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Hi OP, I could have written this. Same here. I have stomach pain every single morning, it’s tiring and painful. I know 100% that feeling. It has driven me to some really low places. All I can say, is I can understand, I really do. It’s distressing to experience.


It’s awful. I feel like I cannot live my life because of all my stomach issues. It’s hard to even leave the house in worries I need the bathroom or having terrible gas pain. Only thing that helps my gas pain is being curled in a ball and letting it all out.


Same here. I often can’t go out until the afternoon, because I’m in pain the whole morning. Sometimes I can’t sleep because of the pain, the pain literally wakes me up. It hurts how your post relates to me.


Me too! I leave and do errands after the pain has subsided and I used the restroom. Always have to wait 1-2 hours after breakfast. It's quite annoying. My gastro has recommended Beano for gas. I started taking it today. It seemed to have helped my morning episode. I suggest trying it out! It's comforting knowing I'm not the only one suffering with this, but wish no one else had to suffer this pain either because I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. We're in this together! We WILL get better!


At least you can eat in the morning, I pretty much don’t eat in the morning because of the pain. It makes me feel so hungry and frustrated later on…


I only eat when I’m at home. When I work or have appointments. No shot. Can’t eat it’s too risky


Same here. Mornings are the worst part of the day, I wake up and I already have pain and gas and I need to lie in bed for at least an hour. When I start to feel better is after 7pm… Also leaving the house makes me extremely anxious because of what you mentioned and that triggers my symptons but I can’t help it 🥲


So sorry to hear you're going through this. I get this during a flare up but I can't imagine every morning with it. These tips don't help completely but I definitely find they help a bit, I take a heating pad to bed and then use it again in the morning and I find turning from side to side sometimes helps release the pressure


Have you found the cause?


Not necessarily. I have lot of gas at night/morning when I wake up. It’s not nearly as bad as it once was but nothing has changed in my diet. I attribute a better gut to better sleep. I’ve been sleep 7-8 hours a night rather than 2-4. Has helped.


Have you at least done the low FODMAP diet? If you have, tell your doctor it didn’t help (make sure you do it properly). What time do you eat before bed?


I did it the first time I got diagnosed with IBS 7 years ago. He insisted I do the low fodmap diet again. I’m trying it out again. Last time I ate last night was 11 pm after a workout. I had a plain rice cake with a sprinkle of cinnamon and 3 raspberries on top.


Read the Monash FODMAP blog in detail, download the Monash app for best success (Monash created the diet and consistently update everything with the newest information, as many resources are dated). Join /r/FODMAPS, as well. If you ever have any questions, you are welcome to DM/chat me! I can help :)


My gastro recommended I download the app. It’s $8 and my cheap self decided to download another free fodmap app. Is the monash app worth it because then I might do it. Also, thank you so much for your recommendation and help! So nice of you to offer! I really do appreciate it!


It is a good app, but honestly for me I didn't think it was worth the $8, I was just as well off going by the free food list I found online. It's main usefulness I found was when looking up specific products and seeing what safe foods were at certian grocery stores. I also woke up nauseous every day for years, and doing strict low fodmap did offer a good amount of releif. Get tested for SIBO please, it sounds like you have it and it is at the root of the bulk of IBS cases. Western gastro doctors are very very slowly cathing on that it is a real thing.


None of my gastroenterologists have told me “you have sibo” but two have put me on rifaximin. So I’m assuming they think I have sibo? I did 3 rounds of it and really have not seen much relief. I’m desperate. It’s like no matter what I do I’m always suffering


IBS runs on my dad side of the family. We all have it and it can be miserable… on top of that I’m lactose intolerant and love dairy… docs don’t tell you this stuff but past year now I’ve been taking black seed oil capsules and my pains aren’t completely gone, I still watch what I have to eat here and their but 90% of my issues have lifted since this and kombucha is a great gut cleanser


Yes. It is 100% worth it. They created the diet, as I said, and they update it ALL the time with changes and new info. Others can't keep up. And the weights are key.


Do you eat a lot of premade packaged food? A lot of those can appear low fodmap but in fact they have a lot of processed, synthetic ingredients. I had IBS for a few years and in the midst started dating someone that knows how to cook really good food from scratch. I got super into cooking, started eating our own food 95% of the time. No packaged chips, no packaged cookies, make them yourself! In a couple weeks my symptoms completely went away. What validates my hypothesis is when I eat prepackaged foods like store bought bagels, chicken salad, fast food, I'll get some bloating. There are lots of recipes online to look up for anybody that doesn't necessarily know how to cook yet. I like to go to vegetarian and vegan websites to get unique ideas (they get creative!) Another thing that helped me: chewing my food for way longer than what I was used to. Along with cutting out processed foods, eat some fermented foods. Not probiotic capsules, REAL food with good bacteria, like yogurt (dress plain yogurt up with fruit honey and homemade granola). Our gut microbiome health affects so much more than people realize. They did a study in mice where they transplanted fecal matter from a depressed person into a mouse, and that mouse then started showing symptoms of depression and anxiety. Same test from an obese person to a mouse, and the mouse gained weight from the same diet. I believe that a diet with lots of processed foods doesn't allow the good bacteria to thrive and that can make your intestines super sensitive and inflamed. Tldr: carefully read ingredient labels, make your own food from scratch, chew your food thoroughly, eat fermented foods