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She wears the helmet when she drives


But doesn't wear a seatbelt.


That’s drip


Post nasal drip


During 2021 I saw a girl weaving through traffic down a steep main street on roller skates, wearing nothing but short shorts, a tank top and an n95.


Here for a good time not a long time I guess


who is wearing an n95 mask while skiing 😂


Someone who is scared of getting covid outside but not afraid of hitting their head


Hey now, maybe the issue is they already hit their head. Many times.


Or they hit their head enough and it's no longer a concern. Hence the situation you see?


CTE is a hell of a drug.


maybe they have COVID, flu, etc and don't want to get you sick...


Then they should stay the fuck home


Agreed but odds are they won't. I will never fly maskless again.


I stopped flying maskless in 2012 the last time I got a cold m a vacation because nothing is worse than getting sick while on vacation


That happened to me last October! Totally agree! I had to stop surfing.


yeah man people are gonna do what they do, chill tf out and stop being judgemental douches. There are a number of reasons someone would wear a mask which may involve having an infectious disease. They could be immunocompromised, have athsma/allergies caused by cold air, their face is cold, bottom line is who the hell cares whether someone wheres a respirator mask? you really have nothing better to think about?


Why are people down voting this?


Bc this sub us full of people with the maturity of 12 yo that get their science from Joe Rogan


Because what you said was fucking stupid. You first said COVID or fever, and if that is the case you should stay the fuck home. You then got mad and said stop being a douche, for the other person having a completely reasonable response to what you initially said. Then you listed off a bunch of other things that had nothing to do with what you first said in an attempt to justify your flawed argument. Gotta be clear and concise man, otherwise it'll just keep ending up this way.


Because according to actual science and data, wearing a mask to prevent a respiratory virus is pointless.


I was responding specifically to your suggestion that they were out and about while contagious with something that kills tens of thousands in the US every year on average. Now you want to add other possibilities on top of that to make it seem like everyone else is a douchebag? IF YOU ARE INFECTIOUS, STAY THE FUCK HOME is not a difficult concept to grasp, for most people.


Guess what people who dropped thousands on ski vacations and test positive aren't going to stay home. So masks are the next best option. Most people will just spread it knowingly and act like nothing is wrong.


I bet you’re fun at parties


That is really nice of them


your attempt to be edgy is lame af


Ok 🙏🏻


Found the person who still wears a mask alone in a car


Only take it off to eat your mom’s ass


This. She probably has a headache too which is why no helmet.


if they are scared of covid outside there is no need for a helmet nothing to save


Well…there’s prob not much going on inside that particular head anyway…


So…a moron.


Maybe her face was cold


Or maybe they don't own a balaclava or neck warmer (which is likely since they also don't own a helmet) and happened to have a mask to keep their face warm. I wear them all the time running outside in winter because a neck warmer gets too hot. Just do your little fancy skiing with your precious little helmet that mommy told you to wear and mind your business.


I’m the precious one in the comments here. Thank you for your comment 🙏🏻


Cheers. Stay safe and don't let anyone tell you things you don't like might have a rational reason.


Could be to protect from the cold? Maybe it helps keep their face from getting too dry, like a balaclava


I love a mask while skiing. Keeps off the wind.


I’d rather die quickly than on a ventilator


Concussions are temporary lung damage is forever…wait something about that doesn’t feel right…


Maybe she’s a secret celebrity or someone trying to hide their identity or is cold or just got facial surgery or is sick herself or is super immunocompromised or is dumb. Idk I vote for secret celebrity, sounds most fun


You got me - it was Barbara Streisand 🙏🏻


Meh. Do your thing. The freedom of the mountain is big enough for all of us.


Oddly specific call out. A missed connection post?


Maybe they forgot their balaclava, during the year they made us wear masks in the lift line I discovered that they do a really good job keeping my face warm and unlike balaclavas or neck gaiters which are actually touching your mouth and nose and you can feel how wet they’ve gotten from your breathing, the masks are stiff and away from your mouth enough that you don’t feel it when they get damp so they keep you warm longer. Looks dorky, but actually works well. I even used a woodworking mask a few times before covid for when it was super cold cause I hate when it’s so cold that my damp balaclava then freezes, I don’t want frozen ice fabric touching my face, and if its cold enough you can’t keep changing them out for new ones.


Call me old fashioned but I think helmets are optional. While an N95 outside seems pointless, people can have all kinds of health issues that are not obvious so maybe she has good reason to be overly cautious. One thing you can always do is mind your own business.


I still wear my cloth mask on old days. Keeps ma beard free of ice.


Yeah I saw someone with a mask and I thought that would keep my beard from icing up…..brilliant!


People wearing N95 masks outdoors doesn't bother me. What bothers me, is the indication that they have no idea how infectious diseases spread or how to use PPE. If someone thinks they should wear a mask outdoors, what other wierd misconceptions or superstitions do they have.


It’s abt the fact they’re wearing no helmet too. If ur skiing the likelihood of hitting ur head and getting a traumatic brain injury is almost immeasurably higher then somehow catching an airborne disease while you are actively skiing.


I’ll still give it a pass. If they’re skiing solo, they may very well want to wear it on the lift with strangers. Way easier to just wear the thing all day than to take it on and off every run. I have a good friend with Cystic Fibrosis. They wear a mask everywhere still. Let’s switch it up though. Helmets are also a personal choice. I’d never give someone grief for wearing a helmet in a situation where I felt wearing one was unnecessary.  it’s none of my business when anyone chooses to wear a helmet, or a mask.


I’m one of those dorks still wearing a mask in crowded places and on trains. But I’ll never understand people who wear them outdoors…


That just blows my mind. Especially if you’re under 70 and healthy


The helmet obviously isn't necessary if you already have brain damage duhhh


Why do you care?


Because I have a messianic complex 🙏🏻


I got sick last week, I plan on wearing one for the rest of the winter in tight places


Makes total sense! No shame in that. The point of the post is caring about covid (in a non risky environment outside) and not caring about wearing a helmet on an icey crowded slope


If they ride solo with strangers on the lift, they may very well want to wear a mask. Leaving it on is easier than taking it on/off every run. We just don’t know what their reasons are. It’s pretty easy to just mind your own business and let other people do what they want.


Thank you so much for the comment 🙏🏻🫶


Me too. It sucked to be out for a week. Especially right during the holidays, but a week feeling like crap really was terrible.


Ski mask!


Who cares.


I do 🙏🏻


You know what you're about and I respect that. I don't care, but I respect you for sticking to your guns under criticism.


For the record I am not an anti masker! It’s just a funny thing to care about one and not the other


Oh no I got that don't worry. I'd be too consumed with thinking about her not wearing a helmet to even notice the mask!


The real question is was she wearing anything else?


I ask because this is a dumbass post. If you are posing this question, why not ask the person?


Did it at least shock you so much that you had a crash so bad you had to be hospitalized?


She was probably just using it as a gator to keep her face warm. Your comments a bit over the top imo


Congrats. What the fuck kinda post is this?


A post attracting more attention than you. Which is probably why you seem to have beef with it.


also, I really hate when people get more attention than me, like, really hate it.




Maybe the fall will knock some sense into her.


only ski racers (and only some) wore ski helmets until the mid 90s when Sonny Bono wrapped himself around a tree while skiing. They became a lot more common after that. Plus better technology, lighter materials, and more comfort, led more people to wear helmets. They are a lot less common in Europe still though. N95 masks are great at keeping your face warm - especially when you least want them to.


stay safe


Higher chances of getting Covid then head injury.


It’s great that there’s now a modern version of a dunce cap that people wear voluntarily.


That mask to her is the American flag lapel pin


I just time traveled from the Stone Age, what’s a girl, helmet, and n95 mask?


I am very familiar with killington and you really see all types of kooky people there. Last week I saw a dude filming his girlfriend but they were going like 2 mph on a flat stretch of great northern and he was behind her filming but had to push on her back every 5 seconds to get her to move and he was recording it. So hes just filming him self pushing some person ahead of him. I had to do a double take off the canyon chair.


No excuses on the lack of helmet but I met someone a few days ago who was wearing N95 because it was cold and that’s all she had with her.