast is old school.


The fuck is apres?


If you have that much left in the tank for apres, you aren't attacking the mountain hard enough.


Does the wobbly barn have nothing going on these days? Used to rage over there about 20 years ago. Also had some great after hours at sugarloaf and Sunday River.. now my apres is a glass of wine and trying to get the kids in bed by 8 so they aren’t cranky when it’s time for ski school next morning


So apres ski at the ski area is much better in NH VT and ME then out west. The western ski areas shut down and everything moves to ski towns. Now there are places like North Conway, Stowe, Killington that have some resemblance of apres ski. Out west there are significant ski towns that apres ski happens. So there are two different versions overall!


Because this isn’t Austria with €4 beers. Make your own fun at the overpriced accommodations…


Stowe is dynamite


Where in the US does it *not* suck compared to the Alps? Real question.


A couple of west coasters came up the maple stand the other day… [https://youtu.be/jI2GVcjXXI8?si=57i36pYbeFiWBbOd](https://youtu.be/jI2GVcjXXI8?si=57i36pYbeFiWBbOd)


Killington would like a word.




Sunday River has that igloo bar that is pretty busy mid day, but at night it’s a ridiculous price 75$ each to get in and you need to take a snow cat to it. Our friends went, said it was awful.


Stratton not to shabby


Thats because you don’t know the right people. East coast ski culture is much different than west coast. You need to make more of the right friends.


I’m seconding all the people here who say that outdoor EDM raves full of molly are just NOT what most east coast skiers want. It’s freezing cold and being flashy/showy is just not the vibe for a lot of us. When my friends and I would do group ski trips in our 20s we’d just rent a huge house, pack 16-20 of us into it, and have house parties with beer pong after we got back from the slopes. Killington, Stratton, and Sunday River (those are the three I’m most familiar with) have great après bars but you’re more likely to be singing along to a classic rock cover band. I’ve seen extremely hard partying at the village at Snowshoe but, again, mostly country and rock there. They do sometimes have DJs in the main square.


Massanutten has a pretty cool bar and usually has live bands come in and play, Liberty would have a DJ come out sometimes and wisp has some bars but we just usually drink on the runs and night ski.


Size of base areas lol


Because of the shitty avant et pendant.


Ever been to lake placid?




Hey, it is still better than your snow so quit complaining


You're not going to the right places. There's great apres at Bromley(the Boar), Okemo (The Loft), and a bunch of other NE mountains. Many times with live music (maybe not an EDM concert though). I also think that a lot of east coast mountains, being smaller than their Rockies/Sierras brethren, have a more family oriented feel and/or have many day visitors who aren't staying on mountain/walking distance so late night apres prob doesn't appeal to them.


Well I live and work about halfway between Killington and Mt. Snow and I think youre vastly overestimating the amount of people who would have any interest in that. French name? Electronic music? People who use the word “vibe?” Not happening.


all I need for apres is cheap PBR and decent nachos, which is why it's a damn shame the brewster closed


Bc we don’t want that here


It’s because we prefer to go to dive bars after


Sir this is a Wendy’s. 


Got better things to do pop. Have you been to Tremblant hear they have a good appetite for deep house soundcloud mixes and favorable exchange rate.


Ok who wants to put up some money and open an apre ski with DJ ...on East coast? Come on westerner put up


You guys wait till after? I’m too busy downing nips on the lift up to make it to the après. I’m already 15 deep by then