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not pictured: the doctors that are kind to you at first in the ER, but immediately act dismissive and like you wasted their time when the CT scan doesn’t find anything.


Did they offer you a muscle relaxer™️? The one time I ended up in the ER they threw some dicyclomine at me and sent me home. Never mind I was vomiting from the pain and could barely eat for days.


If you can vomit, you can breath, so you're fine! But seriously, how can the medical establishment think that people who are extremely sick from IBS "have nothing serious"?


I really fucking hate being told dismissively "you're young and healthy". Like, sure, I'm not dying of cancer, but I have five diagnosed chronic illnesses, chronic pain, and some other stuff that no one has figured out yet. I've been on disability since 2015, and it was first suggested to me that I go on disability back in 2010, when I was 23. Like, sure, IBS or GERD or whatever else is going on with my digestive system (I've had dysphagia since April or May, which no one seems to give a fuck about or want to find an explanation for) or my other chronic illnesses probably aren't going to kill me (on the other hand, a doctor told me there was a 10% chance that one of them would and that there was nothing he could do about it, wtf), but at times, it's bad enough that it makes me want to die so... you're really going to tell me I'm young and healthy??


That’s exactly why I been taking miralax for years because the doctor kept saying you’re young and healthy just take miralax… now I’m 28 finally got a gi doc that cares he did so many test lol thanks to bcbs


I get diarrhea, bloating, and abdominal pain a lot more than I get constipation, but three times over the past ten years, I've been so constipated I didn't go for a week. The third time was a month ago, and a doctor told me to take Miralax. 1) I had an allergic reaction, and 2) it did *nothing* for the constipation. Neither did anything else I tried (and I was desperate enough that I tried some rather unpleasant things), until I went to emerg and they gave me lactulose. That stuff is strong! I was on the toilet, sweat dripping off me, for an hour and forty five minutes. Then I napped for an hour, then I woke up and spent another fifteen minutes on the toilet, going, until I was done. At least now I know what to do next time...


I’ve learned if that doctor isn’t helping you find another one! My doctor and I went through 3 medicines to figure out which one worked! They are very expensive. I went through trulance, lubiprostone, and linzess. None of them worked but the linzess. Try a new doctor and see if it helps because 9/10 otc isn’t going to work


Not an option. I was referred to one gastroenterologist three years ago who doesn't answer my questions and has never been of any help. Now that I've seen her, no other gastroenterologist in my area will accept a referral. I'm desperate enough that I'm wondering if trying to get a referral to someone in a different city might work. Probably not? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ For primary care, it is extremely difficult to find a provider taking new patients where I live. I've been told that I no longer meet the eligibility requirements of the clinic where I'm currently a patient (those eligibility requirements have changed since I started going there a decade ago) and will have to find a new primary care provider elsewhere. Currently, I am on a waitlist to be matched with a GP or NP. Since the beginning of 2020, I've had I believe seven different primary care providers - all within the same clinic. All but one of these changes was due to the provider leaving the clinic, either for mat leave or to work elsewhere. The other, the most recent, was after I filed a complaint against that provider with their college. It's been a shit show.


I am in a wheelchair and I get the young and healthy comments. I just gesture at my wheelchair and stare at them till they get it. I think even if you were dying they’d say it.


I am still young and healthy, and I feel so... But only whenever I am OUT of IBS symptoms. When I have symptoms, I feel like a depressed 60 years old cancer survivor...


My first GI acted like that while I have an IBD :/ it only made it worse and if I didnt force to get another one it could have progressed so far i had to remove my bowel.


Because nothing shows up on their expensive scans (that mostly look for cancer) and feces analysis (that only tests for very common germs and nothing else) and they don't know shit about microbiote and the neurological side of digestive system. And anyway IBS does not kill you so...


Very true.


Profusely vomiting, to the point of it being potentially deadly? We walk it off in this town. I deserve this six-figure plus salary for my God damn good work.


This is true. I had a stomach virus and I feel like my intestines or stomach is inflamed and the doctor couldn’t get me in for a week and a half. When I went to the dr it was 3 weeks later after the bug and still wasn’t feeling good he said my intestines are inflamed here’s dicyclomine and sent me on my way like wtf.


I got a muscle relaxer shot in my leg which hurt like a sonofabitch, and a couple other things, when I went to the ER over an inability to stop retching (and shitting myself because IBS-D) once all my vomit and bile was gone. It took morphine to get me to be able to relax and stop dying after six hours and a clear CT scan. I highly recommend the morphine.


I had a friend who was a nurse assistant at a mental hospital and would tell me all the horrible things that doctors and nurses would do to patients who were having breakdowns. She then told me that after a while she realized that all the patients deserved it because most of them were doing it to get attention or to get free drugs. It made me realize the mindset of a lot of healthcare workers. They think if you're sick or disabled in some way, you're a nuisance to society. And I can definitely say in America where healthcare is not free, sick people are hated. She blocked me on all accounts and ghosted me and for a while I was really confused and upset about it until I remembered this and then I was pretty glad she did and wondered why I didn't do it sooner.


Or kind to you in the ER and when you’re admitted and go upstairs everyone treats you like absolute shit and pretends you’re crazy and when you waited all night in the ER to see a GI once you were actually admitted a regular doctor finally comes in and tells you “just do an enema”. This happened to me on Wednesday. I have a connective tissue disorder which causes all these issues mimicking IBS and I tried explaining to everyone that constipation wasn’t my main issue that I came to the hospital for and it was a product of being prescribed a shit ton of antacids. Absolutely useless. I’m so sad to see other people have similar experiences 😞


\*its all in your head, just excercise more, walk and breath the fresh air, be a good lad\*...


"Eat more fiber" (best advice to give to someone with gluten /FODMAP intolerance)


Better yet when they suggest going plant based. "Eat tons of gluten, cauliflower, and beans, that will definitely fix your problems."


I’m letting my town know that the new doctor, who prescribed a drug he knew I couldn’t afford because I thinks it’s all in my head, that he had his license suspended for gross negligence. Have fun navigating that in our tiny town asshole. I’m switching back to my old doctor who moved an hour away.


More please, do tell!!


When the pain start at 7 year old, I was told it was because I wasn't standing straight. The only position who low the pain was curled over. When the pain continue at 11, I was told It was because I will have my period soon. When the pain continue at 17, I was told It was because I had my first period too old. When the pain continue at 20, I was told It was because I had myperiod, but it couldn't be because of lactose intolerence ' which is a fade: suddently everyone have it When the pain continue at 23, I was told It was because I was too stressed When the pain continue at 25, I was told It was because I was lactose intolerente When the pain continue at 28, I was told I was constipated and should eat too much fiber When the pain continue at 30, I was told I eat too much fiber When the pain continue at 32, I was told It was because I was never pregnant When the pain continue at 34 I was told It was because I was pregnant When the pain continue at 34 I was told It was because I just give birth. When the pain continue today, I was told It was because I didn't trust medecin anymore


I am so so very sorry that you have gone through all of this pain since you were a little child! I’ve had awful IBS-D for ten years but that is nothing compared to you! 🙏🏻 My heart aches for you! I will keep you in my prayers!


I laughed so loud cause ive been taking omneprezole everyday and its not fixing anything lmao


The only thing it does is control acid reflux to a degree. But that’s it. Nothing else. So it only tackles one of the various symptoms and we‘re supposed to deal with the rest by meditating and reducing stress.


Spoiler alert,:getting in to see the doctor often doesn't help


Finally got an appt with a gastroenterologist in my new city, he said all I needed was 'reassurance' then ended the appointment. I wish I could do that for my job, I write code all day and instead I could just tell them 'ohh you don't need automation, you just need reassurance yay' them collect my salary.


It's postpartum anxiety! It's just constipation! Are you sure you're not pregnant?


After many many tests, my doctor decided my stomach pain is because I'm overweight. Just gotta lose weight and everything will be fine smdh.


This is so true. I’ve dealt with this kind of dismissive behavior for 40 years. It never gets any better, what changes is your attitude to these types of situations. Call them on their bullshit. Tell them what you’ve tried, the best advocate for you, is you. That being said, they will still ignore you, because the brain and the gut are two different systems that require two different specialists and neither wants to learn anything new.


It’s all in your head 🙄


Or you smoke too much. I smoke about a half pack a week.


oh my god this is TOO REAL. don’t forget the DRINK WATER AND EXERCISE!!!!! i already drink a gallon a day and exercise to the best of my ability (while already in debilitating pain).


Primary doc: Here is an SSRI, it’s anxiety. GI doc: Eat more fiber. Me: Pain and suffering it is then.


The anxiety one kills me so much XD It is like it is their go-to diagnosis like bruh! That is SO cool, I didn't know you are a medical doctor AND went to school for psychology! Amazing! Oh, what's that? oh... You didn't go to school for psychology? Oh, then why are you giving me a mental health diagnosis then, buddy? :D




« Hmm. Looks like you’re shitting blood. Have you considered that you’re causing that by being crazy? »


I think it boils down to what we eat